diff options
authorAsh Wolf <>2022-10-08 15:47:26 +0100
committerAsh Wolf <>2022-10-08 15:47:26 +0100
commitaf15bf78ad6b0663db22c507d4abcdd7b83dfb8a (patch)
parent97f6a2438df1eaeb4128ce36f29346ea38a3db4a (diff)
add missing CError.h, finish more of Option.c, update variable names to match official names from asserts in the Windows build
4 files changed, 735 insertions, 140 deletions
diff --git a/CError.h b/CError.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6137d23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CError.h
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+#include "CompilerTools.h"
+#pragma once
+#define CError_ASSERT(cond) if (!(cond)) { CError_Internal(__FILE__, __LINE__); }
+#define CError_FAIL(cond) if (cond) { CError_Internal(__FILE__, __LINE__); }
+typedef struct _CErrorBuffer {
+ char *start;
+ char *end;
+ unsigned long size;
+ unsigned long remaining;
+} CErrorBuffer;
+extern void CError_Init();
+extern void CError_SetErrorToken(Token *token);
+extern void CError_SetNullErrorToken();
+extern void CError_LockErrorPos(Token *token, Token **saved);
+extern void CError_UnlockErrorPos(Token **saved);
+extern void CError_ResetErrorSkip();
+extern void CError_GetErrorString(char *buf, short code);
+extern void CError_BufferInit(CErrorBuffer *eb, char *buf, long bufSize);
+extern void CError_BufferGrow(CErrorBuffer *eb, long amount);
+extern void CError_BufferAppendChar(CErrorBuffer *eb, char ch);
+extern void CError_BufferAppendString(CErrorBuffer *eb, const char *str);
+extern void CError_BufferTerminate(CErrorBuffer *eb);
+extern void CError_BufferAppendQualifier(CErrorBuffer *eb, int quals);
+extern void CError_BufferAppendTemplArgExpr(CErrorBuffer *eb, void *targExpr);
+extern void CError_BufferAppendTemplArg(CErrorBuffer *eb, void *targ);
+extern void CError_BufferAppendTemplArgs(CErrorBuffer *eb, void *targs);
+extern void CError_BufferAppendNameSpace(CErrorBuffer *eb, void *ns);
+extern void CError_BufferAppendPType(CErrorBuffer *eb, void *ty);
+extern void CError_BufferAppendTemplDepType(CErrorBuffer *eb, void *ty);
+extern void CError_BufferAppendFuncArgs(CErrorBuffer *eb, void *args, unsigned char flag);
+extern void CError_BufferAppendType(CErrorBuffer *eb, void *ty, int quals);
+extern char *CError_GetTypeName(void *ty, int quals, unsigned char useGlobalHeap);
+extern void CError_AppendUnqualFunctionName(CErrorBuffer *eb, void *unk1, void *unk2, void *unk3);
+extern void CError_AppendFunctionName(CErrorBuffer *eb, void *unk1, void *unk2, void *unk3, void *unk4);
+extern void CError_AppendObjectName(CErrorBuffer *eb, void *obj);
+extern void CError_AppendMethodName(CErrorBuffer *eb, void *obj);
+extern char *CError_GetQualifiedName(void *ns, StringNode *name);
+extern char *CError_GetFunctionName(void *a, void *b, void *c);
+extern char *CError_GetObjectName(void *obj);
+extern char *CError_GetNameString(void *obj, StringNode *operatorName);
+extern void CError_ErrorMessage(int errTable, char *buf, unsigned char flag1, unsigned char flag2);
+extern void CError_BufferAppendTemplateStack(CErrorBuffer *eb);
+extern void CError_ErrorMessageVA(short code, char *buf, va_list list, unsigned char flag1, unsigned char flag2);
+extern void CError_VAErrorMessage(short code, va_list list, unsigned char flag1, unsigned char flag2);
+extern void CError_Error(short code, ...);
+extern void CError_ErrorTerm(short code);
+extern void CError_ErrorSkip(short code, ...);
+extern void CError_ErrorFuncCall(short code, void *aa, void *bb);
+extern void CError_OverloadedFunctionError2(void *aa, void *bb, void *cc);
+extern void CError_OverloadedFunctionError(void *aa, void *bb);
+extern void CError_AbstractClassError();
+extern void CError_Warning(short code, ...);
+extern void CError_BreakPoint(const char *a, const char *b);
+extern void CError_Internal();
+extern void CError_ExpressionTooComplex();
+extern void CError_NoMem();
+extern void CError_UserBreak();
+extern void CError_CannotOpen();
+extern void CError_QualifierCheck(int quals);
diff --git a/Help.c b/Help.c
index d54ab71..aab179d 100644
--- a/Help.c
+++ b/Help.c
@@ -408,10 +408,6 @@ int Help_Option(struct OptionList *lst, struct Option *opt, int subprint, const
return 1;
-inline int IsCompiler() {
- return (Option_ThisTool() == (unsigned int) OTF_TOOL_COMPILER) ? LISTFLAGS_COMPILER : LISTFLAGS_LINKER;
void Help_Options(struct OptionList *lst, int subprint, const char *keyword) {
