path: root/compiler_and_linker/unsorted/Switch.c
diff options
authorAsh Wolf <>2023-01-26 11:30:47 +0000
committerAsh Wolf <>2023-01-26 11:30:47 +0000
commit094b96ca1df4a035b5f93c351f773306c0241f3f (patch)
tree95ce05e3ebe816c7ee7996206bb37ea17d8ca33c /compiler_and_linker/unsorted/Switch.c
parentfc0c4c0df7b583b55a08317cf1ef6a71d27c0440 (diff)
move lots of source files around to match their actual placement in the original treemain
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler_and_linker/unsorted/Switch.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 518 deletions
diff --git a/compiler_and_linker/unsorted/Switch.c b/compiler_and_linker/unsorted/Switch.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 4bbd82e..0000000
--- a/compiler_and_linker/unsorted/Switch.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,518 +0,0 @@
-#include "compiler/Switch.h"
-#include "compiler/CError.h"
-#include "compiler/CFunc.h"
-#include "compiler/CInt64.h"
-#include "compiler/CParser.h"
-#include "compiler/InstrSelection.h"
-#include "compiler/ObjGenMachO.h"
-#include "compiler/Operands.h"
-#include "compiler/PCode.h"
-#include "compiler/PCodeUtilities.h"
-#include "compiler/RegisterInfo.h"
-#include "compiler/TOC.h"
-#include "compiler/CompilerTools.h"
-#include "compiler/objects.h"
-ObjectList *switchtables;
-static SwitchCase **caselabels;
-static CaseRange *caseranges;
-static SInt32 ncases;
-static SInt32 nranges_minus1;
-static CInt64 min;
-static CInt64 max;
-static CInt64 first;
-static short selector_gpr;
-static short selector_gprHi;
-static Type *selector_type;
-static PCodeLabel *defaultlabel;
-static CInt64 range;
-static int compare_cases(const void *a, const void *b) {
- const SwitchCase **casea = (const SwitchCase **) a;
- const SwitchCase **caseb = (const SwitchCase **) b;
- if (CInt64_Less((*casea)->min, (*caseb)->min))
- return -1;
- if (CInt64_Greater((*casea)->min, (*caseb)->min))
- return 1;
- return 0;
-static void build_case_ranges(Type *type, SwitchCase *cases, CLabel *label) {
- SwitchCase **caseptr;
- SInt32 i;
- SwitchCase *curcase;
- CaseRange *currange;
- if (type->size == 8) {
- min.lo = 0;
- min.hi = 0x80000000;
- max.lo = 0xFFFFFFFF;
- max.hi = 0x7FFFFFFF;
- } else if (type->size == 4) {
- CInt64_SetLong(&min, 0x80000000);
- CInt64_SetLong(&max, 0x7FFFFFFF);
- } else if (is_unsigned(type)) {
- min.hi = 0;
- min.lo = 0;
- max.hi = 0;
- max.lo = 0xFFFF;
- } else {
- CInt64_SetLong(&min, -0x8000);
- CInt64_SetLong(&max, 0x7FFF);
- }
- caselabels = lalloc(sizeof(SwitchCase *) * ncases);
- caseptr = caselabels;
- while (cases) {
- *caseptr = cases;
- cases = cases->next;
- ++caseptr;
- }
- caseranges = lalloc(((ncases * 2) + 2) * sizeof(CaseRange));
- if (type->size < 8) {
- for (i = 0; i < ncases; i++)
- CInt64_SetLong(&caselabels[i]->min, caselabels[i]->min.lo);
- }
- qsort(caselabels, ncases, sizeof(SwitchCase *), &compare_cases);
- currange = caseranges;
- currange->min = min;
