path: root/compiler_and_linker/unsorted/LoopOptimization.c
diff options
authorAsh Wolf <>2023-01-26 11:30:47 +0000
committerAsh Wolf <>2023-01-26 11:30:47 +0000
commit094b96ca1df4a035b5f93c351f773306c0241f3f (patch)
tree95ce05e3ebe816c7ee7996206bb37ea17d8ca33c /compiler_and_linker/unsorted/LoopOptimization.c
parentfc0c4c0df7b583b55a08317cf1ef6a71d27c0440 (diff)
move lots of source files around to match their actual placement in the original treemain
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler_and_linker/unsorted/LoopOptimization.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1553 deletions
diff --git a/compiler_and_linker/unsorted/LoopOptimization.c b/compiler_and_linker/unsorted/LoopOptimization.c
deleted file mode 100644
index b2aef1e..0000000
--- a/compiler_and_linker/unsorted/LoopOptimization.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1553 +0,0 @@
-#include "compiler/LoopOptimization.h"
-#include "compiler/CFunc.h"
-#include "compiler/CParser.h"
-#include "compiler/BitVectors.h"
-#include "compiler/CompilerTools.h"
-#include "compiler/LoopDetection.h"
-#include "compiler/PCode.h"
-#include "compiler/Registers.h"
-#include "compiler/UseDefChains.h"
-#include "compiler/objects.h"
-#include "compiler/types.h"
-int optimizedloops;
-int optimizedloop_full_unroll;
-int optimizedloop_trans_regs;
-static UInt32 *liveonexit;
-static UInt32 *inductionvariables;
-static int last_virtual_GPR;
-static int ispowerof2(SInt32 value) {
- int bit = getbit(value);
- return (bit > 0 && bit < 31) ? bit : 0;
-static void insertupdateinstructions(Loop *loop) {
- // nothing
-static void computeliveonexit(Loop *loop) {
- UInt32 *usevec;
- UInt32 *defvec;
- BlockList *blocklist;
- RegUseOrDef *list;
- int gpr;
- bitvectorinitialize(usevec = oalloc(4 * ((number_of_Uses + 31) >> 5)), number_of_Uses, 0);
- for (blocklist = loop->blocks; blocklist; blocklist = blocklist->next) {
- if (bitvectorgetbit(blocklist->block->blockIndex, loop->vec24))
- bitvectorunion(usevec, usedefinfo[blocklist->block->blockIndex].usevec1C, number_of_Uses);
- }
- bitvectorinitialize(defvec = oalloc(4 * ((number_of_Defs + 31) >> 5)), number_of_Defs, 0);
- if (loop->preheader)
- bitvectorunion(defvec, usedefinfo[loop->preheader->blockIndex].defvec8, number_of_Defs);
- bitvectorinitialize(liveonexit, last_virtual_GPR, 0);
- for (gpr = 32; gpr < last_virtual_GPR; gpr++) {
- for (list = reg_Defs[RegClass_GPR][gpr]; list; list = list->next) {
- if (bitvectorgetbit(list->id, defvec)) {
- if (!Defs[list->id].pcode->block || bitvectorgetbit(Defs[list->id].pcode->block->blockIndex, loop->memberblocks)) {
- bitvectorsetbit(gpr, liveonexit);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- for (list = reg_Uses[RegClass_GPR][gpr]; list; list = list->next) {
- if (bitvectorgetbit(list->id, usevec)) {
- if (!Uses[list->id].pcode->block || !bitvectorgetbit(Uses[list->id].pcode->block->blockIndex, loop->memberblocks)) {
- bitvectorsetbit(gpr, liveonexit);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
-static void eliminateinductionvariables(Loop *loop) {
- BlockList *blocklist;
- PCode *instr;
- PCode *nextInstr;
- PCodeArg *op;
- int i;
- bitvectorinitialize(inductionvariables, last_virtual_GPR, 0xFFFFFFFF);
- for (blocklist = loop->blocks; blocklist; blocklist = blocklist->next) {
- for (instr = blocklist->block->firstPCode; instr; instr = instr->nextPCode) {
- if (
- instr->op != PC_ADDI ||
- instr->args[0].data.reg.reg < 32 ||
- instr->args[0].data.reg.reg >= last_virtual_GPR ||
- instr->args[1].data.reg.reg != instr->args[0].data.reg.reg
- ) {
- op = instr->args;
- i = instr->argCount;
- while (i--) {
- if (
- op->kind == PCOp_REGISTER &&
- op->arg == RegClass_GPR &&
- op->data.reg.reg >= n_real_registers[RegClass_GPR] &&
- op->data.reg.reg < last_virtual_GPR
- )
- bitvectorclearbit(op->data.reg.reg, inductionvariables);
- op++;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (loop->parent) {
- for (instr = loop->preheader->firstPCode; instr; instr = nextInstr) {
- nextInstr = instr->nextPCode;
- op = instr->args;
- i = instr->argCount;
- while (i--) {
- if (
- op->kind == PCOp_REGISTER &&
- op->arg == RegClass_GPR &&
- op->data.reg.reg >= n_real_registers[RegClass_GPR] &&
- op->data.reg.reg < last_virtual_GPR
- )
- bitvectorsetbit(op->data.reg.reg, liveonexit);
- op++;
- }
- }
- }
- for (blocklist = loop->blocks; blocklist; blocklist = blocklist->next) {
- for (instr = blocklist->block->firstPCode; instr; instr = nextInstr) {
- nextInstr = instr->nextPCode;
- if (
- instr->op == PC_ADDI &&
- instr->args[0].data.reg.reg >= 32 &&
- instr->args[0].data.reg.reg < last_virtual_GPR &&
- instr->args[1].data.reg.reg == instr->args[0].data.reg.reg &&
- bitvectorgetbit(instr->args[0].data.reg.reg, inductionvariables) &&
- !bitvectorgetbit(instr->args[0].data.reg.reg, liveonexit)
- ) {
- deletepcode(instr);
- optimizedloops = 1;
- }
- }
- }
-static void skiplooptest(Loop *loop) {
- PCodeBlock *preheader;
- PCodeLabel *label;
- PCLink **ptr;
- PCLink *link;
- PCode *lastInstr;
- PCode *instr;
- preheader = loop->preheader;
- lastInstr = loop->body->lastPCode;
- CError_ASSERT(340, lastInstr->args[2].kind == PCOp_LABEL);
- label = lastInstr->args[2].data.label.label;