Option **opts;
int toolflags;
diff --git a/Option.c b/Option.c
index 4a09705..1ff5209 100644
--- a/Option.c
+++ b/Option.c
@@ -15,6 +15,8 @@ static OptionList internalset;
int numoptionlists;
static OptionList *optionlists[32];
+extern char curparam[1024]; // check me
enum {
ARGFLAG_1 = 1,
ARGFLAG_2 = 2,
@@ -288,16 +290,12 @@ static void Options_Reset(OptionList *optlst) {
static void Option_SpellList(char *buffer, OptionList *conflicts, int flags) {
- // r25: buffer
- // r0: conflicts
- // r26: flags
- Option **scan; // r30
- Boolean first; // r29
- int total; // r28
- char tmp[256]; // stack 0x58
- Option **next; // r27
- int slflags; // r6
+ Option **scan;
+ Boolean first;
+ int total;
+ char tmp[256];
+ Option **next;
+ int slflags;
scan = conflicts->list;
first = 1;
@@ -305,7 +303,6 @@ static void Option_SpellList(char *buffer, OptionList *conflicts, int flags) {
while (*scan) {
next = scan + 1;
if (!((*scan)->avail & (((parseopts.helpFlags & HELPFLAGS_SECRET) ? 0 : OTF_SECRET) | ((parseopts.helpFlags & HELPFLAGS_DEPRECATED) ? 0 : OTF_DEPRECATED) | OTF_SUBSTITUTED)) && (*scan)->names[0]) {
- // 17C1BC
if (!first)
buffer += sprintf(buffer, ", ");
if (first)
@@ -365,8 +362,7 @@ int Option_AlsoPassedFromThisTool(Option *opt) {
static Boolean Option_ContinuesThisLevel(int level, ArgToken *tok) {
- // tok: r30
- ArgToken *tmp; // r0
+ ArgToken *tmp;
int ret; // not in stabs but i think this exists
if (level == 1) {
@@ -385,74 +381,607 @@ static Boolean Option_ContinuesThisLevel(int level, ArgToken *tok) {
static short endingStack[5][3];
static Boolean Option_IsEndingThisLevel(int level, ArgToken *tok) {
- // level, tok: r0
- ArgToken *tmp; // r0
+ ArgToken *tmp;
if (!tok)
- return 0;
- // todo
+ return 1;
+ if (tok->val == endingStack[level][0])
+ return 1;
+ if (endingStack[level][1] && tok->val == endingStack[level][1]) {
+ tmp = Arg_UsedToken();
+ if (tmp && tmp->val == endingStack[level][2]) {
+ Arg_UndoToken();
+ return 1;
+ }
+ Arg_UndoToken();
+ }
+ return 0;
static Boolean Option_IsEndingLevel(int level, ArgToken *tok) {
- // level: r30
- // tok: r31
+ if (!tok)
+ return 1;
+ while (level > 0) {
+ if (Option_IsEndingThisLevel(level - 1, tok))
+ return 1;
+ level--;
+ }
+ return 0;
+enum {
+ OFLAGS_1 = 1,
+ OFLAGS_2 = 2,
+ OFLAGS_4 = 4,
+ OFLAGS_8 = 8,
+ OFLAGS_10 = 0x10,
+ OFLAGS_20 = 0x20,
+ OFLAGS_40 = 0x40,
+ OFLAGS_80 = 0x80
+enum {
+ PFLAGS_1 = 1,
+ PFLAGS_2 = 2,
+ PFLAGS_4 = 4,
+ PFLAGS_8 = 8,
+ PFLAGS_10 = 0x10,
+ PFLAGS_20 = 0x20,
+ PFLAGS_40 = 0x40,
+ PFLAGS_80 = 0x80
int Option_Parse(Option *opt, int oflags) {
- // opt: r24
- // oflags: r25
- int ret; // r29
- int pushed; // r28
- int samelevel; // r30
- int subparse; // r27
- int flags; // r26
- char errstr[1024]; // stack 0x3C
- Option **cscan; // r30
- Option **scan; // r5
- int goingtosubparse; // r30
- ArgToken *tok; // r0
+ int ret;
+ int pushed;
+ int samelevel;
+ int subparse;
+ int flags;
+ char errstr[1024];
+ Option **cscan;
+ Option **scan;
+ int goingtosubparse;
+ ArgToken *tok;
+ ret = 1;
+ pushed = 0;
+ samelevel = (opt->avail & OTF_GLOBAL) == (oflags & OFLAGS_1);
+ subparse = (oflags & OFLAGS_2) != 0;
+ flags = 0;
+ if (subparse) flags |= PFLAGS_4;
+ if (oflags & OFLAGS_8) flags |= PFLAGS_8;
+ if (oflags & OFLAGS_40) flags |= PFLAGS_1;
+ if (curopt[0]) {
+ pushed = 1;
+ Option_PushOpt(opt, curopt);
+ }
+ if (samelevel) {
+ if (!(flags & PFLAGS_1)) {
+ if ((opt->avail & OTF80000000) && (opt->avail & OTF20000)) {
+ Option_Warning(30);
+ } else if (opt->avail & OTF40000) {
+ cscan = opt->conflicts->list;
+ while (*cscan && (*cscan == opt || !((*cscan)->avail & OTF80000000))) {
+ ++cscan;
+ }
+ if (*cscan && *cscan != opt) {
+ (*cscan)->avail &= ~OTF80000000;
+ Option_SpellList(errstr, opt->conflicts, oflags);
+ if (opt->conflicts->help)
+ Option_Warning(32, (*cscan)->names, errstr, opt->conflicts->help);
+ else
+ Option_Warning(31, (*cscan)->names, errstr);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (Option_ThisTool() == OTF_TOOL_COMPILER && Option_ForTool(opt, OTF_TOOL_LINKER | OTF_TOOL_DISASSEMBLER)) {
+ flags |= PFLAGS_2;
+ if (!Option_ForThisTool(opt))
+ flags |= PFLAGS_1;
+ if (!subparse)
+ Arg_AddToToolArgs(&linkargs, ATK_1, 0);
+ Args_AddToToolArgs(&linkargs);
+ }
+ if (!(flags & PFLAGS_1)) {
+ if (opt->avail & OTF_OBSOLETE) {
+ if (opt->help)
+ Option_Error(22, opt->help);
+ else
+ Option_Error(21);