- currange->range = CInt64_Sub(max, min);
- currange->label = label->pclabel;
- for (i = 0; i < ncases; i++) {
- curcase = caselabels[i];
- if (CInt64_GreaterEqual(curcase->min, min) && CInt64_LessEqual(curcase->min, max)) {
- if (CInt64_Equal(currange->min, min))
- first = curcase->min;
- range = CInt64_Sub(curcase->min, first);
- if (CInt64_Greater(curcase->min, currange->min)) {
- currange->range = CInt64_Sub(CInt64_Sub(curcase->min, currange->min), cint64_one);
- (++currange)->min = curcase->min;
- } else if (CInt64_Greater(currange->min, min) && curcase->label->pclabel == currange[-1].label) {
- currange[-1].range = CInt64_Add(currange[-1].range, cint64_one);
- if (CInt64_Equal(currange->range, cint64_zero)) {
- currange--;
- } else {
- currange->min = CInt64_Add(currange->min, cint64_one);
- currange->range = CInt64_Sub(currange->range, cint64_one);
- }
- continue;
- }
- currange->range = cint64_zero;
- currange->label = curcase->label->pclabel;
- if (CInt64_Less(curcase->min, max)) {
- currange++;
- currange->min = CInt64_Add(curcase->min, cint64_one);
- currange->range = CInt64_Sub(max, currange->min);
- currange->label = label->pclabel;
- }
- }
- }
- nranges_minus1 = currange - caseranges;
-static void treecompare(SInt32 start, SInt32 end) {
- SInt32 r30;
- SInt32 r29;
- CaseRange *currange;
- int count;
- count = end - start;
- CError_ASSERT(175, selector_type->size <= 4);
- r29 = start + (count >> 1) + 1;
- currange = caseranges + r29;
- if (CInt64_Equal(currange[-1].range, cint64_zero) && (!(count & 1) || (CInt64_NotEqual(currange->range, cint64_zero) && count > 1))) {
- currange--;
- r29--;
- }
- r30 = r29 - 1;
- if (selector_type->size < 4 && is_unsigned(selector_type)) {
- emitpcode(PC_CMPLI, 0, selector_gpr, CInt64_GetULong(&currange->min));
- } else if (FITS_IN_SHORT((SInt32) CInt64_GetULong(&currange->min))) {
- emitpcode(PC_CMPI, 0, selector_gpr, CInt64_GetULong(&currange->min));
- } else {
- SInt32 value = CInt64_GetULong(&currange->min);
- int reg = ALLOC_GPR();
- load_immediate(reg, value);
- emitpcode(PC_CMP, 0, selector_gpr, reg);
- }
- if (CInt64_Equal(currange->range, cint64_zero) && r29 < end) {
- branch_conditional(0, EEQU, 1, currange->label);
- r29++;
- }
- if (r29 == end) {
- if (start == r30) {
- if (caseranges[start].label == caseranges[end].label) {
- branch_always(caseranges[start].label);
- } else {
- branch_conditional(0, EGREATEREQU, 1, caseranges[end].label);
- branch_always(caseranges[start].label);
- }
- } else {
- branch_conditional(0, EGREATEREQU, 1, caseranges[end].label);
- treecompare(start, r30);
- }
- } else {
- if (start == r30) {
- branch_conditional(0, ELESS, 1, caseranges[start].label);
- treecompare(r29, end);
- } else {
- PCodeLabel *label = makepclabel();
- branch_conditional(0, EGREATEREQU, 1, label);
- treecompare(start, r30);
- branch_label(label);
- treecompare(r29, end);
- }
- }
-static void I8_treecompare(SInt32 start, SInt32 end) {
- SInt32 r30;
