diff options
authorTreeki <>2011-02-12 00:19:59 +0100
committerTreeki <>2011-02-12 00:19:59 +0100
commit3b5195f442b263807dda1675b05e0301c902c58f (patch)
parentc7bfaabd5d2e3a07be51dcc4dd2837a0e8e70e81 (diff)
a bit of refactoring. next up: bytecode processing!
1 files changed, 316 insertions, 309 deletions
diff --git a/NW4RTools/ColladaWriter.cs b/NW4RTools/ColladaWriter.cs
index 60a3a75..794226f 100644
--- a/NW4RTools/ColladaWriter.cs
+++ b/NW4RTools/ColladaWriter.cs
@@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ namespace NW4RTools {
public void SaveModel(Stream outputStream, string modelName) {
CurrentModel = CurrentFile.GetGroup<Model>("3DModels(NW4R)")[modelName];
Collada = new COLLADA();
Collada.asset = new asset();
Collada.asset.contributor = new assetContributor[1];
Collada.asset.contributor[0] = new assetContributor();
Collada.asset.contributor[0].authoring_tool = "NW4RTools Collada exporter by Treeki";
@@ -39,347 +39,354 @@ namespace NW4RTools {
Collada.asset.unit = new assetUnit();
Collada.asset.unit.meter = 1.0;
Collada.asset.up_axis = UpAxisType.Y_UP;
List<object> ColladaItems = new List<object>();
LibGeometries = new library_geometries();
- LibGeometries.geometry = new geometry[CurrentModel.Shapes.Count];
- int geoIndex = 0;
+ var GeometryList = new List<geometry>();
foreach (var kv in CurrentModel.Shapes) {
- var geo = LibGeometries.geometry[geoIndex] = new geometry();
- Shape shape = kv.Value;
- = kv.Key + "-lib";
- = kv.Key + "Mesh";
- var m = new mesh();
- geo.Item = m;
- // Vertex settings
- var firstDL = new InputStream(shape.DisplayList1);
- firstDL.Seek(0x0C);
- UInt32 vtxDesc1 = firstDL.ReadUInt32();
- firstDL.Seek(0x12);
- UInt32 vtxDesc2 = firstDL.ReadUInt32();
- firstDL.Seek(0x22);
- UInt32 vtxAttr1 = firstDL.ReadUInt32();
- firstDL.Seek(0x28);
- UInt32 vtxAttr2 = firstDL.ReadUInt32();
- firstDL.Seek(0x2E);
- UInt32 vtxAttr3 = firstDL.ReadUInt32();
+ GeometryList.Add(CreateGeometryFromShape(kv.Key, kv.Value));
+ }
+ LibGeometries.geometry = GeometryList.ToArray();
+ // Next up: Visual Scenes (I will just create one atm)
+ LibVisualScenes = new library_visual_scenes();
+ ColladaItems.Add(LibVisualScenes);
+ LibVisualScenes.visual_scene = new visual_scene[1];
+ var mainScene = LibVisualScenes.visual_scene[0] = new visual_scene();
+ // TODO: Change this so it doesn't have the possibility of name collisions with shapes
+ = "RootNode";
+ = "RootNode";
+ var mainSceneNodeList = new List<node>();
+ // Right now: just make a node for each shape.
+ foreach (var kv in CurrentModel.Shapes) {
+ var thisNode = new node();
- var vs = new VertexSettings();
- vs.SetDesc(vtxDesc1, vtxDesc2);
- vs.SetAttrFmt(vtxAttr1, vtxAttr2, vtxAttr3);
- // Figure out how many elements we need in the Source array
- // Position data ALWAYS exists
- int sourceCount = 1;
- sourceCount += (shape.NrmData != null) ? 1 : 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
- sourceCount += (shape.TexCoordData[i] != null) ? 1 : 0;
- m.source = new source[sourceCount];
- int currentSource = 0;
+ = kv.Key;
+ = kv.Key;
+ thisNode.instance_geometry = new instance_geometry[1];
+ thisNode.instance_geometry[0] = new instance_geometry();
+ thisNode.instance_geometry[0].url = String.Format("#{0}-lib", kv.Key);
+ mainSceneNodeList.Add(thisNode);
+ }
+ mainScene.node = mainSceneNodeList.ToArray();
+ // Finally, create a scene
+ Collada.scene = new COLLADAScene();
+ Collada.scene.instance_visual_scene = new InstanceWithExtra();
+ Collada.scene.instance_visual_scene.url = "#RootNode";
+ Collada.Items = ColladaItems.ToArray();
+ Collada.Save(outputStream);
+ }
- // TODO: Refactor this messy code!