+ flags |= PFLAGS_1;
+ }
+ if (opt->avail & OTF_IGNORED) {
+ if (!(opt->avail & (OTF_WARNING | OTF_MEANINGLESS))) {
+ if (opt->help)
+ Option_Warning(27, opt->help);
+ else
+ Option_Warning(26);
+ }
+ flags |= PFLAGS_1;
+ } else if (opt->avail & OTF_SUBSTITUTED) {
+ Option_Warning(23, curopt, opt->help);
+ } else if (opt->avail & OTF_DEPRECATED) {
+ if (opt->help)
+ Option_Warning(25, opt->help);
+ else
+ Option_Warning(24);
+ }
+ if (opt->avail & OTF_WARNING)
+ Option_Warning(28, opt->help);
+ if (opt->avail & OTF_MEANINGLESS)
+ Option_Warning(29);
+ }
+ opt->avail |= OTF80000000;
+ if (opt->avail & OTF40000) {
+ scan = opt->conflicts->list;
+ opt->avail |= OTF40000000;
+ while (*scan) {
+ (*scan)->avail |= OTF40000000;
+ scan++;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ flags |= PFLAGS_1;
+ }
+ goingtosubparse = opt->avail & OTF8000;
+ if (opt->param) {
+ ret = Params_Parse(opt->param, flags | (goingtosubparse ? PFLAGS_20 : 0));
+ } else {
+ tok = Arg_PeekToken();
+ if (tok && tok->val == ATK_4)
+ Arg_UsedToken();
+ }
+ if (ret && goingtosubparse) {
+ ret = ret && Options_Parse(
+ opt->sub,
+ (oflags & ~OFLAGS_4)
+ | OFLAGS_2
+ | ((flags & PFLAGS_1) ? OFLAGS_40 : 0)
+ | (subparse ? OFLAGS_10 : 0)
+ | ((opt->avail & OTF10000) ? OFLAGS_4 : 0)
+ );
+ }
+ if (pushed)
+ Option_PopOpt(curopt);
+ if (Option_ThisTool() == OTF_TOOL_COMPILER && !subparse)
+ Arg_AddToToolArgs(&linkargs, ATK_1, 0);
+ return ret;
static int Option_MatchString(char *list, char *str, int flags, int *result) {
- // list: r26
- // str: r27
- // flags: r0
- // result: r28
- int str_len; // r0
- char cpy[64]; // stack 0x3C
+ int str_len;
+ char cpy[64];
+ if (result)
+ *result = 0;
+ if (!list[0] && !str[0])
+ return 1;
+ while (*list) {
+ if (Utils_CompareOptionString(list, str, flags & OTF_CASED, 0))
+ return 1;
+ switch (flags & OTF_SLFLAGS_MASK) {
+ case OTF_SLFLAGS_8:
+ if (my_tolower(str[0]) == 'n' && my_tolower(str[1]) == 'o' && Utils_CompareOptionString(list, str + 2, flags & OTF_CASED, 0)) {
+ if (result)
+ *result |= 0x100000;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ break;
+ case OTF_SLFLAGS_20:
+ if (my_tolower(str[0]) == 'n' && my_tolower(str[1]) == 'o' && str[2] == '-' && Utils_CompareOptionString(list, str + 3, flags & OTF_CASED, 0)) {
+ if (result)
+ *result |= 0x400000;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ break;
+ case OTF_SLFLAGS_10:
+ str_len = strlen(str);
+ if (str[str_len - 1] == '-') {
+ strcpy(cpy, str);
+ cpy[str_len - 1] = 0;
+ if (Utils_CompareOptionString(list, cpy, flags & OTF_CASED, 0)) {
+ if (result)
+ *result |= 0x200000;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ while (*list && *list != '|')
+ ++list;
+ if (*list)
+ ++list;
+ if (*list == '|')
+ ++list;
+ }
+ return 0;
static Option *Option_Lookup(OptionList *search, int unk, int *flags) {
- // search: r0
- // flags: r25
- Option **os; // r29
- Option *stickyopt; // r28
- int stickyflags; // r27
- Boolean matched; // r0
- char *names; // r26
+ Option **os;
+ Option *stickyopt;
+ int stickyflags;
+ Boolean matched;
+ char *names;
+ os = search->list;
+ stickyopt = 0;
+ stickyflags = *flags;
+ if (os) {
+ while (*os) {
+ names = (*os)->names;
+ if (((*os)->avail & OTF2) == OTF2) {
+ while (*names && *names != '|')
+ ++names;
+ if (*names)
+ ++names;
+ if (*names == '|')
+ ++names;
+ }
+ matched = Option_MatchString(names, curopt, (*os)->avail & (OTF_SLFLAGS_MASK | OTF_CASED), flags) && (*names || names == (*os)->names);
+ if (matched) {
+ if (!stickyopt || (*os)->names[0] == curopt[0] || strlen(curopt) > 1)
+ return *os;
+ }
+ if ((*os)->avail & OTF2) {
+ matched = Utils_CompareOptionString((*os)->names, curopt, (*os)->avail & OTF_CASED, 2);
+ if (matched)
+ stickyflags |= OTF2;
+ } else {
+ matched = 0;
+ }
+ if (matched)
+ stickyopt = *os;
+ ++os;
+ }
+ }
+ *flags = stickyflags;
+ return stickyopt;
static int Options_DoParse(OptionList *search, int flags) {
- // search: r26
- // flags: r28
- int haderrors; // r30
- int parsedany; // r23
- int failed; // r24
- int matchflags; // stack 0x3C
- int subparse; // r20
- ArgToken *starttok; // r0
- ArgToken *tok; // r25
- ArgToken *opttok; // r27
- Option *opt; // r16
+ // search: r26 *n
+ // flags: r28 *n
+ int haderrors; // r30 *n
+ int parsedany; // r23 *n
+ int failed; // r24 *n
+ int matchflags; // stack 0x38
+ int subparse; // r20 *n
+ ArgToken *starttok; // r0 (actually r19 i think?)