- preheader->lastPCode->args[0].data.label.label = label;
- preheader->successors->block = label->block;
- ptr = &loop->body->predecessors;
- while ((link = *ptr)) {
- if (link->block == preheader) {
- *ptr = link->nextLink;
- break;
- }
- ptr = &link->nextLink;
- }
- link->nextLink = label->block->predecessors;
- label->block->predecessors = link;
- while (1) {
- instr = loop->body->firstPCode;
- CError_ASSERT(369, instr);
- if (instr->op == PC_CMP || instr->op == PC_CMPI || instr->op == PC_CMPLI || instr->op == PC_CMPL)
- break;
- deletepcode(instr);
- insertpcodebefore(loop->preheader->lastPCode, instr);
- loop->bodySize--;
- }
- for (instr = instr->nextPCode; instr && !(instr->flags & fIsBranch); instr = instr->nextPCode)
- insertpcodebefore(loop->preheader->lastPCode, copypcode(instr));
-static void unrollloop(Loop *loop) {
- PCodeBlock *newBlock;
- int i;
- int factor;
- PCode *instr;
- PCodeBlock *block;
- PCode *firstInstr;
- PCode *nextInstr;
- for (factor = copts.unroll_factor_limit; factor > 1; factor--) {
- if ((loop->iterationCount % factor) == 0 && (loop->bodySize - 2) * factor <= copts.unroll_instr_limit)
- break;
- }
- if (factor == 1)
- return;
- if ((loop->iterationCount / factor) != 1 && loop->bodySize < 4)
- return;
- newBlock = oalloc(sizeof(PCodeBlock));
- newBlock->firstPCode = newBlock->lastPCode = NULL;
- for (i = 0; i < factor - 1; i++) {
- firstInstr = loop->body->firstPCode;
- CError_ASSERT(448, firstInstr);
- if (firstInstr->op != PC_CMP && firstInstr->op != PC_CMPL && firstInstr->op != PC_CMPI && firstInstr->op != PC_CMPLI)
- CError_FATAL(450);
- for (instr = firstInstr->nextPCode; instr && !(instr->flags & fIsBranch); instr = instr->nextPCode)
- appendpcode(newBlock, copypcode(instr));
- for (block = loop->preheader->successors->block; block != loop->body; block = block->successors->block) {
- for (instr = block->firstPCode; instr; instr = instr->nextPCode) {
- if (instr->op != PC_B)
- appendpcode(newBlock, copypcode(instr));
- }
- }
- }
- block = loop->body->predecessors->block;
- for (instr = newBlock->firstPCode; instr; instr = nextInstr) {
- nextInstr = instr->nextPCode;
- appendpcode(block, instr);
- }
- loop->iterationCount /= factor;
-void pccomputepredecessors1(PCodeBlock *block) {
- PCLink *succ;
- PCLink *pred;
- for (succ = block->successors; succ; succ = succ->nextLink) {
- if (!succ->block) {
- CError_FATAL(496);
- } else {
- for (pred = succ->block->predecessors; pred; pred = pred->nextLink) {
- if (pred->block == block)
- break;
- }
- if (!pred) {
- pred = lalloc(sizeof(PCLink));
- pred->block = block;
- pred->nextLink = succ->block->predecessors;
- succ->block->predecessors = pred;
- }
- }
- }
-static PCodeBlock *insertnewpcblock(PCodeBlock *block, int loopWeight) {
- PCodeBlock *newBlock;
- PCodeBlock *nextBlock;
- PCodeLabel *label;
- PCLink *prev;
- PCLink *link;
- label = makepclabel();
- newBlock = lalloc(sizeof(PCodeBlock));
- nextBlock = block->nextBlock;
- newBlock->nextBlock = nextBlock;
- block->nextBlock = newBlock;
- newBlock->prevBlock = block;
- nextBlock->prevBlock = newBlock;
- newBlock->labels = NULL;
- newBlock->predecessors = newBlock->successors = NULL;
- newBlock->firstPCode = newBlock->lastPCode = NULL;
- newBlock->pcodeCount = 0;
- newBlock->loopWeight = loopWeight;
- newBlock->flags = 0;
- newBlock->blockIndex = pcblockcount++;
- pclabel(newBlock, label);
- prev = NULL;
- for (link = block->successors; link; link = link->nextLink) {
- if (link->block == nextBlock) {
- if (!prev)
- block->successors = link->nextLink;
- else
- prev->nextLink = link->nextLink;
- link->nextLink = NULL;
- newBlock->successors = link;
- break;
- }
- prev = link;
- }
- prev = NULL;
- for (link = nextBlock->predecessors; link; link = link->nextLink) {
- if (link->block == block) {
- if (!prev)
- nextBlock->predecessors = link->nextLink;
- else
- prev->nextLink = link->nextLink;
- link->nextLink = NULL;
- newBlock->predecessors = link;
- break;
- }
- prev = link;
- }
- link = lalloc(sizeof(PCLink));
- link->block = newBlock;
- link->nextLink = block->successors;
- block->successors = link;
- link = lalloc(sizeof(PCLink));
- link->block = newBlock;
- link->nextLink = nextBlock->predecessors;
- nextBlock->predecessors = link;
- return newBlock;
-static void unrollloopconditional(Loop *loop) {
- PCodeBlock *lastBlock;
- PCodeLabel *label24;
- PCode *instr;
- PCode *instrCopy;
- int outputBlockCount;
- int inputBlockCount;
- PCodeBlock **blocks;
- PCodeBlock **blocks2;
- PCodeBlock **blocks3;
- PCode *firstInstr;
- int factor;
- PCodeBlock *block;
- PCLink *link;
- PCLink *prev;
- int i;
- int j;
- int k;
- int instructionCount;
- label24 = NULL;
- outputBlockCount = 0;
- instructionCount = 0;
- for (factor = copts.unroll_factor_limit; factor > 1; factor--) {
- if ((loop->iterationCount % factor) == 0 && (loop->bodySize - 2) * factor <= copts.unroll_instr_limit)
- break;
- }
- if (factor == 1)
- return;
- inputBlockCount = 0;
- for (block = loop->preheader->successors->block; block != loop->body; block = block->nextBlock) {
- inputBlockCount++;
- if (!bitvectorgetbit(block->blockIndex, loop->memberblocks))
- instructionCount += block->pcodeCount;
- }