- SInt32 r29;
- CaseRange *currange;
- int count;
- count = end - start;
- r29 = start + (count >> 1) + 1;
- currange = caseranges + r29;
- if (CInt64_Equal(currange[-1].range, cint64_zero) && (!(count & 1) || (CInt64_NotEqual(currange->range, cint64_zero) && count > 1))) {
- currange--;
- r29--;
- }
- r30 = r29 - 1;
- if (CInt64_Equal(currange->range, cint64_zero) && r29 < end) {
- short a = ALLOC_GPR();
- short b = ALLOC_GPR();
- load_immediate(a, currange->min.lo);
- load_immediate(b, currange->min.hi);
- emitpcode(PC_XOR, a, selector_gpr, a);
- emitpcode(PC_XOR, b, selector_gprHi, b);
- emitpcode(PC_OR, b, a, b);
- emitpcode(PC_CMPI, 0, b, 0);
- branch_conditional(0, EEQU, 1, currange->label);
- r29++;
- }
- if (r29 == end) {
- if (start == r30) {
- if (caseranges[start].label == caseranges[end].label) {
- branch_always(caseranges[start].label);
- } else {
- short a = ALLOC_GPR();
- short b = ALLOC_GPR();
- short c = ALLOC_GPR();
- short d = ALLOC_GPR();
- load_immediate(a, currange->min.lo);
- load_immediate(b, currange->min.hi);
- if (TYPE_INTEGRAL(selector_type)->integral != IT_ULONGLONG && TYPE_INTEGRAL(selector_type)->integral != IT_ULONGLONG) {
- emitpcode(PC_XORIS, c, selector_gprHi, 0x8000);
- emitpcode(PC_XORIS, d, b, 0x8000);
- } else {
- c = selector_gprHi;
- d = b;
- }
- emitpcode(PC_SUBFC, a, a, selector_gpr);
- emitpcode(PC_SUBFE, b, d, c);
- emitpcode(PC_SUBFE, b, a, a);
- emitpcode(PC_NEG, b, b);
- emitpcode(PC_CMPI, 0, b, 0);
- branch_conditional(0, EEQU, 1, caseranges[end].label);
- branch_always(caseranges[start].label);
- }
- } else {
- short a = ALLOC_GPR();
- short b = ALLOC_GPR();
- short c = ALLOC_GPR();
- short d = ALLOC_GPR();
- load_immediate(a, currange->min.lo);
- load_immediate(b, currange->min.hi);
- if (TYPE_INTEGRAL(selector_type)->integral != IT_ULONGLONG && TYPE_INTEGRAL(selector_type)->integral != IT_ULONGLONG) {
- emitpcode(PC_XORIS, c, selector_gprHi, 0x8000);
- emitpcode(PC_XORIS, d, b, 0x8000);
- } else {
- c = selector_gprHi;
- d = b;
- }
- emitpcode(PC_SUBFC, a, a, selector_gpr);
- emitpcode(PC_SUBFE, b, d, c);
- emitpcode(PC_SUBFE, b, a, a);
- emitpcode(PC_NEG, b, b);
- emitpcode(PC_CMPI, 0, b, 0);
- branch_conditional(0, EEQU, 1, caseranges[end].label);
- I8_treecompare(start, r30);
- }
- } else {
- if (start == r30) {
- short a = ALLOC_GPR();
- short b = ALLOC_GPR();
- short c = ALLOC_GPR();
- short d = ALLOC_GPR();
- load_immediate(a, currange->min.lo);
- load_immediate(b, currange->min.hi);
- if (TYPE_INTEGRAL(selector_type)->integral != IT_ULONGLONG && TYPE_INTEGRAL(selector_type)->integral != IT_ULONGLONG) {
- emitpcode(PC_XORIS, c, selector_gprHi, 0x8000);
- emitpcode(PC_XORIS, d, b, 0x8000);
- } else {
- c = selector_gprHi;
- d = b;
- }
- emitpcode(PC_SUBFC, a, selector_gpr, a);
- emitpcode(PC_SUBFE, b, c, d);
- emitpcode(PC_SUBFE, b, a, a);
- emitpcode(PC_NEG, b, b);
- emitpcode(PC_CMPI, 0, b, 0);
- branch_conditional(0, ENOTEQU, 1, caseranges[end].label);