- int dest;
- // Write position data
- var posData = shape.PosData;
- var posSource = new source();
- = kv.Key + "-lib-Position";
- m.source[currentSource++] = posSource;
- var posArray = new float_array();
- = kv.Key + "-lib-Position-array";
- posArray.count = (ulong)(posData.GetRealCount() * posData.EntryCount);
- posArray.Values = new double[posArray.count];
+ private geometry CreateGeometryFromShape(string name, Shape shape) {
+ var geo = new geometry();
+ = name + "-lib";
+ = name + "Mesh";
+ var m = new mesh();
+ geo.Item = m;
+ // Vertex settings
+ var firstDL = new InputStream(shape.DisplayList1);
+ firstDL.Seek(0x0C);
+ UInt32 vtxDesc1 = firstDL.ReadUInt32();
+ firstDL.Seek(0x12);
+ UInt32 vtxDesc2 = firstDL.ReadUInt32();
+ firstDL.Seek(0x22);
+ UInt32 vtxAttr1 = firstDL.ReadUInt32();
+ firstDL.Seek(0x28);
+ UInt32 vtxAttr2 = firstDL.ReadUInt32();
+ firstDL.Seek(0x2E);
+ UInt32 vtxAttr3 = firstDL.ReadUInt32();
+ var vs = new VertexSettings();
+ vs.SetDesc(vtxDesc1, vtxDesc2);
+ vs.SetAttrFmt(vtxAttr1, vtxAttr2, vtxAttr3);
+ // Figure out how many elements we need in the Source array
+ // Position data ALWAYS exists
+ int sourceCount = 1;
+ sourceCount += (shape.NrmData != null) ? 1 : 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
+ sourceCount += (shape.TexCoordData[i] != null) ? 1 : 0;
+ m.source = new source[sourceCount];
+ int currentSource = 0;
+ // TODO: Refactor this messy code!
+ int dest;
+ // Write position data
+ var posData = shape.PosData;
+ var posSource = new source();
+ = name + "-lib-Position";
+ m.source[currentSource++] = posSource;
+ var posArray = new float_array();
+ = name + "-lib-Position-array";
+ posArray.count = (ulong)(posData.GetRealCount() * posData.EntryCount);
+ posArray.Values = new double[posArray.count];
+ dest = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < posData.EntryCount; i++) {
+ float[] data = posData.GetEntry(i);
+ for (int j = 0; j < data.Length; j++) {
+ posArray.Values[dest++] = data[j];
+ }
+ }
+ posSource.Item = posArray;
+ // Write position technique
+ posSource.technique_common = new sourceTechnique_common();
+ var posAcc = posSource.technique_common.accessor = new accessor();
+ posAcc.source = String.Format("#{0}-lib-Position-array", name);
+ posAcc.count = posData.EntryCount;
+ posAcc.stride = (ulong)posData.GetRealCount();
+ posAcc.param = new param[posData.GetRealCount()];
+ string[] posParamNames = new string[] { "X", "Y", "Z" };
+ for (int i = 0; i < posAcc.param.Length; i++) {
+ posAcc.param[i] = new param();
+ posAcc.param[i].name = posParamNames[i];
+ posAcc.param[i].type = "float";
+ }
+ // Write normal data
+ if (shape.NrmData != null) {
+ var nrmData = shape.NrmData;
+ var nrmSource = new source();
+ = name + "-lib-Normal";
+ m.source[currentSource++] = nrmSource;
+ var nrmArray = new float_array();
+ = name + "-lib-Normal-array";
+ nrmArray.count = (ulong)(nrmData.GetRealCount() * nrmData.EntryCount);
+ nrmArray.Values = new double[nrmArray.count];
dest = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < posData.EntryCount; i++) {
- float[] data = posData.GetEntry(i);
+ for (int i = 0; i < nrmData.EntryCount; i++) {
+ float[] data = nrmData.GetEntry(i);
for (int j = 0; j < data.Length; j++) {