+ int mystery_r31; // figure out what var this actually is
+ ArgToken *tok; // r25 *n
+ ArgToken *opttok; // r27 *n
+ ArgToken *token_r18; // r18 MAYBE????
+ Option *opt; // r16 *n
Boolean isOpt; // r0
- char *lptr; // r17
- char *optname; // r16
- char saveopt[1024]; // stack 0xBC
- // Option *opt; // r3
- // char saveopt[64]; // stack 0x7C
- // ArgToken *prev; // r0
- // char sticky[64]; // stack 0x3C
- // ArgToken *prev; // r16
+ char *lptr; // r17 *n
+ char *optname; // r16 *n
+ // 915
+ haderrors = 0;
+ // 917
+ failed = 0;
+ // 918
+ matchflags = 0;
+ // 920
+ subparse = (flags & OFLAGS_2) != 0;
+ // 921
+ mystery_r31 = subparse && (flags & OFLAGS_10);
+ // 925
+ opttok = 0;
+ // 929
+ mystery_r31 = (subparse == 0) ? 1 : (mystery_r31 == 0) ? 2 : 3;
+ starttok = Arg_PeekToken(); // i think this is starttok
+ while ((token_r18 = Arg_PeekToken())) {
+ parsedany = 0;
+ isOpt = ((mystery_r31 == 1) && (token_r18->val == ATK_3)) || ((mystery_r31 == 2) && (token_r18->val == ATK_2) && (token_r18->text[0] || search->flags & LISTFLAGS_4)) || ((mystery_r31 == 3) && (token_r18->val == ATK_4));
+ // 950 17CFD4
+ if ((mystery_r31 == 3) && isOpt) {
+ token_r18 = Arg_UsedToken();
+ isOpt = token_r18 && (token_r18->val == ATK_2);
+ flags &= ~OFLAGS_4;
+ }
+ // 957 17D00C
+ if (isOpt) {
+ // 959
+ opt = 0;
+ // 960
+ Arg_GetTokenText(token_r18, curopt, sizeof(curopt), 0);
+ // 963
+ if (curopt[0]) {
+ opt = Option_Lookup(search, 0x700000, &matchflags);
+ if (opt) {
+ opttok = token_r18;
+ if (!(matchflags & 2)) {
+ // 972
+ if (token_r18->val == ATK_3)
+ Arg_UsedToken();
+ token_r18 = Arg_UsedToken();
+ } else {
+ lptr = opt->names;
+ optname = token_r18->text;
+ while (*lptr && *lptr != '|')
+ ++lptr;
+ token_r18 = Arg_UsedToken();
+ if (!subparse)
+ strcpy(token_r18->text, optname + (lptr - opt->names));
+ curopt[(lptr - opt->names)] = 0;
+ if (!token_r18->text || !token_r18->text[0]) {
+ Option_PushOpt(0, curopt);
+ Option_ParamError(34, curopt);
+ Option_PopOpt(0);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // 1006
+ if (!opt) {
+ // 1009
+ if (search->flags & LISTFLAGS_4) {
+ char saveopt[1024]; // stack 0xBC
+ strcpy(saveopt, curopt);
+ curopt[0] = 0;
+ opt = Option_Lookup(search, 0, &matchflags);
+ strcpy(curopt, token_r18->text);
+ // 1019
+ if (opt) {
+ if (opt->names[0])
+ token_r18 = Arg_UsedToken();
+ if (token_r18->val == ATK_4)
+ Arg_UsedToken();
+ haderrors = Option_Parse(opt, flags) == 0;
+ parsedany = 1;
+ if (haderrors)
+ failed = 1;
+ opt = 0;
+ } else {
+ CLPFatalError("Missing default for variable list");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // 1041
+ strcpy(curopt, saveopt);
+ } else if (!opt) {
+ // 1059
+ curopt[0] = 0;
+ // 1061
+ if (mystery_r31 > 1) {
+ if ((flags & OFLAGS_4) && token_r18 == starttok)
+ return haderrors == 0;
+ // 1072
+ if (search->flags & LISTFLAGS_2) {
+ if (!(flags & OFLAGS_1)) {
+ Option_SpellList(curparam, search, flags);
+ Option_Warning(20, token_r18->text, curparam);
+ }
+ Arg_UsedToken();
+ parsedany = 1;
+ } else {
+ // 1090
+ Option_SpellList(curparam, search, flags);
+ Option_Error(20, token_r18->text, curparam);
+ failed = 1;
+ haderrors++;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // 1099
+ if ((search->flags & LISTFLAGS_2) || parseopts.ignoreUnknown) {
+ // 1101
+ if (!(flags & OFLAGS_1))
+ Option_Warning(19, token_r18->text);
+ Arg_UsedToken();
+ Arg_GetToken();
+ parsedany = 1;
+ } else {
+ // 1115
+ Option_Error(19, token_r18->text);
+ failed = 1;
+ haderrors++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // 1126 - after_if_1006
+ if (!haderrors && !failed && opt) {
+ flags &= ~OFLAGS_8;
+ if (matchflags & 0x700000)
+ flags |= OFLAGS_8;
+ haderrors = Option_Parse(opt, flags) == 0;
+ if (haderrors)
+ failed = 1;
+ parsedany++;
+ } // else: goto 1229
+ } else if ((mystery_r31 == 1) && (token_r18->val == ATK_2)) {
+ // 1142
+ opttok = 0;
+ curopt[0] = 0;
+ opt = Option_Lookup(search, 0, &matchflags);
+ strcpy(curopt, token_r18->text);
