path: root/sdk_hdrs/DropInVCS.h
blob: 6124933b8d8c314406131464707263c56c67732d (plain)
	Copyright (c) 1996-8, Metrowerks Corporation. All rights reserved.
	This include contains the declarations needed to interface a version control system to
	the CodeWarrior integrated development environment.

#ifndef __DROPINVCS_H__
#define __DROPINVCS_H__

#ifdef macintosh
#include <OSUtils.h>
#include <Files.h>

#define VCS_API_VERSION_1			1						// 1.7 IDE through Pro 3
#define VCS_API_VERSION_7			7						// Pro 4
#define VCS_API_VERSION_8			8						// Pro 5
#define VCS_API_VERSION_9			9						// Pro 6

#ifndef __CWPlugins_H__
#include "CWPlugins.h"

#ifdef __MWERKS__
#pragma options align=mac68k

#ifdef	_MSC_VER
#pragma pack(push,2)

#ifndef __CWPluginErrors_H__
#include "CWPluginErrors.h"

#pragma once

#ifdef __cplusplus
	extern "C" {

#pragma import on

	// The following constants are to be used when specifying the flags through a
	// flags callback.  For version 3 flags.

enum {
	vcsDoesntPrePostSingleFile		= 1L << 31,	/* this VCS plugin does NOT call Pre/PostFileAction routines for calls dealing with a single file (file must be accessible before call) */
	vcsDoesntPrePostRecursive		= 1L << 30,	/* this VCS plugin does NOT call Pre/PostFileAction routines for files during recursive calls (files must be accessible before call) */
	vcsRequiresEvents				= 1L << 29,	/* this flag specifies that the VCS is responding to either AppleEvents or other highLevelEvents and the IDE should not try to handle events during callbacks */
	vcsWantsIdle					= 1L << 28,	/* this flag is turned on when the VCS plugin wants to receive idle events */
	vcsSupportsPrefsChanged			= 1L << 27,	/* this flag is turned on when the VCS plugin supports the reqPrefsChanged request */
	vcsDoesntUseLoginSettings		= 1L << 26,	/* this VCS plugin does not use the login settings in the VCS Setup panel */
	vcsDoesntUseDatabaseSetting		= 1L << 25,	/* this VCS plugin does not use the database path setting in the VCS Setup panel */
	vcsDoesntUseLocalRootSetting	= 1L << 24	/* this VCS plugin does not use the local root setting in the VCS Setup panel */

	reqDatabaseConnect = 1,				// connect to database
	reqDatabaseDisconnect,				// disconnect from database
	reqDatabaseVariables,				// database variables list
	reqFileAdd,							// add file
	reqFileCheckin,						// checkin file
	reqFileCheckout,					// checkout file
	reqFileComment,						// set file comment
	reqFileDelete,						// delete file
	reqFileDestroy,						// destroy file
	reqFileDifference,					// difference file
	reqFileGet,							// get file
	reqFileHistory,						// get file history
	reqFileLabel,						// label file
	reqFileProperties,					// get file properties
	reqFilePurge,						// purge file
	reqFileRename,						// rename file
	reqFileRollback,					// rollback file
	reqFileStatus,						// get file status
	reqFileUndoCheckout,				// cancel file checkout
	reqFileVersion,						// get file version

	reqFileBranch,						// branch a shared file
	reqFileShare,						// share a file
	reqFileView							// view a file

typedef long CWVCSCommand;

	cwCommandStatusCommandUnknown	= -4,			// command unknown
	cwCommandStatusUnknown			= -3,			// status unknown
	cwCommandStatusUnsupported		= -2,			// command unsupported
	cwCommandStatusSupported		= -1,			// command supported
	cwCommandStatusSucceeded		= cwNoErr,		// successful
	cwCommandStatusFailed			= 1,			// failed
	cwCommandStatusPartial			= 2,			// partially successful
	cwCommandStatusCancelled		= 3,			// user cancelled
	cwCommandStatusConnectionLost	= 4,			// connection lost
	cwCommandStatusInvalidLogin		= 5				// invalid username or password

typedef long CWVCSCommandStatus;

	cwItemStatusUnprocessed		= -2,							// item yet unprocessed
	cwItemStatusUnknown			= -1,							// status unknown
	cwItemStatusSucceeded		=  0,							// operation succeeded
	cwItemStatusFailed			=  1,							// operation failed
	cwItemStatusCancelled		=  2							// operation cancelled

typedef long CWVCSItemStatus;

