path: root/make_map_model.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'make_map_model.rb')
1 files changed, 24 insertions, 283 deletions
diff --git a/make_map_model.rb b/make_map_model.rb
index 55560ff..388c4ac 100755
--- a/make_map_model.rb
+++ b/make_map_model.rb
@@ -54,293 +54,34 @@ end
model.materials.each do |kvp|
next unless kvp.key =~ /path/i
- if false
- mat = kvp.value
- # update the material
- mat.tex_coord_gen_count = 4
- mat.chan_count = 1
- mat.tev_stage_count = 4
- mat.ind_stage_count = 1
- mat.cull_mode = 2
- mat.z_comp_loc = 1
- mat.light_set_i_d = 0xFF
- mat.fog_i_d = 1
- 4.times { |i| mat.s_r_t_settings[i] = }
- mat.chan_ctrls[0].flag_c = 0x700
- # for now, we'll just add the alpha texture
- tex_info =
- tex_info.texture_name = 'alphaBlender'
- tex_info.wrap_s = TextureWrapType.REPEAT
- tex_info.wrap_t = TextureWrapType.REPEAT
- tex_info.min_filt = 1
- tex_info.mag_filt = 1
- mat.texture_infos.insert 0, tex_info
- # need to make sure the order is correct
- # now display lists. fun, fun, fun, fun
- pix =
- [0xF33F0000, 0x40000017, 0xFE00FFE3, 0x410034A1, 0x42000000].each do |p|
- pix.load_b_p_reg p
- end
- pix.end
- mat.pix_d_l = pix.get_buffer
- tc =
- tc.load_b_p_reg 0xE2000000
- 3.times { tc.load_b_p_reg 0xE3000000 }
- tc.load_b_p_reg 0xE4000000
- 3.times { tc.load_b_p_reg 0xE5000000 }
- tc.load_b_p_reg 0xE6000000
- 3.times { tc.load_b_p_reg 0xE7000000 }
- tc.add_padding 4
- (0..5).each { |x| tc.load_b_p_reg 0xE0800000 | (x << 24) }
- tc.load_b_p_reg 0xE68FF000
- tc.load_b_p_reg 0xE7800000
- tc.end
- mat.tev_color_d_l = tc.get_buffer
- imas =
- imas.load_b_p_reg 0x25000000
- imas.load_b_p_reg 0x26000000
- imas.pad_to_size 0x40
- imas.end
- mat.ind_mtx_and_scale_d_l = imas.get_buffer
- tcg =
- tcg.load_x_f_reg 0x1040, System::Array[Byte].new([0, 0, 0x52, 0x80])
- tcg.load_x_f_reg 0x1050, System::Array[Byte].new([0, 0, 0, 0])
- tcg.load_x_f_reg 0x1041, System::Array[Byte].new([0, 0, 0x53, 0])
- tcg.load_x_f_reg 0x1051, System::Array[Byte].new([0, 0, 0, 3])
- tcg.load_x_f_reg 0x1042, System::Array[Byte].new([0, 0, 0x50, 0x86])
- tcg.load_x_f_reg 0x1052, System::Array[Byte].new([0, 0, 1, 6])
- tcg.load_x_f_reg 0x1043, System::Array[Byte].new([0, 0, 0x50, 0x86])
- tcg.load_x_f_reg 0x1053, System::Array[Byte].new([0, 0, 1, 9])
- tcg.pad_to_size 0xA0
- tcg.end
- mat.tex_coord_gen_dl = tcg.get_buffer
- shad = mat.shader_ref
- shad.tev_stage_count = 4
- shad.unk1 = 0x00010203
- shad.unk2 = 0xFFFFFFFF
- sh =
- [6, 4, 7, 0xE, 8, 0, 9, 0xC, 0xA, 5, 0xB, 0xD, 0xC, 0xA, 0xD, 0xE].each_slice(2) do |bp|
- sh.load_b_p_reg 0xFE00000F # BP mask
- sh.load_b_p_reg 0xF0000000 | (bp[0] << 24) | bp[1]
- end
- sh.load_b_p_reg 0x27FFFFFF # IREF
- sh.add_padding 11
- sh.load_b_p_reg 0xFEFFFFF0
- sh.load_b_p_reg 0xF6E338C0
- sh.load_b_p_reg 0x283C9052
- sh.load_b_p_reg 0xC008F8AF
- sh.load_b_p_reg 0xC208F80F
- sh.load_b_p_reg 0xC108FFD0
- sh.load_b_p_reg 0xC308E270
- sh.load_b_p_reg 0x10000000
