path: root/compiler_and_linker/FrontEnd/C
diff options
authorAsh Wolf <>2022-11-07 03:06:21 +0000
committerAsh Wolf <>2022-11-07 03:06:21 +0000
commit9a46dd0e2e80790d9848c0bbd718932a27c23269 (patch)
treee7a8e976c7138d50a69ff4778c4e8572efd94452 /compiler_and_linker/FrontEnd/C
parentd0b9848c54e6f85ab713f059dcd1ddef7e57caa6 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to '')
3 files changed, 4754 insertions, 193 deletions
diff --git a/compiler_and_linker/FrontEnd/C/CPrep.c b/compiler_and_linker/FrontEnd/C/CPrep.c
index e69bcfb..4e3ffea 100644
--- a/compiler_and_linker/FrontEnd/C/CPrep.c
+++ b/compiler_and_linker/FrontEnd/C/CPrep.c
@@ -1,7 +1,47 @@
#include "compiler.h"
#include "compiler/CError.h"
+#include "compiler/CInt64.h"
+#include "compiler/objects.h"
+#include "compiler/scopes.h"
#include "compiler/tokens.h"
#include "cos.h"
+#include "compiler/CMachine.h"
+#include "compiler/CParser.h"
+#include "compiler/CPrep.h"
+#include "compiler/CPrepTokenizer.h"
+#include "compiler/CScope.h"
+#include "compiler/CodeGen.h"
+#ifdef __MWERKS__
+#pragma options align=mac68k
+typedef struct PrepValue {
+ CInt64 val;
+ char is_unsigned;
+} PrepValue;
+typedef struct IfStack {
+ CPrepFileInfo *file;
+ SInt32 pos;
+ short state;
+} IfStack;
+enum {
+ IfState_0 = 0,
+ IfState_1 = 1,
+ IfState_2 = 2,
+ IfState_3 = 3,
+ IfState_4 = 4,
+ IfState_5 = 5
+// forward declarations
+static PrepValue CPrep_ParseCond();
+static PrepValue CPrep_ParseBinary(PrepValue *rhs, short op);
+static char *XpandMacro(Macro *macro);
+static void prepmacro(Macro *macro);
+static void prepifskip();
+static void gotonexttoken();
extern SInt16 *CLT_filesp;
extern CPrepFileInfo **CLT_filestack;
@@ -9,11 +49,13 @@ extern CPrepFileInfo **CLT_filestack;
//#define OPT_OFFSET(optname) ((short) (((char *) (&copts.optname)) - ((char *) &copts)))
#define OPT_OFFSET(optname) ((short) ( &((COpts *)0)->optname ))
enum {
OPT_FLAG_2000 = 0x2000,
- OPT_FLAG_4000 = 0x4000
+ OPT_FLAG_4000 = 0x4000,
+ OPT_FLAG_8000 = 0x8000
-struct {
+struct CompilerOption {
char *name;
short bits;
} compileroptions[138] = {
@@ -172,15 +214,15 @@ Macro **macrohashtable;
Boolean cprep_nomem_exit;
Boolean cprep_nostring;
Boolean cprep_eoltokens;
-static void *ifstack[100]; // TODO type+size
+static IfStack ifstack[64];
static short iflevel;
TokenStack tokenstack[128];
short tokenstacklevel;
-SInt32 cprep_cursymfile; // might be a ptr?
+CPrepFileInfo *cprep_cursymfile;
char *pos;
char *macropos;
char *nextcharpos;
-char CPrep_SkipNewCommentChar;
+unsigned char CPrep_SkipNewCommentChar;
Boolean preprocessing_only;
Handle stringmem;
SInt32 maxstringsize;
@@ -197,8 +239,12 @@ CPrepFileInfo *prep_file;
short filesp;
SInt32 linenumber;
static CPrepFileInfo *filestack[32];
-static void *cprep_files; // TODO type
-static SInt32 linetick;
+typedef struct CPrepFileInfoList {
+ struct CPrepFileInfoList *next;
+ CPrepFileInfo *fileinfo;
+} CPrepFileInfoList;
+static CPrepFileInfoList *cprep_files;
+static UInt32 linetick;
static Boolean waslockedmacro;
static Boolean include_once;
static time_t now_time;
@@ -206,7 +252,11 @@ static SInt32 lineoffset;
static Boolean was_prep_error;
static Boolean cprep_hasprepline;
static Boolean cprep_incondexpr;
-static void *cprep_packstack[100]; // TODO type+size
+struct PackStack {
+ HashNameNode *identifier;
+ short align_mode;
+static struct PackStack cprep_packstack[128];
static short cprep_packstackp;
static Macro lineM;
static Macro fileM;
@@ -227,9 +277,15 @@ struct COptsPush {
struct COptsPush *next;
COpts opts;
+struct COptPush {
+ struct COptPush *next;
+ SInt32 id;
+ Boolean x8;
+ UInt8 value;
static struct COptsPush *coptpushs;
-static void *coptpush; // TODO type
-static void *coptssave; // TODO type
+static struct COptPush *coptpush;
+static COpts *coptssave;
static Boolean dofreeaheap;
static GList mlist;
static Handle ts_buffer;
@@ -240,8 +296,10 @@ static SInt32 ts_elements;
SInt32 ts_preread_elements;
static SInt32 gDirectiveStart;
static SInt32 high_mem_mark;
-// static TStreamElement dummyelement; // in CPrep_CurStreamElement
static short exprtk;
+#ifdef __MWERKS__
+#pragma options align=reset
static void cannotopenerror(StringPtr filename, Boolean err) {
static char fname[64];
@@ -433,11 +491,15 @@ static Boolean setupfile(StringPtr filename, Boolean flag1, Boolean flag2) {
OSType file_type;
SInt32 file_size;
SInt32 file_dirid;
- CWMemHandle cache_hnd;
void *cache;
+ CWMemHandle cache_hnd;
SInt16 refnum;
SInt16 file_vrefnum;
char *extpos;
+ unsigned char *src;
+ char *append;
+ char *dst;
+ int len;
if (filesp >= 31) {
was_prep_error = 1;
@@ -446,10 +508,10 @@ static Boolean setupfile(StringPtr filename, Boolean flag1, Boolean flag2) {
memclrw(&prepinfo, sizeof(CPrepFileInfo));
- prepinfo.unkfield126 = !flag1; // may be wrong field!
+ prepinfo.unkfield126 = !flag1;
if (filename) {
memclrw(&fileinfo, sizeof(CWFileInfo));
- fileinfo.fullsearch = flag2;
+ fileinfo.fullsearch = flag1;
fileinfo.dependencyType = cwNormalDependency;
fileinfo.isdependentoffile = -1;
memcpy(myfilename, &filename[1], filename[0]);
@@ -458,7 +520,26 @@ static Boolean setupfile(StringPtr filename, Boolean flag1, Boolean flag2) {
if (CWFindAndLoadFile(cparamblkptr->context, myfilename, &fileinfo) != cwNoErr) {
if (filename[0] + strlen(".framework/Headers") < 255) {
if ((extpos = strchr(myfilename, '/'))) {
- // Do Me! 37D8C
+ src = filename + 1;
+ append = ".framework/Headers";
+ dst = myfilename;
+ len = filename[0];
+ while (dst < extpos) {
+ *(dst++) = *(src++);
+ len--;
+ }
+ while (*append) {
+ *(dst++) = *(append++);
+ }
+ while (len) {
+ *(dst++) = *(src++);
+ len--;
+ }
+ *dst = 0;
+ if (CWFindAndLoadFile(cparamblkptr->context, myfilename, &fileinfo) != cwNoErr) {
+ cannotopenerror(filename, 0);
+ return 0;
+ }
} else {
cannotopenerror(filename, 0);
return 0;
@@ -598,19 +679,519 @@ void CPrep_TokenStreamSetCurState(SInt32 *state) {
tk = lex();
-static void CPrep_StreamSkipToBrace() {}
-static void CPrep_StreamSkipBlock() {}
-void CPrep_StreamGetBlock() {}
-void CPrep_StreamGetSemicolon() {}
-void CPrep_StreamGetTemplate() {}
-void CPrep_StreamInsert() {}
-void CPrep_StreamRemove() {}
-void CPrep_RemoveTokens() {}
-void CPrep_TokenStreamFlush() {}
-static void CPrep_TokenSize() {}
-void CPrep_CurStreamElement() {}
+static SInt32 CPrep_StreamSkipToBrace(CPrepStreamFuncPtr func, SInt32 val) {
+ TStreamElement ts;
+ SInt32 v = val + 1;
+ do {
+ switch (lex()) {
+ case '{':
+ return v;
+ case 0:
+ case ';':
+ return 0;
+ if (func) {
+ ts = ts_current[-1];
+ func(&ts);
+ ts_current[-1] = ts;
+ tk = ts.tokentype;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ v++;
+ } while (1);
+static SInt32 CPrep_StreamSkipBlock(CPrepStreamFuncPtr func, SInt32 val) {
+ TStreamElement ts;
+ SInt32 brace_level;
+ char save_asmpoundcomment;
+ char save_cplusplus;
+ char starttoken;
+ char endtoken;
+ SInt32 level;
+ SInt32 v;
+ SInt16 t;
+ save_asmpoundcomment = copts.asmpoundcomment;
+ save_cplusplus = copts.cplusplus;
+ level = 0;
+ brace_level = 1;
+ v = val + 1;
+ v++;
+ switch ((t = lex())) {
+ case 0:
+ return 0;
+ case TK_ASM:
+ cprep_nostring = 1;
+ v++;
+ t = lex();
+ if ((t == TK_VOLATILE) || ((t == TK_IDENTIFIER) && !strcmp(tkidentifier->name, "__volatile__"))) {
+ v++;
+ t = lex();
+ }
+ if (!t)
+ return 0;
+ if (t == TK_NEG7) {
+ t = lex();
+ v++;
+ }
+ if (t == '(') {
+ starttoken = '(';
+ endtoken = ')';
+ } else if (t == '{') {
+ starttoken = '{';
+ endtoken = '}';
+ brace_level++;
+ }
+ level = 1;
+ in_assembler = 1;
+ v++;
+ t = lex();
+ if (t == '"') {
+ copts.cplusplus = 0;
+ copts.asmpoundcomment = 1;
+ goto loop;
+ }
+ if (t)
+ goto loop;
+ return 0;
+ case '(':
+ if (starttoken == t)
+ level++;
+ goto loop;
+ case ')':
+ if (level && endtoken == t && !--level) {
+ cprep_nostring = 0;
+ in_assembler = 0;
+ copts.cplusplus = save_cplusplus;
+ copts.asmpoundcomment = save_asmpoundcomment;
+ }
+ goto loop;
+ if (func) {
+ ts = ts_current[-1];
+ func(&ts);
+ ts_current[-1] = ts;
+ tk = ts.tokentype;
+ }
+ goto loop;
+ case '{':
+ brace_level++;
+ if (starttoken == t)
+ level++;
+ goto loop;
+ case '}':
+ if (level && endtoken == t && !--level) {
+ cprep_nostring = 0;
+ in_assembler = 0;
+ copts.cplusplus = save_cplusplus;
+ copts.asmpoundcomment = save_asmpoundcomment;
+ }
+ if (--brace_level > 0)
+ goto loop;
+ break;
+ default:
+ goto loop;
+ }
+ return v;
+void CPrep_StreamGetBlock(TStream *stream, CPrepStreamFuncPtr func, int arg) {
+ Boolean save_eoltokens;
+ SInt32 start_offset;
+ Boolean tryflag;
+ SInt32 count;
+ start_offset = ts_current - ts_first - 1;
+ tryflag = 0;
+ stream->tokens = 0;
+ stream->firsttoken = NULL;
+ count = 0;
+ save_eoltokens = cprep_eoltokens;
+ cprep_eoltokens = 1;
+ switch (tk) {
+ case TK_TRY:
+ tryflag = 1;
+ case ':':
+ if (!(count = CPrep_StreamSkipToBrace(func, 0))) {
+ CError_Error(121);
+ cprep_eoltokens = save_eoltokens;
+ return;
+ }
+ case '{':
+ break;
+ default:
+ CError_Error(121);
+ cprep_eoltokens = save_eoltokens;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!(count = CPrep_StreamSkipBlock(func, count))) {
+ CError_Error(121);
+ cprep_eoltokens = save_eoltokens;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (tryflag) {
+ tryloop:
+ switch (lex()) {
+ case TK_NEG7:
+ count++;
+ goto tryloop;
+ case TK_CATCH:
+ if (!(count = CPrep_StreamSkipToBrace(func, count)) || !(count = CPrep_StreamSkipBlock(func, count))) {
+ CError_Error(242);
+ cprep_eoltokens = save_eoltokens;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (lookahead_noeol() == TK_CATCH)
+ goto tryloop;
+ break;
+ default:
+ CError_Error(242);
+ cprep_eoltokens = save_eoltokens;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ cprep_eoltokens = save_eoltokens;
+ stream->tokens = count;
+ stream->firsttoken = galloc(count * sizeof(TStreamElement));
+ memcpy(stream->firsttoken, ts_first + start_offset, count * sizeof(TStreamElement));
+void CPrep_StreamGetSemicolon(TStream *stream, CPrepStreamFuncPtr func) {
+ SInt32 count;
+ SInt32 start_offset;
+ Boolean save_eoltokens;
+ start_offset = ts_current - ts_first - 1;
+ save_eoltokens = cprep_eoltokens;
+ cprep_eoltokens = 1;
+ stream->tokens = 0;
+ stream->firsttoken = NULL;
+ count = 1;
+ while (tk && tk != ';') {
+ tk = lex();
+ if ((tk == TK_IDENTIFIER) && func) {
+ func(&ts_current[-1]);
+ tk = ts_current[-1].tokentype;
+ }
+ count++;
+ }
+ stream->tokens = count;
+ stream->firsttoken = galloc(count * sizeof(TStreamElement));
+ memcpy(stream->firsttoken, ts_first + start_offset, count * sizeof(TStreamElement));
+ cprep_eoltokens = save_eoltokens;
+void CPrep_StreamGetTemplate(TStream *stream, CPrepStreamFuncPtr func) {
+ SInt32 count;
+ SInt32 start_offset;
+ Boolean save_eoltokens;
+ SInt16 level;
+ start_offset = ts_current - ts_first - 1;
+ save_eoltokens = cprep_eoltokens;
+ cprep_eoltokens = 1;
+ stream->tokens = 0;
+ stream->firsttoken = NULL;
+ count = 0;
+ switch (tk) {
+ case 0:
+ CError_ErrorTerm(102);
+ case '}':
+ CError_Error(229);
+ return;
+ case ';':
+ count++;
+ break;
+ if (func) {
+ func(&ts_current[-1]);
+ tk = ts_current[-1].tokentype;
+ }
+ default:
+ count++;
+ tk = lex();
+ goto loop;
+ case '{':
+ level = 0;
+ do {
+ count++;
+ switch (tk) {
+ if (func) {
+ func(&ts_current[-1]);
+ tk = ts_current[-1].tokentype;
+ }
+ break;
+ case '{':
+ level++;
+ break;
+ case '}':
+ level--;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (level <= 0)
+ break;
+ if (!(tk = lex()))
+ CError_ErrorTerm(102);
+ } while (1);
+ if (lookahead() == ';') {
+ tk = lex();
+ count++;
+ }
+ }
+ stream->tokens = count;
+ stream->firsttoken = galloc(count * sizeof(TStreamElement));
+ memcpy(stream->firsttoken, ts_first + start_offset, count * sizeof(TStreamElement));
+ cprep_eoltokens = save_eoltokens;
+void CPrep_StreamInsert(TStream *stream, SInt32 *state) {
+ if (ts_preread_elements + (ts_current - ts_first) + stream->tokens >= ts_elements)
+ CPrep_TSBufferGrow(stream->tokens);
+ if (ts_preread_elements)
+ memmove(ts_current + stream->tokens, ts_current, sizeof(TStreamElement) * ts_preread_elements);
+ memcpy(ts_current, stream->firsttoken, sizeof(TStreamElement) * stream->tokens);
+ ts_preread_elements += stream->tokens;
+ CPrep_TokenStreamGetState(state);
+void CPrep_StreamRemove(TStream *stream, SInt32 *state) {
+ TStreamElement *end;
+ SInt32 amount;
+ end = ts_first + *state;
+ amount = ts_preread_elements + ((ts_current - ts_first) - *state - stream->tokens);
+ if (amount >= 0) {
+ if (amount)
+ memmove(end, end + stream->tokens, sizeof(TStreamElement) * amount);
+ ts_current = end;
+ ts_preread_elements = amount;
+ }
+void CPrep_RemoveTokens(SInt32 amount) {
+#line 1296
+ CError_ASSERT(ts_preread_elements >= amount);
+ ts_preread_elements -= amount;
+ memmove(ts_current, ts_current + amount, sizeof(TStreamElement) * ts_preread_elements);
+void CPrep_TokenStreamFlush() {
+ if (!ts_preread_elements)
+ ts_current = ts_first;
+static int CPrep_TokenSize(char *str) {
+ int len;
+ int c;
+ if ((str[0] >= 'a' && str[0] <= 'z') || (str[0] >= 'A' && str[0] <= 'Z') || (str[0] == '_')) {
+ len = 1;
+ str++;
+ do {
+ c = *(str++);
+ if ((c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || (c >= '0' && c <= '9') || (c == '_'))
+ len++;
+ else
+ break;
+ } while (1);
+ return len;
+ }
+ switch (str[0]) {
+ case '*':
+ if (str[1] == '=') return 2;
+ break;
+ case '/':
+ if (str[1] == '=' || str[1] == '*' || str[1] == '/') return 2;
+ break;
+ case '%':
+ if (str[1] == '=') return 2;
+ break;
+ case '+':
+ if (str[1] == '=' || str[1] == '+') return 2;
+ break;
+ case '-':
+ if (str[1] == '>') return (str[2] == '*') ? 3 : 2;
+ if (str[1] == '=' || str[1] == '-') return 2;
+ break;
+ case '<':
+ if (str[1] == '=') return 2;
+ if (str[1] == '<') return (str[2] == '=') ? 3 : 2;
+ break;
+ case '>':
+ if (str[1] == '=') return 2;
+ if (str[1] == '>') return (str[2] == '=') ? 3 : 2;
+ break;
+ case '&':
+ if (str[1] == '=' || str[1] == '&') return 2;
+ break;
+ case '^':
+ if (str[1] == '=') return 2;
+ break;
+ case '|':
+ if (str[1] == '=' || str[1] == '|') return 2;
+ break;
+ case '=':
+ if (str[1] == '=') return 2;
+ break;
+ case '!':
+ if (str[1] == '=') return 2;
+ break;
+ case '.':
+ if (str[1] == '.' && str[2] == '.') return 3;
+ if (str[1] == '*') return 2;
+ break;
+ case ':':
+ if (str[1] == ':') return 2;
+ break;
+ }
+ return 1;
+TStreamElement *CPrep_CurStreamElement() {
+ static TStreamElement dummyelement;
+ if (ts_first < ts_current)
+ return ts_current - 1;
+ else
+ return &dummyelement;
+void CPrep_GetTokenContext(TStreamElement *token, CPrepFileInfo **tokenfile, SInt32 *selectionoffset, short *tokensize, SInt32 *plinenumber, char *buf1, short *tokenoffset, short *tokenlength, char *buf2, short *lastarg) {
+ // misassigned registers
+ SInt32 p;
+ TStreamElement *prevtoken;
+ char *filedata;
+ char *tokendata;
+ Boolean hasowndata;
+ SInt32 line;
+ SInt32 i;
+ char *r4;
+ int r5;
+ int r6;
+ char *r7;
+ char *r5x;
+ SInt16 c;
+ if (token && !token->tokenfile)
+ token = NULL;
+ prevtoken = token;
+ if (!token && ts_first < ts_current)
+ prevtoken = ts_current - 1;
+ if (prevtoken && !prevtoken->tokenfile) {
+#line 1454
+ CError_FATAL();
+ }
+ if (was_prep_error || !prevtoken) {
+ if (!prep_file)
