diff options
authorColin Noga <Tempus@Spectrum-Song.local>2011-11-09 19:00:49 -0600
committerColin Noga <Tempus@Spectrum-Song.local>2011-11-09 19:00:49 -0600
commit58397adbf19eb20d1359fa591a147ec7117821e6 (patch)
parent033904483314a538b2ab44d8b718750745a99e8f (diff)
KPObjectSelector and everything it needs is all setup. Emits objects as required, and can return an object with currentSelectedObject().
2 files changed, 140 insertions, 18 deletions
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index b0cb88c..c060f07 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -187,6 +187,25 @@ class KPGroupModel(QtCore.QAbstractListModel):
return self.container.objectCount()
+ def groupItem(self):
+ """Returns the group item"""
+ return self.container
+ def flags(self, index):
+ # item = QtCore.QAbstractItemModel.flags(self, index)
+ item, depth = self.container.getItem(index.row())
+ if isinstance(item, KPGroupItem):
+ return Qt.ItemFlags(32)
+ else:
+ return Qt.ItemFlags(33)
+ return Qt.ItemFlags(33)
def data(self, index, role=Qt.DisplayRole):
# Should return the contents of a row when asked for the index
@@ -261,6 +280,19 @@ class KPGroupItem(object):
self.alignment = Qt.AlignCenter
+ def getGroupList(self, returnList=[], depth=0):
+ """Gets a list of group names and indices for the sorter menu"""
+ returnList.append(((' ' * depth) +, self.startIndex, self.endIndex))
+ depth += 1
+ for group in self.groups:
+ group.getGroupList(returnList, depth)
+ return returnList
def objectCount(self):
''' Retrieves the total number of items in this group and all it's children '''
@@ -352,6 +384,9 @@ class KPTileset(object):
getObjectIcon(KPTileObject, (width, height))
# Returns a render map for the Object at the given size
+ getModel()
+ # Returns the tileset's groupModel, which handles groups
overrideTile(Tile Index, QPixmap)
# Takes a 24x24 QPixmap and a tile index
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index bbbd569..0ea63b3 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
from common import *
from editorui import *
@@ -70,48 +72,133 @@ class KPObjectSelector(QtGui.QListView):
"""Initialises the widget. Remember to call setModel() on it with a KPGroupModel
whenever the layer changes."""
- QtGui.QListView.__init__(self)
+ font = QtGui.QFont()
+ font.setPixelSize(22)
+ font.setBold(True)
+ icon = QtGui.QIcon('icons/downArrow.png')
+ self.sorterButton = QtGui.QToolButton()
+ string = QtCore.QString(QtCore.QChar(0x25BE))
+ string.append(' All Groups')
+ self.sorterButton.setText(string)
+ self.sorterButton.setFont(font)
+ self.sorterButton.setPopupMode(2)
+ self.sorterButton.setSizePolicy(QtGui.QSizePolicy.Expanding, QtGui.QSizePolicy.Expanding)
+ self.sorterMenu = QtGui.QMenu()
+ self.sorterMenu.setFixedWidth(self.sorterButton.width())
+ action = self.sorterMenu.addAction("test 1")
+ self.sorterButton.setMenu(self.sorterMenu)
+ layout = QtGui.QBoxLayout(2)
+ layout.setAlignment(Qt.AlignTop)
+ layout.setContentsMargins(0,0,0,0)
+ layout.setMargin(0)
+ layout.setSpacing(0)
+ thing = QtGui.QListView.__init__(self)
+ self.toolbar = QtGui.QToolBar()
+ self.toolbar.setFixedHeight(28)
+ self.toolbar.addWidget(self.sorterButton)
+ layout.addWidget(self.toolbar)
+ self.setLayout(layout)
# Borrowed the signals and junk from Reggie, figure we'll need em'
+ self.sorterMenu.triggered.connect(self.toggleTopLevel)
+ def resizeEvent(self, event):
+ QtGui.QListView.resizeEvent(self, event)
+ self.sorterMenu.setFixedWidth(self.width()-self.verticalScrollBar().width())
- def toggleTopLevel(self, id):
+ def currentSelectedObject(self):
+ """Returns the currently selected object reference, for painting purposes."""
+ index = self.currentIndex().row()
+ object = self.model().groupItem().getItem(index)
+ return object
+ def setModel(self, model):
+ """Sets the model and the menu sorting list"""
+ QtGui.QListView.setModel(self, model)
+ menuList = model.groupItem().getGroupList()
+ string = QtCore.QString(QtCore.QChar(0x25BE))
+ string.append(' All Groups')
+ self.sorterButton.setText(string)
+ self.sorterMenu.clear()
+ for item in menuList:
+ actionMan = self.sorterMenu.addAction(item[0])
+ actionMan.setData((item[1], item[2]))
+ def toggleTopLevel(self, action):
"""Changes the top level group in the list view."""
- # Not quite sure how to implement this yet. Basically, the model is hierarchal,
- # and it'll return items from whatever the top level KPGroupItem is. But removing
- # and adding stuff isn't possible, since I need to retain my recursive object.
- #
- # So here's the structure. Above this QListView, there will be a QComboBox.
- #
- # The QComboBox will list all groups in my hierarchy.
- # Selecting a group will cause the QListView to only show items for those rows,
- # even though all rows are retained.
- #
- # It's kind of like a custom QSortFilterProxyModel. Maybe I should subclass that.
+ name = str(action.text()).strip()
+ startRow =[0]
+ endRow =[1]
+ for row in xrange(self.model().rowCount()):
+ if (row < startRow) or (row > endRow):
+ self.setRowHidden(row, True)
+ else:
+ self.setRowHidden(row, False)
+ string = QtCore.QString(QtCore.QChar(0x25BE))
+ string.append(' ' + name)
+ self.sorterButton.setText(string)
- self.setCurrentIndex(self.model().index(sel, 0, QtCore.QModelIndex()))
@QtCore.pyqtSlot(QtCore.QModelIndex, QtCore.QModelIndex)
def currentChanged(self, current, previous):
- """Throws a signal when the selected object changed"""
- self.objChanged.emit(current.row())
+ """Throws a signal emitting the current object when changed"""
+ i = current.row()
+ object = self.model().groupItem().getItem(i)
+ self.objChanged.emit(object)
def handleObjReplace(self, index):
"""Throws a signal when the selected object is used as a replacement"""
if QtGui.QApplication.keyboardModifiers() == QtCore.Qt.AltModifier:
- self.objReplaced.emit(index.row())
+ i = current.row()
+ object = self.model().groupItem().getItem(i)
+ self.objReplaced.emit(object)
objChanged = QtCore.pyqtSignal(int)
- objReplaced = QtCore.pyqtSignal(int)
+ objReplaced = QtCore.pyqtSignal(KPTileObject)