	cwCheckoutStateUnknown								= 0xFFFFFFFF,	// unknown
	cwCheckoutStateNotInDatabase						= 0x00000002,	// not in database
	cwCheckoutStateNotCheckedOut						= 0x00000000,	// not checked out
	cwCheckoutStateCheckedOut							= 0x00000001,	// checked out
	cwCheckoutStateMultiplyCheckedOut					= 0x00000101,	// multiply checked out
	cwCheckoutStateNotCheckedOutShared					= 0x00010000,	// not checked out and shared
	cwCheckoutStateCheckedOutShared						= 0x00010001,	// checked out and shared
	cwCheckoutStateMultiplyCheckedOutShared				= 0x00010101,	// multiply checked out and shared
	cwCheckoutStateNotCheckedOutBranched				= 0x00020000,	// not checked out and branched
	cwCheckoutStateCheckedOutBranched					= 0x00020001,	// checked out and branched
	cwCheckoutStateMultiplyCheckedOutBranched			= 0x00020101,	// checked out and branched
	cwCheckoutStateNotCheckedOutSharedBranched			= 0x00030000,	// not checked out, shared and branched
	cwCheckoutStateCheckedOutSharedBranched				= 0x00030001,	// checked out, shared and branched
	cwCheckoutStateMultiplyCheckedSharedOutBranched		= 0x00030101,	// checked out, shared and branched
	cwCheckoutStateCheckedOutExclusive					= 0x00040001,	// exclusively checked out
	cwCheckoutStateCheckedOutExclusiveShared			= 0x00050001,	// exclusively checked out and shared
	cwCheckoutStateCheckedOutExclusiveBranched			= 0x00060001,	// exclusively checked out and branched
	cwCheckoutStateCheckedOutExclusiveSharedBranched	= 0x00070001,	// exclusively checked out, shared and branched
	cwCheckoutStateCheckedOutMask						= 0x00000001,	// checked out mask
	cwCheckoutStateMultiplyCheckedOutMask				= 0x00000100,	// multiply checked out mask
	cwCheckoutStateSharedMask							= 0x00010000,	// shared mask
	cwCheckoutStateBranchedMask							= 0x00020000,	// branched mask
	cwCheckoutStateExclusiveMask						= 0x00040000	// exclusive mask

typedef long CWVCSCheckoutState;

	cwVersionFormNone				= 0,			// no record
	cwVersionFormNumeric			= 1,			// intergral numeric
	cwVersionFormAlpha				= 2,			// alphabetic
	cwVersionFormLabel				= 4,			// label
	cwVersionFormDate				= 5				// date / time

typedef long CWVCSVersionForm;

	cwCommandDescriptionVersion = 1

typedef struct CWVCSCommandDescription
	long	version;
	char	menuItem[40];
	char	progressMessage[200];
} CWVCSCommandDescription;

typedef union CWVCSVersionData
	unsigned long		numeric;		// integral numeric
	char*				pAlpha;			// alphabetic
	CWFileTime			date;			// date / time
	char*				pLabel;			// label
} CWVCSVersionData, *p_CWVCSVersionData, **h_CWVCSVersionData;

typedef struct CWVCSVersion
	CWVCSVersionForm	eVersionForm;	// version form
	CWVCSVersionData	sVersionData;	// version data
} CWVCSVersion, *p_CWVCSVersion, **h_CWVCSVersion;

typedef struct CWVCSItem
	CWFileSpec				fsItem;				// item file specification
	CWVCSItemStatus			eItemStatus;		// item status code
	CWVCSVersion			version;			// item version
	CWVCSCheckoutState		eCheckoutState;		// item checkout state
} CWVCSItem, *p_CWVCSItem, **h_CWVCSItem;

typedef struct CWVCSDatabaseConnection
	CWFileSpec		sDatabasePath;			// path to the database directory
	CWFileSpec		sProjectRoot;			// path to the local database directory
	char*			pUsername;				// user name
	char*			pPassword;				// user password
} CWVCSDatabaseConnection, *p_CWVCSDatabaseConnection, **h_CWVCSDatabaseConnection;