- posArray.Values[dest++] = data[j];
+ nrmArray.Values[dest++] = data[j];
- posSource.Item = posArray;
- // Write position technique
- posSource.technique_common = new sourceTechnique_common();
- var posAcc = posSource.technique_common.accessor = new accessor();
- posAcc.source = String.Format("#{0}-lib-Position-array", kv.Key);
- posAcc.count = posData.EntryCount;
- posAcc.stride = (ulong)posData.GetRealCount();
- posAcc.param = new param[posData.GetRealCount()];
- string[] posParamNames = new string[] { "X", "Y", "Z" };
- for (int i = 0; i < posAcc.param.Length; i++) {
- posAcc.param[i] = new param();
- posAcc.param[i].name = posParamNames[i];
- posAcc.param[i].type = "float";
+ nrmSource.Item = nrmArray;
+ // Write normal technique
+ nrmSource.technique_common = new sourceTechnique_common();
+ var nrmAcc = nrmSource.technique_common.accessor = new accessor();
+ nrmAcc.source = String.Format("#{0}-lib-Normal-array", name);
+ nrmAcc.count = nrmData.EntryCount;
+ nrmAcc.stride = (ulong)nrmData.GetRealCount();
+ nrmAcc.param = new param[nrmData.GetRealCount()];
+ string[] nrmParamNames = new string[] { "X", "Y", "Z" };
+ for (int i = 0; i < nrmAcc.param.Length; i++) {
+ nrmAcc.param[i] = new param();
+ nrmAcc.param[i].name = nrmParamNames[i];
+ nrmAcc.param[i].type = "float";
- // Write normal data
- if (shape.NrmData != null) {
- var nrmData = shape.NrmData;
- var nrmSource = new source();
- = kv.Key + "-lib-Normal";
- m.source[currentSource++] = nrmSource;
- var nrmArray = new float_array();
- = kv.Key + "-lib-Normal-array";
- nrmArray.count = (ulong)(nrmData.GetRealCount() * nrmData.EntryCount);
- nrmArray.Values = new double[nrmArray.count];
+ }
+ // Write TexCoord data
+ for (int tcIndex = 0; tcIndex < 8; tcIndex++) {
+ if (shape.TexCoordData[tcIndex] != null) {
+ var tcData = shape.TexCoordData[tcIndex];
+ var tcSource = new source();
+ = String.Format("{0}-lib-TexCoord{1}", name, tcIndex);
+ m.source[currentSource++] = tcSource;
+ var tcArray = new float_array();
+ = String.Format("{0}-lib-TexCoord{1}-array", name, tcIndex);
+ tcArray.count = (ulong)(tcData.GetRealCount() * tcData.EntryCount);
+ tcArray.Values = new double[tcArray.count];
dest = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < nrmData.EntryCount; i++) {
- float[] data = nrmData.GetEntry(i);
+ for (int i = 0; i < tcData.EntryCount; i++) {
+ float[] data = tcData.GetEntry(i);
for (int j = 0; j < data.Length; j++) {
- nrmArray.Values[dest++] = data[j];
+ tcArray.Values[dest++] = data[j];
- nrmSource.Item = nrmArray;
- // Write normal technique
- nrmSource.technique_common = new sourceTechnique_common();
- var nrmAcc = nrmSource.technique_common.accessor = new accessor();
- nrmAcc.source = String.Format("#{0}-lib-Normal-array", kv.Key);
- nrmAcc.count = nrmData.EntryCount;
- nrmAcc.stride = (ulong)nrmData.GetRealCount();
- nrmAcc.param = new param[nrmData.GetRealCount()];
- string[] nrmParamNames = new string[] { "X", "Y", "Z" };
- for (int i = 0; i < nrmAcc.param.Length; i++) {
- nrmAcc.param[i] = new param();
- nrmAcc.param[i].name = nrmParamNames[i];
- nrmAcc.param[i].type = "float";
+ tcSource.Item = tcArray;
+ // Write texcoord technique
+ tcSource.technique_common = new sourceTechnique_common();