- I8_treecompare(r29, end);
- } else {
- PCodeLabel *label;
- short a = ALLOC_GPR();
- short b = ALLOC_GPR();
- short c = ALLOC_GPR();
- short d = ALLOC_GPR();
- load_immediate(a, currange->min.lo);
- load_immediate(b, currange->min.hi);
- if (TYPE_INTEGRAL(selector_type)->integral != IT_ULONGLONG && TYPE_INTEGRAL(selector_type)->integral != IT_ULONGLONG) {
- emitpcode(PC_XORIS, c, selector_gprHi, 0x8000);
- emitpcode(PC_XORIS, d, b, 0x8000);
- } else {
- c = selector_gprHi;
- d = b;
- }
- emitpcode(PC_SUBFC, a, a, selector_gpr);
- emitpcode(PC_SUBFE, b, d, c);
- emitpcode(PC_SUBFE, b, a, a);
- emitpcode(PC_NEG, b, b);
- emitpcode(PC_CMPI, 0, b, 0);
- label = makepclabel();
- branch_conditional(0, EEQU, 1, label);
- I8_treecompare(start, r30);
- branch_label(label);
- I8_treecompare(r29, end);
- }
- }
-static void generate_tree(ENode *expr) {
- Operand op;
- memclrw(&op, sizeof(Operand));
- if (TYPE_IS_8BYTES(expr->rtype)) {
- GEN_NODE(expr, &op);
- coerce_to_register_pair(&op, expr->rtype, 0, 0);
- selector_type = expr->rtype;
- selector_gpr = op.reg;
- selector_gprHi = op.regHi;
- I8_treecompare(0, nranges_minus1);
- } else {
- GEN_NODE(expr, &op);
- if (expr->rtype->size < 4)
- extend32(&op, expr->rtype, 0);
- ENSURE_GPR(&op, expr->rtype, 0);
- selector_type = expr->rtype;
- selector_gpr = op.reg;
- treecompare(0, nranges_minus1);
- }
-static Object *create_switch_table(void) {
- Object *obj;
- ObjectList *list;
- UInt32 *outptr;
- CaseRange *currange;
- SInt32 size;
- CInt64 value;
- obj = galloc(sizeof(Object));
- list = galloc(sizeof(ObjectList));
- memclrw(obj, sizeof(Object));
- memclrw(list, sizeof(ObjectList));
- obj->otype = OT_OBJECT;
- obj->access = ACCESSPUBLIC;
- obj->datatype = DDATA;
- obj->name = CParser_GetUniqueName();
- obj->toc = NULL;
- obj->sclass = TK_STATIC;
- obj->qual = Q_CONST;
- obj->flags |= OBJECT_FLAGS_2 | OBJECT_DEFINED;
- obj-> = obj->name;
- obj->type = NULL;
- createIndirect(obj, 0, 0);
- obj->type = TYPE(&void_ptr);
- size = CInt64_GetULong(&range) + 1;
- obj-> = size;
- obj-> = lalloc(4 * size);
- currange = caseranges;
- outptr = (UInt32 *) obj->;
- value = cint64_zero;
- while (CInt64_LessEqual(value, range)) {
- while (CInt64_Greater(CInt64_Add(first, value), CInt64_Add(currange->min, currange->range)))
- currange++;
- *outptr = CTool_CreateIndexFromPointer(currange->label);
- value = CInt64_Add(value, cint64_one);
- outptr++;
- }
- list->object = obj;
- list->next = switchtables;
- switchtables = list;
- return list->object;
-static void generate_table(ENode *expr, SwitchInfo *info) {
- Object *table;
- SwitchCase *curcase;
- short reg;
- short reg2;
- short reg3;
- Operand op1;
- Operand op2;
- CInt64 val3 = {0, 3};
- memclrw(&op1, sizeof(Operand));
- memclrw(&op2, sizeof(Operand));
- if (CInt64_Greater(first, cint64_zero) && CInt64_Less(first, val3)) {
- range = CInt64_Add(range, first);
- first = cint64_zero;
- }
- table = create_switch_table();
