path: root/worldmap_gen.rb
diff options
authorTreeki <>2011-03-13 00:19:13 +0100
committerTreeki <>2011-03-13 00:19:13 +0100
commitb0e0d63eab1e11d1a7f841afdc7eb18e7a9de3ba (patch)
tree82802511dfa1f34b27c2b6ea708c4a5d94f40717 /worldmap_gen.rb
parent7d4e4c0b34a613dd3c0220475ae4e448197522c1 (diff)
this branch now features only the level select stuff
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 275 deletions
diff --git a/worldmap_gen.rb b/worldmap_gen.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index c8013e3..0000000
--- a/worldmap_gen.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,275 +0,0 @@
-require 'rexml/document'
-doc = nil
-File::open("TestMap.xml") do |f|
- doc =
-class Exit
- attr_accessor :path
- attr_accessor :reverse
- def initialize(element)
- @path = element.attribute('to').value
- @reverse = false
- unless element.attribute('reverse').nil?
- @reverse = true
- end
- end
-class Point
- attr_accessor :exits
- attr_accessor :type
- attr_accessor :params
- attr_accessor :position
- attr_reader :id
- def initialize(element)
- @exits = {}
- @type = ''
- @params = [0,0,0,0]
- @position = [0,0,0]
- position = element.attribute 'position'
- @position = position.value.split(',').collect { |v| v.to_f }
- type = element.attribute 'type'
- params = element.attribute 'params'
- @type = type.value unless type.nil?
- @params = params.value.split(',').collect { |v| v.to_i } unless params.nil?
- element.each_element 'exit' do |e|
- @exits[e.attribute('direction').value] =
- end
- @id = $point_id
- $point_id += 1
- end
-class Segment
- attr_accessor :start_pos
- attr_accessor :end_pos
- attr_accessor :speed
- attr_accessor :anim
- attr_accessor :anim_speed
- attr_accessor :direction, :same_dir
- attr_reader :id
- # todo: actions
- def initialize(element)
- @start_pos = element.attribute('from').value.split(',').collect { |v| v.to_f }
- @end_pos = element.attribute('to').value.split(',').collect { |v| v.to_f }
- @speed = 4.5
- speed = element.attribute 'speed'
- unless speed.nil?
- @speed = speed.value.to_f
- end
- @anim = 'run'
- @anim_speed = 2.0
- anim = element.attribute 'animation'
- unless anim.nil?
- @anim = anim.value
- end
- anim_speed = element.attribute 'animation_speed'
- unless anim_speed.nil?
- @anim_speed = anim_speed.value.to_f
- end
- @direction = nil
- direction = element.attribute 'direction'
- unless direction.nil?
- val = direction.value
- if val == 'last'
- @direction = nil
- elsif val == 'up'
- @direction = 270
- elsif val == 'right'
- @direction = 0
- elsif val == 'left'
- @direction = 180
- elsif val == 'down'
- @direction = 90
- else
- @direction = val.to_f
- end
- else
- #p @start_pos
- #p @end_pos
- if @start_pos[0] == @end_pos[0] and @start_pos[2] == @end_pos[2]
- # special case
- @direction = nil
- else
- @direction = Math.atan2(@end_pos[2]-@start_pos[2], @end_pos[0]-@start_pos[0])
- @direction *= 180 / Math::PI
- end
- end
- @same_dir = !(element.attribute('same_dir').nil?)
- @id = $segment_id
- $segment_id += 1
- $segments << self
- end
-class Path
- attr_accessor :segments
- attr_accessor :segment_ids
- attr_accessor :start_point
- attr_accessor :end_point
- attr_reader :id
- def initialize(element)
- @start_point = element.attribute('start').value
- @end_point = element.attribute('end').value
- @segments = []
- @segment_ids = []
- element.each_element 'segment' do |e|
- @segments <<
- @segment_ids <<
- end
- @id = $path_id
- $path_id += 1
- end
-point_types = {}
-point_types[''] = 0 # default
-point_types['level'] = 1
-anim_types = {}
-anim_types[''] = 1 # default
-open('player_anim_list.txt') do |f|
- f.each do |line|
- match = line.match /(\d+)=(.+)/
- if match
- anim_types[match[2]] = match[1].to_i unless anim_types.include? match[2]
- end
- end
-directions = {'left' => 0, 'right' => 1, 'up' => 2, 'down' => 3}
-# first, collect every point
-$points = {}
-$point_id = 0
-puts "[[[ Getting points ]]]"
-doc.each_element 'map/point' do |p|
- puts "Reading #{p.attribute 'name'}..."
- $points[p.attribute('name').value] =
-puts "[[[ Points done ]]]"
-# next, collect every path
-$paths = {}
-$path_id = 0
-$segments = []
-$segment_id = 0
-puts "[[[ Getting paths ]]]"
-doc.each_element 'map/path' do |p|
- puts "Reading #{p.attribute 'name'}..."
- $paths[p.attribute('name').value] =
-puts "[[[ Paths done ]]]"
-puts "Statistics: #{$points.count} points, #{$paths.count} paths, #{$segments.count} segments"
-# now write the file
-File::open("TestMap.wm", "w") do |f|
- f << 'NwWM'
- # calculate all this stuff
- header_size = 0x24
- path_list_offs = header_size
- point_list_offs = path_list_offs + ($paths.count * 4)
- segment_list_offs = point_list_offs + ($points.count * 4)
- action_list_offs = segment_list_offs + ($segments.count * 4)
- data_offset = action_list_offs # + ($actions.count * 4)
- f << [path_list_offs, $paths.count].pack('NN')
- f << [point_list_offs, $points.count].pack('NN')
- f << [segment_list_offs, $segments.count].pack('NN')
- f << [action_list_offs, 0].pack('NN')
- # now work out the offsets for everything
- current_offset = data_offset
- $paths.each_value do |p|
- f << [current_offset].pack('N')
- current_offset += 0xC + (p.segments.count * 4)
- end
- $points.each_value do |p|
- f << [current_offset].pack('N')
- current_offset += 0x40
- end
- $segments.each do |s|
- f << [current_offset].pack('N')
- current_offset += 0x2C
- end
- # nothing for actions yet!
- # now write the data
- $paths.each_value do |p|
- f << [$points[p.start_point].id, $points[p.end_point].id].pack('NN')
- f << [p.segments.count].pack('N')
- f << p.segment_ids.pack('N*')
- end
- $points.each_value do |p|
- ['left', 'right', 'up', 'down'].each do |direction|
- if p.exits.include? direction
- e = p.exits[direction]
- f << [$paths[e.path].id].pack('N')
- f << [e.reverse ? 1 : 0].pack('Cxxx')
- else
- f << [-1,-1].pack('NN')
- end
- end
- f << [point_types[p.type]].pack('N')
- f << p.params.pack('N*')
- f << p.position.pack('g*')
- end
- $segments.each do |s|
- f << s.start_pos.pack('g*')
- f << s.end_pos.pack('g*')
- f << [s.speed].pack('g')
- f << [anim_types[s.anim]].pack('N')
- f << [s.anim_speed].pack('g')
- if s.direction.nil?
- f << [0, 1, 0].pack('nCC')
- else
- f << [((90.0 - s.direction) % 360) / (360.0 / 65536.0), 0, s.same_dir ? 1 : 0].pack('nCC')
- end
- f << [0].pack('N')
- end