+ if (!opt) {
+ Option_Warning(33, curopt);
+ failed = 1;
+ } else {
+ if (!(flags & OFLAGS_1)) {
+ haderrors = Option_Parse(opt, flags) == 0;
+ } else {
+ parseopts.possibleFiles++;
+ haderrors = 0;
+ }
+ parsedany = 1;
+ if (haderrors)
+ failed = 1;
+ else
+ Arg_UsedToken();
+ }
+ } else if ((mystery_r31 > 1) && Option_IsEndingLevel(mystery_r31, token_r18)) {
+ // 1193
+ Option *opt;
+ char saveopt[64]; // stack 0x7C
+ strcpy(saveopt, curopt);
+ if (!(search->flags & LISTFLAGS_4)) {
+ curopt[0] = 0;
+ opt = Option_Lookup(search, 0, &matchflags); // probably wrong result reg
+ } else {
+ opt = 0; // probably wrong reg
+ }
+ // 1203
+ if (!opt) {
+ // 1205
+ if (!(flags & OFLAGS_4)) {
+ Option_Error(34, saveopt);
+ failed = 1;
+ haderrors++;
+ } else {
+ strcpy(curopt, saveopt);
+ break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // 1219
+ haderrors = Option_Parse(opt, flags) == 0;
+ parsedany = 1;
+ if (haderrors)
+ failed = 1;
+ }
+ // 1224
+ strcpy(curopt, saveopt);
+ }
+ // 1229 after_if_1126
+ // This is where tok comes into play.
+ tok = Arg_PeekToken();
+ // 1231
+ if (!failed) {
+ if (tok && (tok->val == ATK_2) && (matchflags & 2)) {
+ // 1235
+ ArgToken *prev; // r16
+ char sticky[64]; // stack 0x3C
+ prev = Arg_UndoToken();
+ tok = Arg_UsedToken();
+ if (tok->text[0] && prev == opttok) {
+ if (opttok) {
+ strcpy(sticky, opttok->text);
+ sticky[strlen(tok->text)] = 0;
+ Option_PushOpt(0, sticky);
+ Param_Error(36, Arg_GetTokenName(tok));
+ Option_PopOpt(0);
+ } else {
+ CLPReportError(36, Arg_GetTokenName(tok));
+ }
+ // 1251
+ haderrors++;
+ // goes to 1323
+ } else {
+ // 1256
+ if (!tok->text[0])
+ tok = Arg_UsedToken();
+ // 1257
+ if (flags & OFLAGS_1)
+ parseopts.possibleFiles++;
+ // goes to 1323
+ }
+ } else {
+ // 1267
+ if (Option_IsEndingThisLevel(mystery_r31 - 1, tok))
+ break;
+ if (Option_IsEndingThisLevel(mystery_r31 + 1, tok)) {
+ // 1276
+ ArgToken *prev = tok; // r16
+ tok = Arg_UsedToken();
+ // 1278
+ if ((mystery_r31 != 1) || (tok->val != ATK_3)) {
+ // 1280
+ if (opttok) {
+ Option_PushOpt(0, opttok->text);
+ if (tok->val == ATK_2)
+ Param_Error(36, Arg_GetTokenName(tok));
+ else
+ Param_Error(35, Arg_GetTokenName(prev));
+ Option_PopOpt(opttok->text);
+ } else if (tok->val == ATK_2) {
+ // 1292
+ CLPReportError(36, Arg_GetTokenName(tok));
+ } else {
+ // 1294
+ CLPReportError(35, Arg_GetTokenName(prev));
+ }
+ haderrors++;
+ failed++;
+ }
+ // goto 1323
+ } else if ((mystery_r31 < 2) && Option_IsEndingThisLevel(mystery_r31 + 2, tok)) {
+ // 1303
+ if (opttok) {
+ Option_PushOpt(0, opttok->text);
+ if (tok->val == ATK_2)
+ Param_Error(36, Arg_GetTokenName(tok));
+ else
+ Param_Error(35, Arg_GetTokenName(tok));
+ Option_PopOpt(opttok->text);
+ } else if (tok->val == ATK_2) {
+ CLPReportError(36, Arg_GetTokenName(tok));
+ } else {
+ CLPReportError(35, Arg_GetTokenName(tok));
+ }
+ haderrors++;
+ failed++;
+ }
+ }
+ } // else: 1323
+ if (haderrors || failed) {
+ while (!Option_IsEndingLevel(mystery_r31, tok))
+ tok = Arg_GetToken();
+ if (!tok)
+ tok = Arg_UndoToken();
+#line 1335
+ }
+ if (!parsedany || haderrors)
+ break;
+ if (Option_IsEndingThisLevel(mystery_r31, tok))
+ Arg_UsedToken();
+ else if (!Option_ContinuesThisLevel(mystery_r31, tok))
+ break;
+ }
+ return haderrors == 0;
int Options_Parse(OptionList *options, int flags) {
diff --git a/mwcc_decomp.h b/mwcc_decomp.h
index f0bd518..e462bae 100644
--- a/mwcc_decomp.h
+++ b/mwcc_decomp.h
@@ -286,6 +286,7 @@ enum {
enum {
+ LISTFLAGS_2 = 2,
@@ -832,13 +833,16 @@ typedef struct Target {
int count8;
int countC;
CWTargetInfo *targetInfo;
- Segments segments;
- Overlays overlays;
+ struct {
+ // not sure how much stuff exactly is part of this struct
+ Segments segments;
+ Overlays overlays;
+ } linkage;
int x28;
- Files accessPathFiles;
- Files files2;
+ Files files;
+ Files pchs;
Incls incls;
- Paths systemPaths;
+ Paths sysPaths;
Paths userPaths;
CWDataType language;
CWDataType cpu;
@@ -851,14 +855,14 @@ typedef struct Target {
