diff options
authorTreeki <>2012-09-19 03:15:21 +0200
committerTreeki <>2012-09-19 03:15:21 +0200
commit4ac70319733723154537be430c50c2197a271c75 (patch)
parentd272f3d29ab30f112d412e43e2c4c56f55217a99 (diff)
somehow the path exit fixes got lost in merges, fixed
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 29 insertions, 28 deletions
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 547b6fd..f1afd4b 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -299,34 +299,35 @@ class KPMapExporter:
current = len(data)
data += struct.pack('>hhiiiiii', x+12, y+12, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
- # this varies
- if node.isStop():
- # figure out the exits by direction
- leftExit, rightExit, upExit, downExit = None, None, None, None
- for exit in node.exits:
- start, end = exit._startNodeRef(), exit._endNodeRef()
- opposite = end if (start == node) else start
- oX, oY = opposite.position
- deltaX, deltaY = oX-x, oY-y
- angle = math.degrees(math.atan2(deltaX, deltaY)) % 360
- # Left = 270, Right = 90, Up = 180, Down = 0
- if angle >= 225 and angle <= 315:
- leftExit = exit
- elif angle >= 45 and angle <= 135:
- rightExit = exit
- elif angle > 135 and angle < 225:
- upExit = exit
- elif angle > 315 or angle < 45:
- downExit = exit
- exits = [leftExit, rightExit, upExit, downExit]
- else:
- # not a stop, so just dump them in
- exits = node.exits + [None,None,None,None]
+ # figure out the exits by direction
+ exits = [None, None, None, None]
+ left, right, up, down = 0, 1, 2, 3
+ for exit in node.exits:
+ start, end = exit._startNodeRef(), exit._endNodeRef()
+ opposite = end if (start == node) else start
+ oX, oY = opposite.position
+ deltaX, deltaY = oX-x, oY-y
+ angle = math.degrees(math.atan2(deltaX, deltaY)) % 360
+ print "Here: %d,%d Opposite %d,%d Delta: %d,%d Angle: %d" % (x,y,oX,oY,deltaX,deltaY,angle)
+ # Left = 270, Right = 90, Up = 180, Down = 0
+ if angle >= 225 and angle <= 315:
+ direction = left
+ elif angle >= 45 and angle <= 135:
+ direction = right
+ elif angle > 135 and angle < 225:
+ direction = up
+ elif angle > 315 or angle < 45:
+ direction = down
+ if exits[direction]:
+ print "Conflicting directions!"
+ while exits[direction]:
+ direction = (direction + 1) % 4
+ exits[direction] = exit
requiredFixUps.append((current+4, exits[0]))
requiredFixUps.append((current+8, exits[1]))