+ var tcAcc = tcSource.technique_common.accessor = new accessor();
+ tcAcc.source = String.Format("#{0}-lib-TexCoord{1}-array", name, tcIndex);
+ tcAcc.count = tcData.EntryCount;
+ tcAcc.stride = (ulong)tcData.GetRealCount();
+ tcAcc.param = new param[tcData.GetRealCount()];
+ string[] tcParamNames = new string[] { "S", "T" };
+ for (int i = 0; i < tcAcc.param.Length; i++) {
+ tcAcc.param[i] = new param();
+ tcAcc.param[i].name = tcParamNames[i];
+ tcAcc.param[i].type = "float";
- // Write TexCoord data
- for (int tcIndex = 0; tcIndex < 8; tcIndex++) {
- if (shape.TexCoordData[tcIndex] != null) {
- var tcData = shape.TexCoordData[tcIndex];
- var tcSource = new source();
- = String.Format("{0}-lib-TexCoord{1}", kv.Key, tcIndex);
- m.source[currentSource++] = tcSource;
- var tcArray = new float_array();
- = String.Format("{0}-lib-TexCoord{1}-array", kv.Key, tcIndex);
- tcArray.count = (ulong)(tcData.GetRealCount() * tcData.EntryCount);
- tcArray.Values = new double[tcArray.count];
- dest = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < tcData.EntryCount; i++) {
- float[] data = tcData.GetEntry(i);
- for (int j = 0; j < data.Length; j++) {
- tcArray.Values[dest++] = data[j];
- }
- }
- tcSource.Item = tcArray;
- // Write texcoord technique
- tcSource.technique_common = new sourceTechnique_common();
- var tcAcc = tcSource.technique_common.accessor = new accessor();
- tcAcc.source = String.Format("#{0}-lib-TexCoord{1}-array", kv.Key, tcIndex);
- tcAcc.count = tcData.EntryCount;
- tcAcc.stride = (ulong)tcData.GetRealCount();
- tcAcc.param = new param[tcData.GetRealCount()];
- string[] tcParamNames = new string[] { "S", "T" };
- for (int i = 0; i < tcAcc.param.Length; i++) {
- tcAcc.param[i] = new param();
- tcAcc.param[i].name = tcParamNames[i];
- tcAcc.param[i].type = "float";
- }
- }
- }
- // Ok, we've written all the raw float data, now set up vertices
- // TODO: Vertex colours
- m.vertices = new vertices();
- = String.Format("{0}-lib-Vertex", kv.Key);
- m.vertices.input = new InputLocal[1];
- m.vertices.input[0] = new InputLocal();
- m.vertices.input[0].semantic = "POSITION";
- m.vertices.input[0].source = String.Format("#{0}-lib-Position", kv.Key);
- // And before we finish, write the polygon data of course
- var dl = new InputStream(shape.DisplayList2);
- List<object> meshItems = new List<object>();
- // create the Input array -- we can reuse sourceCount!
- var inputArray = new InputLocalOffset[sourceCount];
- currentSource = 0;
- var posInput = inputArray[currentSource] = new InputLocalOffset();
- posInput.semantic = "VERTEX";
- posInput.offset = (ulong)currentSource;
- posInput.source = String.Format("#{0}-lib-Vertex", kv.Key);
+ }
+ // Ok, we've written all the raw float data, now set up vertices
+ // TODO: Vertex colours
+ m.vertices = new vertices();
+ = String.Format("{0}-lib-Vertex", name);
+ m.vertices.input = new InputLocal[1];
+ m.vertices.input[0] = new InputLocal();
+ m.vertices.input[0].semantic = "POSITION";
+ m.vertices.input[0].source = String.Format("#{0}-lib-Position", name);
+ // And before we finish, write the polygon data of course
+ var dl = new InputStream(shape.DisplayList2);
+ List<object> meshItems = new List<object>();
+ // create the Input array -- we can reuse sourceCount!