+ CError_CannotOpen();
+ *tokenfile = prep_file;
+ if (!tokenstacklevel) {
+ p = pos - prep_file_start;
+ if (was_prep_error && p > 0)
+ p--;
+ } else {
+ p = tokenstack[0].pos - prep_file_start;
+ }
+ *selectionoffset = p;
+ } else {
+ *tokenfile = prevtoken->tokenfile;
+ p = prevtoken->tokenoffset;
+ *selectionoffset = p;
+ }
+ filedata = (*tokenfile)->textbuffer;
+ if (!filedata) {
+ filedata = getfiledata(&(*tokenfile)->textfile);
+ hasowndata = 1;
+ } else {
+ hasowndata = 0;
+ }
+ if (!cprep_hasprepline) {
+ line = 1;
+ for (i = 0; i < p; i++) {
+ if (filedata[i] == '\r')
+ line++;
+ }
+ *plinenumber = line;
+ } else {
+ *plinenumber = linenumber;
+ }
-void CPrep_GetTokenContext(TStreamElement *token, CPrepFileInfo **tokenfile, SInt32 *selectionoffset, short *tokensize, SInt32 *linenumber, char *buf1, short *tokenoffset, short *tokenlength, char *buf2, short *lastarg) {
+ tokendata = filedata + p;
+ *tokensize = CPrep_TokenSize(tokendata);
+ if (!token && tokenstacklevel == 1) {
+ r4 = macrostart;
+ r7 = macropos;
+ } else {
+ r4 = filedata;
+ r7 = tokendata;
+ }
+ *tokenoffset = 0;
+ r5 = 1;
+ while (r5 < 80 && (r7 - r5) >= r4 && r7[-r5] != '\r')
+ r5++;
+ r5--;
+ while ((c = r7[-r5]) && (c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == 4))
+ r5--;
+ r6 = 0;
+ while ((c = r7[-r5]) != '\r' && c && r6 < 126) {
+ if (!r5)
+ *tokenoffset = r6;
+ if (c != 4) {
+ buf1[r6++] = (c != '\t') ? c : ' ';
+ }
+ r5--;
+ }
+ if (!r5) {
+ buf1[r6] = ' ';
+ *tokenoffset = r6;
+ buf1[r6 + 1] = 0;
+ *tokenlength = 1;
+ } else {
+ buf1[r6] = 0;
+ *tokenlength = CPrep_TokenSize(buf1 + *tokenoffset);
+ }
+ if (p > 16) {
+ r5x = tokendata - 16;
+ *lastarg = 16;
+ } else {
+ r5x = filedata;
+ *lastarg = p;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < 31 && *r5x; i++) {
+ buf2[i] = *(r5x++);
+ }
+ buf2[i] = 0;
+ if (hasowndata)
+ CWReleaseFileText(cparamblkptr->context, filedata);
+ was_prep_error = 0;
void CPrep_Error(short code) {
@@ -685,16 +1266,281 @@ void popfile() {
-static void prepoffset() {}
-static void prepoffset2() {}
-void CPrep_SetSourceFile() {}
-void CPrep_GetSourceFilePath() {}
-void CPrep_NewFileOffsetInfo() {}
-void CPrep_GetFileOffsetInfo() {}
-void CPrep_GetFileOffsetInfo2() {}
-void CPrep_ResetFileInfo() {}
-void CPrep_GetPrepPos() {}
-Boolean C_Compiler(CParams *param) {}
+static SInt32 prepoffset() {
+ if (filesp > 0)
+ return filestack[0]->pos;
+ else if (tokenstacklevel)
+ return tokenstack[0].pos - filestack[filesp]->textbuffer;
+ else
+ return pos - filestack[0]->textbuffer;
+static SInt32 prepoffset2() {
+ return lineoffset;
+void CPrep_SetSourceFile(FileOffsetInfo *foi) {
+ CPrepFileInfoList *list;
+ if (foi->file) {
+ if (foi->file == filestack[0]) {
+ if (cprep_cursymfile) {
+ if (cparamblkptr->isPrecompiling != 1)
+ ObjGen_SrcBreakName(NULL, 0, 0);
+ cprep_cursymfile = NULL;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (cprep_cursymfile != foi->file) {
+ for (list = cprep_files; list; list = list->next) {
+ if (foi->file == list->fileinfo) {
+ if (cparamblkptr->isPrecompiling != 1)
+ ObjGen_SrcBreakName(list->fileinfo->nameNode, list->fileinfo->fileModDate, 0);
+ cprep_cursymfile = foi->file;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ list = galloc(sizeof(CPrepFileInfoList));
+ list->next = cprep_files;
+ cprep_files = list;
+ list->fileinfo = foi->file;
+ if (cparamblkptr->isPrecompiling != 1)
+ ObjGen_SrcBreakName(list->fileinfo->nameNode, list->fileinfo->fileModDate, 1);
+ cprep_cursymfile = foi->file;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+HashNameNode *CPrep_GetSourceFilePath(CPrepFileInfo *fileinfo) {
+ HashNameNode *node;
+ if ((node = fileinfo->nameNode) == NULL)
+ node = CTool_GetPathName(&fileinfo->textfile, NULL);
+ return node;
+void CPrep_NewFileOffsetInfo(FileOffsetInfo *foi, TStreamElement *ts) {
+ if (!ts || !ts->tokenfile) {
+ if (ts_first < ts_current) {
+ foi->file = ts_current[-1].tokenfile;
+ foi->tokenline = ts_current[-1].tokenline;
+ foi->tokenoffset = ts_current[-1].tokenoffset;
+ } else {
+ foi->file = filestack[filesp];
+ foi->tokenline = linenumber;
+ if (tokenstacklevel)
+ foi->tokenoffset = tokenstack[0].pos - filestack[filesp]->textbuffer;
+ else
+ foi->tokenoffset = pos - filestack[filesp]->textbuffer;
+ }
+ } else {
+ foi->file = ts->tokenfile;
+ foi->tokenline = ts->tokenline;
+ foi->tokenoffset = ts->tokenoffset;
+ }
+ foi->is_inline = 0;
+SInt32 CPrep_GetFileOffsetInfo(FileOffsetInfo *foi) {
+ SInt32 p;
+ SInt32 i;
+ if (ts_first < ts_current && ts_current[-1].tokenfile == foi->file) {
+ if (ts_current[-1].tokenline > foi->tokenline)
+ foi->tokenline = ts_current[-1].tokenline;
+ if (ts_current[-1].tokenoffset > foi->tokenoffset)
+ foi->tokenoffset = ts_current[-1].tokenoffset;
+ } else if (foi->file == filestack[filesp]) {
+ if (linenumber > foi->tokenline)
+ foi->tokenline = linenumber;
+ if (tokenstacklevel)
+ p = tokenstack[0].pos - filestack[filesp]->textbuffer;
+ else
+ p = pos - filestack[filesp]->textbuffer;
+ if (p > foi->tokenoffset)
+ foi->tokenoffset = p;
+ } else {
+ for (i = filesp - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ if (foi->file == filestack[i]) {
+ if (filestack[i]->linenumber > foi->tokenline)
+ foi->tokenline = filestack[i]->linenumber;
+ if (filestack[i]->pos > foi->tokenoffset)
+ foi->tokenoffset = filestack[i]->pos;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return foi->tokenline;
+void CPrep_GetFileOffsetInfo2(FileOffsetInfo *foi, SInt32 *pLine, HashNameNode **pName) {
+ SInt32 p;
+ SInt32 i;
+ if (ts_first < ts_current && ts_current[-1].tokenfile == foi->file) {
+ if (ts_current[-1].tokenline > foi->tokenline)
+ foi->tokenline = ts_current[-1].tokenline;
+ if (ts_current[-1].tokenoffset > foi->tokenoffset)
+ foi->tokenoffset = ts_current[-1].tokenoffset;
+ } else if (foi->file == filestack[filesp]) {
+ if (linenumber > foi->tokenline)
+ foi->tokenline = linenumber;
+ if (tokenstacklevel)
+ p = tokenstack[0].pos - filestack[filesp]->textbuffer;
+ else
+ p = pos - filestack[filesp]->textbuffer;
+ if (p > foi->tokenoffset)
+ foi->tokenoffset = p;
+ } else {
+ for (i = filesp - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ if (foi->file == filestack[i]) {
+ if (filestack[i]->linenumber > foi->tokenline)
+ foi->tokenline = filestack[i]->linenumber;
+ if (filestack[i]->pos > foi->tokenoffset)
+ foi->tokenoffset = filestack[i]->pos;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ *pLine = foi->tokenline;
+#line 2010
+ CError_ASSERT(*pLine >= 0);
+ *pName = foi->file ? foi->file->nameNode : NULL;
+void CPrep_ResetFileInfo(FileOffsetInfo *foi) {
+ // this function is empty so i can only assume...
+void CPrep_GetPrepPos(CPrepFileInfo **file, SInt32 *ppos) {
+ *file = prep_file;
+ if (tokenstacklevel > 0)
+ *ppos = tokenstack->pos - prep_file_start;
+ else
+ *ppos = pos - prep_file_start;
+UInt8 C_Compiler(CParams *param) {
+ TStreamElement ts;
+ UInt8 code;
+ CInt64_Init();
+ cprep_packstackp = 128;
+ widestring = 0;
+ cprep_nomem_exit = 0;
+ cparamblkptr = param;
+ prep_file = NULL;
+ lines = 0;
+ linenumber = 0;
+ cprep_hasprepline = 0;
+ if (CWDisplayLines(param->context, 0) != cwNoErr)
+ return 0;
+ linetick = COS_GetTicks() + 5;
+ code = 0;
+ copts.delete_exception = 1;
+ copts.som_call_opt = 1;
+ copts.template_patch = 1;
+ copts.template_friends = 1;
+ copts.simple_class_byval = 1;
+ copts.array_new_delete = 1;
+ copts.syspath_once = 1;
+ copts.arg_dep_lookup = 1;
+ copts.longlong = 1;
+ copts.longlong_prepeval = copts.longlong;
+ copts.vbase_ctor_offset = 1;
+ copts.vbase_abi_v2 = 1;
+ copts.optEH = 1;
+ copts.optEH2 = 0;
+ if (copts.cplusplus)
+ copts.const_strings = 1;
+ copts.inline_bottom_up = 1;
+ if (initheaps(&CError_NoMem)) {
+ releaseheaps();
+ cprep_nomem_exit = 1;
+ code = 255;
+ } else {
+ if (setjmp(errorreturn) == 0) {
+ InitNameHash();
+ setupprep();
+ CParser_Setup();
+ SetupPrecompiler(cparamblkptr->isPrecompiling);
+ SetupAssembler();
+ ObjGen_Setup();
+ PointerAnalysis_Setup();
+ CBrowse_Setup(param);
+ setupfile(NULL, 1, 0);
+ if (copts.oldprefixname[0])
+ setupfile(copts.oldprefixname, 1, 0);
+ coptssave = galloc(sizeof(COpts));
+ *coptssave = copts;
+ coptpushs = NULL;
+ coptpush = NULL;
+ preprocessing_only = param->isPreprocessing;
+ if (param->isPreprocessing)
+ CPrep_Preprocess();
+ else
+ cparser();
+ if (CWDisplayLines(param->context, lines) != cwNoErr)
+ anyerrors = 1;
+ if (tokenstacklevel) {
+ was_prep_error = 1;
+ CError_ErrorTerm(119);
+ } else if (iflevel) {
+ was_prep_error = 0;
+ ts.tokenfile = ifstack[iflevel - 1].file;
+ ts.tokenoffset = ifstack[iflevel - 1].pos;
+ if (iflevel)
+ CError_SetErrorToken(&ts);
+ CError_ErrorTerm(119);
+ }
+ if (!anyerrors) {
+ if (param->isPrecompiling == 1) {
+ CBrowse_Finish(param);
+ PrecompilerWrite();
+ } else if (!param->isPreprocessing) {
+ ObjGen_Finish();
+ CBrowse_Finish(param);
+ }
+ code = 1;
+ }
+ if (param->isPreprocessing) {
+ cparamblkptr->objectDataHandle =;
+ = NULL;
+ cparamblkptr->browseDataHandle = NULL;
+ }
+ } else {
+ CWDisplayLines(param->context, lines);
+ }
+ CParser_Cleanup();
+ CleanupPrecompiler();
+ CleanupAssembler();
+ ObjGen_Cleanup();
+ ObjGen_CodeCleanup();
+ PointerAnalysis_Cleanup();
+ cleanupprep();
+ CBrowse_Cleanup(param);
+ }
+ param->objectdata.compiledlines = lines;
+ if (cprep_nomem_exit) {
+ CompilerGetCString(7, string);
+ CWReportMessage(cparamblkptr->context, NULL, string, NULL, messagetypeError, 0);
+ }
+ return code;
static void pushtokenseq(Macro *macro) {
if (tokenstacklevel >= 128) {
@@ -723,24 +1569,504 @@ void poptokenseq() {
spaceskip = 1;
-static void is_nextchar() {}
-static void ismacroname() {}
-static void ismacroname2() {}
-static void ismacroname5() {}
-static void ismacroname3() {}
-static void ismacroname4() {}
-void foundnl() {}
-void newline() {}
-static void gotonexttoken() {}
-short notendofline() {}
-static void CPrep_MacroRedefError() {}
-static void goendofline() {}
-static void CPrep_Define() {}
-static void prepundefine() {}
+static Boolean is_nextchar(short t) {
+ char *p = pos;
+ short level = tokenstacklevel;
+ int c;
+ do {
+ switch ((c = *p)) {
+ case 0:
+ if (level <= 0)
+ return 0;
+ p = tokenstack[--level].pos;
+ continue;
+ case '\r':
+ p++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (c == t)
+ return 1;
+ if (c != ' ' && (c < 9 || c > 12))
+ break;
+ p++;
+ } while (1);
+ return 0;
+static Macro *ismacroname() {
+ Macro *scan;
+ Boolean save_macrocheck;
+ HashNameNode *name = tkidentifier;
+ for (scan = macrohashtable[name->hashval]; scan; scan = scan->next) {
+ if (scan->name == name) {
+ if (scan->is_special) {
+ if (scan == &vecM && !copts.altivec_model)
+ return NULL;
+ if (scan == &stdcM && copts.cplusplus)
+ return NULL;
+ if (scan == &cpplM && !copts.cplusplus)
+ return NULL;
+ if (scan == &ecppM && (!copts.cplusplus || !copts.ecplusplus))
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (scan->xF) {
+ waslockedmacro = 1;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (scan->xC) {
+ save_macrocheck = macrocheck;
+ macrocheck = 0;
+ gotonexttoken();
+ macrocheck = save_macrocheck;
+ if (*pos != '(')
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return scan;
+ }
+ }
+ return NULL;
+static Macro *ismacroname2(char *str) {
+ Macro *scan;
+ HashNameNode *name = tkidentifier;
+ for (scan = macrohashtable[name->hashval]; scan; scan = scan->next) {
+ if (scan->name == name) {
+ if (scan->xF) {
+ waslockedmacro = 1;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (scan->xC) {
+ while (*str == ' ' || (*str >= 9 && *str <= 12))
+ str++;
+ if (*str != '(' && !is_nextchar('('))
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return scan;
+ }
+ }
+ return NULL;
+static Macro *ismacroname5(char *str) {
+ Macro *scan;
+ HashNameNode *name = tkidentifier;
+ for (scan = macrohashtable[name->hashval]; scan; scan = scan->next) {
+ if (scan->name == name) {
+ if (scan->xF) {
+ waslockedmacro = 1;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (scan->xC) {
+ while (*str == ' ' || (*str >= 9 && *str <= 12))
+ str++;
+ if (*str != '(')
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return scan;
+ }
+ }
+ return NULL;
+static Macro *ismacroname3() {
+ Macro *scan;
+ HashNameNode *name = tkidentifier;
+ for (scan = macrohashtable[name->hashval]; scan; scan = scan->next) {
+ if (scan->name == name) {
+ if (scan->is_special) {
+ if (scan == &vecM && !copts.altivec_model)
+ return NULL;
+ if (scan == &stdcM && copts.cplusplus)
+ return NULL;
+ if (scan == &cpplM && !copts.cplusplus)
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return scan;
+static Macro *ismacroname4(HashNameNode *name) {
+ Macro *scan;
+ for (scan = macrohashtable[name->hashval]; scan; scan = scan->next) {
+ if (scan->name == name) {
+ if (scan->is_special) {
+ if (scan == &vecM && !copts.altivec_model)
+ return NULL;
+ if (scan == &stdcM && copts.cplusplus)
+ return NULL;
+ if (scan == &cpplM && !copts.cplusplus)
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return scan;
+void foundnl() {
+ if (!tokenstacklevel) {
+ if (preprocessing_only)
+ CPrep_PreprocessDumpNewLine();
+ linenumber++;
+ lines++;
+ if (filesp <= 0)
+ lineoffset = pos - filestack[0]->textbuffer;
+ }
+void newline() {
+ foundnl();
+ nlflag = 1;
+ at_linestart = 1;
+ spaceskip = 1;
+ if (COS_GetTicks() > linetick) {
+ if (CWDisplayLines(cparamblkptr->context, lines) != cwNoErr)
+ CError_UserBreak();
+ linetick = COS_GetTicks() + 5;
+ }
+static void gotonexttoken() {
+ char *save_pos;
+ Macro *macro;
+ char c;
+ switch ((c = prepskipnextchar())) {
+ case 0:
+ if (tokenstacklevel) {
+ poptokenseq();
+ goto loop;
+ }
+ if (tokenstacklevel > 0 || pos >= prep_file_end) {
+ if (filesp > 0) {
+ popfile();
+ goto loop;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ pos = nextcharpos;
+ goto loop;
+ case '\r':
+ newline();
+ pos = nextcharpos;
+ goto loop;
+ }
+ if (macrocheck && ((c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || (c == '_'))) {
+ pos = ReadIdentifier(save_pos = pos);
+ if ((macro = ismacroname())) {
+ prepmacro(macro);
+ goto loop;
+ } else {
+ pos = save_pos;
+ }
+ }
+short notendofline() {
+ char *save_pos;
+ Macro *macro;
+ char c;
+ switch ((c = prepskipnextchar())) {
+ case 0:
+ if (tokenstacklevel) {
+ poptokenseq();
+ goto loop;
+ }
+ case '\r':
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (macrocheck && ((c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || (c == '_'))) {
+ pos = ReadIdentifier(save_pos = pos);
+ if ((macro = ismacroname())) {
+ prepmacro(macro);
+ goto loop;
+ } else {
+ pos = save_pos;
+ }
+ }
+ return 1;
+static void CPrep_MacroRedefError(char *name, Boolean *flag) {
+ if (!*flag) {
+ if (copts.gcc_extensions) {
+ CPrep_WarningName(108, name);
+ } else if (copts.cpp_extensions) {
+ if (copts.pedantic)
+ CPrep_WarningName(108, name);
+ } else {
+ CPrep_ErrorName(108, name);
+ }
+ *flag = 1;
+ }
+static void goendofline() {
+ if (notendofline()) {
+ CPrep_Error(113);
+ skipendofline();
+ }
+static void CPrep_Define() {
+ Macro *existing_macro; // r31
+ HashNameNode *name; // r29
+ short r28; // r28
+ Boolean r27; // r27
+ Macro *macro; // r20
+ short t; // r17
+ Boolean error_flag;
+ macrocheck = 0;
+ nlflag = 0;