- sh.load_b_p_reg 0x11000000
- sh.add_padding 3
- sh.load_b_p_reg 0xFEFFFFF0
- sh.load_b_p_reg 0xF7E33EF0
- sh.load_b_p_reg 0x293C005B
- sh.load_b_p_reg 0xC4080A8E
- sh.load_b_p_reg 0xC608FFF0
- sh.load_b_p_reg 0xC508E370
- sh.load_b_p_reg 0xC708F070
- sh.load_b_p_reg 0x12000000
- sh.load_b_p_reg 0x13000000
- sh.pad_to_size 0x1E0
- sh.end
- shad.display_list = sh.get_buffer
- next
- end
- if false
- mat = kvp.value
- pix_dl =
- pix_dl.load_b_p_reg 0xF33F0000
- pix_dl.load_b_p_reg 0x40000017
- pix_dl.load_b_p_reg 0xFE00FFE3
- pix_dl.load_b_p_reg 0x410034A1
- pix_dl.load_b_p_reg 0x42000000
- pix_dl.end
- mat.pix_d_l = pix_dl.get_buffer
- shad = mat.shader_ref
- dl =
- # KSEL 0 => 4
- # KSEL 1 => 0xE
- # KSEL 2 => 0
- # KSEL 3 => 0xC
- # KSEL 4 => 5
- # KSEL 5 => 0xD
- # KSEL 6 => 0xA
- # KSEL 7 => 0xE
- [6, 4, 7, 0xE, 8, 0, 9, 0xC, 0xA, 5, 0xB, 0xD, 0xC, 0xA, 0xD, 0xE].each_slice(2) do |bp|
- dl.load_b_p_reg 0xFE00000F # BP mask
- dl.load_b_p_reg 0xF0000000 | (bp[0] << 24) | bp[1]
- end
- dl.load_b_p_reg 0x27FFFFFF # IREF
- dl.add_padding 11
- shad.tev_stage_count = 3
- shad.unk1 = 0x000102FF
- shad.unk2 = 0xFFFFFFFF
- dl.load_b_p_reg 0xFEFFFFF0 # BP mask
- dl.load_b_p_reg 0xF6E338C0 # KSel 0
- dl.load_b_p_reg 0x283C0049
- dl.load_b_p_reg 0xC008F8AF
- dl.load_b_p_reg 0xC208F80F
- dl.load_b_p_reg 0xC108FFD0
- dl.load_b_p_reg 0xC308E270
- dl.load_b_p_reg 0x10000000 # IND_CMD 0
- dl.load_b_p_reg 0x11000000 # IND_CMD 1
- dl.add_padding 3
- dl.load_b_p_reg 0xFEFFFFF0
- dl.load_b_p_reg 0xF7003EF0
- dl.load_b_p_reg 0x293BF052
- dl.load_b_p_reg 0xC4080A8E
- dl.add_padding 5
- dl.load_b_p_reg 0xC508E370
- dl.add_padding 5
- dl.load_b_p_reg 0x12000000
- dl.pad_to_size 0x1E0
- dl.end
- shad.display_list = dl.get_buffer
- next
- end
- # modify it!
- # first off, we'll disable lightmaps and see how that goes
mat = kvp.value
- tex_infos = mat.texture_infos.reject { |x| x.texture_name =~ /lm_.*/ }
- mat.texture_infos = System::Collections::Generic::List[TextureInfo].new
- tex_infos.each { |x| mat.texture_infos.add x }
- mat.tex_coord_gen_count = 1
- mat.chan_count = 1
- mat.tev_stage_count = 2
- mat.ind_stage_count = 0
- mat.cull_mode = 2
- # oops, case conversion fail right there
- mat.light_set_i_d = 1
- pix_dl =
- pix_dl.load_b_p_reg 0xF31EFF80
- pix_dl.load_b_p_reg 0x40000017
- pix_dl.load_b_p_reg 0xFE00FFE3
- pix_dl.load_b_p_reg 0x410034A0
- #BlendMode, must analyse this
- #pix_dl.load_b_p_reg 0x4100F281
- pix_dl.load_b_p_reg 0x42000000
- pix_dl.end
- mat.pix_d_l = pix_dl.get_buffer
- tc_dl =
- tc_dl.load_b_p_reg 0xE20000FF
- 3.times { tc_dl.load_b_p_reg 0xE30FF0FF }
- tc_dl.load_b_p_reg 0xE4000000
- 3.times { tc_dl.load_b_p_reg 0xE5000000 }
- tc_dl.load_b_p_reg 0xE6000000
- 3.times { tc_dl.load_b_p_reg 0xE7000000 }
- tc_dl.add_padding 4
- (0..7).each { |x| tc_dl.load_b_p_reg 0xE0800000 | (x << 24) }
- # add this
- tc_dl.load_b_p_reg 0xE6080080
- 3.times { tc_dl.load_b_p_reg 0xE7080080 }
- tc_dl.pad_to_size 0x80
- tc_dl.end