unsigned long linkerFlags;
unsigned long postLinkerFlags;
OSPathSpec cwd;
- VFile *vfiles;
+ VFile *virtualFiles;
struct Target *next;
} Target; // assumed name
typedef struct Plugin {
BasePluginCallbacks *cb;
- CompilerLinkerPluginCallbacks *clcb;
- ParserPluginCallbacks *pcb;
+ CompilerLinkerPluginCallbacks *cl_cb;
+ ParserPluginCallbacks *pr_cb;
void *context;
char *versionInfoASCII;
struct Plugin *next;
@@ -917,35 +921,35 @@ extern void Res_Cleanup();
/* CLPlugins.c */
//static void GetToolVersionInfo();
extern const ToolVersionInfo *Plugin_GetToolVersionInfo();
-//static const char *Plugin_GetDisplayName(Plugin *plugin);
-extern const char *Plugin_GetDropInName(Plugin *plugin);
-extern VersionInfo *Plugin_GetVersionInfo(Plugin *plugin);
-extern const char *Plugin_GetVersionInfoASCII(Plugin *plugin);
-extern DropInFlags *Plugin_GetDropInFlags(Plugin *plugin);
-extern CWDataType Plugin_GetPluginType(Plugin *plugin);
-extern const CWTargetList *Plugin_CL_GetTargetList(Plugin *plugin);
-extern const CWPanelList *Plugin_GetPanelList(Plugin *plugin);
-extern const CWExtMapList *Plugin_CL_GetExtMapList(Plugin *plugin);
-extern const OSFileTypeMappingList *Plugin_GetFileTypeMappingList(Plugin *plugin);
-extern const CWObjectFlags *Plugin_CL_GetObjectFlags(Plugin *plugin);
-extern Boolean Plugin_MatchesName(Plugin *plugin, const char *name);
-extern Boolean Plugin_CL_MatchesTarget(Plugin *plugin, CWDataType cpu, CWDataType os, Boolean flag);
+//static const char *Plugin_GetDisplayName(Plugin *pl);
+extern const char *Plugin_GetDropInName(Plugin *pl);
+extern VersionInfo *Plugin_GetVersionInfo(Plugin *pl);
+extern const char *Plugin_GetVersionInfoASCII(Plugin *pl);
+extern DropInFlags *Plugin_GetDropInFlags(Plugin *pl);
+extern CWDataType Plugin_GetPluginType(Plugin *pl);
+extern const CWTargetList *Plugin_CL_GetTargetList(Plugin *pl);
+extern const CWPanelList *Plugin_GetPanelList(Plugin *pl);
+extern const CWExtMapList *Plugin_CL_GetExtMapList(Plugin *pl);
+extern const OSFileTypeMappingList *Plugin_GetFileTypeMappingList(Plugin *pl);
+extern const CWObjectFlags *Plugin_CL_GetObjectFlags(Plugin *pl);
+extern Boolean Plugin_MatchesName(Plugin *pl, const char *name);
+extern Boolean Plugin_CL_MatchesTarget(Plugin *pl, CWDataType cpu, CWDataType os, Boolean flag);
extern Boolean Plugins_CL_HaveMatchingTargets(Plugin *a, Plugin *b, Boolean flag);
//static CL_MatchesExtMapping(CWExtensionMapping *em, CWDataType type, const char *extension, Boolean flag);
-extern Boolean Plugin_CL_MatchesFileType(Plugin *plugin, CWDataType type, const char *extension, Boolean flag);
-extern Boolean Plugin_MatchesType(Plugin *plugin, CWDataType plugintype, CWDataType edit_language, Boolean flag);
-extern Boolean Plugin_Pr_MatchesPlugin(Plugin *plugin, void *unk1, void *unk2, void *unk3); // fixme
-extern Boolean Plugin_Pr_MatchesPanels(Plugin *plugin, void *unk1, void *unk2); // fixme
-extern Boolean Plugin_CL_WriteObjectFile(Plugin *plugin, FSSpec *fss1, FSSpec *fss2, CWDataType creator, CWDataType filetype, Handle h);
-extern Boolean Plugin_CL_GetCompilerMapping(Plugin *plugin, CWDataType type, const char *extension, CompilerMappingFlags *flags);
-//static Boolean SupportedPlugin(Plugin *plugin, const char **errmsg);
-//static Boolean VerifyPanels(Plugin *plugin);
-extern Plugin *Plugin_New(const BasePluginCallbacks *cb, const CompilerLinkerPluginCallbacks *clcb, const ParserPluginCallbacks *pcb);
-extern void Plugin_Free(Plugin *plugin);
-extern int Plugin_VerifyPanels(Plugin *plugin);
+extern Boolean Plugin_CL_MatchesFileType(Plugin *pl, CWDataType type, const char *extension, Boolean flag);
+extern Boolean Plugin_MatchesType(Plugin *pl, CWDataType plugintype, CWDataType edit_language, Boolean flag);
+extern Boolean Plugin_Pr_MatchesPlugin(Plugin *pl, void *unk1, void *unk2, void *unk3); // fixme
+extern Boolean Plugin_Pr_MatchesPanels(Plugin *pl, void *unk1, void *unk2); // fixme
+extern Boolean Plugin_CL_WriteObjectFile(Plugin *pl, FSSpec *srcfss, FSSpec *outfss, CWDataType creator, CWDataType filetype, Handle data);