+ t = lexidentifier();
+ if (nlflag) {
+ CPrep_Error(112);
+ skipendofline();
+ }
+ if (t != TK_IDENTIFIER) {
+ CPrep_Error(107);
+ skipendofline();
+ return;
+ }
+ macro = ismacroname3();
+ name = tkidentifier;
+ error_flag = 0;
+ r27 = 0;
+ if (prepcurchar() == '(') {
+ r28 = 1;
+ pos = nextcharpos;
+ // fix me
+ } else {
+ macro = galloc(sizeof(Macro));
+ r28 = 0;
+ }
+ if (existing_macro && (existing_macro->xC & 0x7FFF) != r28)
+ CPrep_MacroRedefError(name->name, &error_flag);
+ macro->name = name;
+ macro->xC = r27 ? (r28 | 0x8000) : r28;
+ macro->is_special = 0;
+ macro->xF = 0;
+ if (r28 > 1) {
+ // fix me
+ }
+ mlist.size = 0;
+ if (notendofline()) {
+ // fix me
+ } else {
+ // fix me
+ }
+static void prepundefine() {
+ short t;
+ Macro *macro;
+ Macro **scan;
+ HashNameNode *name;
+ nlflag = 0;
+ t = lexidentifier();
+ if (nlflag) {
+ CPrep_Error(112);
+ skipendofline();
+ } else if (t != TK_IDENTIFIER) {
+ CPrep_Error(107);
+ skipendofline();
+ } else {
+ name = tkidentifier;
+ for (scan = &macrohashtable[name->hashval], macro = *scan; macro; scan = &macro->next, macro = *scan) {
+ if (macro->name == name) {
+ *scan = macro->next;
+ macrocheck = 1;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ goendofline();
+ }
static Boolean CPrep_CheckTarget() {}
static Boolean CPrep_CheckOption() {}
-static void CPrep_XpandDefinedCheck() {}
-static void XpandString() {}
+static char *CPrep_XpandDefinedCheck(char *) {}
+static char *XpandString(Macro *macro, char *somepos) {
+ // almost matches, r22 and r23 are swapped at the end
+ short start_level;
+ char *curpos;
+ char *tmp;
+ SInt32 tmplen;
+ SInt32 i;
+ char *macro_output;
+ Macro *macro2;
+ int c;
+ char *resultptr;
+ pushtokenseq(macro);
+ macropos = somepos;
+ macrostart = somepos;
+ start_level = tokenstacklevel;
+ pos = somepos;
+ mlist.size = 0;
+ while (tokenstacklevel >= start_level) {
+ loop:
+ switch (*(curpos = pos)) {
+ case 4:
+ AppendGListByte(&mlist, 4);
+ pos = ReadIdentifier(somepos = ++pos);
+ if (cprep_incondexpr && !strcmp(tkidentifier->name, "defined") && (tmp = CPrep_XpandDefinedCheck(pos)))
+ pos = tmp;
+ AppendGListData(&mlist, somepos, pos - somepos);
+ goto loop;
+ case '"':
+ case '\'':
+ somepos = pos++;
+ CPrep_MatchChar(*somepos, 0);
+ AppendGListData(&mlist, somepos, pos - somepos);
+ goto loop;
+ case 'A': case 'B': case 'C': case 'D': case 'E': case 'F': case 'G': case 'H': case 'I':
+ case 'J': case 'K': case 'L': case 'M': case 'N': case 'O': case 'P': case 'Q': case 'R':
+ case 'S': case 'T': case 'U': case 'V': case 'W': case 'X': case 'Y': case 'Z':
+ case 'a': case 'b': case 'c': case 'd': case 'e': case 'f': case 'g': case 'h': case 'i':
+ case 'j': case 'k': case 'l': case 'm': case 'n': case 'o': case 'p': case 'q': case 'r':
+ case 's': case 't': case 'u': case 'v': case 'w': case 'x': case 'y': case 'z':
+ case '_':
+ pos = ReadIdentifier(curpos);
+ waslockedmacro = 0;
+ if (cprep_incondexpr && !strcmp(tkidentifier->name, "defined") && (tmp = CPrep_XpandDefinedCheck(pos))) {
+ pos = tmp;
+ AppendGListData(&mlist, curpos, pos - curpos);
+ goto loop;
+ } else {
+ if (macro)
+ macro2 = ismacroname2(pos);
+ else
+ macro2 = ismacroname5(pos);
+ if (macro2) {
+ AppendGListByte(&mlist, 5);
+ tmplen = mlist.size;
+ if (tmplen > 0x20000) {
+ macropos = pos;
+ CPrep_Error(111);
+ return "";
+ }
+ curpos = aalloc(tmplen);
+ memcpy(curpos, *, tmplen);
+ macro_output = XpandMacro(macro2);
+ if (tokenstacklevel == start_level) {
+ for (i = strlen(macro_output) - 1; i > 0; i--) {
+ switch (macro_output[i]) {
+ case ' ':
+ case '"':
+ case '\'':
+ case ';':
+ goto exit_innermost_loop;
+ }
+ }
+ exit_innermost_loop:
+ if (i > 0) {
+ mlist.size = 0;
+ AppendGListName(&mlist, &macro_output[i + 1]);
+ AppendGListID(&mlist, pos);
+ pos = aalloc(mlist.size);
+ memcpy(pos, *, mlist.size);
+ mlist.size = 0;
+ AppendGListData(&mlist, curpos, tmplen);
+ AppendGListData(&mlist, macro_output, i + 1);
+ } else {
+ mlist.size = 0;
+ AppendGListName(&mlist, macro_output);
+ AppendGListID(&mlist, pos);
+ macro_output = aalloc(mlist.size);
+ memcpy(macro_output, *, mlist.size);
+ mlist.size = 0;
+ pos = macro_output;
+ AppendGListData(&mlist, curpos, tmplen);
+ }
+ } else {
+ mlist.size = 0;
+ AppendGListData(&mlist, curpos, tmplen);
+ AppendGListID(&mlist, macro_output);
+ if (tokenstacklevel < start_level)
+ goto skip_null_term;
+ mlist.size--;
+ goto loop;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (waslockedmacro)
+ AppendGListByte(&mlist, 4);
+ AppendGListData(&mlist, curpos, pos - curpos);
+ goto loop;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4':
+ case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9':
+ AppendGListByte(&mlist, *(pos++));
+ do {
+ c = *pos;
+ if ((c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || (c == '_') || (c >= '0' && c <= '9')) {
+ AppendGListByte(&mlist, c);
+ pos++;
+ } else {
+ break;
+ }
+ } while (1);
+ goto loop;
+ default:
+ AppendGListByte(&mlist, *(pos++));
+ goto loop;
+ case 0:
+ if (tokenstacklevel >= start_level)
+ poptokenseq();
+ }
+ }
+ AppendGListByte(&mlist, 0);
+ if ((tmplen = mlist.size) > 0x20000) {
+ CPrep_Error(111);
+ return "";
+ } else {
+ resultptr = aalloc(tmplen);
+ memcpy(resultptr, *, tmplen);
+ return resultptr;
+ }
char *CPrep_GetFileName(char *buffer, Boolean flag1, Boolean flag2) {
@@ -795,22 +2121,364 @@ static char *XpandSpecialMacro(Macro *macro) {
-static void XpandMacro() {}
-static void prepmacro() {}
-void macrotest() {}
-void CPrep_PragmaLex() {}
-void CPrep_PushOption() {}
-void CPrep_PopOption() {}
-static void CPrep_PragmaImExport() {}
-static void pragma_on_off_reset() {}
-static void CPrep_PragmaOnceName() {}
-static void pragma_precompile_target() {}
-static void CPrep_DefinePragmaOnceMacro() {}
-static void CPrep_PragmaOnce() {}
-static void CPrep_PragmaUnused() {}
-static void CPrep_PragmaInlineDepth() {}
-static void CPrep_PragmaInlineMaxSize() {}
-static void CPrep_PragmaInlineMaxTotalSize() {}
+static char *XpandMacro(Macro *macro) {
+static void prepmacro(Macro *macro) {
+ Boolean save_spaceskip;
+ char *result;
+ macrocheck = 0;
+ dofreeaheap = 0;
+ save_spaceskip = spaceskip;
+ result = XpandMacro(macro);
+ macrocheck = 1;
+ pushtokenseq(NULL);
+ macropos = result;
+ pos = result;
+ macrostart = result;
+ dofreeaheap = 1;
+ macrocheck = 0;
+ spaceskip = save_spaceskip;
+Boolean macrotest() {
+ Macro *macro;
+ if ((macro = ismacroname())) {
+ prepmacro(macro);
+ return 1;
+ } else {
+ return 0;
+ }
+short CPrep_PragmaLex(Boolean no_err) {
+ if (notendofline())
+ return plex();
+ if (!no_err)
+ CPrep_Error(113);
+ return 0;
+void CPrep_PushOption(SInt32 id, char value) {
+ struct COptPush *opt;
+ struct COptPush *newopt;
+ opt = coptpush;
+ do {
+ if (!opt || (opt->x8 && opt->id == id)) {
+ newopt = galloc(sizeof(struct COptPush));
+ newopt->next = coptpush;
+ coptpush = opt = newopt;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!opt->x8)
+ break;
+ opt = opt->next;
+ } while (1);
+ opt->value = ((UInt8 *) &copts)[id];
+ opt->id = id;
+ opt->x8 = 1;
+ ((UInt8 *) &copts)[id] = value;
+void CPrep_PopOption(SInt32 id) {
+ struct COptPush *opt;
+ for (opt = coptpush; opt; opt = opt->next) {
+ if (opt->x8 && opt->id == id) {
+ ((UInt8 *) &copts)[id] = opt->value;
+ opt->x8 = 0;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ ((UInt8 *) &copts)[id] = ((UInt8 *) coptssave)[id];
+static void CPrep_PragmaImExport(int flags) {
+ // does not match - weirdness with the branching inside the loop
+ NameSpaceObjectList *list;
+ do {
+ if (!notendofline())
+ break;
+ if (plex() != TK_IDENTIFIER)
+ break;
+ if (!(list = CScope_GetLocalObject(cscope_root, tkidentifier))) {
+ break;
+ } else {
+ while (list) {
+ if (list->object->otype == OT_OBJECT) {
+ switch (OBJECT(list->object)->datatype) {
+ case DDATA:
+ case DFUNC:
+ OBJECT(list->object)->flags |= flags;
+ break;
+ default:
+ CPrep_Warning(186);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ list = list->next;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!notendofline())
+ return;
+ } while (plex() == ',' && notendofline());
+ if (copts.warn_illpragma)
+ CPrep_Warning(186);
+static void pragma_on_off_reset(UInt32 bits) {
+ Boolean flag = (bits & OPT_FLAG_2000) != 0;
+ int imex_flags;
+ if (notendofline() && plex() == TK_IDENTIFIER) {
+ if (!strcmp(tkidentifier->name, "on")) {
+ CPrep_PushOption(bits & OPT_OFFSET_MASK, 1);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!strcmp(tkidentifier->name, "off")) {
+ CPrep_PushOption(bits & OPT_OFFSET_MASK, 0);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!strcmp(tkidentifier->name, "reset")) {
+ CPrep_PopOption(bits & OPT_OFFSET_MASK);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (flag && !strcmp(tkidentifier->name, "list")) {
+ if (cparamblkptr->isPreprocessing) {
+ skipendofline();
+ return;
+ }
+ macrocheck = 1;
+ if ((bits & OPT_OFFSET_MASK) == OPT_OFFSET(internal))
+ imex_flags = OBJECT_FLAGS_10;
+ else if ((bits & OPT_OFFSET_MASK) == OPT_OFFSET(import))
+ imex_flags = OBJECT_FLAGS_20;
+ else if ((bits & OPT_OFFSET_MASK) == OPT_OFFSET(export))
+ imex_flags = OBJECT_FLAGS_40;
+ else if ((bits & OPT_OFFSET_MASK) == OPT_OFFSET(lib_export))
+ imex_flags = OBJECT_FLAGS_60;
+ else
+#line 3610
+ CError_FATAL();
+ CPrep_PragmaImExport(imex_flags);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if (copts.warn_illpragma)
+ CPrep_Warning(186);
+static HashNameNode *CPrep_PragmaOnceName(StringPtr name, Boolean flag) {
+ // does not match, can't be bothered to fix it atm
+ short len;
+ char myname[256];
+ unsigned char *src;
+ char *dst;
+ len = name[0];
+ if (len > 250)
+ len = 250;
+ dst = &myname[1];
+ src = &name[1];
+ while (len-- > 0) {
+ *(dst++) = tolower(*(src++));
+ }
+ *dst = 0;
+ myname[0] = (copts.syspath_once && flag) ? '$' : -'\\';
+ return GetHashNameNodeExport(myname);
+static void pragma_precompile_target() {
+ if (!notendofline()) {
+ CPrep_Error(112);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (plex() != TK_STRING) {
+ CPrep_Error(117);
+ skipendofline();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (ispascalstring) {
+ CPrep_Error(101);
+ skipendofline();
+ return;
+ }
+ precomp_target_str = tkstring;
+ goendofline();
+static void CPrep_DefinePragmaOnceMacro(StringPtr name, Boolean flag) {
+ HashNameNode *namenode;
+ Macro *macro;
+ namenode = CPrep_PragmaOnceName(name, flag);
+ if (!ismacroname4(namenode)) {
+ macro = galloc(sizeof(Macro));
+ memclrw(macro, sizeof(Macro));
+ macro->name = namenode;
+ macro->next = macrohashtable[namenode->hashval];
+ macrohashtable[namenode->hashval] = macro;
+ }
+static void CPrep_PragmaOnce() {
+ if (notendofline()) {
+ if (plex() == TK_IDENTIFIER) {
+ if (!strcmp(tkidentifier->name, "on")) {
+ include_once = 1;
+ return;
+ } else if (!strcmp(tkidentifier->name, "off")) {
+ include_once = 0;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if (copts.warn_illpragma)
+ CPrep_Warning(186);
+ } else {
+ Str255 filename;
+ COS_FileGetFSSpecInfo(&prep_file->textfile, NULL, NULL, filename);
+ CPrep_DefinePragmaOnceMacro(filename, prep_file->unkfield126);
+ }
+static void CPrep_PragmaUnused() {
+ NameSpace *nspace;
+ NameSpaceObjectList *list;
+ short t;
+ if (cparamblkptr->isPreprocessing) {
+ skipendofline();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (cscope_currentfunc && notendofline() && plex() == '(' && notendofline()) {
+ restart:
+ if (plex() == TK_IDENTIFIER) {
+ for (nspace = cscope_current; nspace; nspace = nspace->parent) {
+ if (nspace->is_global)
+ break;
+ list = CScope_GetLocalObject(nspace, tkidentifier);
+ if (list && list->object->otype == OT_OBJECT && OBJECT(list->object)->datatype == DLOCAL) {
+ OBJECT(list->object)->flags |= OBJECT_FLAGS_UNUSED;
+ if (notendofline()) {
+ t = plex();
+ if (t == ')')
+ return;
+ if (t == ',' && notendofline())
+ goto restart;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (copts.warn_illpragma)
+ CPrep_Warning(186);
+static void CPrep_PragmaInlineDepth() {
+ int lv;
+ if (notendofline() && plex() == '(' && notendofline()) {
+ switch (plex()) {
+ if (strcmp(tkidentifier->name, "smart"))
+ CPrep_Warning(186);
+ else
+ copts.inlinelevel = 0;
+ break;
+ lv = CInt64_GetULong(&tkintconst);
+ if (lv >= 0 && lv <= 1024)
+ copts.inlinelevel = lv ? lv : -1;
+ else
+ CPrep_Warning(186);
+ break;
+ default:
+ CPrep_Warning(186);
+ skipendofline();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!notendofline() || plex() != ')') {
+ CPrep_Warning(115);
+ }
+ if (notendofline()) {
+ CPrep_Warning(113);
+ skipendofline();
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (copts.warn_illpragma)
+ CPrep_Warning(186);
+ }
+static void CPrep_PragmaInlineMaxSize() {
+ if (notendofline() && plex() == '(' && notendofline()) {
+ switch (plex()) {
+ copts.inline_max_size = CInt64_GetULong(&tkintconst);
+ break;
+ default:
+ CPrep_Warning(186);
+ skipendofline();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!notendofline() || plex() != ')') {
+ CPrep_Warning(115);
+ }
+ if (notendofline()) {
+ CPrep_Warning(113);
+ skipendofline();
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (copts.warn_illpragma)
+ CPrep_Warning(186);
+ }
+static void CPrep_PragmaInlineMaxTotalSize() {
+ if (notendofline() && plex() == '(' && notendofline()) {
+ switch (plex()) {
+ copts.inline_max_total_size = CInt64_GetULong(&tkintconst);
+ break;
+ default:
+ CPrep_Warning(186);
+ skipendofline();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!notendofline() || plex() != ')') {
+ CPrep_Warning(115);
+ }
+ if (notendofline()) {
+ CPrep_Warning(113);
+ skipendofline();
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (copts.warn_illpragma)
+ CPrep_Warning(186);
+ }
static void pragma_segment() {
short i;
@@ -841,7 +2509,40 @@ static void pragma_segment() {
-static void pragma_options() {}
+static void pragma_options() {
+ if (notendofline() && plex() == TK_IDENTIFIER && !strcmp(tkidentifier->name, "align") && notendofline() && plex() == '=' && notendofline() && plex() == TK_IDENTIFIER) {
+ if (!strcmp(tkidentifier->name, "reset")) {
+ CPrep_PopOption(OPT_OFFSET(align_mode));
+ goto done;
+ } else if (!strcmp(tkidentifier->name, "native")) {
+ CPrep_PushOption(OPT_OFFSET(align_mode), AlignMode2_PPC);
+ goto done;
+ } else if (!strcmp(tkidentifier->name, "mac68k")) {
+ CPrep_PushOption(OPT_OFFSET(align_mode), AlignMode0_Mac68k);
+ goto done;
+ } else if (!strcmp(tkidentifier->name, "mac68k4byte")) {
+ CPrep_PushOption(OPT_OFFSET(align_mode), AlignMode1_Mac68k4byte);
+ goto done;
+ } else if (!strcmp(tkidentifier->name, "power")) {
+ CPrep_PushOption(OPT_OFFSET(align_mode), AlignMode2_PPC);
+ goto done;
+ } else if (!strcmp(tkidentifier->name, "packed")) {
+ CPrep_PushOption(OPT_OFFSET(align_mode), AlignMode8_Packed);
+ goto done;
+ }
+ }
+ if (copts.warn_illpragma)
+ CPrep_Warning(186);
+ skipendofline();
+ return;
+ if (notendofline()) {
+ CPrep_Error(113);
+ skipendofline();
+ }
static void pragma_push() {
struct COptsPush *push;
@@ -863,35 +2564,1120 @@ static void pragma_pop() {
-static void pragma_overload() {}
-static void pragma_optimization_level() {}
-static void pragma_opt_unroll_count() {}
-static void pragma_opt_unroll_instr_count() {}