- CError_ASSERT(553, !TYPE_IS_8BYTES(expr->rtype));
- GEN_NODE(expr, &op1);
- if (expr->rtype->size < 4)
- extend32(&op1, expr->rtype, 0);
- ENSURE_GPR(&op1, expr->rtype, 0);
- reg = op1.reg;
- if (CInt64_NotEqual(first, cint64_zero)) {
- SInt32 value;
- reg = ALLOC_GPR();
- value = -CInt64_GetULong(&first);
- if (!FITS_IN_SHORT(value)) {
- emitpcode(PC_ADDIS, reg, op1.reg, 0, HIGH_PART(value));
- if (value)
- emitpcode(PC_ADDI, reg, reg, 0, LOW_PART(value));
- } else {
- emitpcode(PC_ADDI, reg, op1.reg, 0, value);
- }
- }
- if (!FITS_IN_SHORT(CInt64_GetULong(&range))) {
- short tmp = ALLOC_GPR();
- load_immediate(tmp, CInt64_GetULong(&range));
- emitpcode(PC_CMPL, 0, reg, tmp);
- } else {
- emitpcode(PC_CMPLI, 0, reg, CInt64_GetULong(&range));
- }
- branch_conditional(0, EGREATER, 1, defaultlabel);
- if (table->toc) {
- op2.optype = OpndType_Symbol;
- op2.object = table->toc;
- indirect(&op2, NULL);
- } else {
- op2.optype = OpndType_Symbol;
- op2.object = table;
- }
- if (op2.optype != OpndType_GPR) {
- Coerce_to_register(&op2, TYPE(&void_ptr), reg2 = ALLOC_GPR());
- }
- if (op2.optype != OpndType_GPR) {
- CError_FATAL(599);
- } else {
- if (op2.reg != reg2)
- emitpcode(PC_MR, reg2, op2.reg);
- }
- if (CInt64_Equal(first, cint64_zero)) {
- reg = ALLOC_GPR();
- emitpcode(PC_RLWINM, reg, op1.reg, 2, 0, 29);
- } else {
- emitpcode(PC_RLWINM, reg, reg, 2, 0, 29);
- }
- reg3 = reg2;
- emitpcode(PC_LWZX, reg3, reg3, reg);
- for (curcase = info->cases; curcase; curcase = curcase->next)
- pcbranch(pclastblock, curcase->label->pclabel);
- pcbranch(pclastblock, info->defaultlabel->pclabel);
- emitpcode(PC_MTCTR, reg3);
- branch_indirect(table);
-void switchstatement(ENode *expr, SwitchInfo *info) {
- Boolean use_table;
- SwitchCase *swcase;
- use_table = copts.switch_tables;
- ncases = 0;
- for (swcase = info->cases; swcase; swcase = swcase->next) {
- if (!swcase->label->pclabel)
- swcase->label->pclabel = makepclabel();
- ncases++;
- }
- CError_ASSERT(656, ncases >= 0 && ncases <= 0x3333332U);
- if (!info->defaultlabel->pclabel)
- info->defaultlabel->pclabel = makepclabel();
- defaultlabel = info->defaultlabel->pclabel;
- build_case_ranges(expr->rtype, info->cases, info->defaultlabel);
- if (TYPE_IS_8BYTES(expr->rtype)) {
- generate_tree(expr);
- return;
- }
- if (!use_table || nranges_minus1 < 8 || (nranges_minus1 * 2) < ((range.lo / 2) + 4))
- generate_tree(expr);
- else
- generate_table(expr, info);
-void dumpswitchtables(Object *funcobj) {
- Object *table;
- ObjectList *list;
- SInt32 size;
- UInt32 *array;
- for (list = switchtables; list; list = list->next) {
- table = list->object;
- CError_ASSERT(694, table->otype == OT_OBJECT && table->access == ACCESSPUBLIC && table->datatype == DDATA);
- size = table->;
- array = (UInt32 *) table->;
- while (size--) {
- *array = CTool_EndianConvertWord32(((PCodeLabel *) CTool_ResolveIndexToPointer(*array))->block->codeOffset);
- array++;
- }
- ObjGen_DeclareSwitchTable(table, funcobj);
- }