- if ((loop->bodySize - instructionCount - 2) < instructionCount || instructionCount > 8)
- return;
- blocks = oalloc(inputBlockCount * sizeof(PCodeBlock *));
- blocks2 = oalloc(inputBlockCount * sizeof(PCodeBlock *));
- blocks3 = oalloc(factor * (inputBlockCount * sizeof(PCodeBlock *)));
- memclrw(blocks, inputBlockCount * sizeof(PCodeBlock *));
- memclrw(blocks2, inputBlockCount * sizeof(PCodeBlock *));
- memclrw(blocks3, factor * (inputBlockCount * sizeof(PCodeBlock *)));
- block = loop->preheader->nextBlock;
- for (i = 0; i < inputBlockCount; i++) {
- blocks[i] = block;
- block = block->nextBlock;
- }
- lastBlock = blocks[inputBlockCount - 1];
- for (i = 0; i < factor - 1; i++) {
- for (j = 0; j < inputBlockCount; j++) {
- blocks2[j] = insertnewpcblock(lastBlock, loop->loopWeight);
- blocks3[outputBlockCount++] = blocks2[j];
- lastBlock = blocks2[j];
- }
- if (label24) {
- pclabel(blocks2[0], label24);
- label24 = NULL;
- }
- for (j = 0; j < inputBlockCount; j++) {
- for (instr = blocks[j]->firstPCode; instr; instr = instr->nextPCode) {
- if (instr->flags & fIsBranch) {
- PCodeArg *op;
- int opID;
- instrCopy = copypcode(instr);
- op = NULL;
- for (opID = 0; opID < instr->argCount; opID++) {
- if (instr->args[opID].kind == PCOp_LABEL) {
- op = &instr->args[opID];
- break;
- }
- }
- if (op) {
- if (op->data.label.label->block == loop->body) {
- if (!label24)
- label24 = makepclabel();
- instrCopy->args[opID].data.label.label = label24;
- } else {
- for (k = 0; k < inputBlockCount; k++) {
- if (op->data.label.label->block == blocks[k]) {
- instrCopy->args[opID].data.label.label = blocks2[k]->labels;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- appendpcode(blocks2[j], instrCopy);
- if (op)
- pcbranch(blocks2[j], instrCopy->args[opID].data.label.label);
- } else {
- appendpcode(blocks2[j], copypcode(instr));
- }
- }
- }
- firstInstr = loop->body->firstPCode;
- CError_ASSERT(762, firstInstr != NULL);
- if (firstInstr->op != PC_CMP && firstInstr->op != PC_CMPL && firstInstr->op != PC_CMPI && firstInstr->op != PC_CMPLI)
- CError_FATAL(764);
- for (instr = firstInstr->nextPCode; instr && !(instr->flags & fIsBranch); instr = instr->nextPCode)
- appendpcode(blocks2[inputBlockCount - 1], copypcode(instr));
- for (j = 0; j < inputBlockCount; j++) {
- for (link = blocks[j]->successors; link; link = link->nextLink) {
- if (link->block == blocks[j]->nextBlock)
- break;
- }
- if (!link) {
- for (link = blocks2[j]->successors, prev = NULL; link; link = link->nextLink) {
- if (link->block == blocks2[j]->nextBlock) {
- if (prev)
- prev->nextLink = link->nextLink;
- else
- blocks2[j]->successors = link->nextLink;
- } else {
- prev = link;
- }
- }
- for (link = blocks2[j]->nextBlock->predecessors, prev = NULL; link; link = link->nextLink) {
- if (link->block == blocks2[j]) {
- if (prev)
- prev->nextLink = link->nextLink;
- else
- blocks2[j]->nextBlock->predecessors = link->nextLink;
- } else {
- prev = link;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (label24)
- pclabel(loop->body, label24);
- for (i = 0; i < inputBlockCount; i++) {
- for (instr = blocks[i]->firstPCode; instr; instr = instr->nextPCode) {
- if (instr->flags & fIsBranch) {
- PCodeArg *op;
- int opID;
- op = NULL;
- for (opID = 0; opID < instr->argCount; opID++) {
- if (instr->args[opID].kind == PCOp_LABEL) {
- op = &instr->args[opID];
- break;
- }
- }
- if (op && op->data.label.label->block == loop->body) {
- instr->args[opID].data.label.label = blocks3[0]->labels;
- for (link = blocks[i]->successors, prev = NULL; link; link = link->nextLink) {
- if (link->block == loop->body) {
- if (prev)
- prev->nextLink = link->nextLink;
- else
- blocks[i]->successors = link->nextLink;
- } else {
- prev = link;
- }
- }
- for (link = loop->body->predecessors, prev = NULL; link; link = link->nextLink) {
- if (link->block == blocks[i]) {
- if (prev)
- prev->nextLink = link->nextLink;
- else
- loop->body->predecessors = link->nextLink;
- } else {
- prev = link;
- }
- }
- link = blocks[i]->successors;
- while (link && link->block != blocks3[0])
- link = link->nextLink;
- if (!link) {
- pcbranch(blocks[i], op->data.label.label);
- pccomputepredecessors1(blocks[i]);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- for (i = 0; i < outputBlockCount; i++)
- pccomputepredecessors1(blocks3[i]);
- loop->iterationCount /= factor;
-static void unrollunknownBDNZ(Loop *loop) {
- int factor; // r29
- PCodeBlock *preheader; // r17
- PCodeBlock *blockA; // r23
- PCodeBlock *postheader; // r22
- PCodeBlock *newblock1; // r26
- PCodeBlock *newblock2; // r31
- PCodeBlock *newblock3; // r19
- PCodeBlock *newblock4; // r20
- PCodeBlock *newblock5; // r24
- PCode *mtctr; // r21
- int mtctr_reg; // r27
- PCode *instr28; // r28
- PCode *instr6; // r6
- PCodeBlock *block;
- PCode *instr;
- PCodeArg *op;
- int i;
- int val;
- short mtctr_shifted_reg; // r16
- short reg25; // r25
- PCLink *link;
- if (loop->bodySize < 4)
- return;
- factor = 128;
- while (factor > copts.unroll_factor_limit)
- factor >>= 1;
- while (factor > 1 && (loop->bodySize - 2) * factor > copts.unroll_instr_limit)
- factor >>= 1;
- if (factor < 2)
- return;
- preheader = loop->preheader;
- blockA = loop->body->nextBlock;
- postheader = preheader->nextBlock;
