#include "StdTenantInfoDialog.h" #include "T2DlgItemCustomerGage.h" #include "T2DlgItemPeopleView.h" #include "T2DlgItemProfitsGage.h" #include "T2DlgItemText.h" #include "T2FloorInfo.h" #include "T2Maru_Reggae.h" #include "T2Mover.h" #include "T2Name.h" #include "T2NameList.h" #include "T2People.h" #include "T2PeopleLinkIterator.h" #include "T2PeoplePtrList.h" #include "T2RouteCEArray.h" #include "T2RouteNavigator.h" #include "T2Tenant.h" #include "T2TenantDef.h" #include "T2TowerDoc.h" #include "T2WorldDef.h" #include "UT2Coordinate.h" #include "UT2Utils.h" StdTenantInfoDialog::StdTenantInfoDialog(T2Tenant *inTenant) : T2TenantInfoDialog(inTenant) , mNumCommentLines(0) { mIsFavorited = 0; } /*virtual*/ StdTenantInfoDialog::~StdTenantInfoDialog() { } /*virtual*/ BOOL StdTenantInfoDialog::OnT2DialogCommand(WPARAM inWParam, LPARAM inLParam) { WORD code = HIWORD(inWParam); WORD id = LOWORD(inWParam); if (code == -1 && id == 7090) { // favourite button GetT2DlgItem(7090)->EnableWindow(false); mIsFavorited = 1; CString name; T2DlgItem *nameField = (T2DlgItem *) GetDlgItem(7003); nameField->GetDescriptor(name); if (name == "") nameField->SetDescriptor(mTenantName); } } /*virtual*/ void StdTenantInfoDialog::OnT2Create() { if (!GetDocument() || !GetDocument()->mWorldDef) return; CString text; T2DlgItem *item = NULL; // ID item = GetT2DlgItem(7001); if (item) { int roomNumber = GetTenant()->GetRoomNumber(GetDocument()->mFloorInfo); UT2Utils::GetRoomNumberString(roomNumber, text); item->SetDescriptor(text); } // Name item = GetT2DlgItem(7003); if (item) { T2Name *theName = GetDocument()->mNameDB->Search(GetTenant()); if (theName) { unsigned int id; theName->GetName(mTenantName, id); } else { GetTenant()->GetTypicalName(mTenantName); } item->SetDescriptor(mTenantName); } // Image item = GetT2DlgItem(7004); if (item) UpdateViewOfTenant(item); GenerateStatus(); if (!GetTenant()->IsFire()) { // Hours item = GetT2DlgItem(7021); if (item) { int theOpenTime = GetTenant()->GetOpenTime(); int theCloseTime = GetTenant()->GetCloseTime(); text.Format( "%d:%02d\x81\x60%d:%02d", theOpenTime / 60, theOpenTime % 60, theCloseTime / 60, theCloseTime % 60 ); item->SetDescriptor(text); } item = GetT2DlgItem(7022); if (item) { text.Format("%d", GetDocument()->mWorldDef->ExchangeMoney(GetTenant()->GetInMoney())); item->SetDescriptor(text); } item = GetT2DlgItem(7023); if (item) { item->GetDescriptor(text); text += GetDocument()->mWorldDef->GetMoneyUnit(); item->SetDescriptor(text); } // Customers item = GetT2DlgItem(7030); if (item) { text.Format("%d", GetTenant()->GetTotalCustomer()); item->SetDescriptor(text); } item = GetT2DlgItem(7031); if (item) { text.Format("%d", GetDocument()->mWorldDef->ExchangeMoney(GetTenant()->GetInMoney() * 100)); item->SetDescriptor(text); } item = GetT2DlgItem(7032); if (item) { item->GetDescriptor(text); text += GetDocument()->mWorldDef->GetMoneyUnit(); item->SetDescriptor(text); } item = GetT2DlgItem(7042); if (item) { T2DlgItemProfitsGage *profitsGage = (T2DlgItemProfitsGage *) item; profitsGage->SetTenant(GetTenant()); } item = GetT2DlgItem(7043); if (item) { item->GetDescriptor(text); text += GetDocument()->mWorldDef->GetMoneyUnit(); item->SetDescriptor(text); } T2PeoplePtrList *theBelongList = GetTenant()->GetBelongList(); item = GetT2DlgItem(7060); if (theBelongList && item) { T2DlgItemPeopleView *peopleView = (T2DlgItemPeopleView *) item; peopleView->StartAdd(); T2People *thePeople; LArrayIterator iterator(*theBelongList); while (iterator.Next(&thePeople)) { if (thePeople && thePeople->GetCurTenantID() == GetTenant()->GetEquipID()) peopleView->AddOne(thePeople); } peopleView->FinishAdd(); } T2People *theFirstPeople = GetTenant()->GetFirstPeople(); item = GetT2DlgItem(7061); if (theFirstPeople && item) { T2DlgItemPeopleView *thePeopleView = (T2DlgItemPeopleView *) item; thePeopleView->StartAdd(); T2People *thePeople; T2PeopleLinkIterator theIterator(theFirstPeople); while (theIterator.Next(&thePeople)) { if ( thePeople && thePeople->GetCurTenantID() == GetTenant()->GetEquipID() && thePeople->GetWorkTenant() != GetTenant()->GetEquipID() ) thePeopleView->AddOne(thePeople); } thePeopleView->FinishAdd(); } item = GetT2DlgItem(7042); if (item) { T2DlgItemCustomerGage *customerGage = (T2DlgItemCustomerGage *) item; customerGage->SetTenant(GetTenant()); } } T2Name *theExistingName = mTowerDoc->mNameDB->Search(GetTenant()); if (theExistingName) GetT2DlgItem(7090)->EnableWindow(false); GenerateComments(); } /*virtual*/ void StdTenantInfoDialog::OnT2Destroy() { // empty } /*virtual*/ void StdTenantInfoDialog::AppendLine(const CString &inStr) { if (mNumCommentLines < 4) { mNumCommentLines++; T2DlgItem *theItem = GetT2DlgItem(7080); if (theItem) { CString str; theItem->GetDescriptor(str); str += '\r'; theItem->SetDescriptor(str); } } } /*virtual*/ void StdTenantInfoDialog::AppendComment(unsigned int inID, T2Equip *inEquip) { CString str, comment; if (inEquip) inEquip->GetTypicalName(str); GetCommentString(inID, comment); str += comment; AppendLine(str); } /*virtual*/ void StdTenantInfoDialog::UpdateViewOfTenant(T2DlgItem *inItem) { T2TenantDef *theTenantDef = GetTenantDef(); T2Tenant *theTenant = GetTenant(); CString str; if (theTenantDef && theTenant) { if (theTenant->IsFire()) { inItem->SetDescriptor("Rubble"); inItem->SetValue(0); } else { inItem->SetValue( GetTenant()->GetValiation() * 1000 + theTenantDef->mHeight * 100 + GetTenant()->GetPatIndex() ); } CRect theDialogArea, theTenantRect; GetClientRect(theDialogArea); theTenant->GetEquipArea(theTenantRect); CSize theSize = theTenantRect.Size(); int multiplier = (theSize.cy == 1) ? 2 : 1; int theHeight = ((theSize.cy * UT2Coordinate::UnitVSize(0)) - UT2Coordinate::CalcRoofThick(0) - UT2Coordinate::CalcFloorThick(0)) * multiplier; int theWidth = min(theSize.cx * UT2Coordinate::UnitHSize(0) * multiplier, theDialogArea.Width() - 26); CRect rect(0, 0, theWidth, theHeight); inItem->MapWindowPoints(inItem->GetParent(), rect); inItem->MoveWindow(rect); T2DlgItem *theBox = GetT2DlgItem(7504); if (theBox) { rect.InflateRect(1, 1); theBox->MoveWindow(rect); } } } /*virtual*/ BOOL StdTenantInfoDialog::GenerateStatusProc(CString &outStr, BOOL &outIsBad) { return false; } void StdTenantInfoDialog::GenerateStatus() { T2DlgItemText *theTextItem = (T2DlgItemText *) GetT2DlgItem(7010); if (theTextItem) { CString str; BOOL bad = false; if (!GetDocument()->GetRouteNavi()->IsConnectRouteFromLobby(GetTenant()->GetEntrancePt())) { // "ロビー未接続" - Lobby not connected str = "\x83\x8D\x83\x72\x81\x5B\x96\xA2\x90\xDA\x91\xB1"; bad = true; } else if (0) { // "停電" - Blackout str = "\x92\xE2\x93\x64"; bad = true; } else if (GetTenant()->IsFire()) { // "火災の焼け跡" - fire scars str = "\x89\xCE\x8D\xD0\x82\xCC\x8F\xC4\x82\xAF\x90\xD5"; bad = true; } else if (GenerateStatusProc(str, bad)) { // use it as-is } else { // "稼働中" - in operation str = "\x89\xD2\x93\xAD\x92\x86"; } theTextItem->SetDescriptor(str); if (bad) theTextItem->SetTextColor(PALETTERGB(255, 0, 0)); } } /*virtual*/ void StdTenantInfoDialog::GenerateComments() { ClearComment(); if (!GetDocument()->GetRouteNavi()->IsConnectRouteFromLobby(GetTenant()->GetEntrancePt())) { // EN: Need a more direct route to destination. AppendComment(2); } else if (GetTenant()->GetInMoney() != 0 && GetTenant()->GetBelongCapacity() != 0) { T2Tenant *theEntranceFloor = GetDocument()->mFloorInfo->GetTenant(GetTenant()->GetEntranceFloorID()); #line 380 _ASSERT(theEntranceFloor != NULL); POINT entrancePt = GetTenant()->GetEntrancePt(); T2Mover *nearMover = NULL; unsigned int nearMoverScore = 0xFFFFFFFF; unsigned int theID = 0; LArrayIterator iterator(*theEntranceFloor->GetCEArray()); while (iterator.Next(&theID)) { T2Mover *theMover = GetDocument()->mFloorInfo->GetMover(theID); if (!theMover || !theMover->IsSetAttribute(kMoverAttrRoutingTable0)) continue; CRect moverArea; theMover->GetEquipArea(moverArea); int h = (moverArea.left + moverArea.right) / 2; int theDistance = abs(h - entrancePt.x); if (theDistance < nearMoverScore) { nearMover = theMover; nearMoverScore = theDistance; } } if (nearMover) { if (nearMoverScore >= 160) { if (nearMover->IsStair()) { // EN: is far away. AppendComment(6, nearMover); } else { // EN: Elevator is far away. AppendComment(4); } } else if (nearMoverScore >= 96) { if (nearMover->IsStair()) { // EN: is a bit far away. AppendComment(5, nearMover); } else { // EN: Elevator is far away. AppendComment(4); } } } } T2Maru_Reggae *theReggae = GetDocument()->mWorldDef->GetReggae(); if (theReggae && theReggae->GetVisitTenant() == GetTenant()) { // EN: Uncle Reggae is noisy and annoying. AppendComment(8); } } /*virtual*/ void StdTenantInfoDialog::OnT2OK() { CString str; ((T2DlgItem *) GetDlgItem(7003))->GetDescriptor(str); if (str == "") str = mTenantName; if (mTenantName != str || mIsFavorited == 1) { T2Name *theName = mTowerDoc->mNameDB->Search(GetTenant()); if (theName) { theName->SetName(str); } else { T2Name *newName = new T2Name(str, GetTenant(), false); mTowerDoc->mNameDB->Add(newName); } } } /*virtual*/ void StdTenantInfoDialog::OnT2Cancel() { // empty } void StdTenantInfoDialog::ClearComment() { T2DlgItem *theItem = GetT2DlgItem(7080); if (theItem) theItem->SetDescriptor(""); mNumCommentLines = 0; }