#include "compiler/uDump.h" #include "compiler/CFunc.h" #include "compiler/CInt64.h" #include "compiler/CMachine.h" #include "compiler/CMangler.h" #include "compiler/CParser.h" #include "compiler/Exceptions.h" #include "compiler/Switch.h" #include "compiler/enode.h" #include "compiler/objects.h" #include "compiler/types.h" static FILE *outfile; // forward decls static void spell(Type *type, char *buf); static void WritePString(FILE *file, char *str, int len) { while (len--) { switch (*str) { case 0: fputs("\\x00", file); break; case 7: fputs("\\a", file); break; case 8: fputs("\\b", file); break; case 12: fputs("\\f", file); break; case 10: fputs("\\n", file); break; case 13: fputs("\\r", file); break; case 9: fputs("\\t", file); break; case 11: fputs("\\v", file); break; case '"': case '\'': case '?': case '\\': fputc('\\', file); default: fputc(*str, file); break; } str++; } } static void WriteCString(FILE *file, char *str) { WritePString(file, str, strlen(str)); } static void StaticSetupDumpIR(void) { } void SetupDumpIR(void) { // unknown args StaticSetupDumpIR(); } void CleanupDumpIR(void) { #ifdef CW_ENABLE_PCODE_DEBUG // this code is not based on the original as we don't have it if (outfile) { fclose(outfile); outfile = NULL; } #endif } void DumpIR(Statement *statements, Object *func) { #ifdef CW_ENABLE_PCODE_DEBUG // this code is not based on the original as we don't have it if (copts.debuglisting) { if (!outfile) outfile = fopen("irdump.txt", "a"); fputs("--- BEGIN IR DUMP ---\r", outfile); while (statements) { switch (statements->type) { case ST_NOP: fputs("ST_NOP\r", outfile); break; case ST_LABEL: fputs("ST_LABEL\r", outfile); break; case ST_GOTO: fputs("ST_GOTO\r", outfile); break; case ST_EXPRESSION: fputs("ST_EXPRESSION\r", outfile); DumpExpression(statements->expr, 1); break; case ST_SWITCH: fputs("ST_SWITCH\r", outfile); DumpExpression(statements->expr, 1); break; case ST_IFGOTO: fputs("ST_IFGOTO\r", outfile); DumpExpression(statements->expr, 1); break; case ST_IFNGOTO: fputs("ST_IFNGOTO\r", outfile); DumpExpression(statements->expr, 1); break; case ST_RETURN: fputs("ST_RETURN\r", outfile); if (statements->expr) DumpExpression(statements->expr, 1); break; case ST_OVF: fputs("ST_OVF\r", outfile); break; case ST_EXIT: fputs("ST_EXIT\r", outfile); break; case ST_ENTRY: fputs("ST_ENTRY\r", outfile); break; case ST_BEGINCATCH: fputs("ST_BEGINCATCH\r", outfile); break; case ST_ENDCATCH: fputs("ST_ENDCATCH\r", outfile); break; case ST_ENDCATCHDTOR: fputs("ST_ENDCATCHDTOR\r", outfile); break; case ST_GOTOEXPR: fputs("ST_GOTOEXPR\r", outfile); break; case ST_ASM: fputs("ST_ASM\r", outfile); break; case ST_BEGINLOOP: fputs("ST_BEGINLOOP\r", outfile); break; case ST_ENDLOOP: fputs("ST_ENDLOOP\r", outfile); break; } statements = statements->next; } fputs("--- END IR DUMP ---\r", outfile); fflush(outfile); } #endif } void DumpExpression(ENode *expr, int indent) { static int bt; static int i; static char *nodenames[] = { "EPOSTINC", "EPOSTDEC", "EPREINC", "EPREDEC", "EINDIRECT", "EMONMIN", "EBINNOT", "ELOGNOT", "EFORCELOAD", "EMUL", "EMULV", "EDIV", "EMODULO", "EADDV", "ESUBV", "EADD", "ESUB", "ESHL", "ESHR", "ELESS", "EGREATER", "ELESSEQU", "EGREATEREQU", "EEQU", "ENOTEQU", "EAND", "EXOR", "EOR", "ELAND", "ELOR", "EASS", "EMULASS", "EDIVASS", "EMODASS", "EADDASS", "ESUBASS", "ESHLASS", "ESHRASS", "EANDASS", "EXORASS", "EORASS", "ECOMMA", "EPMODULO", "EROTL", "EROTR", "EBCLR", "EBTST", "EBSET", "ETYPCON", "EBITFIELD", "EINTCONST", "EFLOATCONST", "ESTRINGCONST", "ECOND", "EFUNCCALL", "EFUNCCALLP", "EOBJREF", "EMFPOINTER", "ENULLCHECK", "EPRECOMP", "ETEMP", "EARGOBJ", "ELOCOBJ", "ELABEL", "ESETCONST", "ENEWEXCEPTION", "ENEWEXCEPTIONARRAY", "EINITTRYCATCH", "EOBJLIST", "EMEMBER", "ETEMPLDEP", "EINSTRUCTION", "EDEFINE", "EREUSE", "EASSBLK", "EVECTOR128CONST", "ECONDASS", NULL }; char buf[64]; ENodeList *list; while (1) { for (i = 0; i < indent; i++) fputc('\t', outfile); if (expr->flags) fprintf(outfile, "%s {%02X}", nodenames[expr->type], expr->flags); else fprintf(outfile, "%s", nodenames[expr->type]); switch (expr->type) { case EINTCONST: if (expr->rtype->size > 4) { fprintf(outfile, "[0x%.8" PRIX32 "%.8" PRIX32 "]", expr->data.intval.hi, expr->data.intval.lo); } else { fprintf(outfile, "[%" PRId32 "]", expr->data.intval.lo); } DumpType(expr->rtype); fprintf(outfile, "\r"); return; case EFLOATCONST: CMach_PrintFloat(buf, expr->data.floatval); fprintf(outfile, "[%s]", buf); DumpType(expr->rtype); fprintf(outfile, "\r"); return; case ESTRINGCONST: if (expr->data.string.ispascal) { fputs("[\"", outfile); WritePString(outfile, expr->data.string.data, expr->data.string.size); fputs("\"]", outfile); } else { fputs("[\"", outfile); WriteCString(outfile, expr->data.string.data); fputs("\"]", outfile); } DumpType(expr->rtype); fprintf(outfile, "\r"); return; case EVECTOR128CONST: fprintf(outfile, "[0x%.8" PRIX32 "%.8" PRIX32 "%.8" PRIX32 "%.8" PRIX32 "]", expr->data.vector128val.ul[0], expr->data.vector128val.ul[1], expr->data.vector128val.ul[2], expr->data.vector128val.ul[3]); DumpType(expr->rtype); fprintf(outfile, "\r"); return; case ECOND: case ECONDASS: DumpType(expr->rtype); fprintf(outfile, "\r"); DumpExpression(expr->data.cond.cond, indent + 1); DumpExpression(expr->data.cond.expr1, indent + 1); expr = expr->data.cond.expr2; indent++; break; case EFUNCCALL: case EFUNCCALLP: DumpType(expr->rtype); fprintf(outfile, "\r"); DumpExpression(expr->data.funccall.funcref, indent + 1); for (list = expr->data.funccall.args; list; list = list->next) DumpExpression(list->node, indent + 1); return; case EOBJREF: switch (expr->data.objref->datatype) { case DFUNC: fprintf(outfile, "[%s{PR}]", CMangler_GetLinkName(expr->data.objref)->name); break; case DDATA: fprintf(outfile, "[%s{RW}]", CMangler_GetLinkName(expr->data.objref)->name); break; case DNONLAZYPTR: fprintf(outfile, "[%s{NL}]", CMangler_GetLinkName(expr->data.objref)->name); break; default: fprintf(outfile, "[%s]", expr->data.objref->name->name); break; } DumpType(expr->rtype); fprintf(outfile, "\r"); return; ENODE_CASE_DIADIC_1: case ELAND: case ELOR: ENODE_CASE_ASSIGN: case ECOMMA: case EPMODULO: case EROTL: case EROTR: case EBTST: DumpType(expr->rtype); fprintf(outfile, "\r"); DumpExpression(expr->data.diadic.left, indent + 1); expr = expr->data.diadic.right; indent++; break; ENODE_CASE_MONADIC: DumpType(expr->rtype); fprintf(outfile, "\r"); expr = expr->data.monadic; indent++; break; case EMFPOINTER: DumpType(expr->rtype); fprintf(outfile, "\r"); DumpExpression(expr->data.mfpointer.accessnode, indent + 1); expr = expr->data.mfpointer.mfpointer; indent++; break; case ENULLCHECK: fprintf(outfile, " unique [%" PRId32 "]", expr->data.nullcheck.precompid); DumpType(expr->rtype); fprintf(outfile, "\r"); DumpExpression(expr->data.nullcheck.nullcheckexpr, indent + 1); expr = expr->data.nullcheck.condexpr; indent++; break; case EPRECOMP: fprintf(outfile, " unique [%" PRId32 "]", expr->data.precompid); DumpType(expr->rtype); fprintf(outfile, "\r"); return; case ELABEL: fprintf(outfile, "[%s]", expr->data.label->uniquename->name); DumpType(expr->rtype); fprintf(outfile, "\r"); return; case ETEMP: DumpType(expr->data.temp.type); fprintf(outfile, "\r"); return; case EINITTRYCATCH: DumpType(expr->rtype); fprintf(outfile, "\r"); if (expr->data.itc.initexpr) DumpExpression(expr->data.itc.initexpr, indent + 1); if (expr->data.itc.tryexpr) DumpExpression(expr->data.itc.tryexpr, indent + 1); if (expr->data.itc.catchexpr) DumpExpression(expr->data.itc.catchexpr, indent + 1); if (expr->data.itc.result) DumpExpression(expr->data.itc.result, indent + 1); return; case EDEFINE: fprintf(outfile, "[%.8" PRIX32 "]", expr); DumpType(expr->rtype); fputs("\r", outfile); expr = expr->data.monadic; indent++; break; case EREUSE: fprintf(outfile, "[%.8" PRIX32 "]", expr->data.monadic); DumpType(expr->rtype); fputs("\r", outfile); return; default: return; } } } void DumpSwitch(SwitchInfo *info) { char buf[32]; SwitchCase *cs; for (cs = info->cases; cs; cs = cs->next) { CInt64_PrintDec(buf, cs->min); CInt64_PrintDec(buf, cs->min); fprintf(outfile, "\t\t%11s: %s\r", buf, cs->label->uniquename->name); } fprintf(outfile, "\t\t default: %s\r", info->defaultlabel->uniquename->name); } void DumpType(Type *type) { char buf[256]; spell(type, buf); fprintf(outfile, " (%s)", buf); } static void spell(Type *type, char *buf) { char mybuf[256]; char mybuf2[256]; switch (type->type) { case TYPEVOID: strcpy(buf, "void"); break; case TYPEINT: switch (TYPE_INTEGRAL(type)->integral) { case IT_BOOL: strcpy(buf, "bool"); break; case IT_CHAR: strcpy(buf, "char"); break; case IT_WCHAR_T: strcpy(buf, "wchar_t"); break; case