- newblock1 = insertnewpcblock(preheader, loop->loopWeight);
- newblock2 = insertnewpcblock(newblock1, loop->loopWeight);
- newblock3 = insertnewpcblock(newblock2, loop->loopWeight);
- newblock4 = insertnewpcblock(newblock3, loop->loopWeight);
- newblock5 = insertnewpcblock(newblock4, loop->loopWeight);
- addblocktoloop(loop, newblock1);
- addblocktoloop(loop, newblock2);
- addblocktoloop(loop, newblock3);
- addblocktoloop(loop, newblock4);
- addblocktoloop(loop, newblock5);
- for (instr = preheader->lastPCode; instr; instr = instr->prevPCode) {
- if (instr->op == PC_MTCTR) {
- mtctr = instr;
- mtctr_reg = instr->args[0].data.reg.reg;
- }
- }
- if (!mtctr)
- return;
- instr28 = NULL;
- for (block = postheader; block != loop->body; block = block->successors->block) {
- for (instr = block->firstPCode; instr; instr = instr->nextPCode) {
- if (instr->op != PC_B) {
- appendpcode(newblock2, copypcode(instr));
- if (instr == loop->pc18)
- instr28 = newblock2->lastPCode;
- }
- }
- }
- if (!instr28) {
- appendpcode(newblock2, copypcode(loop->pc18));
- instr28 = newblock2->lastPCode;
- }
- instr6 = NULL;
- for (instr = newblock2->firstPCode; instr; instr = instr->nextPCode) {
- if (instr != instr28) {
- op = instr->args;
- i = instr->argCount;
- while (i--) {
- if (
- op->kind == PCOp_REGISTER &&
- op->arg == RegClass_GPR &&
- op->data.reg.reg == loop->pc18->args[0].data.reg.reg &&
- (op->data.reg.effect & (EffectRead | EffectWrite))
- ) {
- instr6 = instr;
- break;
- }
- op++;
- }
- }
- if (instr6)
- break;
- }
- if (!instr6) {
- deletepcode(instr28);
- deletepcode(loop->pc18);
- if (loop->footer)
- blockA = loop->footer;
- else
- blockA = insertnewpcblock(loop->body, loop->loopWeight);
- } else {
- instr28 = NULL;
- }
- for (i = 1; i < factor; i++) {
- for (block = postheader; block != loop->body; block = block->successors->block) {
- for (instr = block->firstPCode; instr; instr = instr->nextPCode) {
- if (instr->op != PC_B)
- appendpcode(newblock2, copypcode(instr));
- }
- }
- }
- mtctr_shifted_reg = used_virtual_registers[RegClass_GPR]++;
- appendpcode(newblock1, makepcode(
- mtctr_shifted_reg,
- mtctr_reg,
- 32 - ispowerof2(factor),
- ispowerof2(factor),
- 31));
- appendpcode(newblock1, makepcode(PC_CMPLI, 0, mtctr_shifted_reg, 0));
- if (instr28) {
- reg25 = used_virtual_registers[RegClass_GPR]++;
- if (loop->step == 1) {
- instr = makepcode(PC_MR, reg25, mtctr_reg);
- } else if (loop->step == -1) {
- instr = makepcode(PC_NEG, reg25, mtctr_reg);
- } else {
- val = ispowerof2(abs(loop->step));
- if (val > 0) {
- instr = makepcode(PC_RLWINM, reg25, mtctr_reg, val, 0, 31 - val);
- if (loop->step < 0) {
- appendpcode(newblock1, instr);
- instr = makepcode(PC_NEG, reg25, reg25);
- }
- } else {
- instr = makepcode(PC_MULLI, reg25, mtctr_reg, loop->step);
- }
- }
- appendpcode(newblock1, instr);
- }
- appendpcode(newblock1, makepcode(PC_MTCTR, mtctr_shifted_reg));
- appendpcode(newblock1, makepcode(PC_BT, 0, 2, newblock5->labels));
- pcbranch(newblock1, newblock5->labels);
- link = lalloc(sizeof(PCLink));
- link->block = newblock1;
- link->nextLink = newblock5->predecessors;
- newblock5->predecessors = link;
- appendpcode(newblock3, makepcode(PC_BDNZ, newblock2->labels));
- pcbranch(newblock3, newblock2->labels);
- link = lalloc(sizeof(PCLink));
- link->block = newblock3;
- link->nextLink = newblock2->predecessors;
- newblock2->predecessors = link;
- appendpcode(newblock4, makepcode(PC_ANDI, mtctr_reg, mtctr_reg, factor - 1));
- appendpcode(newblock4, makepcode(PC_BT, 0, 2, blockA->labels));
- pcbranch(newblock4, blockA->labels);
- link = lalloc(sizeof(PCLink));
- link->block = newblock4;
- link->nextLink = blockA->predecessors;
- blockA->predecessors = link;
- deletepcode(mtctr);
- appendpcode(newblock5, mtctr);
- if (instr28 && bitvectorgetbit(instr28->args[0].data.reg.reg, liveonexit)) {
- instr = makepcode(PC_ADD, instr28->args[0].data.reg.reg, instr28->args[0].data.reg.reg, reg25);
- if (blockA->firstPCode)
- insertpcodebefore(blockA->firstPCode, instr);
- else
- appendpcode(blockA, instr);
- }
-static void deleteloop(Loop *loop) {
- PCodeBlock *body;
- PCodeBlock *preheader;
- PCodeBlock *nextblock;
- PCodeLabel *label;
- PCode *instr;
- PCLink **ptr;
- PCLink *link;
- PCodeBlock *block;
- body = loop->body;
- preheader = loop->preheader;
- nextblock = body->nextBlock;
- label = makepclabel();
- while (1) {
- instr = body->firstPCode;
- CError_ASSERT(1294, instr != NULL);
- if (instr->op == PC_CMP || instr->op == PC_CMPI || instr->op == PC_CMPLI || instr->op == PC_CMPL)
- break;
- deletepcode(instr);
- insertpcodebefore(loop->preheader->lastPCode, instr);
- loop->bodySize--;
- }
- pclabel(nextblock, label);
- preheader->lastPCode->args[0].data.label.label = label;
- preheader->successors->block = nextblock;
- ptr = &nextblock->predecessors;
- while ((link = *ptr)) {
- if (link->block == body) {
- link->block = preheader;
- break;
- }
- ptr = &link->nextLink;
- }
- block = pcbasicblocks;
- while ((nextblock = block->nextBlock)) {
- if (bitvectorgetbit(nextblock->blockIndex, loop->memberblocks))
- block->nextBlock = nextblock->nextBlock;
- else
- block = nextblock;
- }
-static void deleteloopheader(Loop *loop) {
- PCLink *link;