-static void pragma_pack() {}
-static void pragma_comment() {}
-static void pragma_message() {}
-static void preppragma() {}
-static void prepinclude() {}
-static void prepline() {}
-static void CPrep_GetPrepType() {}
-static void CPrep_ParseUnary() {}
-static void CPrep_ParseBinary() {}
-static void CPrep_ParseCond() {}
-static void doevalconstexpr() {}
-static void pushifstate() {}
-static void popifstate() {}
-static void positiveif() {}
-static void negativeif() {}
-static void prepif() {}
-static void prepifdef() {}
-static void prepifndef() {}
-static void prepelif() {}
-static void prepelse() {}
-static void prependif() {}
-static void prepifskip() {}
-void preprocessor() {}
-void CPrep_BrowserTokenOffset() {}
-void CPrep_BrowserFileOffset() {}
+static void pragma_overload() {
+ Object *obj;
+ if (cparamblkptr->isPreprocessing) {
+ skipendofline();
+ return;
+ }
+ nlflag = 0;
+ tk = lex();
+ if ((obj = CParser_ParseObject())) {
+ if (obj->sclass && obj->sclass != 0x103)
+ CPrep_Error(177);
+ obj->qual |= Q_OVERLOAD;
+ } else {
+ CPrep_Error(186);
+ }
+ if (nlflag)
+ CPrep_Error(112);
+ if (tk != ';')
+ CPrep_Error(123);
+static void pragma_optimization_level() {
+ short t;
+ int lv;
+ if (notendofline()) {
+ t = plex();
+ if (t == TK_INTCONST) {
+ lv = CInt64_GetULong(&tkintconst);
+ if (lv >= 0 && lv <= 4) {
+ if (copts.crippled && lv > 1) {
+ CPrep_Warning(385);
+ lv = 1;
+ }
+ CPrep_PushOption(OPT_OFFSET(optimizationlevel), lv);
+ CodeGen_UpdateOptimizerOptions();
+ CodeGen_UpdateBackEndOptions();
+ } else {
+ CPrep_Error(154);
+ skipendofline();
+ }
+ } else if (t == TK_IDENTIFIER && !strcmp(tkidentifier->name, "reset")) {
+ CPrep_PopOption(OPT_OFFSET(optimizationlevel));
+ CodeGen_UpdateOptimizerOptions();
+ CodeGen_UpdateBackEndOptions();
+ } else {
+ CPrep_Error(105);
+ skipendofline();
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (copts.warn_illpragma)
+ CPrep_Warning(186);
+ skipendofline();
+ }
+static void pragma_opt_unroll_count() {
+ short t;
+ int lv;
+ if (notendofline()) {
+ t = plex();
+ if (t == TK_INTCONST) {
+ lv = CInt64_GetULong(&tkintconst);
+ if (lv >= 0 && lv <= 127) {
+ CPrep_PushOption(OPT_OFFSET(loop_unroll_count), lv);
+ CodeGen_UpdateOptimizerOptions();
+ CodeGen_UpdateBackEndOptions();
+ } else {
+ CPrep_Error(154);
+ skipendofline();
+ }
+ } else if (t == TK_IDENTIFIER && !strcmp(tkidentifier->name, "reset")) {
+ CPrep_PopOption(OPT_OFFSET(loop_unroll_count));
+ CodeGen_UpdateOptimizerOptions();
+ CodeGen_UpdateBackEndOptions();
+ } else {
+ CPrep_Error(105);
+ skipendofline();
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (copts.warn_illpragma)
+ CPrep_Warning(186);
+ skipendofline();
+ }
+static void pragma_opt_unroll_instr_count() {
+ short t;
+ int lv;
+ if (notendofline()) {
+ t = plex();
+ if (t == TK_INTCONST) {
+ lv = CInt64_GetULong(&tkintconst);
+ if (lv >= 0 && lv <= 127) {
+ CPrep_PushOption(OPT_OFFSET(loop_unroll_size_threshold), lv);
+ CodeGen_UpdateOptimizerOptions();
+ CodeGen_UpdateBackEndOptions();
+ } else {
+ CPrep_Error(154);
+ skipendofline();
+ }
+ } else if (t == TK_IDENTIFIER && !strcmp(tkidentifier->name, "reset")) {
+ CPrep_PopOption(OPT_OFFSET(loop_unroll_size_threshold));
+ CodeGen_UpdateOptimizerOptions();
+ CodeGen_UpdateBackEndOptions();
+ } else {
+ CPrep_Error(105);
+ skipendofline();
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (copts.warn_illpragma)
+ CPrep_Warning(186);
+ skipendofline();
+ }
+static void pragma_pack() {
+ int t;
+ int i;
+ Boolean did_push;
+ Boolean did_pop;
+ if (notendofline() && plex() == '(') {
+ macrocheck = 1;
+ if (notendofline() && ((t = plex()) == ')')) {
+ copts.align_mode = coptssave->align_mode;
+ } else {
+ did_push = did_pop = 0;
+ do {
+ if (t == TK_IDENTIFIER) {
+ if (!strcmp(tkidentifier->name, "push")) {
+ if (cprep_packstackp) {
+ cprep_packstackp--;
+ cprep_packstack[cprep_packstackp].identifier = NULL;
+ cprep_packstack[cprep_packstackp].align_mode = copts.align_mode;
+ did_push = 1;
+ } else {
+ CPrep_Warning(186);
+ }
+ } else if (!strcmp(tkidentifier->name, "pop")) {
+ if (cprep_packstackp < 128) {
+ copts.align_mode = cprep_packstack[cprep_packstackp].align_mode;
+ cprep_packstackp++;
+ did_pop = 1;
+ } else {
+ CPrep_Warning(186);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (did_push) {
+ cprep_packstack[cprep_packstackp].identifier = tkidentifier;
+ } else if (did_pop) {
+ for (i = cprep_packstackp - 1; i < 128; i++) {
+ if (cprep_packstack[i].identifier == tkidentifier)
+ break;
+ }
+ if (i < 128) {
+ copts.align_mode = cprep_packstack[i].align_mode;
+ cprep_packstackp = i + 1;
+ } else {
+ CPrep_Warning(186);
+ }
+ } else {
+ CPrep_Warning(186);
+ }
+ did_pop = 0;
+ did_push = 0;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (t == TK_INTCONST) {
+ switch (CInt64_GetULong(&tkintconst)) {
+ case 0:
+ copts.align_mode = coptssave->align_mode;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ copts.align_mode = AlignMode3_1Byte;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ copts.align_mode = AlignMode4_2Byte;
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ copts.align_mode = AlignMode5_4Byte;
+ break;
+ case 8:
+ copts.align_mode = AlignMode6_8Byte;
+ break;
+ case 16:
+ copts.align_mode = AlignMode7_16Byte;
+ break;
+ default:
+ if (copts.warn_illpragma)
+ CPrep_Warning(186);
+ }
+ }
+ did_pop = 0;
+ did_push = 0;
+ }
+ if (notendofline())
+ t = plex();
+ if (t != ',')
+ break;
+ t = plex();
+ } while (1);
+ }
+ if (t != ')' && copts.warn_illpragma)
+ CPrep_Warning(186);
+ macrocheck = 0;
+ } else {
+ if (copts.warn_illpragma)
+ CPrep_Warning(186);
+ }
+static void pragma_comment() {
+ int t;
+ short start_tokenstacklevel = tokenstacklevel;
+ if (notendofline() && plex() == '(') {
+ if (notendofline()) {
+ t = plex();
+ if (t == TK_IDENTIFIER) {
+ if (!strcmp(tkidentifier->name, "compiler")) {
+ t = plex();
+ } else if (!strcmp(tkidentifier->name, "exestr") || !strcmp(tkidentifier->name, "linker") || !strcmp(tkidentifier->name, "user")) {
+ if (plex() == ',') {
+ macrocheck = 1;
+ t = plex();
+ macrocheck = 0;
+ if (t == TK_STRING) {
+ while (t == TK_STRING) {
+ macrocheck = 1;
+ if (tokenstacklevel == start_tokenstacklevel && !notendofline())
+ break;
+ macrocheck = 1;
+ t = plex();
+ macrocheck = 0;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (copts.warn_illpragma)
+ CPrep_Warning(186);
+ skipendofline();
+ return;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (copts.warn_illpragma)
+ CPrep_Warning(186);
+ skipendofline();
+ return;
+ }
+ } else if (!strcmp(tkidentifier->name, "lib")) {
+ if (plex() == ',') {
+ macrocheck = 1;
+ t = plex();
+ macrocheck = 0;
+ if (t == TK_STRING) {
+ while (t == TK_STRING) {
+ macrocheck = 1;
+ if (tokenstacklevel == start_tokenstacklevel && !notendofline())
+ break;
+ macrocheck = 1;
+ t = plex();
+ macrocheck = 0;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (copts.warn_illpragma)
+ CPrep_Warning(186);
+ skipendofline();
+ return;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (copts.warn_illpragma)
+ CPrep_Warning(186);
+ skipendofline();
+ return;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (copts.warn_illpragma)
+ CPrep_Warning(186);
+ skipendofline();
+ return;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (copts.warn_illpragma)
+ CPrep_Warning(186);
+ skipendofline();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if (t != ')') {
+ if (copts.warn_illpragma)
+ CPrep_Warning(186);
+ skipendofline();
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (copts.warn_illpragma)
+ CPrep_Warning(186);
+ skipendofline();
+ }
+static void pragma_message() {
+ int t;
+ short start_tokenstacklevel;
+ char str[128];
+ char *ptr;
+ if (notendofline() && plex() == '(') {
+ if (notendofline()) {
+ start_tokenstacklevel = tokenstacklevel;
+ ptr = str;
+ str[0] = 0;
+ macrocheck = 1;
+ t = plex();
+ macrocheck = 0;
+ if (t == TK_STRING) {
+ while (t == TK_STRING) {
+ strncpy(ptr, tkstring, sizeof(str) - (ptr - str));
+ str[sizeof(str) - 1] = 0;
+ ptr = str + strlen(str);
+ macrocheck = 1;
+ if (tokenstacklevel == start_tokenstacklevel && !notendofline())
+ break;
+ macrocheck = 1;
+ t = plex();
+ macrocheck = 0;
+ }
+ CWReportMessage(cparamblkptr->context, NULL, str, NULL, messagetypeInfo, 337);
+ skipendofline();
+ } else {
+ if (copts.warn_illpragma)
+ CPrep_Warning(186);
+ skipendofline();
+ }
+ } else if (plex() != ')') {
+ if (copts.warn_illpragma)
+ CPrep_Warning(186);
+ skipendofline();
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (copts.warn_illpragma)
+ CPrep_Warning(186);
+ skipendofline();
+ }
+static void preppragma() {
+ struct CompilerOption *opt;
+ Boolean save_eoltokens;
+ if (notendofline()) {
+ macrocheck = 0;
+ if (lexidentifier() == TK_IDENTIFIER) {
+ if (!strcmp(tkidentifier->name, "pack")) {
+ pragma_pack();
+ } else if (!strcmp(tkidentifier->name, "optimization_level")) {
+ pragma_optimization_level();
+ } else if (!strcmp(tkidentifier->name, "once")) {
+ CPrep_PragmaOnce();
+ } else if (!strcmp(tkidentifier->name, "unused")) {
+ CPrep_PragmaUnused();
+ } else if (!strcmp(tkidentifier->name, "inline_depth")) {
+ CPrep_PragmaInlineDepth();
+ } else if (!strcmp(tkidentifier->name, "inline_max_size")) {
+ CPrep_PragmaInlineMaxSize();
+ } else if (!strcmp(tkidentifier->name, "inline_max_total_size")) {
+ CPrep_PragmaInlineMaxTotalSize();
+ } else if (!strcmp(tkidentifier->name, "opt_pointer_analysis_mode")) {
+ PointerAnalysis_PragmaMode();
+ } else if (!strcmp(tkidentifier->name, "options")) {
+ pragma_options();
+ macrocheck = 1;
+ return;
+ } else if (!strcmp(tkidentifier->name, "segment")) {
+ pragma_segment();
+ } else if (!strcmp(tkidentifier->name, "push")) {
+ pragma_push();
+ } else if (!strcmp(tkidentifier->name, "pop")) {
+ pragma_pop();
+ } else if (!strcmp(tkidentifier->name, "parameter")) {
+ macrocheck = 1;
+ CMach_PragmaParams();
+ } else if (!strcmp(tkidentifier->name, "overload")) {
+ macrocheck = 1;
+ pragma_overload();
+ } else if (!strcmp(tkidentifier->name, "mark")) {
+ skipendofline();
+ macrocheck = 1;
+ return;
+ } else if (!strcmp(tkidentifier->name, "precompile_target")) {
+ pragma_precompile_target();
+ } else if (!strcmp(tkidentifier->name, "message")) {
+ pragma_message();
+ } else if (!strcmp(tkidentifier->name, "opt_unroll_count")) {
+ pragma_opt_unroll_count();
+ } else if (!strcmp(tkidentifier->name, "opt_unroll_instr_count")) {
+ pragma_opt_unroll_instr_count();
+ } else if (!strcmp(tkidentifier->name, "exception_terminate")) {
+ if (!preprocessing_only)
+ CExcept_Terminate();
+ } else if (!strcmp(tkidentifier->name, "exception_arrayinit")) {
+ if (!preprocessing_only)
+ CExcept_ArrayInit();
+ } else if (!strcmp(tkidentifier->name, "exception_magic")) {
+ if (!preprocessing_only)
+ CExcept_Magic();
+ } else if (!strcmp(tkidentifier->name, "SOMReleaseOrder")) {
+ macrocheck = 1;
+ CSOM_PragmaReleaseOrder();
+ } else if (!strcmp(tkidentifier->name, "SOMClassVersion")) {
+ macrocheck = 1;
+ CSOM_PragmaClassVersion();
+ } else if (!strcmp(tkidentifier->name, "SOMMetaClass")) {
+ macrocheck = 1;
+ CSOM_PragmaMetaClass();
+ } else if (!strcmp(tkidentifier->name, "SOMCallStyle")) {
+ CSOM_PragmaCallStyle();
+ } else {
+ for (opt = compileroptions; opt->name; opt++) {
+ if (!strcmp(tkidentifier->name, opt->name) && !(opt->bits & OPT_FLAG_4000)) {
+ pragma_on_off_reset(opt->bits);
+ if (opt->bits & OPT_FLAG_8000)
+ CMach_Configure();
+ goto foundOption;
+ }
+ }
+ save_eoltokens = cprep_eoltokens;
+ cprep_eoltokens = 1;
+ CodeGen_ParsePragma(tkidentifier);
+ cprep_eoltokens = save_eoltokens;
+ macrocheck = 1;
+ return;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (copts.warn_illpragma)
+ CPrep_Warning(186);
+ skipendofline();
+ macrocheck = 1;
+ return;
+ }
+ foundOption:
+ if (notendofline()) {
+ CPrep_Error(113);
+ skipendofline();
+ }
+ CPrep_Reconfig();
+ macrocheck = 1;
+ }
+static void prepinclude(Boolean flag) {
+ // mostly ok but registers need to be rearranged
+ short t;
+ Boolean r29;
+ short len;
+ short i;
+ char *save_pos;
+ char buf[256];
+ short start_tokenstacklevel;
+ StringPtr ptr;
+ if (!notendofline()) {
+ CPrep_Error(112);
+ return;
+ }
+ t = prepcurchar();
+ if (t != '"' && t != '<') {
+ CPrep_Error(117);
+ skipendofline();
+ return;
+ }
+ r29 = 1;
+ save_pos = pos;
+ if (t == '<') {
+ prepnextchar();
+ if (!copts.flat_include)
+ r29 = 0;
+ len = 0;
+ while ((t = prepnextstringchar(save_pos, 1)) != '>') {
+ if (t != 5) {
+ if (len > 254) {
+ CPrep_Error(106);
+ skipendofline();
+ return;
+ }
+ buf[++len] = t;
+ }
+ }
+ buf[0] = len;
+ ptr = (StringPtr) buf;
+ } else {
+ start_tokenstacklevel = tokenstacklevel;
+ macrocheck = 1;
+ t = plex();
+ macrocheck = 0;
+ buf[1] = 0;
+ if (t != TK_STRING) {
+ CPrep_Error(117);
+ skipendofline();
+ return;
+ }
+ while (t == TK_STRING) {
+ strncat(&buf[1], tkstring, 254 - strlen(&buf[1]));
+ buf[255] = 0;
+ if (tokenstacklevel == start_tokenstacklevel && !notendofline())
+ break;
+ macrocheck = 1;
+ t = plex();
+ macrocheck = 0;
+ }
+ buf[0] = strlen(&buf[1]);
+ ptr = (StringPtr) buf;
+ }
+ goendofline();
+ if (ismacroname4(CPrep_PragmaOnceName((StringPtr) buf, !r29)))
+ return;
+ if (flag || copts.always_import)
+ CPrep_DefinePragmaOnceMacro((StringPtr) buf, !r29);
+ if (copts.flat_include) {
+ for (i = len; i > 0; i--) {
+ switch (buf[i]) {
+ case ':':
+ case '/':
+ case '\\':
+ ptr = (StringPtr) buf;
+ ptr += i;
+ buf[i] = len - i;
+ goto all_done;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ setupfile(ptr, r29, flag);
+static void prepline() {
+ short t;
+ short len;
+ char buf[256];
+ cprep_hasprepline = 1;
+ if (!notendofline()) {
+ CPrep_Error(112);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (plex() != TK_INTCONST) {
+ CPrep_Error(117);
+ skipendofline();
+ return;
+ }
+ linenumber = CInt64_GetULong(&tkintconst) - 1;
+ if (notendofline()) {
+ if (prepnextchar() != '"') {
+ CPrep_Error(117);
+ skipendofline();
+ return;
+ }
+ len = 0;
+ while ((t = prepnextchar()) != '"') {
+ if (!t)
+ break;
+ if (len > 252) {
+ CPrep_Error(106);
+ skipendofline();
+ return;
+ }
+ buf[len] = t;
+ len++;
+ }
+ buf[len] = 0;
+ CTool_CtoPstr(buf);
+ filestack[filesp]->nameNode = CPrep_GetSourceFilePath(filestack[filesp]);
+ COS_FileSetFSSpec(&filestack[filesp]->textfile, (StringPtr) buf);
+ goendofline();
+ if (preprocessing_only && !copts.simple_prepdump)
+ CPrep_PreprocessDumpFileInfo(0);
+ }
+static TypeIntegral *CPrep_GetPrepType(PrepValue *pv) {
+ if (copts.longlong_prepeval || copts.c9x) {
+ if (pv->is_unsigned)
+ return &stunsignedlonglong;
+ else
+ return &stsignedlonglong;
+ } else {
+ if (pv->is_unsigned)
+ return &stunsignedlong;
+ else
+ return &stsignedlong;
+ }
+static PrepValue CPrep_ParseUnary() {
+static PrepValue CPrep_ParseBinary(PrepValue *rhs, short op) {
+ // i need a lot of fixing :(
+ PrepValue a;
+ PrepValue b;
+ short t;
+ short op2;
+ short op3;
+ short prec2;
+ short prec3;
+ if (!rhs) {
+ a = CPrep_ParseUnary();
+ } else {
+ a = *rhs;
+ }
+ op2 = op;
+ op3 = exprtk;
+ prec3 = GetPrec(op3);
+ if (!prec3) {
+ return a;
+ }
+ if (!notendofline()) {
+ CPrep_Error(112);
+ return a;
+ }
+ b = CPrep_ParseUnary();
+ prec3 = prec3; // variable change situation?