+extern Boolean Plugin_CL_GetCompilerMapping(Plugin *pl, CWDataType type, const char *extension, CompilerMappingFlags *flags);
+//static Boolean SupportedPlugin(Plugin *pl, const char **errmsg);
+//static Boolean VerifyPanels(Plugin *pl);
+extern Plugin *Plugin_New(const BasePluginCallbacks *cb, const CompilerLinkerPluginCallbacks *cl_cb, const ParserPluginCallbacks *pr_cb);
+extern void Plugin_Free(Plugin *pl);
+extern int Plugin_VerifyPanels(Plugin *pl);
extern void Plugins_Init();
extern void Plugins_Term();
-extern int Plugins_Add(Plugin *plugin);
+extern int Plugins_Add(Plugin *pl);
extern Plugin *Plugins_MatchName(Plugin *first, const char *name);
extern Plugin *Plugins_CL_MatchTarget(Plugin *first, CWDataType cpu, CWDataType os, CWDataType plugintype, CWDataType edit_language);
extern Plugin *Plugins_CL_MatchFileType(Plugin *first, CWDataType type, const char *extension, Boolean flag);
@@ -957,9 +961,9 @@ extern Plugin *Plugins_GetParserForPlugin(...); // TODO fixme args
extern Plugin *Plugins_GetCompilerForLinker(Plugin *first, Plugin *linker, CWDataType type, const char *extension, CWDataType edit_language);
extern Boolean Plugins_GetPluginList(Plugin *first, int *count, void **list); // TODO fixme define list struct
extern Boolean Plugins_GetPrefPanelUnion(Plugin *first, int *count, void **list); // TODO fixme define struct
-extern Boolean Plugin_AddFileTypeMappings(Plugin *plugin, void *unk);
+extern Boolean Plugin_AddFileTypeMappings(Plugin *pl, void *unk);
extern Boolean Plugins_AddFileTypeMappingsForTarget(Plugin *first, void *unk, CWDataType cpu, CWDataType os);
-extern short Plugin_Call(Plugin *plugin, void *context);
+extern short Plugin_Call(Plugin *pl, void *context);
/* ?? parser_cb */
@@ -1076,7 +1080,7 @@ typedef struct Proj {
OSNameSpec projName;
} Proj;
extern int Proj_Initialize(Proj *proj);
-extern int Proj_Terminate(Proj *proj);
+extern int Proj_Terminate(Proj *this);
/* ?? License */
@@ -1114,7 +1118,7 @@ extern Boolean SendParserRequest(
ToolVersionInfo *toolVersionInfo
extern Boolean SendCompilerRequest(Plugin *plugin, File *file, short request);
-extern Boolean SendTargetInfoRequest(Target *target, Plugin *plugin, int flags);
+extern Boolean SendTargetInfoRequest(Target *target, Plugin *linker, int flags);
extern Boolean SendLinkerRequest(Plugin *plugin, int flags, CWTargetInfo *targetInfo);
extern Boolean SendDisassemblerRequest(Plugin *plugin, File *file);
extern Boolean SendInitOrTermRequest(Plugin *plugin, Boolean action);
@@ -1307,6 +1311,9 @@ extern void GetIndString(Str255 theString, short strListID, short index);
extern char *getindstring(char *theString, short strListID, short index);
extern void NumToString(long theNum, Str255 theString);
extern void StringToNum(ConstStr255Param theString, long *theNum);
+/* MacFileTypes.c */
extern int AddFileTypeMappingList(void *a, void *b); // TODO sig
extern void UseFileTypeMappings(void *a); // TODO sig
extern OSErr SetMacFileType(const FSSpec *fss, void *a); // TODO sig
@@ -1316,13 +1323,13 @@ extern OSErr GetMacFileType(const FSSpec *fss, void *a); // TODO sig
/* CLFiles.c */
extern File *File_New();
extern void File_Free(File *file);
-extern int Files_Initialize(Files *files);
-extern int Files_Terminate(Files *files);
-extern int Files_AddFile(Files *files, File *file);
-extern int Files_InsertFile(Files *files, File *file, int index);
-extern File *Files_GetFile(Files *files, int index);
-extern File *Files_FindFile(Files *files, OSSpec *spec);
-extern int Files_Count(Files *files);
+extern int Files_Initialize(Files *this);
+extern int Files_Terminate(Files *this);
+extern int Files_AddFile(Files *this, File *file);
+extern int Files_InsertFile(Files *this, File *file, int index);
+extern File *Files_GetFile(Files *this, int filenum);
+extern File *Files_FindFile(Files *this, OSSpec *spec);
+extern int Files_Count(Files *this);
extern int VFiles_Initialize(VFile **vfiles);