- PCLink **ptr;
- ptr = &loop->body->successors;
- while ((link = *ptr)) {
- if (link->block == loop->body->lastPCode->args[2].data.label.label->block) {
- *ptr = link->nextLink;
- break;
- }
- ptr = &link->nextLink;
- }
- ptr = &loop->body->lastPCode->args[2].data.label.label->block->predecessors;
- while ((link = *ptr)) {
- if (link->block == loop->body) {
- *ptr = link->nextLink;
- break;
- }
- ptr = &link->nextLink;
- }
- deletepcode(loop->body->firstPCode);
- deletepcode(loop->body->lastPCode);
- optimizedloop_full_unroll = 1;
-static void rewriteloopwithBDNZ(Loop *loop) {
- PCode *instr;
- if (!FITS_IN_SHORT(loop->iterationCount)) {
- instr = makepcode(PC_LIS, used_virtual_registers[RegClass_GPR]++, 0, HIGH_PART(loop->iterationCount));
- insertpcodebefore(loop->preheader->lastPCode, instr);
- if (loop->iterationCount != 0)
- insertpcodeafter(instr, makepcode(PC_ADDI, instr->args[0].data.reg.reg, instr->args[0].data.reg.reg, 0, LOW_PART(loop->iterationCount)));
- } else {
- instr = makepcode(PC_LI, used_virtual_registers[RegClass_GPR]++, loop->iterationCount);
- insertpcodebefore(loop->preheader->lastPCode, instr);
- }
- insertpcodebefore(loop->preheader->lastPCode, makepcode(PC_MTCTR, instr->args[0].data.reg.reg));
- instr = makepcode(PC_BDNZ, loop->body->lastPCode->args[2].data.label.label);
- deletepcode(loop->body->firstPCode);
- deletepcode(loop->body->lastPCode);
- appendpcode(loop->body, instr);
- for (loop = loop->parent; loop; loop = loop->parent)
- loop->x4E = 1;
-static void rewriteunknownloopwithBDNZ(Loop *loop) {
- SInt32 value1; // r24
- SInt32 value2; // r30
- Opcode branchOpcode; // r19
- SInt32 absStep; // r28
- int branchCondition; // r20
- int counterReg; // r27
- int reg1; // r26
- int reg2; // r22
- unsigned char mode; // r23
- PCodeBlock *afterLoop; // r25
- PCode *addiInstr;
- PCode *instr;
- PCLink *link;
- PCLink **ptr;
- absStep = abs(loop->step);
- afterLoop = NULL;
- for (addiInstr = loop->body->lastPCode->prevPCode; addiInstr->op == PC_ADDI; addiInstr = loop->body->lastPCode->prevPCode) {
- deletepcode(addiInstr);
- if (loop->body->lastPCode->args[2].data.label.label->block->firstPCode)
- insertpcodebefore(loop->body->lastPCode->args[2].data.label.label->block->firstPCode, addiInstr);
- else
- appendpcode(loop->body->lastPCode->args[2].data.label.label->block, addiInstr);
- afterLoop = insertnewpcblock(loop->body, loop->loopWeight);
- appendpcode(afterLoop, copypcode(addiInstr));
- loop->footer = afterLoop;
- }
- if (loop->unknownCondition == ELESS) {
- branchOpcode = PC_BF;
- if (loop->lowerType == LOOP_BOUND_CONSTANT) {
- branchCondition = 1; // GT
- value1 = loop->lower;
- reg1 = addiInstr->args[2].data.reg.reg;
- value2 = absStep - 1 - loop->lower;
- mode = 0;
- } else if (loop->upperType == LOOP_BOUND_CONSTANT) {
- branchCondition = 0; // LT
- value1 = loop->upper;
- reg1 = addiInstr->args[1].data.reg.reg;
- value2 = absStep - 1 + loop->upper;
- mode = 1;
- } else {
- branchCondition = 0; // LT
- reg1 = addiInstr->args[1].data.reg.reg;
- reg2 = addiInstr->args[2].data.reg.reg;
- value2 = absStep - 1;
- mode = 2;
- }
- } else if (loop->unknownCondition == ELESSEQU) {
- branchOpcode = PC_BT;
- if (loop->lowerType == LOOP_BOUND_CONSTANT) {
- branchCondition = 0; // LT
- value1 = loop->lower;
- reg1 = addiInstr->args[2].data.reg.reg;
- value2 = absStep - loop->lower;
- mode = 0;
- } else if (loop->upperType == LOOP_BOUND_CONSTANT) {
- branchCondition = 1; // GT
- value1 = loop->upper;
- reg1 = addiInstr->args[1].data.reg.reg;
- value2 = absStep + loop->upper;
- mode = 1;
- } else {
- branchCondition = 1; // GT
- value1 = 0;
- reg1 = addiInstr->args[1].data.reg.reg;
- reg2 = addiInstr->args[2].data.reg.reg;
- value2 = absStep;
- mode = 2;
- }
- } else if (loop->unknownCondition == EGREATER) {
- branchOpcode = PC_BF;
- if (loop->lowerType == LOOP_BOUND_CONSTANT) {
- branchCondition = 0; // LT
- value1 = loop->lower;
- reg1 = addiInstr->args[2].data.reg.reg;
- value2 = absStep - 1 + loop->lower;
- mode = 1;
- } else if (loop->upperType == LOOP_BOUND_CONSTANT) {
- branchCondition = 1; // GT
- value1 = loop->upper;
- reg1 = addiInstr->args[1].data.reg.reg;
- value2 = absStep - 1 - loop->upper;
- mode = 0;
- } else {
- branchCondition = 1; // GT
- value1 = 0;
- reg1 = addiInstr->args[1].data.reg.reg;
- reg2 = addiInstr->args[2].data.reg.reg;
- value2 = absStep - 1;
- mode = 3;
- }
- } else if (loop->unknownCondition == EGREATEREQU) {
- branchOpcode = PC_BT;
- if (loop->lowerType == LOOP_BOUND_CONSTANT) {
- branchCondition = 1; // GT
- value1 = loop->lower;
- reg1 = addiInstr->args[2].data.reg.reg;
- value2 = absStep + loop->lower;
- mode = 1;
- } else if (loop->upperType == LOOP_BOUND_CONSTANT) {
- branchCondition = 0; // LT
- value1 = loop->upper;
- reg1 = addiInstr->args[1].data.reg.reg;
- value2 = absStep - loop->upper;
- mode = 0;
- } else {
- branchCondition = 0; // LT
- reg1 = addiInstr->args[1].data.reg.reg;
- reg2 = addiInstr->args[2].data.reg.reg;
- value2 = absStep;
- mode = 3;
- }
- } else if (loop->unknownCondition == ENOTEQU) {
- branchOpcode = PC_BT;
- branchCondition = 2; // EQ
- if (loop->step > 0) {
- if (loop->lowerType == LOOP_BOUND_CONSTANT) {
- value1 = loop->lower;