+ do {
+ if (exprtk == ')' || !notendofline()) {
+ if (b.is_unsigned)
+ a.is_unsigned = 1;
+ a.val = CMach_CalcIntDiadic((Type *) CPrep_GetPrepType(&a), a.val, t, b.val);
+ return a;
+ }
+ op = GetPrec(exprtk);
+ if (!op) {
+ CPrep_Error(141);
+ return a;
+ }
+ if (prec3 >= prec2) {
+ if (b.is_unsigned)
+ a.is_unsigned = 1;
+ a.val = CMach_CalcIntDiadic((Type *) CPrep_GetPrepType(&a), a.val, t, b.val);
+ if (GetPrec(op) > op2)
+ goto restart;
+ return a;
+ }
+ b = CPrep_ParseBinary(&b, prec3);
+ } while (1);
+static PrepValue CPrep_ParseCond() {
+ PrepValue a;
+ PrepValue b;
+ PrepValue c;
+ a = CPrep_ParseBinary(NULL, -1);
+ if (exprtk == '?') {
+ b = CPrep_ParseCond();
+ if (!notendofline()) {
+ CPrep_Error(112);
+ return a;
+ }
+ if (exprtk != ':') {
+ CPrep_Error(170);
+ return a;
+ }
+ if (!notendofline()) {
+ CPrep_Error(112);
+ return a;
+ }
+ c = CPrep_ParseCond();
+ a = !CInt64_IsZero(&a.val) ? b : c;
+ }
+ return a;
+static void doevalconstexpr() {
+ PrepValue v;
+ macrocheck = 1;
+ nlflag = 0;
+ cprep_incondexpr = 1;
+ v = CPrep_ParseCond();
+ if (exprtk)
+ CPrep_Error(141);
+ cprep_incondexpr = 0;
+ if (nlflag)
+ CPrep_Error(112);
+ else
+ goendofline();
+ tkintconst = v.val;
+static void pushifstate(SInt16 state) {
+ if (iflevel >= 64) {
+ CPrep_Error(215);
+ } else {
+ ifstack[iflevel].state = state;
+ ifstack[iflevel].file = prep_file;
+ ifstack[iflevel].pos = pos - prep_file_start;
+ iflevel++;
+ }
+static void popifstate() {
+ if (iflevel <= 0) {
+ CPrep_Error(117);
+ } else {
+ switch (ifstack[iflevel - 1].state) {
+ case IfState_1:
+ case IfState_3:
+ case IfState_4:
+ iflevel--;
+ return;
+ }
+ iflevel--;
+ if (iflevel > 0) {
+ switch (ifstack[iflevel - 1].state) {
+ case IfState_1:
+ case IfState_3:
+ case IfState_4:
+ prepifskip();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+static void positiveif() {
+ pushifstate(IfState_0);
+static void negativeif(Boolean flag) {
+ if (flag) {
+ pushifstate(IfState_1);
+ prepifskip();
+ } else {
+ pushifstate(IfState_3);
+ }
+static void prepif() {
+ if (iflevel > 0) {
+ switch (ifstack[iflevel - 1].state) {
+ case IfState_1:
+ case IfState_3:
+ case IfState_4:
+ skipendofline();
+ negativeif(0);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ doevalconstexpr();
+ if (CInt64_IsZero(&tkintconst))
+ negativeif(1);
+ else
+ positiveif();
+static void prepifdef() {
+ if (iflevel > 0) {
+ switch (ifstack[iflevel - 1].state) {
+ case IfState_1:
+ case IfState_3:
+ case IfState_4:
+ skipendofline();
+ negativeif(0);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ macrocheck = 0;
+ if (!notendofline()) {
+ CPrep_Error(112);
+ negativeif(1);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (lexidentifier() != TK_IDENTIFIER) {
+ CPrep_Error(107);
+ negativeif(1);
+ return;
+ }
+ macrocheck = 1;
+ goendofline();
+ if (ismacroname3())
+ positiveif();
+ else
+ negativeif(1);
+static void prepifndef() {
+ if (iflevel > 0) {
+ switch (ifstack[iflevel - 1].state) {
+ case IfState_1:
+ case IfState_3:
+ case IfState_4:
+ skipendofline();
+ negativeif(0);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ macrocheck = 0;
+ if (!notendofline()) {
+ CPrep_Error(112);
+ negativeif(1);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (lexidentifier() != TK_IDENTIFIER) {
+ CPrep_Error(107);
+ negativeif(1);
+ return;
+ }
+ macrocheck = 1;
+ goendofline();
+ if (!ismacroname3())
+ positiveif();
+ else
+ negativeif(1);
+static void prepelif() {
+ if (iflevel <= 0 || ifstack[iflevel - 1].state == IfState_2 || ifstack[iflevel - 1].state == IfState_4) {
+ CPrep_Error(118);
+ skipendofline();
+ return;
+ }
+ switch (ifstack[iflevel - 1].state) {
+ case IfState_1:
+ doevalconstexpr();
+ if (!CInt64_IsZero(&tkintconst))
+ ifstack[iflevel - 1].state = IfState_0;
+ break;
+ case IfState_3:
+ skipendofline();
+ break;
+ case IfState_0:
+ ifstack[iflevel - 1].state = IfState_3;
+ skipendofline();
+ prepifskip();
+ break;
+ default:
+#line 5700
+ CError_FATAL();
+ }
+static void prepelse() {
+ if (iflevel <= 0 || ifstack[iflevel - 1].state == IfState_2 || ifstack[iflevel - 1].state == IfState_4) {
+ CPrep_Error(118);
+ skipendofline();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!copts.ANSI_strict)
+ skipendofline();
+ else
+ goendofline();
+ switch (ifstack[iflevel - 1].state) {
+ case IfState_1:
+ ifstack[iflevel - 1].state = IfState_2;
+ break;
+ case IfState_0:
+ ifstack[iflevel - 1].state = IfState_4;
+ prepifskip();
+ break;
+ case IfState_3:
+ ifstack[iflevel - 1].state = IfState_4;
+ break;
+ default:
+#line 5738
+ CError_FATAL();
+ }
+static void prependif() {
+ if (iflevel <= 0) {
+ CPrep_Error(118);
+ skipendofline();
+ return;
+ }
+ macrocheck = 0;
+ if (!copts.ANSI_strict)
+ skipendofline();
+ else
+ goendofline();
+ macrocheck = 1;
+ popifstate();
+static void prepifskip() {
+ // this function does something very weird with its code generation that i can't match
+ TStreamElement ts;
+ short t;
+ while (iflevel > 0) {
+ switch (ifstack[iflevel - 1].state) {
+ case IfState_1:
+ case IfState_3:
+ case IfState_4:
+ restart:
+ t = prepskipnextchar();
+ pos = nextcharpos;
+ switch (t) {
+ case 0:
+ if (tokenstacklevel > 0) {
+ poptokenseq();
+ } else if (tokenstacklevel > 0 || pos >= prep_file_end) {
+ if (filesp > 0) {
+ popfile();
+ } else {
+ was_prep_error = 0;
+ ts.tokenfile = ifstack[iflevel - 1].file;
+ ts.tokenoffset = ifstack[iflevel - 1].pos;
+ CError_SetErrorToken(&ts);
+ CError_ErrorTerm(119);
+ iflevel = 0;
+ return;
+ }
+ } else {
+ CPrep_Error(105);
+ }
+ goto restart;
+ case '\r':
+ newline();
+ goto restart;
+ case '"':
+ skipendoflinematch(pos, '"');
+ goto restart;
+ case '\'':
+ skipendoflinematch(pos, '"');
+ goto restart;
+ case '#':
+ t = prepskipnextchar();
+ pos = nextcharpos;
+ switch (t) {
+ case '\r':
+ goto restart;
+ case 0:
+ CPrep_Error(102);
+ default:
+ pos = ReadIdentifier(pos - 1);
+ if (!strcmp("if", tkidentifier->name)) {
+ prepif();
+ } else if (!strcmp("ifdef", tkidentifier->name)) {
+ prepifdef();
+ } else if (!strcmp("ifndef", tkidentifier->name)) {
+ prepifndef();
+ } else if (!strcmp("elif", tkidentifier->name)) {
+ prepelif();
+ } else if (!strcmp("else", tkidentifier->name)) {
+ prepelse();
+ } else if (!strcmp("endif", tkidentifier->name)) {
+ prependif();
+ } else {
+ skipendofline();
+ goto restart;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ skipendofline();
+ goto restart;
+ }
+ default:
+ return;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+void preprocessor() {
+ short t;
+ gDirectiveStart = pos - prep_file_start;
+ t = prepskipnextchar();
+ pos = nextcharpos;
+ switch (t) {
+ case 0:
+ CPrep_Error(102);
+ case '\r':
+ return;
+ }
+ pos = ReadIdentifier(pos - 1);
+ if (!strcmp("define", tkidentifier->name)) {
+ CPrep_Define();
+ macrocheck = 1;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!strcmp("undef", tkidentifier->name)) {
+ prepundefine();
+ macrocheck = 1;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!strcmp("include", tkidentifier->name)) {
+ prepinclude(0);
+ macrocheck = 1;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!strcmp("line", tkidentifier->name)) {
+ prepline();
+ macrocheck = 1;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!strcmp("error", tkidentifier->name)) {
+ CPrep_Error(318);
+ CError_ResetErrorSkip();
+ skipendofline();
+ macrocheck = 1;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!strcmp("pragma", tkidentifier->name)) {
+ preppragma();
+ macrocheck = 1;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!copts.ANSI_strict) {
+ if (!strcmp("warning", tkidentifier->name)) {
+ CPrep_Warning(337);
+ skipendofline();
+ macrocheck = 1;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!strcmp(tkidentifier->name, "ident")) {
+ skipendofline();
+ macrocheck = 1;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!strcmp("if", tkidentifier->name)) {
+ macrocheck = 1;
+ prepif();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!strcmp("ifdef", tkidentifier->name)) {
+ macrocheck = 1;
+ prepifdef();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!strcmp("ifndef", tkidentifier->name)) {
+ macrocheck = 1;
+ prepifndef();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!strcmp("elif", tkidentifier->name)) {
+ macrocheck = 1;
+ prepelif();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!strcmp("else", tkidentifier->name)) {
+ macrocheck = 1;
+ prepelse();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!strcmp("endif", tkidentifier->name)) {
+ macrocheck = 1;
+ prependif();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (copts.objective_c || !copts.ANSI_strict) {
+ if (!strcmp("import", tkidentifier->name)) {
+ prepinclude(1);
+ macrocheck = 1;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ CPrep_Error(104);
+ skipendofline();
+ macrocheck = 1;
+SInt32 CPrep_BrowserTokenOffset(FileOffsetInfo *foi) {
+ return foi->tokenoffset;
+SInt32 CPrep_BrowserFileOffset() {
+ if (ts_first < ts_current)
+ return ts_current[-1].tokenoffset + 1;
+ else if (tokenstacklevel)
+ return tokenstack[0].pos - filestack[filesp]->textbuffer;
+ else
+ return pos - filestack[filesp]->textbuffer;
void CPrep_BrowserFilePosition(CPrepFileInfo **fileinfo, SInt32 *offset) {
CPrepFileInfo *file;
diff --git a/compiler_and_linker/FrontEnd/C/CPrepTokenizer.c b/compiler_and_linker/FrontEnd/C/CPrepTokenizer.c
index 5b77268..62753f8 100644
--- a/compiler_and_linker/FrontEnd/C/CPrepTokenizer.c
+++ b/compiler_and_linker/FrontEnd/C/CPrepTokenizer.c
@@ -1,156 +1,1889 @@
#include "compiler.h"
#include "compiler/tokens.h"
+#include "compiler/CError.h"
+#include "compiler/CInt64.h"
+#include "cos.h"
static Boolean prepnextstringchar_foundnl;
+#define UCD (unsigned char *)
+#define CD (char *)
short prepskipnextchar() {
+ short c;
+ unsigned char *start;
+ unsigned char *p;
+ start = UCD pos;
+ p = UCD pos;
+ switch ((c = *p)) {
+ case 0:
+ if (tokenstacklevel > 0 || CD p >= prep_file_end) {
+ pos = CD p;
+ nextcharpos = CD p;
+ return c;
+ } else {
+ pos = CD p++;
+ nextcharpos = CD p;
+ return c;
+ }
+ case 4:
+ case 5:
+ p++;
+ goto loop;
+ case ' ':
+ case '\t':
+ case '\n':
+ case '\v':
+ case '\f':
+ spaceskip = 1;
+ p++;
+ goto loop;
+ case ';':
+ pos = CD p++;
+ if (tokenstacklevel <= 0 && in_assembler && copts.asmsemicolcomment) {
+ spaceskip = 1;
+ nextcharpos = CPrep_SkipNewComment(CD p);
+ return CPrep_SkipNewCommentChar;
+ }
+ nextcharpos = CD p;
+ return c;
+ case '#':
+ pos = CD p++;
+ if (tokenstacklevel <= 0 && in_assembler && copts.asmpoundcomment) {
+ spaceskip = 1;
+ nextcharpos = CPrep_SkipNewComment(CD p);
+ return CPrep_SkipNewCommentChar;
+ }
+ nextcharpos = CD p;
+ return c;
+ case '/':
+ pos = CD p++;
+ if (copts.multibyteaware) {
+ while (p[0] == '\\' && !COS_IsMultiByte(CD start, CD p) && p[1] == '\r') {
+ foundnl();
+ if (p[2] == '\n')
+ p += 3;
+ else
+ p += 2;
+ }
+ } else {
+ while (p[0] == '\\' && p[1] == '\r') {
+ foundnl();
+ if (p[2] == '\n')
+ p += 3;
+ else
+ p += 2;
+ }
+ }
+ if (tokenstacklevel <= 0) {
+ if (p[0] == '/' && (!copts.ANSI_strict || copts.cplusplus || copts.c9x)) {
+ spaceskip = 1;
+ nextcharpos = CPrep_SkipNewComment(CD p + 1);
+ return CPrep_SkipNewCommentChar;
+ } else if (p[0] == '*') {
+ spaceskip = 1;
+ p++;
+ for (;;) {
+ if (!(c = *(p++))) {
+ if (tokenstacklevel > 0 || CD p >= prep_file_end) {
+ CPrep_Error(103);
+ nextcharpos = CD p - 1;
+ return c;
+ }
+ p[-1] = ' ';
+ }
+ if (c == '*') {
+ if (copts.multibyteaware) {
+ while (p[0] == '\\' && !COS_IsMultiByte(CD start, CD p) && p[1] == '\r') {
+ foundnl();
+ if (p[2] == '\n')
+ p += 3;
+ else
+ p += 2;
+ }
+ } else {
+ while (p[0] == '\\' && p[1] == '\r') {
+ foundnl();
+ if (p[2] == '\n')
+ p += 3;
+ else
+ p += 2;
+ }
+ }
+ if (*p == '/') {
+ p++;
+ goto loop;
+ }
+ }
+ if (c == '\r')
+ foundnl();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ nextcharpos = CD p;
+ return c;
+ case '%':
+ pos = CD p++;
+ if (*p == ':' && copts.cplusplus) {
+ nextcharpos = CD p + 1;
+ return '#';
+ }
+ nextcharpos = CD p;
+ return c;
+ case '\\':
+ pos = CD p++;
+ mid_backslash:
+ if (*p == '\r') {
+ if (!copts.multibyteaware || !COS_IsMultiByte(CD start, CD p - 1)) {
+ foundnl();
+ if (p[1] == '\n')
+ p += 2;
+ else
+ p += 1;
+ goto loop;
+ }
+ }
+ nextcharpos = CD p;
+ return c;
+ case '?':
+ pos = CD p++;
+ if (copts.trigraphs && p[0] == '?') {
+ switch (p[1]) {
+ case '=':
+ nextcharpos = CD p + 2;
+ return '#';
+ case '/':
+ c = '\\';
+ p += 2;
+ goto mid_backslash;
+ case '\'':
+ nextcharpos = CD p + 2;
+ return '^';
+ case '(':
+ nextcharpos = CD p + 2;
+ return '[';
+ case ')':
+ nextcharpos = CD p + 2;
+ return ']';
+ case '!':
+ nextcharpos = CD p + 2;
+ return '|';
+ case '<':
+ nextcharpos = CD p + 2;
+ return '{';
+ case '>':
+ nextcharpos = CD p + 2;
+ return '}';
+ case '-':
+ nextcharpos = CD p + 2;
+ return '~';
+ }
+ }
+ nextcharpos = CD p;
+ return c;
+ default:
+ pos = CD p++;
+ nextcharpos = CD p;
+ return c;
+ }
short prepnextchar() {
+ short c;
+ unsigned char *start;
+ unsigned char *p;
+ start = UCD pos;
+ p = UCD pos;
+ switch ((c = *(p++))) {
+ case 0:
+ pos = CD p - 1;
+ return c;
+ case '/':
+ if (copts.multibyteaware) {
+ while (p[0] == '\\' && !COS_IsMultiByte(CD start, CD p) && p[1] == '\r') {
+ foundnl();
+ if (p[2] == '\n')
+ p += 3;
+ else
+ p += 2;
+ }
+ } else {
+ while (p[0] == '\\' && p[1] == '\r') {
+ foundnl();
+ if (p[2] == '\n')
+ p += 3;
+ else
+ p += 2;
+ }
+ }
+ if (p[0] == '/' && (!copts.ANSI_strict || copts.cplusplus)) {
+ spaceskip = 1;
+ pos = CPrep_SkipNewComment(CD p + 1);
+ return CPrep_SkipNewCommentChar;
+ } else if (p[0] == '*') {
+ spaceskip = 1;
+ p++;
+ for (;;) {
+ if (!(c = *(p++))) {
+ if (tokenstacklevel > 0 || CD p >= prep_file_end) {
+ pos = CD p - 1;
+ CPrep_Error(103);
+ return c;
+ }
+ p[-1] = ' ';
+ }
+ if (c == '*') {
+ if (copts.multibyteaware) {
