from common import * import re def editableColourStr(array): return '#%02X%02X%02X (%d)' % tuple(array) NICE_STR_RE = re.compile('^#([0-9a-fA-F]{2})([0-9a-fA-F]{2})([0-9a-fA-F]{2})\s*(?:\((\d+)\))?$') def colourFromNiceStr(thing): match = NICE_STR_RE.match(thing) try: if match: r,g,b,a = match.groups() return (int(r,16), int(g,16), int(b,16), int(a) if a != None else 255) except: pass return None class KPWorldTableModel(QtCore.QAbstractTableModel): FIELDS = ('Name', 'World ID', 'Track ID', 'FS Text 1', 'FS Text 2', 'FS Hint 1', 'FS Hint 2', 'HUD Text 1', 'HUD Text 2', 'HUD Hue', 'HUD Saturation', 'HUD Lightness', 'Title Level') def __init__(self, kpmap, parent=None): QtCore.QAbstractTableModel.__init__(self, parent) self.currentMap = kpmap self.worlds = kpmap.worlds def columnCount(self, parent): return len(self.FIELDS) def headerData(self, section, orientation, role): if orientation == Qt.Horizontal: if role == Qt.DisplayRole: return self.FIELDS[section] else: if role == Qt.DisplayRole: return str(self.worlds[section].uniqueKey) return QtCore.QVariant() def rowCount(self, parent): if parent.isValid(): return 0 else: return len(self.worlds) def data(self, index, role): if index.isValid(): entry = self.worlds[index.row()] col = index.column() if role == Qt.DisplayRole or role == Qt.EditRole: if col == 0: return elif col == 1: return entry.worldID elif col == 2: return entry.musicTrackID elif col == 3 or col == 4: return editableColourStr(entry.fsTextColours[col - 3]) elif col == 5 or col == 6: return editableColourStr(entry.fsHintColours[col - 5]) elif col == 7 or col == 8: return editableColourStr(entry.hudTextColours[col - 7]) elif col >= 9 and col <= 11: return entry.hudHintTransform[col - 9] elif col == 12: return entry.titleScreenID if role == Qt.DecorationRole: if col == 3 or col == 4: return QtGui.QColor(*entry.fsTextColours[col - 3]) elif col == 5 or col == 6: return QtGui.QColor(*entry.fsHintColours[col - 5]) elif col == 7 or col == 8: return QtGui.QColor(*entry.hudTextColours[col - 7]) return QtCore.QVariant() def flags(self, index): return Qt.ItemIsEnabled | Qt.ItemIsSelectable | Qt.ItemIsEditable def setData(self, index, value, role): if index.isValid(): if role == Qt.EditRole: success = False entry = self.worlds[index.row()] col = index.column() if col == 0: = str(value.toString()) success = True elif col == 1: entry.worldID = str(value.toString()) success = True elif col == 2: v,ok = value.toInt() if ok: entry.musicTrackID = v success = True elif col >= 3 and col <= 8: newCol = colourFromNiceStr(str(value.toString())) if newCol: success = True if col == 3: entry.fsTextColours = (newCol, entry.fsTextColours[1]) elif col == 4: entry.fsTextColours = (entry.fsTextColours[0], newCol) elif col == 5: entry.fsHintColours = (newCol, entry.fsHintColours[1]) elif col == 6: entry.fsHintColours = (entry.fsHintColours[0], newCol) elif col == 7: entry.hudTextColours = (newCol, entry.hudTextColours[1]) elif col == 8: entry.hudTextColours = (entry.hudTextColours[0], newCol) elif col >= 9 and col <= 11: v,ok = value.toInt() if ok: new = list(entry.hudHintTransform) new[col - 9] = v entry.hudHintTransform = new success = True elif col == 12: entry.titleScreenID = str(value.toString()) success = True if success: self.dataChanged.emit(index, index) return success return False def addEntryToEnd(self): self.beginInsertRows(QtCore.QModelIndex(), len(self.worlds), len(self.worlds)) entry = KPWorldDef() entry.uniqueKey = self.currentMap.allocateWorldDefKey() self.worlds.append(entry) self.endInsertRows() def removeRows(self, row, count, parent): if not parent.isValid(): if row >= 0 and (row + count) <= len(self.worlds): self.beginRemoveRows(parent, row, row+count-1) for i in xrange(count): del self.worlds[row] self.endRemoveRows() class KPWorldEditor(QtGui.QWidget): def __init__(self, kpmap, parent=None): QtGui.QWidget.__init__(self, parent, Qt.Window) self.setWindowTitle('World Editor') self.dataView = QtGui.QTableView(self) self.addButton = QtGui.QPushButton('Add', self) self.removeButton = QtGui.QPushButton('Remove', self) layout = QtGui.QGridLayout(self) layout.addWidget(self.dataView, 0, 0, 1, 2) layout.addWidget(self.addButton, 1, 0, 1, 1) layout.addWidget(self.removeButton, 1, 1, 1, 1) self.model = KPWorldTableModel(kpmap, self) self.dataView.setModel(self.model) self.addButton.clicked.connect(self.model.addEntryToEnd) self.removeButton.clicked.connect(self.removeCurrentEntry) def removeCurrentEntry(self): what = self.dataView.selectionModel().currentIndex() if what.isValid(): what = what.row() key = self.model.worlds[what].uniqueKey self.model.removeRows(what, 1, QtCore.QModelIndex())