- reg1 = addiInstr->args[2].data.reg.reg;
- value2 = absStep - 1 - loop->lower;
- mode = 0;
- } else if (loop->upperType == LOOP_BOUND_CONSTANT) {
- value1 = loop->upper;
- reg1 = addiInstr->args[1].data.reg.reg;
- value2 = absStep - 1 + loop->upper;
- mode = 1;
- } else {
- reg1 = addiInstr->args[1].data.reg.reg;
- reg2 = addiInstr->args[2].data.reg.reg;
- value2 = absStep - 1;
- mode = 2;
- }
- } else {
- if (loop->lowerType == LOOP_BOUND_CONSTANT) {
- value1 = loop->lower;
- reg1 = addiInstr->args[2].data.reg.reg;
- value2 = absStep - 1 + loop->lower;
- mode = 1;
- } else if (loop->upperType == LOOP_BOUND_CONSTANT) {
- value1 = loop->upper;
- reg1 = addiInstr->args[1].data.reg.reg;
- value2 = absStep - 1 - loop->upper;
- mode = 0;
- } else {
- reg1 = addiInstr->args[1].data.reg.reg;
- reg2 = addiInstr->args[2].data.reg.reg;
- value2 = absStep - 1;
- mode = 3;
- }
- }
- }
- while (1) {
- instr = loop->body->firstPCode;
- CError_ASSERT(1857, instr);
- if (instr->op == PC_CMP || instr->op == PC_CMPI || instr->op == PC_CMPLI || instr->op == PC_CMPL)
- break;
- deletepcode(instr);
- insertpcodebefore(loop->preheader->lastPCode, instr);
- loop->bodySize--;
- }
- // build a value for mtctr
- counterReg = used_virtual_registers[RegClass_GPR]++;
- if (mode == 1) {
- if (value2 == 0) {
- insertpcodebefore(loop->preheader->lastPCode,
- makepcode(PC_NEG, counterReg, reg1));
- } else if (FITS_IN_SHORT(value2)) {
- insertpcodebefore(loop->preheader->lastPCode,
- makepcode(PC_SUBFIC, counterReg, reg1, value2));
- } else {
- insertpcodebefore(loop->preheader->lastPCode,
- makepcode(PC_LIS, counterReg, 0, HIGH_PART(value2)));
- if (value2 != 0) {
- insertpcodebefore(loop->preheader->lastPCode,
- makepcode(PC_ADDI, counterReg, counterReg, 0, LOW_PART(value2)));
- }
- insertpcodebefore(loop->preheader->lastPCode,
- makepcode(PC_SUBF, counterReg, reg1, counterReg));
- }
- } else if (mode == 0) {
- if (value2 == 0) {
- insertpcodebefore(loop->preheader->lastPCode,
- makepcode(PC_MR, counterReg, reg1));
- } else if (FITS_IN_SHORT(value2)) {
- insertpcodebefore(loop->preheader->lastPCode,
- makepcode(PC_ADDI, counterReg, reg1, 0, value2));
- } else {
- insertpcodebefore(loop->preheader->lastPCode,
- makepcode(PC_ADDIS, counterReg, reg1, 0, HIGH_PART(value2)));
- if (value2 != 0) {
- insertpcodebefore(loop->preheader->lastPCode,
- makepcode(PC_ADDI, counterReg, counterReg, 0, LOW_PART(value2)));
- }
- }
- } else if (mode == 2) {
- if (value2 == 0) {
- insertpcodebefore(loop->preheader->lastPCode,
- makepcode(PC_SUBF, counterReg, reg1, reg2));
- } else if (FITS_IN_SHORT(value2)) {
- insertpcodebefore(loop->preheader->lastPCode,
- makepcode(PC_ADDI, counterReg, reg2, 0, value2));
- insertpcodebefore(loop->preheader->lastPCode,
- makepcode(PC_SUBF, counterReg, reg1, counterReg));
- } else {
- insertpcodebefore(loop->preheader->lastPCode,
- makepcode(PC_ADDIS, counterReg, reg2, 0, HIGH_PART(value2)));
- if (value2 != 0) {
- insertpcodebefore(loop->preheader->lastPCode,
- makepcode(PC_ADDI, counterReg, counterReg, 0, LOW_PART(value2)));
- }
- insertpcodebefore(loop->preheader->lastPCode,
- makepcode(PC_SUBF, counterReg, reg1, counterReg));
- }
- } else {
- if (value2 == 0) {
- insertpcodebefore(loop->preheader->lastPCode,
- makepcode(PC_SUBF, counterReg, reg2, reg1));
- } else {
- if (FITS_IN_SHORT(value2)) {
- insertpcodebefore(loop->preheader->lastPCode,
- makepcode(PC_ADDI, counterReg, reg1, 0, value2));
- } else {
- insertpcodebefore(loop->preheader->lastPCode,
- makepcode(PC_ADDIS, counterReg, reg1, 0, HIGH_PART(value2)));
- if (value2 != 0) {
- insertpcodebefore(loop->preheader->lastPCode,
- makepcode(PC_ADDI, counterReg, counterReg, 0, LOW_PART(value2)));
- }
- }
- insertpcodebefore(loop->preheader->lastPCode,
- makepcode(PC_SUBF, counterReg, reg2, counterReg));
- }
- }
- if (absStep > 1) {
- unsigned char bits;
- if ((bits = ispowerof2(absStep))) {
- insertpcodebefore(loop->preheader->lastPCode,
- makepcode(PC_RLWINM, counterReg, counterReg, 32 - bits, bits, 31));
- } else {
- int reg = used_virtual_registers[RegClass_GPR]++;
- insertpcodebefore(loop->preheader->lastPCode,
- makepcode(PC_LI, reg, absStep));
- insertpcodebefore(loop->preheader->lastPCode,
- makepcode(PC_DIVWU, counterReg, counterReg, reg));
- }
- }
- insertpcodebefore(loop->preheader->lastPCode,
- makepcode(PC_MTCTR, counterReg));
- if (mode < 2) {
- if (addiInstr->op == PC_CMPL || addiInstr->op == PC_CMPLI) {
- if (FITS_IN_USHORT(value1)) {
- insertpcodebefore(loop->preheader->lastPCode,
- makepcode(PC_CMPLI, 0, reg1, value1));
- } else {
- PCode *tmp;
- tmp = makepcode(PC_LIS, used_virtual_registers[RegClass_GPR]++, 0, HIGH_PART(value1));
- insertpcodebefore(loop->preheader->lastPCode, tmp);
- if (loop->iterationCount != 0)
- insertpcodeafter(tmp,
- makepcode(PC_ADDI,
- tmp->args[0].data.reg.reg,
- tmp->args[0].data.reg.reg,
- 0, LOW_PART(value1)));
- insertpcodebefore(loop->preheader->lastPCode,
- makepcode(PC_CMPL, 0, reg1, tmp->args[0].data.reg.reg));
- }
- } else {
- if (FITS_IN_SHORT(value1)) {
- insertpcodebefore(loop->preheader->lastPCode,
- makepcode(PC_CMPI, 0, reg1, value1));
- } else {
- PCode *tmp;
- tmp = makepcode(PC_LIS, used_virtual_registers[RegClass_GPR]++, 0, HIGH_PART(value1));