- mat.tev_color_d_l = tc_dl.get_buffer
- imas_dl =
- imas_dl.load_b_p_reg 0x25000000
- imas_dl.load_b_p_reg 0x26000000
- imas_dl.add_padding 54
- imas_dl.end
- mat.ind_mtx_and_scale_d_l = imas_dl.get_buffer
- tcg_dl =
- tcg_dl.load_x_f_reg 0x1040, System::Array[Byte].new([0, 0, 0x52, 0x80])
- tcg_dl.load_x_f_reg 0x1050, System::Array[Byte].new([0, 0, 0, 0])
- tcg_dl.pad_to_size 0xA0
- tcg_dl.end
- mat.tex_coord_gen_dl = tcg_dl.get_buffer
- shad = mat.shader_ref
- dl =
- # KSEL 0 => 4
- # KSEL 1 => 0xE
- # KSEL 2 => 0
- # KSEL 3 => 0xC
- # KSEL 4 => 5
- # KSEL 5 => 0xD
- # KSEL 6 => 0xA
- # KSEL 7 => 0xE
- [6, 4, 7, 0xE, 8, 0, 9, 0xC, 0xA, 5, 0xB, 0xD, 0xC, 0xA, 0xD, 0xE].each_slice(2) do |bp|
- dl.load_b_p_reg 0xFE00000F # BP mask
- dl.load_b_p_reg 0xF0000000 | (bp[0] << 24) | bp[1]
+ pix =
+ pix.load_b_p_reg 0xF33F0000
+ pix.load_b_p_reg 0x40000017
+ pix.load_b_p_reg 0xFE00FFE3
+ # Blend Mode: logicmode: LO_SET, subtract: 0, srcfactor: SRCALPHA, dstfactor: INVSRCALPHA,
+ # alphaupdate: 0, colorupdate: 0, dither: 0, logicopenable: 0, blendenable: 1
+ pix.load_b_p_reg 0x4100F4A1
+ pix.load_b_p_reg 0x42000000
+ pix.end
+ mat.pix_d_l = pix.get_buffer
+ tc =
+ [0xE2,0xE3,0xE4,0xE5,0xE6,0xE7].each_slice(2) do |first, second|
+ tc.load_b_p_reg first << 24
+ 3.times { tc.load_b_p_reg second << 24 }
- dl.load_b_p_reg 0x27FFFFFF # IREF
- dl.add_padding 11
- shad.tev_stage_count = 2
- shad.unk1 = 0x00FFFFFF
- shad.unk2 = 0xFFFFFFFF
- dl.load_b_p_reg 0xFEFFFFF0 # BP mask
- dl.load_b_p_reg 0xF6E338C0 # KSel 0
- dl.load_b_p_reg 0x2803F040 # TREF 0 - includes stages 0 and 1
- # Stage 0: Map 0, Coord 0, Texture Enabled, Channel 0
- # Stage 1: Map 7, Coord 7, Texture Disabled, Channel 0
- dl.load_b_p_reg 0xC008F8AF # TEV_COLOR_ENV 0
- # a = GX_CC_ZERO, b = GX_CC_TEXC, c = GX_CC_RASC, d = GX_CC_ZERO
- # bias = GX_TB_ZERO, op = GX_TEV_ADD, clamp = GX_TRUE, scale = GX_CS_SCALE_1, dest = GX_TEVPREV
- dl.load_b_p_reg 0xC208F20F # TEV_COLOR_ENV 1
- # a = GX_CC_ZERO, b = GX_CC_C0, c = GX_CC_CPREV, d = GX_CC_ZERO
- # bias = GX_TB_ZERO, op = GX_TEV_ADD, clamp = GX_TRUE, scale = GX_CS_SCALE_1, dest = GX_TEVPREV
- dl.load_b_p_reg 0xC108F2F0 # TEV_ALPHA_ENV 0
- # a = GX_CA_ZERO, b = GX_CA_TEXA, c = GX_CA_RASA, d = GX_CA_ZERO
- # bias = GX_TB_ZERO, op = GX_TEV_ADD, clamp = GX_TRUE, scale = GX_CS_SCALE_1, dest = GX_TEVPREV
- dl.load_b_p_reg 0xC3081FF0 # TEV_ALPHA_ENV 1
- # a = GX_CA_APREV, b = GX_CA_ZERO, c = GX_CA_ZERO, d = GX_CA_ZERO
- # bias = GX_TB_ZERO, op = GX_TEV_ADD, clamp = GX_TRUE, scale = GX_CS_SCALE_1, dest = GX_TEVPREV
- dl.load_b_p_reg 0x10000000 # IND_CMD 0
- dl.load_b_p_reg 0x11000000 # IND_CMD 1
+ tc.add_padding 4
+ (0xE0..0xE5).each {|bit| tc.load_b_p_reg (bit << 24) | 0x800000}
+ tc.load_b_p_reg 0xE688F000
+ tc.load_b_p_reg 0xE7800000
+ tc.pad_to_size 0x80
+ tc.end
+ mat.tev_color_d_l = tc.get_buffer
- dl.pad_to_size 0x1E0
- dl.end
- shad.display_list = dl.get_buffer
final_data = BrresWriter.write_file(brres)