+ var inputArray = new InputLocalOffset[sourceCount];
+ currentSource = 0;
+ var posInput = inputArray[currentSource] = new InputLocalOffset();
+ posInput.semantic = "VERTEX";
+ posInput.offset = (ulong)currentSource;
+ posInput.source = String.Format("#{0}-lib-Vertex", name);
+ currentSource++;
+ if (shape.NrmData != null) {
+ var nrmInput = inputArray[currentSource] = new InputLocalOffset();
+ nrmInput.semantic = "NORMAL";
+ nrmInput.offset = (ulong)currentSource;
+ nrmInput.source = String.Format("#{0}-lib-Normal", name);
- if (shape.NrmData != null) {
- var nrmInput = inputArray[currentSource] = new InputLocalOffset();
- nrmInput.semantic = "NORMAL";
- nrmInput.offset = (ulong)currentSource;
- nrmInput.source = String.Format("#{0}-lib-Normal", kv.Key);
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
+ if (shape.TexCoordData[i] != null) {
+ var tcInput = inputArray[currentSource] = new InputLocalOffset();
+ tcInput.semantic = "TEXCOORD";
+ tcInput.offset = (ulong)currentSource;
+ tcInput.@set = (ulong)i;
+ tcInput.source = String.Format("#{0}-lib-TexCoord{1}", name, i);
- for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
- if (shape.TexCoordData[i] != null) {
- var tcInput = inputArray[currentSource] = new InputLocalOffset();
- tcInput.semantic = "TEXCOORD";
- tcInput.offset = (ulong)currentSource;
- tcInput.set = (ulong)i;
- tcInput.source = String.Format("#{0}-lib-TexCoord{1}", kv.Key, i);
- currentSource++;
+ }
+ // Create a list for tristrips beforehand, because they're THE most common
+ List<string> triStrips = new List<string>();
+ // Now go through the display list
+ while (true) {
+ if (dl.AtEnd)
+ break;
+ byte cmd = dl.ReadByte();
+ if (cmd == 0)
+ break;
+ PrimitiveType prim = (PrimitiveType)((cmd >> 3) & 7);
+ int vtxCount = dl.ReadUInt16();
+ // first, parse it into a list of vertices
+ GXIndexedVertex[] vtxs = new GXIndexedVertex[vtxCount];
+ string[] pVtxs = new string[vtxCount];
+ for (int i = 0; i < vtxCount; i++) {
+ vtxs[i].LoadFrom(dl, vs);
+ pVtxs[i] = vtxs[i].Position.ToString();
+ if (vs.NormalDesc != VertexSettings.DescType.None)
+ pVtxs[i] += " " + vtxs[i].Normal.ToString();
+ for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
+ if (vs.TexCoordDesc[j] != VertexSettings.DescType.None) {
+ pVtxs[i] += " " + vtxs[i].TexCoords[j].ToString();
+ }
- // Create a list for tristrips beforehand, because they're THE most common
- List<string> triStrips = new List<string>();
- // Now go through the display list
- while (true) {
- if (dl.AtEnd)
- break;
- byte cmd = dl.ReadByte();
- if (cmd == 0)
- break;
- PrimitiveType prim = (PrimitiveType)((cmd >> 3) & 7);
- int vtxCount = dl.ReadUInt16();
- // first, parse it into a list of vertices
- GXIndexedVertex[] vtxs = new GXIndexedVertex[vtxCount];
- string[] pVtxs = new string[vtxCount];
+ switch (prim) {
+ case PrimitiveType.Triangles:
+ var pTri = new triangles();
+ pTri.count = (ulong)(vtxCount / 3);
+ // should be 1? dunno
+ pTri.input = inputArray;
+ StringBuilder pTriData = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < vtxCount; i++) {