- insertpcodebefore(loop->preheader->lastPCode, tmp);
- if (loop->iterationCount != 0)
- insertpcodeafter(tmp,
- makepcode(PC_ADDI,
- tmp->args[0].data.reg.reg,
- tmp->args[0].data.reg.reg,
- 0, LOW_PART(value1)));
- insertpcodebefore(loop->preheader->lastPCode,
- makepcode(PC_CMP, 0, reg1, tmp->args[0].data.reg.reg));
- }
- }
- } else {
- if (addiInstr->op == PC_CMPL || addiInstr->op == PC_CMPLI) {
- insertpcodebefore(loop->preheader->lastPCode,
- makepcode(PC_CMPL, 0, reg1, reg2));
- } else {
- insertpcodebefore(loop->preheader->lastPCode,
- makepcode(PC_CMP, 0, reg1, reg2));
- }
- }
- if (!afterLoop)
- afterLoop = loop->body->nextBlock;
- instr = makepcode(branchOpcode, 0, branchCondition, afterLoop->labels);
- deletepcode(loop->preheader->lastPCode);
- appendpcode(loop->preheader, instr);
- instr = makepcode(PC_BDNZ, loop->body->lastPCode->args[2].data.label.label);
- deletepcode(loop->body->firstPCode);
- deletepcode(loop->body->lastPCode);
- appendpcode(loop->body, instr);
- loop->preheader->successors = NULL;
- ptr = &loop->body->predecessors;
- while ((link = *ptr)) {
- if (link->block == loop->preheader) {
- *ptr = link->nextLink;
- break;
- }
- ptr = &link->nextLink;
- }
- link = lalloc(sizeof(PCLink));
- link->block = loop->preheader->nextBlock;
- link->nextLink = loop->preheader->successors;
- loop->preheader->successors = link;
- link = lalloc(sizeof(PCLink));
- link->block = loop->preheader;
- link->nextLink = loop->preheader->nextBlock->predecessors;
- loop->preheader->nextBlock->predecessors = link;
- link = lalloc(sizeof(PCLink));
- link->block = afterLoop;
- link->nextLink = loop->preheader->successors;
- loop->preheader->successors = link;
- link = lalloc(sizeof(PCLink));
- link->block = loop->preheader;
- link->nextLink = afterLoop->predecessors;
- afterLoop->predecessors = link;
- for (loop = loop->parent; loop; loop = loop->parent)
- loop->x4E = 1;
-static void optimizeloop(Loop *loop) {
- computeliveonexit(loop);
- if (loop->x53 || loop->x54)
- insertupdateinstructions(loop);
- if (loop->isKnownCountingLoop) {
- if (loop->iterationCount > 0) {
- skiplooptest(loop);
- if (!copts.optimizesize && !loop->x4D && !loop->x57) {
- if (loop->x4F)
- unrollloop(loop);
- else if (!loop->x4E)
- unrollloopconditional(loop);
- }
- }
- if (loop->iterationCount != 0) {
- if (loop->iterationCount == 1)
- deleteloopheader(loop);
- else if (!loop->x4E && !loop->x4D)
- rewriteloopwithBDNZ(loop);
- }
- optimizedloops = 1;
- } else if (loop->isUnknownCountingLoop && !loop->x4E && !loop->x4D) {
- rewriteunknownloopwithBDNZ(loop);
- if (copts.unroll_speculative && !copts.optimizesize) {
- if (loop->x4F && !loop->x57 && !loop->x52)
- unrollunknownBDNZ(loop);
- }
- optimizedloops = 1;
- }
- eliminateinductionvariables(loop);
-typedef struct LocalArray {
- struct LocalArray *next;
- Object *object;
- unsigned int invalid:1;
- unsigned int isFloat:1;
- unsigned int isSigned:1;
- SInt32 elementSize;
- SInt32 arraySize;
- SInt32 elementCount;
- int totalUses;
- int elements[1];
-} LocalArray;
-static LocalArray *scanforlocalarrays(void) {
- SInt32 elementCount;
- LocalArray *head;
- LocalArray *array;
- ObjectList *list;
- int i;
- SInt32 arraySize;
- SInt32 elementSize;
- head = NULL;
- for (list = locals; list; list = list->next) {
- if (
- list->object &&
- !(IS_TYPE_POINTER(list->object->type) ? (TPTR_QUAL(list->object->type) & Q_VOLATILE) : (list->object->qual & Q_VOLATILE)) &&
- list->object->type &&
- IS_TYPE_ARRAY(list->object->type) &&
- TPTR_TARGET(list->object->type) &&
- TPTR_TARGET(list->object->type)->type < TYPESTRUCT
- ) {
- arraySize = list->object->type->size;
- elementSize = TPTR_TARGET(list->object->type)->size;
- elementCount = arraySize / elementSize;
- if (elementCount > 0 && elementCount <= 8) {
- array = oalloc(sizeof(int) * (elementCount - 1) + sizeof(LocalArray));
- array->next = head;
- head = array;
- array->object = list->object;
- array->elementSize = elementSize;
- array->arraySize = arraySize;
- array->elementCount = elementCount;
- array->totalUses = 0;
- array->isSigned = 1;
- array->isFloat = IS_TYPE_FLOAT(TPTR_TARGET(list->object->type));
- array->invalid = 0;
- array->isSigned = 1;
- if (!array->isFloat && is_unsigned(TPTR_TARGET(list->object->type)))
- array->isSigned = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < elementCount; i++) {
- array->elements[i] = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return head;
-static LocalArray *lookup_array_object(LocalArray *arrays, Object *object) {
- while (arrays) {
- if (arrays->object == object)
- return arrays;
- arrays = arrays->next;
- }
- return NULL;
-void changearraytoregisters(void) {
- LocalArray *arrays;
- PCodeBlock *block;
- PCode *instr;
- int i;
- PCodeArg *op;
- LocalArray **ptr;
- LocalArray *array;
- int intCounter;
- int floatCounter;
- int reg;
- int reg2;
- PCode *newInstr;
- arrays = NULL;
- if ((arrays = scanforlocalarrays())) {
- for (block = pcbasicblocks; block; block = block->nextBlock) {
- for (instr = block->firstPCode; instr; instr = instr->nextPCode) {
- if (!(instr->flags & fIsBranch) && instr->argCount) {
- op = instr->args;
- i = instr->argCount;
- while (i--) {
- if (
- op->kind == PCOp_MEMORY &&