+ while (p[0] == '\\' && !COS_IsMultiByte(CD start, CD p) && p[1] == '\r') {
+ foundnl();
+ if (p[2] == '\n')
+ p += 3;
+ else
+ p += 2;
+ }
+ } else {
+ while (p[0] == '\\' && p[1] == '\r') {
+ foundnl();
+ if (p[2] == '\n')
+ p += 3;
+ else
+ p += 2;
+ }
+ }
+ if (*p == '/')
+ break;
+ }
+ if (c == '\r')
+ foundnl();
+ }
+ pos = CD p + 1;
+ return ' ';
+ } else {
+ pos = CD p;
+ return c;
+ }
+ case '\\':
+ backslash:
+ if (*p == '\r') {
+ if (!copts.multibyteaware || !COS_IsMultiByte(CD start, CD p - 1)) {
+ foundnl();
+ if (p[1] == '\n')
+ p += 2;
+ else
+ p += 1;
+ goto loop;
+ }
+ }
+ pos = CD p;
+ return c;
+ case '%':
+ if (*p == ':' && copts.cplusplus) {
+ pos = CD p + 1;
+ return '#';
+ }
+ pos = CD p;
+ return c;
+ case '?':
+ if (copts.trigraphs && p[0] == '?') {
+ switch (p[1]) {
+ case '=':
+ pos = CD p + 2;
+ return '#';
+ case '/':
+ c = '\\';
+ p += 2;
+ goto backslash;
+ case '\'':
+ pos = CD p + 2;
+ return '^';
+ case '(':
+ pos = CD p + 2;
+ return '[';
+ case ')':
+ pos = CD p + 2;
+ return ']';
+ case '!':
+ pos = CD p + 2;
+ return '|';
+ case '<':
+ pos = CD p + 2;
+ return '{';
+ case '>':
+ pos = CD p + 2;
+ return '}';
+ case '-':
+ pos = CD p + 2;
+ return '~';
+ }
+ }
+ pos = CD p;
+ return c;
+ default:
+ pos = CD p;
+ return c;
+ }
short prepnextstringchar(char *str, Boolean flag) {
+ unsigned char *p;
+ short c;
+ p = UCD pos;
+ switch ((c = *(p++))) {
+ case 0:
+ pos = CD p - 1;
+ return c;
+ case '\\':
+ backslash:
+ if (p[0] == '\r' && (!copts.multibyteaware || !COS_IsMultiByte(str, CD p - 1))) {
+ if (flag)
+ foundnl();
+ else
+ prepnextstringchar_foundnl = 1;
+ if (p[1] == '\n')
+ p += 2;
+ else
+ p += 1;
+ goto loop;
+ }
+ pos = CD p;
+ return c;
+ case '?':
+ if (copts.trigraphs && p[0] == '?') {
+ switch (p[1]) {
+ case '=':
+ pos = CD p + 2;
+ return '#';
+ case '/':
+ c = '\\';
+ p += 2;
+ goto backslash;
+ case '\'':
+ pos = CD p + 2;
+ return '^';
+ case '(':
+ pos = CD p + 2;
+ return '[';
+ case ')':
+ pos = CD p + 2;
+ return ']';
+ case '!':
+ pos = CD p + 2;
+ return '|';
+ case '<':
+ pos = CD p + 2;
+ return '{';
+ case '>':
+ pos = CD p + 2;
+ return '}';
+ case '-':
+ pos = CD p + 2;
+ return '~';
+ }
+ }
+ pos = CD p;
+ return c;
+ default:
+ pos = CD p;
+ return c;
+ }
void CPrep_MatchChar(char ch, Boolean flag) {
+ char *p;
+ char *start;
+ char c;
+ Boolean r26;
+ p = start = pos;
+ r26 = 0;
+ if (!(c = *(p++))) {
+ if (tokenstacklevel > 0 || p >= prep_file_end)
+ CPrep_Error(102);
+ else if (ch == '"')
+ CPrep_Error(101);
+ else if (ch == '\'')
+ CPrep_Error(100);
+ CPrep_Error(117);
+ pos = p - 1;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (c == '\r') {
+ if (!copts.multibyteaware || !COS_IsMultiByte(start, p - 1)) {
+ if (flag)
+ foundnl();
+ if (*p == '\n')
+ p++;
+ CPrep_Error(112);
+ pos = p;
+ return;
+ }
+ r26 = 0;
+ goto loop;
+ }
+ if (c == '?' && p[0] == '?' && copts.trigraphs) {
+ switch (p[1]) {
+ case '!':
+ case '\'':
+ case '(':
+ case ')':
+ case '-':
+ case '<':
+ case '=':
+ case '>':
+ r26 = 0;
+ p += 2;
+ goto loop;
+ case '/':
+ p += 2;
+ goto backslash;
+ }
+ }
+ if (c == '\\' && !r26 && (!copts.multibyteaware || !COS_IsMultiByte(start, p - 1))) {
+ backslash:
+ if (*p == '\r') {
+ if (flag)
+ foundnl();
+ if (*(++p) == '\n')
+ p++;
+ r26 = 0;
+ } else {
+ r26 = 1;
+ }
+ goto loop;
+ }
+ if (c == ch && !r26) {
+ pos = p;
+ } else {
+ r26 = 0;
+ goto loop;
+ }
-char *CPrep_MatchChar2(char *str, char ch, Boolean flag) {
+char *CPrep_MatchChar2(char *start, char ch, Boolean flag) {
+ char *p;
+ char c;
+ Boolean r28;
+ p = start;
+ r28 = 0;
+ if (!(c = *(p++))) {
+ if (tokenstacklevel > 0 || p >= prep_file_end)
+ CPrep_Error(102);
+ else if (ch == '"')
+ CPrep_Error(101);
+ else if (ch == '\'')
+ CPrep_Error(100);
+ CPrep_Error(117);
+ return p - 1;
+ }
+ if (c == '\r') {
+ if (!copts.multibyteaware || !COS_IsMultiByte(start, p - 1)) {
+ if (flag)
+ foundnl();
+ if (*p == '\n')
+ p++;
+ CPrep_Error(112);
+ return p;
+ }
+ r28 = 0;
+ goto loop;
+ }
+ if (c == '?' && p[0] == '?' && copts.trigraphs) {
+ switch (p[1]) {
+ case '!':
+ case '\'':
+ case '(':
+ case ')':
+ case '-':
+ case '<':
+ case '=':
+ case '>':
+ r28 = 0;
+ p += 2;
+ goto loop;
+ case '/':
+ p += 2;
+ goto backslash;
+ }
+ }
+ if (c == '\\' && !r28 && (!copts.multibyteaware || !COS_IsMultiByte(start, p - 1))) {
+ backslash:
+ if (*p == '\r') {
+ if (flag)
+ foundnl();
+ if (*(++p) == '\n')
+ p++;
+ r28 = 0;
+ } else {
+ r28 = 1;
+ }
+ goto loop;
+ }
+ if (c == ch && !r28) {
+ return p;
+ } else {
+ r28 = 0;
+ goto loop;
+ }
short prepcurchar() {
+ char *save_pos;
+ short t;
+ save_pos = pos;
+ t = prepnextchar();
+ nextcharpos = pos;
+ pos = save_pos;
+ return t;
static short prepcurstringchar(char *str) {
+ char *save_pos;
+ short t;
+ save_pos = pos;
+ prepnextstringchar_foundnl = 0;
+ t = prepnextstringchar(str, 0);
+ nextcharpos = pos;
+ pos = save_pos;
+ return t;
static void prepcurstringchar_skip() {
+ pos = nextcharpos;
+ if (prepnextstringchar_foundnl)
+ foundnl();
-char *ReadIdentifier(char *str) {
+char *ReadIdentifier(char *p) {
+ char buf[256];
+ char *start;
+ int len;
+ start = p;
+ len = 0;
+ for (;;) {
+ if (!cprep_idarray[(unsigned char) *p])
+ break;
+ if (len < 255)
+ buf[len++] = *p;
+ p++;
+ }
+ if (copts.multibyteaware) {
+ if ((unsigned char) *p == '\\' && !COS_IsMultiByte(start, p) && p[1] == '\r') {
+ if (p[2] == '\n')
+ p += 3;
+ else
+ p += 2;
+ foundnl();
+ goto loop;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ((unsigned char) *p == '\\' && p[1] == '\r') {
+ if (p[2] == '\n')
+ p += 3;
+ else
+ p += 2;
+ foundnl();
+ goto loop;
+ }
+ }
+ buf[len] = 0;
+ tkidentifier = GetHashNameNodeExport(buf);
+ return p;
static short intsuffix(short token, Boolean flag) {
+ Boolean is_unsigned;
+ Boolean is_long;
+ Boolean is_longlong;
+ short t;
+ is_unsigned = is_long = is_longlong = 0;
+ t = token;
+ switch (t) {
+ case 'u':
+ case 'U':
+ is_unsigned = 1;
+ pos = nextcharpos;
+ t = prepcurchar();
+ if (t == 'l' || t == 'L') {
+ is_long = 1;
+ pos = nextcharpos;
+ t = *pos;
+ if (copts.longlong) {
+ pos = nextcharpos;
+ t = prepcurchar();
+ if (t == 'l' || t == 'L') {
+ is_longlong = 1;
+ pos = nextcharpos;
+ t = *pos;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'l':
+ case 'L':
+ is_long = 1;
+ pos = nextcharpos;
+ t = prepcurchar();
+ if (t == 'u' || t == 'U') {
+ is_unsigned = 1;
+ pos = nextcharpos;
+ t = *pos;
+ } else if (copts.longlong && (t == 'l' || t == 'L')) {
+ is_longlong = 1;
+ pos = nextcharpos;
+ t = prepcurchar();
+ if (t == 'u' || t == 'U') {
+ is_unsigned = 1;
+ pos = nextcharpos;
+ t = *pos;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'i':
+ case 'I':
+ if (copts.cpp_extensions && !copts.ANSI_strict && copts.longlong) {
+ pos = nextcharpos;
+ t = prepcurchar();
+ if (t == '6') {
+ pos = nextcharpos;
+ t = prepcurchar();
+ if (t == '4') {
+ is_long = is_longlong = 1;
+ pos = nextcharpos;
+ t = *pos;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'b':
+ case 'B':
+ case 'f':
+ case 'F':
+ if (InlineAsm_gccmode)
+ return IT_INT;
+ break;
+ }
+ if ((t >= 'a' && t <= 'z') || (t >= 'A' && t <= 'Z') || (t == '_') || (t >= '0' && t <= '9'))
+ CPrep_Error(105);
+ if (!is_longlong && !is_long) {
+ if (!is_unsigned && CInt64_IsInRange(tkintconst, stsignedint.size))
+ return IT_INT;
+ if ((flag || is_unsigned) && CInt64_IsInURange(tkintconst, stunsignedint.size))
+ return IT_UINT;
+ }
+ if (!is_longlong) {
+ if (!is_unsigned && CInt64_IsInRange(tkintconst, stsignedlong.size))
+ return IT_LONG;
+ if (CInt64_IsInURange(tkintconst, stunsignedlong.size))
+ return IT_ULONG;
+ }
+ if (copts.longlong) {
+ if (!is_unsigned && CInt64_IsInRange(tkintconst, stsignedlonglong.size))
+ return IT_LONGLONG;
+ if (CInt64_IsInURange(tkintconst, stsignedlonglong.size))
+ return IT_ULONGLONG;
+ }
+ CError_Error(154);
+ tkintconst = cint64_zero;
+ return IT_INT;
static short floatsuffix(short token) {
+ short whichtype;
+ switch (token) {
+ case 'f':
+ case 'F':
+ pos = nextcharpos;
+ token = *pos;
+ whichtype = IT_FLOAT;
+ if (stfloat.size != stlongdouble.size)
+ tkfloatconst = CMach_CalcFloatConvert((Type *) &stfloat, tkfloatconst);
+ break;
+ case 'l':
+ case 'L':
+ pos = nextcharpos;
+ token = *pos;
+ whichtype = IT_LONGDOUBLE;
+ break;
+ case 'd':
+ case 'D':
+ if (!copts.ANSI_strict) {
+ pos = nextcharpos;
+ token = *pos;
+ whichtype = IT_DOUBLE;
+ if (stdouble.size != stlongdouble.size)
+ tkfloatconst = CMach_CalcFloatConvert((Type *) &stdouble, tkfloatconst);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ if (copts.float_constants) {
+ whichtype = IT_FLOAT;
+ if (stfloat.size != stlongdouble.size)
+ tkfloatconst = CMach_CalcFloatConvert((Type *) &stfloat, tkfloatconst);
+ } else {
+ whichtype = IT_DOUBLE;
+ if (stdouble.size != stlongdouble.size)
+ tkfloatconst = CMach_CalcFloatConvert((Type *) &stdouble, tkfloatconst);
+ }
+ }
+ if ((token >= 'a' && token <= 'z') || (token >= 'A' && token <= 'Z') || (token == '_') || (token >= '0' && token <= '9')) {
+ CPrep_Error(105);
+ whichtype = IT_DOUBLE;
+ }
+ return whichtype;
static short tohex(short token) {
+ if (token >= '0' && token <= '9')
+ return token - '0';
+ if (token >= 'a' && token <= 'f')
+ return token - 'a' + 10;
+ if (token >= 'A' && token <= 'F')
+ return token - 'A' + 10;
+ return -1;
-static short nextchar(char *str) {
+static SInt32 nextchar(char *str) {
+ // minor register allocation issues
+ SInt32 chr_max;
+ short tmpchr;
+ SInt32 chr;
+ Boolean out_of_bounds;
+ short i;
+ short t;
+ chr_max = 0xFF;
+ if (widestring) chr_max = 0xFFFF;
+ was_escchar = 0;
+ t = prepnextstringchar(str, 1);
+ if (t == '\\' && (!copts.multibyteaware || !COS_IsMultiByte(str, pos - 1))) {
+ was_escchar = 1;
+ t = prepnextstringchar(str, 1);
+ switch (t) {
+ case 'a': return 7;
+ case 'b': return 8;
+ case 't': return 9;
+ case 'v': return 11;
+ case 'f': return 12;
+ case 'n':
+ if (copts.mpwc_newline)
+ return 13;
+ else
+ return 10;
+ case 'r':
+ if (copts.mpwc_newline)
+ return 10;
+ else
+ return 13;
+ case 'e': return 27;
+ case 'x':
+ chr = tohex(prepnextstringchar(str, 1));
+ if (chr == -1) {
+ CPrep_Error(100);
+ return ' ';
+ }
+ out_of_bounds = 0;
+ while (tohex(tmpchr = prepcurstringchar(str)) != -1) {
+ chr = (chr << 4) + tohex(tmpchr);
+ prepcurstringchar_skip();
+ if (chr & ~chr_max)
+ out_of_bounds = 1;
+ }
+ if (out_of_bounds)
+ CError_Error(100);
+ break;
+ default:
+ if (t >= '0' && t <= '7') {
+ out_of_bounds = 0;
+ i = 1;
+ chr = t - '0';
+ while (i < 3 && (tmpchr = prepcurstringchar(str)) >= '0' && tmpchr <= '9') {
+ chr = (chr << 3) + (tmpchr - '0');
+ prepcurstringchar_skip();
+ if (chr & ~chr_max)
+ out_of_bounds = 1;
+ i++;
+ }
+ if (out_of_bounds)
+ CError_Error(100);
+ } else {
+ chr = t;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ chr = t;
+ }
+ if (chr_max == 0xFF)
+ return (char) (chr & chr_max);
+ else
+ return (chr & chr_max);
char *CPrep_SkipNewComment(char *str) {
-Boolean skipendoflinematch(char *str, Boolean flag) {
+Boolean skipendoflinematch(char *str, short token) {
void skipendofline() {
void CPrep_SkipAsmComment() {
+ Boolean save_macrocheck = macrocheck;
+ skipendofline();
+ macrocheck = save_macrocheck;
+static short tille() { return TK_NEG6; }
+static short tcret() {
+ newline();
+ if (cprep_eoltokens)
+ return TK_NEG7;
+ else
+ return 0;
+static short tapos() {
+ // has register allocation issues
+ UInt32 maxvalue;
+ int bytecount;
+ CInt64 ci58;
+ CInt64 ci50;
+ CInt64 ci48;
+ SInt32 t;
+ SInt32 t2;
+ int i;
+ char *start;
+ start = pos;
+ t = nextchar(pos);
+ if ((t == '\'' || t == 0 || t == '\r') && !was_escchar) {
+ CPrep_Error(100);
+ tkintconst = cint64_zero;
+ tksize = IT_INT;
+ return TK_INTCONST;
+ }
+ t2 = nextchar(start);
+ if (t2 == '\'' && !was_escchar) {
+ if (widestring) {
+ switch (stwchar.size) {
+ case 1:
+ CInt64_SetULong(&tkintconst, (UInt8) t);
+ tksize = copts.cplusplus ? IT_SCHAR : IT_INT;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ CInt64_SetULong(&tkintconst, (UInt16) t);
+ tksize = IT_UINT;
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ CInt64_SetULong(&tkintconst, (UInt32) t);
+ tksize = IT_UINT;
+ break;
+ default:
+#line 1386
+ CError_FATAL();
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (copts.unsignedchars)
+ t &= 0xFF;
+ CInt64_SetLong(&tkintconst, t);
+ tksize = copts.cplusplus ? IT_SCHAR : IT_INT;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (widestring) {
+ switch (stwchar.size) {
+ case 1:
+ CInt64_SetULong(&ci50, 8);
+ maxvalue = 0xFF;
+ bytecount = 1;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ CInt64_SetULong(&ci50, 16);
+ maxvalue = 0xFFFF;
+ bytecount = 2;
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ CInt64_SetULong(&ci50, 32);
+ maxvalue = 0xFFFFFFFF;
+ bytecount = 4;
+ break;
+ default:
+#line 1424
+ CError_FATAL();
+ }
+ } else {
+ CInt64_SetULong(&ci50, 8);
+ maxvalue = 0xFF;
+ bytecount = 1;
+ }
+ CInt64_SetULong(&tkintconst, t & maxvalue);
+ i = bytecount;
+ do {
+ if ((t2 == 0 || t2 == '\r') && !was_escchar) {
+ CPrep_Error(100);
+ goto after_char_const;
+ }
+ CInt64_SetULong(&ci48, t2 & maxvalue);
+ ci58 = CInt64_Shl(tkintconst, ci50);
+ tkintconst = CInt64_Or(ci58, ci48);
+ i += bytecount;
+ t2 = nextchar(start);
+ if (t2 == '\'' && !was_escchar)
+ goto after_char_const;
+ } while (i < stunsignedlonglong.size);
+ CPrep_Error(100);
+ after_char_const:
+ if (i <= stunsignedint.size && i < stunsignedlong.size)
+ tksize = IT_UINT;
+ else if (i <= stunsignedlong.size)
+ tksize = IT_ULONG;
+ else
+ tksize = IT_ULONGLONG;
+ }
+ return TK_INTCONST;
+static short tquot() {
+ // has register allocation issues
+ TypeIntegral *type; // r22
+ char *string_ptr; // r21
+ SInt32 r20; // r20
+ char *save_pos; // r19
+ short c; // r19
+ char *start_pos; // r18
+ CInt64 ch64;
+ start_pos = pos;
+ at_linestart = 0;
+ if (cprep_nostring)
+ return '"';
+ string_ptr = *stringmem;