- vtxs[i].LoadFrom(dl, vs);
- pVtxs[i] = vtxs[i].Position.ToString();
- if (vs.NormalDesc != VertexSettings.DescType.None)
- pVtxs[i] += " " + vtxs[i].Normal.ToString();
- for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
- if (vs.TexCoordDesc[j] != VertexSettings.DescType.None) {
- pVtxs[i] += " " + vtxs[i].TexCoords[j].ToString();
- }
- }
+ pTriData.AppendFormat("{0} ", pVtxs[i]);
- switch (prim) {
- case PrimitiveType.Triangles:
- var pTri = new triangles();
- pTri.count = (ulong)(vtxCount / 3); // should be 1? dunno
- pTri.input = inputArray;
- StringBuilder pTriData = new StringBuilder();
- for (int i = 0; i < vtxCount; i++) {
- pTriData.AppendFormat("{0} ", pVtxs[i]);
- }
- pTri.p = pTriData.ToString();
- meshItems.Add(pTri);
- break;
- case PrimitiveType.TriangleStrip:
- StringBuilder pTriStripData = new StringBuilder();
- for (int i = 0; i < vtxCount; i++) {
- pTriStripData.AppendFormat("{0} ", pVtxs[i]);
- }
- triStrips.Add(pTriStripData.ToString());
- break;
- default:
- return;
+ pTri.p = pTriData.ToString();
+ meshItems.Add(pTri);
+ break;
+ case PrimitiveType.TriangleStrip:
+ StringBuilder pTriStripData = new StringBuilder();
+ for (int i = 0; i < vtxCount; i++) {
+ pTriStripData.AppendFormat("{0} ", pVtxs[i]);
- }
- // If any tristrips were found, add them!
- if (triStrips.Count > 0) {
- var pTriStrips = new tristrips();
- pTriStrips.input = inputArray;
- pTriStrips.count = (ulong)triStrips.Count;
- pTriStrips.p = triStrips.ToArray();
- meshItems.Add(pTriStrips);
+ triStrips.Add(pTriStripData.ToString());
+ break;
+ default:
+ return;
- m.Items = meshItems.ToArray();
- geoIndex += 1;
- // Next up: Visual Scenes (I will just create one atm)
- LibVisualScenes = new library_visual_scenes();
- ColladaItems.Add(LibVisualScenes);
- LibVisualScenes.visual_scene = new visual_scene[1];
- var mainScene = LibVisualScenes.visual_scene[0] = new visual_scene();
- // TODO: Change this so it doesn't have the possibility of name collisions with shapes
- = "RootNode";
- = "RootNode";
- var mainSceneNodeList = new List<node>();
- // Right now: just make a node for each shape.
- foreach (var kv in CurrentModel.Shapes) {
- var thisNode = new node();
- = kv.Key;
- = kv.Key;
- thisNode.instance_geometry = new instance_geometry[1];
- thisNode.instance_geometry[0] = new instance_geometry();
- thisNode.instance_geometry[0].url = String.Format("#{0}-lib", kv.Key);
- mainSceneNodeList.Add(thisNode);
+ // If any tristrips were found, add them!
+ if (triStrips.Count > 0) {
+ var pTriStrips = new tristrips();
+ pTriStrips.input = inputArray;
+ pTriStrips.count = (ulong)triStrips.Count;
+ pTriStrips.p = triStrips.ToArray();
+ meshItems.Add(pTriStrips);
- mainScene.node = mainSceneNodeList.ToArray();
- // Finally, create a scene
- Collada.scene = new COLLADAScene();
- Collada.scene.instance_visual_scene = new InstanceWithExtra();
- Collada.scene.instance_visual_scene.url = "#RootNode";
- Collada.Items = ColladaItems.ToArray();
- Collada.Save(outputStream);
+ m.Items = meshItems.ToArray();
+ return geo;