- (PCOpMemoryArg) op->arg == PCOpMemory1 &&
- (array = lookup_array_object(arrays, op->data.mem.obj)) &&
- !array->invalid
- ) {
- if (
- (instr->flags & (fIsRead | fIsWrite)) &&
- (op->data.mem.offset % array->elementSize) == 0 &&
- op->data.mem.offset < array->arraySize
- ) {
- switch (instr->op) {
- case PC_LBZ:
- case PC_STB:
- if (array->elementSize != 1)
- array->invalid = 1;
- break;
- case PC_LHZ:
- case PC_LHA:
- case PC_STH:
- if (array->elementSize != 2)
- array->invalid = 1;
- break;
- case PC_LWZ:
- case PC_STW:
- if (array->elementSize != 4)
- array->invalid = 1;
- break;
- case PC_LFD:
- case PC_STFD:
- if (array->elementSize != 8)
- array->invalid = 1;
- break;
- default:
- array->invalid = 1;
- break;
- }
- if (!array->invalid)
- array->elements[op->data.mem.offset / array->elementSize]++;
- } else {
- array->invalid = 1;
- }
- }
- op++;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- intCounter = 0;
- floatCounter = 0;
- ptr = &arrays;
- array = *ptr;
- while (array) {
- if (array->invalid) {
- *ptr = array = array->next;
- continue;
- }
- if (array->isFloat)
- floatCounter += array->elementCount;
- if (!array->isFloat)
- intCounter += array->elementCount;
- for (i = 0; i < array->elementCount; i++)
- array->totalUses += array->elements[i];
- array = array->next;
- }
- if (arrays) {
- while (intCounter > 8) {
- LocalArray *best;
- int score;
- score = 0;
- best = NULL;
- for (array = arrays; array; array = array->next) {
- if (!array->isFloat) {
- if (best) {
- if (array->totalUses < score) {
- score = array->totalUses;
- best = array;
- }
- } else {
- best = array;
- score = array->totalUses;
- }
- }
- }
- if (!best)
- break;
- if (best == arrays) {
- arrays = best->next;
- } else {
- for (array = arrays; array; array = array->next) {
- if (array->next == best) {
- array->next = best->next;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- intCounter -= best->elementCount;
- }
- while (floatCounter > 8) {
- LocalArray *best;
- int score;
- score = 0;
- best = NULL;
- for (array = arrays; array; array = array->next) {
- if (array->isFloat) {
- if (best) {
- if (array->totalUses < score) {
- score = array->totalUses;
- best = array;
- }
- } else {
- best = array;
- score = array->totalUses;
- }
- }
- }
- if (!best)
- break;
- if (best == arrays) {
- arrays = best->next;
- } else {
- for (array = arrays; array; array = array->next) {
- if (array->next == best) {
- array->next = best->next;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- floatCounter -= best->elementCount;
- }
- CError_ASSERT(2394, intCounter <= 8 && floatCounter <= 8);
- if (!arrays)
- return;
- optimizedloop_trans_regs = 1;
- for (array = arrays; array; array = array->next) {
- for (i = 0; i < array->elementCount; i++) {
- if (array->isFloat)
- array->elements[i] = used_virtual_registers[RegClass_FPR]++;
- else
- array->elements[i] = used_virtual_registers[RegClass_GPR]++;
- }
- }
- for (block = pcbasicblocks; block; block = block->nextBlock) {
- for (instr = block->firstPCode; instr; instr = instr->nextPCode) {
- if (
- !(instr->flags & fIsBranch) &&
- instr->argCount &&
- (instr->flags & (fIsRead | fIsWrite)) &&
- instr->args[2].kind == PCOp_MEMORY &&
- (PCOpMemoryArg) instr->args[2].arg == PCOpMemory1 &&
- (array = lookup_array_object(arrays, instr->args[2].data.mem.obj)) &&
- !(array->invalid)
- )
- {
- reg2 = instr->args[0].data.reg.reg;
- reg = array->elements[instr->args[2].data.mem.offset / array->elementSize];
- newInstr = NULL;
- switch (instr->op) {
- case PC_LBZ:
- if (array->isSigned)
- newInstr = makepcode(PC_MR, reg2, reg);
- else
- newInstr = makepcode(PC_RLWINM, reg2, reg, 0, 24, 31);
- break;
- case PC_STB:
- if (array->isSigned)
- newInstr = makepcode(PC_EXTSB, reg, reg2);
- else
- newInstr = makepcode(PC_RLWINM, reg, reg2, 0, 24, 31);
- break;
- case PC_LHZ:
- newInstr = makepcode(PC_RLWINM, reg2, reg, 0, 16, 31);
- break;
- case PC_LHA:
- newInstr = makepcode(PC_EXTSH, reg2, reg);
- break;
- case PC_STH:
- if (array->isSigned)
- newInstr = makepcode(PC_EXTSH, reg, reg2);
- else
- newInstr = makepcode(PC_RLWINM, reg, reg2, 0, 16, 31);
- break;
- case PC_LWZ:
- newInstr = makepcode(PC_MR, reg2, reg);
- break;
- case PC_STW:
- newInstr = makepcode(PC_MR, reg, reg2);
- break;
- case PC_LFD:
- newInstr = makepcode(PC_FMR, reg2, reg);
- break;
- case PC_STFD:
- newInstr = makepcode(PC_FMR, reg, reg2);
- break;
- default:
- CError_FATAL(2494);
- break;
- }
- if (newInstr) {
- insertpcodebefore(instr, newInstr);
- deletepcode(instr);
- instr = newInstr;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- freeoheap();
-static void optimizenestedloops(Loop *loop) {
- while (loop) {
- if (loop->children)
- optimizenestedloops(loop->children);
- optimizeloop(loop);
- loop = loop->nextSibling;
- }
-void optimizeloops(void) {
- optimizedloops = 0;
- optimizedloop_full_unroll = 0;
- optimizedloop_trans_regs = 0;
- if (loopsinflowgraph) {
- computeusedefchains(0);
- last_virtual_GPR = used_virtual_registers[RegClass_GPR];
- liveonexit = oalloc(4 * ((used_virtual_registers[RegClass_GPR] + 31) >> 5));
- inductionvariables = oalloc(4 * ((last_virtual_GPR + 31) >> 5));
- optimizenestedloops(loopsinflowgraph);
- freeoheap();
- }