+ ispascalstring = 0;
+ r20 = 0;
+ if (widestring)
+ type = &stwchar;
+ else
+ type = &stchar;
+ if (prepcurstringchar(start_pos) == '\\') {
+ save_pos = pos;
+ prepcurstringchar_skip();
+ if (prepcurstringchar(start_pos) == 'p') {
+ prepcurstringchar_skip();
+ ispascalstring = 1;
+ string_ptr += type->size;
+ } else {
+ pos = save_pos;
+ }
+ }
+ do {
+ c = nextchar(start_pos);
+ if ((c == '"' || c == '\r' || c == 0) && !was_escchar) {
+ if (c == 0 && (tokenstacklevel > 0 || pos >= prep_file_end))
+ CPrep_Error(102);
+ else if (c != '"')
+ CPrep_Error(101);
+ break;
+ }
+ if ((r20 + type->size) >= maxstringsize) {
+ string_ptr = (char *) (string_ptr - *stringmem);
+ if (!COS_ResizeHandle(stringmem, maxstringsize += 256))
+ CError_NoMem();
+ string_ptr = *stringmem + (SInt32) string_ptr;
+ }
+ if (type->size != 1) {
+ CInt64_SetLong(&ch64, c);
+ CMach_InitIntMem((Type *) type, ch64, string_ptr);
+ string_ptr += type->size;
+ r20 += type->size;
+ } else {
+ *string_ptr = c;
+ string_ptr++;
+ r20++;
+ }
+ } while (1);
+ if (ispascalstring) {
+ if (r20 > 255 && type->size == 1) {
+ CPrep_Error(106);
+ r20 = 255;
+ }
+ CInt64_SetLong(&ch64, r20 / type->size);
+ CMach_InitIntMem((Type *) type, ch64, *stringmem);
+ r20 += type->size;
+ } else {
+ if ((r20 + 1) >= maxstringsize) {
+ if (!COS_ResizeHandle(stringmem, maxstringsize += 256))
+ CError_NoMem();
+ CMach_InitIntMem((Type *) type, cint64_zero, *stringmem + r20);
+ r20 += type->size;
+ }
+ }
+ tksize = r20;
+ tkstring = galloc(r20);
+ memcpy(tkstring, *stringmem, tksize);
+ if (widestring)
+ return TK_STRING_WIDE;
+ else
+ return TK_STRING;
+static short thash() {
+ if (at_linestart) {
+ preprocessor();
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return '#';
+static short tmult() {
+ at_linestart = 0;
+ if (prepcurchar() == '=') {
+ pos = nextcharpos;
+ return TK_MULT_ASSIGN;
+ }
+ return '*';
+static short tcolo() {
+ char t2;
+ at_linestart = 0;
+ if (copts.cplusplus) {
+ t2 = prepcurchar();
+ if (t2 == ':') {
+ pos = nextcharpos;
+ return TK_COLON_COLON;
+ }
+ if (t2 == '>' && !preprocessing_only) {
+ pos = nextcharpos;
+ return ']';
+ }
+ }
+ return ':';
+static short tless() {
+ short t2;
+ at_linestart = 0;
+ t2 = prepcurchar();
+ if (t2 == '=') {
+ pos = nextcharpos;
+ return TK_LESS_EQUAL;
+ }
+ if (t2 == '<') {
+ pos = nextcharpos;
+ if (prepcurchar() == '=') {
+ pos = nextcharpos;
+ return TK_SHL_ASSIGN;
+ } else {
+ return TK_SHL;
+ }
+ }
+ if (t2 == '%' && copts.cplusplus && !preprocessing_only) {
+ pos = nextcharpos;
+ return '{';
+ }
+ if (t2 == ':' && copts.cplusplus && !preprocessing_only) {
+ pos = nextcharpos;
+ return '[';
+ }
+ return '<';
+static short tequa(short) {
+ at_linestart = 0;
+ if (prepcurchar() == '=') {
+ pos = nextcharpos;
+ return TK_LOGICAL_EQ;
+ }
+ return '=';
+static short tgrea(short) {
+ short t2;
+ at_linestart = 0;
+ t2 = prepcurchar();
+ if (t2 == '=') {
+ pos = nextcharpos;
+ }
+ if (t2 == '>') {
+ pos = nextcharpos;
+ if (prepcurchar() == '=') {
+ pos = nextcharpos;
+ return TK_SHR_ASSIGN;
+ } else {
+ return TK_SHR;
+ }
+ }
+ return '>';
+static short tatsg(short) {
+ char *start_pos;
+ Boolean save_idarray;
+ start_pos = pos;
+ at_linestart = 0;
+ if (copts.objective_c || in_assembler) {
+ save_idarray = cprep_idarray['@'];
+ cprep_idarray['@'] = 1;
+ pos = ReadIdentifier(start_pos - 1);
+ cprep_idarray['@'] = save_idarray;
+ if (copts.objective_c) {
+ if (!strcmp("@interface", tkidentifier->name))
+ if (!strcmp("@implementation", tkidentifier->name))
+ if (!strcmp("@protocol", tkidentifier->name))
+ return TK_AT_PROTOCOL;
+ if (!strcmp("@end", tkidentifier->name))
+ return TK_AT_END;
+ if (!strcmp("@private", tkidentifier->name))
+ return TK_AT_PRIVATE;
+ if (!strcmp("@protected", tkidentifier->name))
+ if (!strcmp("@public", tkidentifier->name))
+ return TK_AT_PUBLIC;
+ if (!strcmp("@class", tkidentifier->name))
+ return TK_AT_CLASS;
+ if (!strcmp("@selector", tkidentifier->name))
+ return TK_AT_SELECTOR;
+ if (!strcmp("@encode", tkidentifier->name))
+ return TK_AT_ENCODE;
+ if (!strcmp("@defs", tkidentifier->name))
+ return TK_AT_DEFS;
+ }
+ if (in_assembler)
+ pos = start_pos;
+ }
+ return '@';
+static short tperc(short) {
+ char t2;
+ at_linestart = 0;
+ t2 = prepcurchar();
+ if (t2 == '=') {
+ pos = nextcharpos;
+ return TK_MOD_ASSIGN;
+ }
+ if (t2 == '>' && copts.cplusplus && !preprocessing_only) {
+ pos = nextcharpos;
+ return '}';
+ }
+ return '%';
+static short texcl() {
+ at_linestart = 0;
+ if (prepcurchar() == '=') {
+ pos = nextcharpos;
+ return TK_LOGICAL_NE;
+ }
+ return '!';
+static short tplus() {
+ short t2;
+ at_linestart = 0;
+ t2 = prepcurchar();
+ if (t2 == '=') {
+ pos = nextcharpos;
+ return TK_ADD_ASSIGN;
+ }
+ if (t2 == '+') {
+ pos = nextcharpos;
+ return TK_INCREMENT;
+ }
+ return '+';
+static short tminu() {
+ short t2;
+ at_linestart = 0;
+ t2 = prepcurchar();
+ if (t2 == '=') {
+ pos = nextcharpos;
+ return TK_SUB_ASSIGN;
+ }
+ if (t2 == '-') {
+ pos = nextcharpos;
+ return TK_DECREMENT;
+ }
+ if (t2 == '>') {
+ pos = nextcharpos;
+ if (copts.cplusplus && prepcurchar() == '*') {
+ pos = nextcharpos;
+ return TK_ARROW_STAR;
+ }
+ return TK_ARROW;
+ }
+ return '-';
+static short torrr() {
+ short t2;
+ at_linestart = 0;
+ t2 = prepcurchar();
+ if (t2 == '=') {
+ pos = nextcharpos;
+ return TK_OR_ASSIGN;
+ }
+ if (t2 == '|') {
+ pos = nextcharpos;
+ return TK_LOGICAL_OR;
+ }
+ return '|';
+static short tampe() {
+ short t2;
+ at_linestart = 0;
+ t2 = prepcurchar();
+ if (t2 == '=') {
+ pos = nextcharpos;
+ return TK_AND_ASSIGN;
+ }
+ if (t2 == '&') {
+ pos = nextcharpos;
+ return TK_LOGICAL_AND;
+ }
+ return '&';
+static short tpowe() {
+ at_linestart = 0;
+ if (prepcurchar() == '=') {
+ pos = nextcharpos;
+ return TK_XOR_ASSIGN;
+ }
+ return '^';
+static short tdivi() {
+ at_linestart = 0;
+ if (prepcurchar() == '=') {
+ pos = nextcharpos;
+ return TK_DIV_ASSIGN;
+ }
+ return '/';
-static short tille() {}
-static short tcret() {}
-static short tapos() {}
-static short tquot() {}
-static short thash() {}
-static short tmult() {}
-static short tcolo() {}
-static short tless() {}
-static short tequa() {}
-static short tgrea() {}
-static short tatsg() {}
-static short tperc() {}
-static short texcl() {}
-static short tplus() {}
-static short tminu() {}
-static short torrr() {}
-static short tampe() {}
-static short tpowe() {}
-static short tdivi() {}
static short tzero() {}
static short tpoin() {}
static short tnumb() {}
-static short tiden() {}
+static short tiden() {
+ at_linestart = 0;
+ pos = ReadIdentifier(pos - 1);
+ if (macrocheck && macrotest())
+ return 0;
+ else
static short tchrL() {}
-static short tchra() {}
-static short tchrb() {}
-static short tchrc() {}
-static short tchrd() {}
-static short tchre() {}
-static short tchrf() {}
-static short tchrg() {}
-static short tchri() {}
-static short tchrl() {}
-static short tchrm() {}
-static short tchrn() {}
-static short tchro() {}
-static short tchrp() {}
-static short tchrr() {}
-static short tchrs() {}
-static short tchrt() {}
-static short tchru() {}
-static short tchrv() {}
-static short tchrw() {}
-static short tchrx() {}
-static short tchr_() {}
-static short token() {}
-static short tdoll() {}
-static short tisid() {}
-static short tnull() {}
-static short t0x1a() {}
-static short (*cprep_tokenize[256])() = {
- &tnull, &tille, &tille, &tille, &tisid, &tisid, &tille, &tille,
- &tille, &tille, &tille, &tille, &tille, &tcret, &tille, &tille,
- &tille, &tille, &tille, &tille, &tille, &tille, &tille, &tille,
- &tille, &tille, &t0x1a, &tille, &tille, &tille, &tille, &tille,
- &tille, &texcl, &tquot, &thash, &tdoll, &tperc, &tampe, &tapos,
- &token, &token, &tmult, &tplus, &token, &tminu, &tpoin, &tdivi,
- &tzero, &tnumb, &tnumb, &tnumb, &tnumb, &tnumb, &tnumb, &tnumb,
- &tnumb, &tnumb, &tcolo, &token, &tless, &tequa, &tgrea, &token,
- &tatsg, &tiden, &tiden, &tiden, &tiden, &tiden, &tiden, &tiden,
- &tiden, &tiden, &tiden, &tiden, &tchrL, &tiden, &tchrn, &tiden,
- &tchrp, &tiden, &tiden, &tiden, &tiden, &tiden, &tiden, &tiden,
- &tchrx, &tiden, &tiden, &token, &token, &token, &tpowe, &tchr_,
- &token, &tchra, &tchrb, &tchrc, &tchrd, &tchre, &tchrf, &tchrg,
- &tiden, &tchri, &tiden, &tiden, &tchrl, &tchrm, &tchrn, &tchro,
- &tchrp, &tiden, &tchrr, &tchrs, &tchrt, &tchru, &tchrv, &tchrw,
- &tchrx, &tiden, &tiden, &token, &torrr, &token, &token, &tille,
- &tille, &tille, &tille, &tille, &tille, &tille, &tille, &tille,
- &tille, &tille, &tille, &tille, &tille, &tille, &tille, &tille,
- &tille, &tille, &tille, &tille, &tille, &tille, &tille, &tille,
- &tille, &tille, &tille, &tille, &tille, &tille, &tille, &tille,
- &tille, &tille, &tille, &tille, &tille, &tille, &tille, &tille,
- &tille, &tille, &tille, &tille, &tille, &tille, &tille, &tille,
- &tille, &tille, &tille, &tille, &tille, &tille, &tille, &tille,
- &tille, &tille, &tille, &tille, &tille, &tille, &tille, &tille,
- &tille, &tille, &tille, &tille, &tille, &tille, &tille, &tille,
- &tille, &tille, &tille, &tille, &tille, &tille, &tille, &tille,
- &tille, &tille, &tille, &tille, &tille, &tille, &tille, &tille,
- &tille, &tille, &tille, &tille, &tille, &tille, &tille, &tille,
- &tille, &tille, &tille, &tille, &tille, &tille, &tille, &tille,
- &tille, &tille, &tille, &tille, &tille, &tille, &tille, &tille,
- &tille, &tille, &tille, &tille, &tille, &tille, &tille, &tille,
- &tille, &tille, &tille, &tille, &tille, &tille, &tille, &tille
+static short tchra() {
+ at_linestart = 0;
+ pos = ReadIdentifier(pos - 1);
+ if (macrocheck && macrotest())
+ return 0;
+ if (!strcmp("auto", tkidentifier->name))
+ return TK_AUTO;
+ if ((copts.cplusplus || !copts.only_std_keywords) && !strcmp("asm", tkidentifier->name))
+ return TK_ASM;
+ if (copts.cplusplus && !in_assembler && !preprocessing_only) {
+ if (!strcmp("and", tkidentifier->name))
+ return TK_LOGICAL_AND;
+ if (!strcmp("and_eq", tkidentifier->name))
+ return TK_AND_ASSIGN;
+ }
+static short tchrb() {
+ at_linestart = 0;
+ pos = ReadIdentifier(pos - 1);
+ if (macrocheck && macrotest())
+ return 0;
+ if (!strcmp("break", tkidentifier->name))
+ return TK_BREAK;
+ if (copts.cplusplus) {
+ if (copts.booltruefalse && !strcmp("bool", tkidentifier->name))
+ return TK_BOOL;
+ if (!in_assembler && !preprocessing_only) {
+ if (!strcmp("bitand", tkidentifier->name))
+ return '&';
+ if (!strcmp("bitor", tkidentifier->name))
+ return '|';
+ }
+ }
+ if (copts.objective_c) {
+ if (!strcmp("bycopy", tkidentifier->name))
+ return TK_BYCOPY;
+ if (!strcmp("byref", tkidentifier->name))
+ return TK_BYREF;
+ }
+static short tchrc() {
+ at_linestart = 0;
+ pos = ReadIdentifier(pos - 1);
+ if (macrocheck && macrotest())
+ return 0;
+ if (!strcmp("case", tkidentifier->name))
+ return TK_CASE;
+ if (!strcmp("char", tkidentifier->name))
+ return TK_CHAR;
+ if (!strcmp("const", tkidentifier->name))
+ return TK_CONST;
+ if (!strcmp("continue", tkidentifier->name))
+ return TK_CONTINUE;
+ if (copts.cplusplus) {
+ if (!strcmp("const_cast", tkidentifier->name)) {
+ if (copts.ecplusplus)
+ CPrep_Warning(339);
+ return TK_CONST_CAST;
+ }
+ if (!strcmp("catch", tkidentifier->name)) {
+ if (copts.ecplusplus)
+ CPrep_Warning(339);
+ return TK_CATCH;
+ }
+ if (!strcmp("class", tkidentifier->name))
+ return TK_CLASS;
+ if (!in_assembler && !preprocessing_only) {
+ if (!strcmp("compl", tkidentifier->name))
+ return '~';
+ }
+ }
+static short tchrd() {
+ at_linestart = 0;
+ pos = ReadIdentifier(pos - 1);
+ if (macrocheck && macrotest())
+ return 0;
+ if (!strcmp("default", tkidentifier->name))
+ return TK_DEFAULT;
+ if (!strcmp("do", tkidentifier->name))
+ return TK_DO;
+ if (!strcmp("double", tkidentifier->name))
+ return TK_DOUBLE;
+ if (copts.cplusplus) {
+ if (!strcmp("delete", tkidentifier->name))
+ return TK_DELETE;
+ if (!strcmp("dynamic_cast", tkidentifier->name)) {
+ if (copts.ecplusplus)
+ CPrep_Warning(339);
+ }
+ }
+static short tchre() {
+ at_linestart = 0;
+ pos = ReadIdentifier(pos - 1);
+ if (macrocheck && macrotest())
+ return 0;
+ if (!strcmp("else", tkidentifier->name))
+ return TK_ELSE;
+ if (!strcmp("enum", tkidentifier->name))
+ return TK_ENUM;
+ if (!strcmp("extern", tkidentifier->name))
+ return TK_EXTERN;
+ if (copts.cplusplus) {
+ if (!strcmp("explicit", tkidentifier->name))
+ return TK_EXPLICIT;
+ if (!strcmp("export", tkidentifier->name) && !copts.ecplusplus)
+ return TK_EXPORT;
+ }
+static short tchrf() {
+ at_linestart = 0;
+ pos = ReadIdentifier(pos - 1);
+ if (macrocheck && macrotest())
+ return 0;
+ if (!strcmp("float", tkidentifier->name))
+ return TK_FLOAT;
+ if (!strcmp("for", tkidentifier->name))
+ return TK_FOR;
+ if (copts.cplusplus) {
+ if (!strcmp("friend", tkidentifier->name))
+ return TK_FRIEND;
+ if (copts.booltruefalse && !strcmp("false", tkidentifier->name))
+ return TK_FALSE;
+ }
+static short tchrg() {
+ at_linestart = 0;
+ pos = ReadIdentifier(pos - 1);
+ if (macrocheck && macrotest())
+ return 0;
+ if (!strcmp("goto", tkidentifier->name))
+ return TK_GOTO;
+static short tchri() {
+ at_linestart = 0;
+ pos = ReadIdentifier(pos - 1);
+ if (macrocheck && macrotest())
+ return 0;
+ if (!strcmp("if", tkidentifier->name))
+ return TK_IF;
+ if (!strcmp("int", tkidentifier->name))
+ return TK_INT;
+ if (copts.cplusplus || copts.c9x) {
+ if (!strcmp("inline", tkidentifier->name))
+ return TK_INLINE;
+ } else if (!copts.only_std_keywords) {
+ if (!strcmp("inline", tkidentifier->name))
+ return TK_INLINE;
+ }
+ if (copts.objective_c) {
+ if (!strcmp("in", tkidentifier->name))
+ return TK_IN;
+ if (!strcmp("inout", tkidentifier->name))
+ return TK_INOUT;
+ }
+static short tchrl() {
+ at_linestart = 0;
+ pos = ReadIdentifier(pos - 1);
+ if (macrocheck && macrotest())
+ return 0;
+ if (!strcmp("long", tkidentifier->name))
+ return TK_LONG;
+static short tchrm() {
+ at_linestart = 0;
+ pos = ReadIdentifier(pos - 1);