IT_SCHAR: strcpy(buf, "signed char"); break; case IT_UCHAR: strcpy(buf, "unsigned char"); break; case IT_SHORT: strcpy(buf, "short"); break; case IT_USHORT: strcpy(buf, "unsigned short"); break; case IT_INT: strcpy(buf, "int"); break; case IT_UINT: strcpy(buf, "unsigned int"); break; case IT_LONG: strcpy(buf, "long"); break; case IT_ULONG: strcpy(buf, "unsigned long"); break; case IT_LONGLONG: strcpy(buf, "long long"); break; case IT_ULONGLONG: strcpy(buf, "unsigned long long"); break; } break; case TYPEFLOAT: switch (TYPE_INTEGRAL(type)->integral) { case IT_FLOAT: strcpy(buf, "float"); break; case IT_SHORTDOUBLE: strcpy(buf, "short double"); break; case IT_DOUBLE: strcpy(buf, "double"); break; case IT_LONGDOUBLE: strcpy(buf, "long double"); break; } break; case TYPEENUM: strcpy(buf, "enum "); if (TYPE_ENUM(type)->enumname) strcat(buf, TYPE_ENUM(type)->enumname->name); break; case TYPESTRUCT: if (IS_TYPESTRUCT_VECTOR(TYPE_STRUCT(type))) { switch (TYPE_STRUCT(type)->stype) { case STRUCT_VECTOR_UCHAR: strcpy(buf, "vector unsigned char "); break; case STRUCT_VECTOR_SCHAR: strcpy(buf, "vector signed char "); break; case STRUCT_VECTOR_BCHAR: strcpy(buf, "vector bool char "); break; case STRUCT_VECTOR_USHORT: strcpy(buf, "vector unsigned short "); break; case STRUCT_VECTOR_SSHORT: strcpy(buf, "vector signed short "); break; case STRUCT_VECTOR_BSHORT: strcpy(buf, "vector bool short "); break; case STRUCT_VECTOR_UINT: strcpy(buf, "vector unsigned int "); break; case STRUCT_VECTOR_SINT: strcpy(buf, "vector signed int "); break; case STRUCT_VECTOR_BINT: strcpy(buf, "vector bool int "); break; case STRUCT_VECTOR_FLOAT: strcpy(buf, "vector float "); break; case STRUCT_VECTOR_PIXEL: strcpy(buf, "vector pixel "); break; } } else { strcpy(buf, "struct "); if (TYPE_STRUCT(type)->name) strcat(buf, TYPE_STRUCT(type)->name->name); } break; case TYPECLASS: strcpy(buf, "class "); if (TYPE_CLASS(type)->classname) strcat(buf, TYPE_CLASS(type)->classname->name); break; case TYPEFUNC: spell(TYPE_FUNC(type)->functype, mybuf); strcpy(buf, "freturns("); strcat(buf, mybuf); strcat(buf, ")"); break; case TYPEBITFIELD: spell(TYPE_BITFIELD(type)->bitfieldtype, mybuf); sprintf(buf, "bitfield(%s){%d:%d}", mybuf, TYPE_BITFIELD(type)->offset, TYPE_BITFIELD(type)->bitlength); break; case TYPELABEL: strcpy(buf, "label"); break; case TYPEPOINTER: spell(TPTR_TARGET(type), mybuf); strcpy(buf, "pointer("); strcat(buf, mybuf); strcat(buf, ")"); break; case TYPEARRAY: spell(TPTR_TARGET(type), mybuf); strcpy(buf, "array("); strcat(buf, mybuf); strcat(buf, ")"); break; case TYPEMEMBERPOINTER: spell(TYPE_MEMBER_POINTER(type)->ty2, mybuf); spell(TYPE_MEMBER_POINTER(type)->ty1, mybuf2); strcpy(buf, "memberpointer("); strcat(buf, mybuf); strcat(buf, ","); strcat(buf, mybuf2); strcat(buf, ")"); break; } } void DumpStack(ExceptionAction *act) { while (act) { fprintf(outfile, "\t\t:"); switch (act->type) { case EAT_DESTROYLOCAL: fprintf(outfile, "EAT_DESTROYLOCAL %s(&%s)%s", CMangler_GetLinkName(act->data.destroy_local.dtor)->name, act->data.destroy_local.local->name->name, "\r"); break; case EAT_DESTROYLOCALCOND: fprintf(outfile, "EAT_DESTROYLOCALCOND%s", "\r"); break; case EAT_DESTROYLOCALOFFSET: fprintf(outfile, "EAT_DESTROYLOCALOFFSET %s(&%s+%" PRId32 ")%s", CMangler_GetLinkName(act->data.destroy_local_offset.dtor)->name, act->data.destroy_local_offset.local->name->name, act->data.destroy_local_offset.offset, "\r"); break; case EAT_DESTROYLOCALPOINTER: fprintf(outfile, "EAT_DESTROYLOCALPOINTER%s", "\r"); break; case EAT_DESTROYLOCALARRAY: fprintf(outfile, "EAT_DESTROYLOCALARRAY%s", "\r"); break; case EAT_DESTROYBASE: fprintf(outfile, "EAT_DESTROYBASE %s(this+%" PRId32 ")%s", CMangler_GetLinkName(act->data.destroy_base.dtor)->name, act->data.destroy_base.offset, "\r"); break; case EAT_DESTROYMEMBER: fprintf(outfile, "EAT_DESTROYMEMBER %s(%s+%" PRId32 ")%s", CMangler_GetLinkName(act->data.destroy_member.dtor)->name, act->data.destroy_member.objectptr->name->name, act->data.destroy_member.offset, "\r"); break; case EAT_DESTROYMEMBERCOND: fprintf(outfile, "EAT_DESTROYMEMBERCOND if(%s) %s(this+%" PRId32 ")%s", act->data.destroy_member_cond.cond->name->name, CMangler_GetLinkName(act->data.destroy_member_cond.dtor)->name, act->data.destroy_member_cond.offset, "\r"); break; case EAT_DESTROYMEMBERARRAY: fprintf(outfile, "EAT_DESTROYMEMBERARRAY %s(this+%" PRId32 ")[%" PRId32 "] size: %" PRId32 "%s", CMangler_GetLinkName(act->data.destroy_member_array.dtor)->name, act->data.destroy_member_array.offset, act->data.destroy_member_array.elements, act->data.destroy_member_array.element_size, "\r"); break; case EAT_DELETEPOINTER: fprintf(outfile, "EAT_DELETEPOINTER(%s)%s", act->data.delete_pointer.pointerobject->name->name, "\r"); break; case EAT_DELETELOCALPOINTER: fprintf(outfile, "EAT_DELETELOCALPOINTER(%s)%s", act->data.delete_pointer.pointerobject->name->name, "\r"); break; case EAT_DELETEPOINTERCOND: fprintf(outfile, "EAT_DELETEPOINTERCOND if (%s)(%s)%s", act->data.delete_pointer_cond.cond->name->name, act->data.delete_pointer_cond.pointerobject->name->name, "\r"); break; case EAT_CATCHBLOCK: fprintf(outfile, "EAT_CATCHBLOCK "); if (act->data.catch_block.catch_type) { if (act->data.catch_block.catch_object) fprintf(outfile, "[%s]", act->data.catch_block.catch_object->name->name); else fprintf(outfile, "[]"); DumpType(act->data.catch_block.catch_type); } else { fprintf(outfile, "[...] "); } fprintf(outfile, " Label: %s%s", act->data.catch_block.catch_label->uniquename->name, "\r"); break; case EAT_SPECIFICATION: fprintf(outfile, "EAT_SPECIFICATION%s", "\r"); break; case EAT_ACTIVECATCHBLOCK: fprintf(outfile, "EAT_ACTIVECATCHBLOCK%s", "\r"); break; case EAT_TERMINATE: fprintf(outfile, "EAT_TERMINATE%s", "\r"); break; } act = act->prev; } }