/* The following callback mechanisms are available for VCS plugins for VCS performing VCS specific
 * functions and retrieving VCS specific data from the context passed to the main entry point by the
 * IDE.  You may also use any of the callbacks for generic plugins.
 * These callbacks are available only to plugins using version 2 of the API or greater.
 	/* Call this function as the first thing you do in your main entry point.  Check its result.  If you pass in
 	 * true, then if the v2 plugin is running under a pre-Pro4 IDE it will set up the compatibillity libraries and 
 	 * return cwNoErr.  If you pass in false and your v2 plugin is running uner a pre-Pro4 IDE it will return
 	 * cwCommandStatusFailed, at which point you should return this error to the IDE and not process the request
 	 * sent to you. 
 	 * Note that if you allow v1 compatibility and the result of isV1 is true, your plugin will not receive the V2
 	 * idle requests or preferences changed requests and you must work around accordingly. */
CW_CALLBACK CWAllowV1Compatibility(CWPluginContext context, Boolean canHandleV1Mode, Boolean *isV1);

	/* Get a comment from the user */
CW_CALLBACK CWGetComment(CWPluginContext context, const char* pPrompt, char* pComment, const long lBufferSize);

	/* Notify IDE if any changes occur to a file's information or checkout state */
CW_CALLBACK CWVCSStateChanged(CWPluginContext context, const CWFileSpec* file, 
	CWVCSCheckoutState eCheckoutState, const CWVCSVersion* version);
	/* Display a IDE visual difference window for the passed files.  The first file passed in
	 * should be an unchangable file and the second file should be the local file.  Instead of passing
	 * a CWFileSpec it is possible to pass in a pointer to text (null terminated) and a title.
	 * If the file spec is used, set both the title and text pointers to NULL */
CW_CALLBACK CWDoVisualDifference(CWPluginContext context,
	const CWFileSpec* file1, const char* pTitle1, const char* pText1, unsigned long lengthText1, 
	const CWFileSpec* file2, const char* pTitle2, const char* pText2, unsigned long lengthText2);
	/* Tell the IDE the current ratio of how many items are completed.  If you are able to correctly
	 * give a completion ratio, the IDE will display a progress bar indicating how far along the
	 * VCS action has progressed instead of displaying a busy indicator.  If you pass -1 as the
	 * total number of items, the busy indicator will replace any progress bar that you have
	 * displayed with a prior call to completion ratio during the handling of a single request */
CW_CALLBACK CWCompletionRatio(CWPluginContext context, int totalItems, int completedItems);

	/* Get the project file specifier */
CW_CALLBACK CWGetProjectFileSpecifier(CWPluginContext context, CWFileSpec* projectFileSpec);

	/* Is the command passed an advanced command? */
CW_CALLBACK CWIsAdvancedRequest(CWPluginContext context, Boolean* isAdvanced);

	/* Is the command passed a recursive command? */
CW_CALLBACK CWIsRecursiveRequest(CWPluginContext context, Boolean* isRecursive);

	/* Is the command passed simply to check if it is supported? */
CW_CALLBACK CWIsCommandSupportedRequest(CWPluginContext context, Boolean* isCommandSupported);

	/* Set the pointer to a new overriding menu title string */
CW_CALLBACK CWSetCommandDescription(CWPluginContext context, CWVCSCommandDescription* descr);

	/* Get the pointer to the database connection structure */
CW_CALLBACK CWGetDatabaseConnectionInfo(CWPluginContext context, CWVCSDatabaseConnection* dbConnection);

	/* Get the command status code */
CW_CALLBACK CWGetCommandStatus(CWPluginContext context, CWVCSCommandStatus* status);

	/* Set the command status code */
CW_CALLBACK CWSetCommandStatus(CWPluginContext context, CWVCSCommandStatus status);

	/* Get the number of VCS items passed to the plugin */
CW_CALLBACK CWGetVCSItemCount(CWPluginContext context, unsigned long* count);

	/* Get a pointer to the ith entry of the item array, 0 indexed */
CW_CALLBACK CWGetVCSItem(CWPluginContext context, long index, CWVCSItem* item);

	/* Change the data for a VCS Item in the item array */
CW_CALLBACK CWSetVCSItem(CWPluginContext context, long index, CWVCSItem* item);

	/* Get what's stored in the VCS pointer storage area */
CW_CALLBACK CWGetVCSPointerStorage(CWPluginContext context, void** storage);

	/* Store a pointer that will be maintained across calls to the main entry point */
CW_CALLBACK CWSetVCSPointerStorage(CWPluginContext context, void* storage);

#pragma import reset

#ifdef __cplusplus

#ifdef	_MSC_VER
#pragma	pack(pop,2)

#ifdef	__MWERKS__
#pragma options align=reset

#endif	/* __DROPINVCS_H__ */