+ if (macrocheck && macrotest())
+ return 0;
+ if (copts.cplusplus && !strcmp("mutable", tkidentifier->name)) {
+ if (copts.ecplusplus)
+ CPrep_Warning(339);
+ return TK_MUTABLE;
+ }
+static short tchrn(short t) {
+ at_linestart = 0;
+ pos = ReadIdentifier(pos - 1);
+ if (macrocheck && macrotest())
+ return 0;
+ if (copts.cplusplus && t == 'n') {
+ if (!strcmp("new", tkidentifier->name))
+ return TK_NEW;
+ if (!strcmp("namespace", tkidentifier->name)) {
+ if (copts.ecplusplus)
+ CPrep_Warning(339);
+ return TK_NAMESPACE;
+ }
+ if (!in_assembler && !preprocessing_only) {
+ if (!strcmp("not", tkidentifier->name))
+ return '!';
+ if (!strcmp("not_eq", tkidentifier->name))
+ return TK_LOGICAL_NE;
+ }
+ }
+static short tchro() {
+ at_linestart = 0;
+ pos = ReadIdentifier(pos - 1);
+ if (macrocheck && macrotest())
+ return 0;
+ if (copts.cplusplus) {
+ if (!strcmp("operator", tkidentifier->name))
+ return TK_OPERATOR;
+ if (!in_assembler && !preprocessing_only) {
+ if (!strcmp("or", tkidentifier->name))
+ return TK_LOGICAL_OR;
+ if (!strcmp("or_eq", tkidentifier->name))
+ return TK_OR_ASSIGN;
+ }
+ }
+ if (copts.objective_c) {
+ if (!strcmp("out", tkidentifier->name))
+ return TK_OUT;
+ if (!strcmp("oneway", tkidentifier->name))
+ return TK_ONEWAY;
+ }
+static short tchrp(short t) {
+ at_linestart = 0;
+ pos = ReadIdentifier(pos - 1);
+ if (macrocheck && macrotest())
+ return 0;
+ if (!copts.only_std_keywords && !strcmp("pascal", tkidentifier->name))
+ return TK_PASCAL;
+ if (copts.cplusplus && t == 'p') {
+ if (!strcmp("private", tkidentifier->name))
+ return TK_PRIVATE;
+ if (!strcmp("protected", tkidentifier->name))
+ return TK_PROTECTED;
+ if (!strcmp("public", tkidentifier->name))
+ return TK_PUBLIC;
+ }
+static short tchrr() {
+ at_linestart = 0;
+ pos = ReadIdentifier(pos - 1);
+ if (macrocheck && macrotest())
+ return 0;
+ if (!strcmp("register", tkidentifier->name))
+ return TK_REGISTER;
+ if (!strcmp("return", tkidentifier->name))
+ return TK_RETURN;
+ if (copts.cplusplus && !strcmp("reinterpret_cast", tkidentifier->name)) {
+ if (copts.ecplusplus)
+ CPrep_Warning(339);
+ }
+ if (copts.c9x && !strcmp("restrict", tkidentifier->name))
+ return TK_RESTRICT;
+static short tchrs() {
+ at_linestart = 0;
+ pos = ReadIdentifier(pos - 1);
+ if (macrocheck && macrotest())
+ return 0;
+ if (!strcmp("short", tkidentifier->name))
+ return TK_SHORT;
+ if (!strcmp("signed", tkidentifier->name))
+ return TK_SIGNED;
+ if (!strcmp("sizeof", tkidentifier->name))
+ return TK_SIZEOF;
+ if (!strcmp("static", tkidentifier->name))
+ return TK_STATIC;
+ if (!strcmp("struct", tkidentifier->name))
+ return TK_STRUCT;
+ if (!strcmp("switch", tkidentifier->name))
+ return TK_SWITCH;
+ if (copts.cplusplus && !strcmp("static_cast", tkidentifier->name)) {
+ if (copts.ecplusplus)
+ CPrep_Warning(339);
+ return TK_STATIC_CAST;
+ }
+static short tchrt() {
+ at_linestart = 0;
+ pos = ReadIdentifier(pos - 1);
+ if (macrocheck && macrotest())
+ return 0;
+ if (!strcmp("typedef", tkidentifier->name))
+ return TK_TYPEDEF;
+ if (copts.gcc_extensions && !strcmp("typeof", tkidentifier->name))
+ return TK_UU_TYPEOF_UU;
+ if (copts.cplusplus) {
+ if (!strcmp("this", tkidentifier->name))
+ return TK_THIS;
+ if (copts.booltruefalse && !strcmp("true", tkidentifier->name))
+ return TK_TRUE;
+ if (!strcmp("template", tkidentifier->name)) {
+ if (copts.ecplusplus)
+ CPrep_Warning(339);
+ return TK_TEMPLATE;
+ }
+ if (!strcmp("try", tkidentifier->name)) {
+ if (copts.ecplusplus)
+ CPrep_Warning(339);
+ return TK_TRY;
+ }
+ if (!strcmp("throw", tkidentifier->name)) {
+ if (copts.ecplusplus)
+ CPrep_Warning(339);
+ return TK_THROW;
+ }
+ if (!strcmp("typeid", tkidentifier->name)) {
+ if (copts.ecplusplus)
+ CPrep_Warning(339);
+ return TK_TYPEID;
+ }
+ if (!strcmp("typename", tkidentifier->name)) {
+ if (copts.ecplusplus)
+ CPrep_Warning(339);
+ return TK_TYPENAME;
+ }
+ }
+static short tchru() {
+ at_linestart = 0;
+ pos = ReadIdentifier(pos - 1);
+ if (macrocheck && macrotest())
+ return 0;
+ if (!strcmp("union", tkidentifier->name))
+ return TK_UNION;
+ if (!strcmp("unsigned", tkidentifier->name))
+ return TK_UNSIGNED;
+ if (copts.cplusplus && !strcmp("using", tkidentifier->name)) {
+ if (copts.ecplusplus)
+ CPrep_Warning(339);
+ return TK_USING;
+ }
+static short tchrv() {
+ at_linestart = 0;
+ pos = ReadIdentifier(pos - 1);
+ if (macrocheck && macrotest())
+ return 0;
+ if (!strcmp("void", tkidentifier->name))
+ return TK_VOID;
+ if (!strcmp("volatile", tkidentifier->name))
+ return TK_VOLATILE;
+ if (copts.cplusplus && !strcmp("virtual", tkidentifier->name))
+ return TK_VIRTUAL;
+static short tchrw() {
+ at_linestart = 0;
+ pos = ReadIdentifier(pos - 1);
+ if (macrocheck && macrotest())
+ return 0;
+ if (!strcmp("while", tkidentifier->name))
+ return TK_WHILE;
+ if (copts.cplusplus && copts.wchar_type && !strcmp("wchar_t", tkidentifier->name))
+ return TK_WCHAR_T;
+static short tchrx(short t) {
+ at_linestart = 0;
+ pos = ReadIdentifier(pos - 1);
+ if (macrocheck && macrotest())
+ return 0;
+ if (copts.cplusplus && t == 'x' && !in_assembler && !preprocessing_only) {
+ if (!strcmp("xor", tkidentifier->name))
+ return '^';
+ if (!strcmp("xor_eq", tkidentifier->name))
+ return TK_XOR_ASSIGN;
+ }
+static short tchr_() {
+ at_linestart = 0;
+ pos = ReadIdentifier(pos - 1);
+ if (macrocheck && macrotest())
+ return 0;
+ if (!strcmp("__stdcall", tkidentifier->name))
+ return TK_UU_STDCALL;
+ if (!strcmp("__cdecl", tkidentifier->name))
+ return TK_UU_CDECL;
+ if (!strcmp("__fastcall", tkidentifier->name))
+ return TK_UU_FASTCALL;
+ if (!strcmp("__declspec", tkidentifier->name))
+ return TK_UU_DECLSPEC;
+ if (!strcmp("__asm", tkidentifier->name))
+ return TK_ASM;
+ if (!strcmp("__asm__", tkidentifier->name))
+ return TK_ASM;
+ if (!strcmp("__inline", tkidentifier->name))
+ return TK_INLINE;
+ if (!strcmp("__inline__", tkidentifier->name))
+ return TK_INLINE;
+ if (!strcmp("__restrict", tkidentifier->name))
+ return TK_RESTRICT;
+ if (!strcmp("__restrict__", tkidentifier->name))
+ return TK_RESTRICT;
+ if (!strcmp("__attribute__", tkidentifier->name))
+ if (!strcmp("__far", tkidentifier->name))
+ return TK_UU_FAR;
+ if (!strcmp("__alignof__", tkidentifier->name))
+ return TK_UU_ALIGNOF_UU;
+ if (!strcmp("__typeof__", tkidentifier->name))
+ return TK_UU_TYPEOF_UU;
+ if (copts.c9x) {
+ if (!strcmp("_Bool", tkidentifier->name))
+ return TK_BOOL;
+ if (!strcmp("_Complex", tkidentifier->name))
+ return TK_U_COMPLEX;
+ if (!strcmp("_Imaginary", tkidentifier->name))
+ return TK_U_IMAGINARY;
+ }
+ if (copts.altivec_model && !strcmp("__vector", tkidentifier->name))
+ return TK_UU_VECTOR;
+static short token(short t) {
+ at_linestart = 0;
+ return t;
+static short tdoll(short t) {
+ at_linestart = 0;
+ return t;
+static short tisid() {
+ if (!tokenstacklevel)
+ CError_Error(105);
+ return 0;
+static short tnull(short t) {
+ if (tokenstacklevel > 0 || pos >= prep_file_end) {
+ at_linestart = 0;
+ return t;
+ } else {
+ pos[-1] = -64;
+ return TK_NEG6;
+ }
+static short t0x1a() {
+ if (*pos == 0)
+ return 0;
+ else
+ return TK_NEG6;
+typedef short (*TokenizePtr)(short);
+#define F(func) ((TokenizePtr) (&func))
+static TokenizePtr cprep_tokenize[256] = {
+ F(tnull), F(tille), F(tille), F(tille), F(tisid), F(tisid), F(tille), F(tille),
+ F(tille), F(tille), F(tille), F(tille), F(tille), F(tcret), F(tille), F(tille),
+ F(tille), F(tille), F(tille), F(tille), F(tille), F(tille), F(tille), F(tille),
+ F(tille), F(tille), F(t0x1a), F(tille), F(tille), F(tille), F(tille), F(tille),
+ F(tille), F(texcl), F(tquot), F(thash), F(tdoll), F(tperc), F(tampe), F(tapos),
+ F(token), F(token), F(tmult), F(tplus), F(token), F(tminu), F(tpoin), F(tdivi),
+ F(tzero), F(tnumb), F(tnumb), F(tnumb), F(tnumb), F(tnumb), F(tnumb), F(tnumb),
+ F(tnumb), F(tnumb), F(tcolo), F(token), F(tless), F(tequa), F(tgrea), F(token),
+ F(tatsg), F(tiden), F(tiden), F(tiden), F(tiden), F(tiden), F(tiden), F(tiden),
+ F(tiden), F(tiden), F(tiden), F(tiden), F(tchrL), F(tiden), F(tchrn), F(tiden),
+ F(tchrp), F(tiden), F(tiden), F(tiden), F(tiden), F(tiden), F(tiden), F(tiden),
+ F(tchrx), F(tiden), F(tiden), F(token), F(token), F(token), F(tpowe), F(tchr_),
+ F(token), F(tchra), F(tchrb), F(tchrc), F(tchrd), F(tchre), F(tchrf), F(tchrg),
+ F(tiden), F(tchri), F(tiden), F(tiden), F(tchrl), F(tchrm), F(tchrn), F(tchro),
+ F(tchrp), F(tiden), F(tchrr), F(tchrs), F(tchrt), F(tchru), F(tchrv), F(tchrw),
+ F(tchrx), F(tiden), F(tiden), F(token), F(torrr), F(token), F(token), F(tille),
+ F(tille), F(tille), F(tille), F(tille), F(tille), F(tille), F(tille), F(tille),
+ F(tille), F(tille), F(tille), F(tille), F(tille), F(tille), F(tille), F(tille),
+ F(tille), F(tille), F(tille), F(tille), F(tille), F(tille), F(tille), F(tille),
+ F(tille), F(tille), F(tille), F(tille), F(tille), F(tille), F(tille), F(tille),
+ F(tille), F(tille), F(tille), F(tille), F(tille), F(tille), F(tille), F(tille),
+ F(tille), F(tille), F(tille), F(tille), F(tille), F(tille), F(tille), F(tille),
+ F(tille), F(tille), F(tille), F(tille), F(tille), F(tille), F(tille), F(tille),
+ F(tille), F(tille), F(tille), F(tille), F(tille), F(tille), F(tille), F(tille),
+ F(tille), F(tille), F(tille), F(tille), F(tille), F(tille), F(tille), F(tille),
+ F(tille), F(tille), F(tille), F(tille), F(tille), F(tille), F(tille), F(tille),
+ F(tille), F(tille), F(tille), F(tille), F(tille), F(tille), F(tille), F(tille),
+ F(tille), F(tille), F(tille), F(tille), F(tille), F(tille), F(tille), F(tille),
+ F(tille), F(tille), F(tille), F(tille), F(tille), F(tille), F(tille), F(tille),
+ F(tille), F(tille), F(tille), F(tille), F(tille), F(tille), F(tille), F(tille),
+ F(tille), F(tille), F(tille), F(tille), F(tille), F(tille), F(tille), F(tille),
+ F(tille), F(tille), F(tille), F(tille), F(tille), F(tille), F(tille), F(tille)
short lookahead() {
+ SInt32 state;
+ short t;
+ CPrep_TokenStreamGetState(&state);
+ t = lex();
+ CPrep_TokenStreamSetState(&state);
+ return t;
short lookahead_noeol() {
+ SInt32 state;
+ short t;
+ CPrep_TokenStreamGetState(&state);
+ do {
+ t = lex();
+ } while (t == TK_NEG7);
+ CPrep_TokenStreamSetState(&state);
+ return t;
static void CPrep_StringConCat(Boolean flag) {
@@ -160,7 +1893,45 @@ short lex() {
short plex() {
+ // does not match - global refs in wrong order
+ short t;
+ while (1) {
+ t = prepskipnextchar();
+ pos = nextcharpos;
+ if ((t = cprep_tokenize[t](t)))
+ return t;
+ if (!*pos) {
+ if (tokenstacklevel > 0) {
+ poptokenseq();
+ } else if (filesp > 0) {
+ popfile();
+ } else {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
short lexidentifier() {
+ short t;
+ char *save_pos;
+ t = prepskipnextchar();
+ pos = nextcharpos;
+ at_linestart = 0;
+ if ((t >= 'a' && t <= 'z') || (t >= 'A' && t <= 'Z') || (t == '_')) {
+ pos = ReadIdentifier(pos - 1);
+ } else if (t == '.') {
+ save_pos = pos;
+ if (prepnextchar() == '.' && prepnextchar() == '.')
+ return TK_ELLIPSIS;
+ else
+ pos = save_pos;
+ }
+ return t;
diff --git a/compiler_and_linker/FrontEnd/C/CScope.c b/compiler_and_linker/FrontEnd/C/CScope.c
index 7423c07..06cbd6c 100644
--- a/compiler_and_linker/FrontEnd/C/CScope.c
+++ b/compiler_and_linker/FrontEnd/C/CScope.c
@@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
#include "compiler.h"
#include "compiler/CError.h"
+#include "compiler/CMangler.h"
+#include "compiler/CParser.h"
+#include "compiler/CPrep.h"
+#include "compiler/CScope.h"
#include "compiler/enode.h"
#include "compiler/objects.h"
#include "compiler/scopes.h"
@@ -1016,7 +1020,7 @@ static NameSpaceObjectList *CScope_FindLookupName(NameSpaceLookupList *list, Has
if (r6->object->otype == r30->object->otype) {
switch (r6->object->otype) {
case OT_TYPE:
- if ((OBJ_TYPE(r6->object)->type == OBJ_TYPE(r30->object)->type) && (OBJ_TYPE(r6->object)->unk6 == OBJ_TYPE(r30->object)->unk6))
+ if ((OBJ_TYPE(r6->object)->type == OBJ_TYPE(r30->object)->type) && (OBJ_TYPE(r6->object)->qual == OBJ_TYPE(r30->object)->qual))
goto break1;
@@ -1196,7 +1200,7 @@ static Boolean CScope_SetupParseNameResult(CScopeParseResult *result, NameSpaceO
return 0;
case OT_TYPE:
result->x8 = OBJ_TYPE(list->object)->type;
- result->xC = OBJ_TYPE(list->object)->unk6;
+ result->xC = OBJ_TYPE(list->object)->qual;
result->obj_10 = list->object;
result->name_4 = name;
result->x20 = 1;
@@ -1388,7 +1392,7 @@ inline Boolean CScope_NSIteratorNext(CScopeNSIterator *iterator) {
-Type *CScope_GetType(NameSpace *nspace, HashNameNode *name, void **unk6) {
+Type *CScope_GetType(NameSpace *nspace, HashNameNode *name, UInt32 *qual) {
CScopeParseResult result;
CScopeNSIterator iterator;
NameSpaceObjectList *list;
@@ -1400,13 +1404,13 @@ Type *CScope_GetType(NameSpace *nspace, HashNameNode *name, void **unk6) {
do {
for (list = CScope_NSIteratorFind(&iterator, name); list; list = list->next) {
if (list->object->otype == OT_TYPETAG) {
- if (unk6)
- *unk6 = NULL;
+ if (qual)
+ *qual = 0;
return OBJ_TYPE_TAG(list->object)->type;
if (list->object->otype == OT_TYPE) {
- if (unk6)
- *unk6 = OBJ_TYPE(list->object)->unk6;
+ if (qual)
+ *qual = OBJ_TYPE(list->object)->qual;
return OBJ_TYPE(list->object)->type;
@@ -2429,7 +2433,7 @@ static void CScope_AddUsingObject(BClassList *bcl, NameSpace *nspace, ObjBase *o
if (!nspace->theclass) {
if ((list = CScope_FindQualName(nspace, name)) && (list->object->otype == OT_TYPE) &&
(OBJ_TYPE(obj)->type == OBJ_TYPE(list->object)->type) &&
- (OBJ_TYPE(obj)->unk6 == OBJ_TYPE(list->object)->unk6))
+ (OBJ_TYPE(obj)->qual == OBJ_TYPE(list->object)->qual))
copy = galloc(sizeof(ObjType));
@@ -2530,7 +2534,7 @@ void CScope_AddClassUsingDeclaration(TypeClass *tclass, TypeClass *tclass2, Hash
-void CScope_ParseUsingDeclaration(NameSpace *nspace, AccessType access) {
+void CScope_ParseUsingDeclaration(NameSpace *nspace, short access, Boolean flag) {
// almost matches, slight bit of register weirdness
CScopeParseResult result;