extern int VFiles_Terminate(VFile **vfiles);
extern VFile *VFile_New(const char *name, Handle data);
@@ -1331,37 +1338,37 @@ extern VFile *VFiles_Find(VFile *vfiles, const char *name);
/* CLOverlays.c */
-extern int Overlays_Initialize(Overlays *overlays);
-extern int Overlays_Terminate(Overlays *overlays);
-extern int Overlays_AddOvlGroup(Overlays *overlays, OvlGroup *group, int *pIndex);
-extern OvlGroup *Overlays_GetOvlGroup(Overlays *overlays, int index);
-extern int Overlays_CountGroups(Overlays *overlays);
-extern int Overlays_AddFileToOverlay(Overlays *overlays, int groupIndex, int overlayIndex, int fileID);
-extern Overlay *Overlays_GetOverlayInGroup(Overlays *overlays, int groupIndex, int overlayIndex);
-extern int Overlays_GetFileInOverlay(Overlays *overlays, int groupIndex, int overlayIndex, int fileIndex);
+extern int Overlays_Initialize(Overlays *this);
+extern int Overlays_Terminate(Overlays *this);
+extern int Overlays_AddOvlGroup(Overlays *this, OvlGroup *grp, int *pIndex);
+extern OvlGroup *Overlays_GetOvlGroup(Overlays *this, int index);
+extern int Overlays_CountGroups(Overlays *this);
+extern int Overlays_AddFileToOverlay(Overlays *this, int groupIndex, int overlayIndex, int fileID);
+extern Overlay *Overlays_GetOverlayInGroup(Overlays *this, int groupIndex, int overlayIndex);
+extern int Overlays_GetFileInOverlay(Overlays *this, int groupIndex, int overlayIndex, int fileIndex);
extern OvlGroup *OvlGroup_New(const char *name, CWAddr64 addr);
-extern void OvlGroup_Delete(OvlGroup *group);
-extern int OvlGroup_AddOverlay(OvlGroup *group, Overlay *overlay, int *pIndex);
-extern Overlay *OvlGroup_GetOverlay(OvlGroup *group, int index);
-extern int OvlGroup_CountOverlays(OvlGroup *group);
+extern void OvlGroup_Delete(OvlGroup *grp);
+extern int OvlGroup_AddOverlay(OvlGroup *this, Overlay *oly, int *pIndex);
+extern Overlay *OvlGroup_GetOverlay(OvlGroup *this, int index);
+extern int OvlGroup_CountOverlays(OvlGroup *this);
extern Overlay *Overlay_New(const char *name);
-extern void Overlay_Delete(Overlay *overlay);
-extern int Overlay_AddFile(Overlay *overlay, int fileID, int *pIndex);
-extern int Overlay_GetFile(Overlay *overlay, int index);
-extern int Overlay_CountFiles(Overlay *overlay);
+extern void Overlay_Delete(Overlay *oly);
+extern int Overlay_AddFile(Overlay *oly, int fileID, int *pIndex);
+extern int Overlay_GetFile(Overlay *oly, int index);
+extern int Overlay_CountFiles(Overlay *oly);
/* CLSegs.c */
extern Segment *Segment_New(const char *name, unsigned short a);
extern void Segment_Free(Segment *segment);
-extern int Segments_Initialize(Segments *segments);
-extern int Segments_Terminate(Segments *segments);
+extern int Segments_Initialize(Segments *segs);
+extern int Segments_Terminate(Segments *segs);
//static Boolean Segments_GrowSegments(Segments *segments, unsigned short *pIndex);
-extern int Segments_AddSegment(Segments *segments, Segment *segment, unsigned short *pIndex);
-extern Boolean Segments_InsertSegment(Segments *segments, unsigned short index, Segment *segment);
-extern Boolean Segments_DeleteSegment(Segments *segments, unsigned short index);
-extern Segment *Segments_GetSegment(Segments *segments, unsigned short index);
-extern unsigned short Segments_Count(const Segments *segments);
+extern int Segments_AddSegment(Segments *segs, Segment *segment, unsigned short *pIndex);
+extern Boolean Segments_InsertSegment(Segments *segs, unsigned short index, Segment *segment);
+extern Boolean Segments_DeleteSegment(Segments *segs, unsigned short index);
+extern Segment *Segments_GetSegment(Segments *segs, unsigned short index);
+extern unsigned short Segments_Count(const Segments *segs);
/* CLDropinCallbacks_V10.cpp */
@@ -1397,7 +1404,7 @@ extern void OS_GetFileHandleSpec(const OSFileHandle *fh, OSSpec *spec);
/* CLDependencies.c */
-extern int Incls_Initialize(Incls *incls);
+extern int Incls_Initialize(Incls *incls, Target *targ);
extern void Incls_Terminate(Incls *incls);
// IsSysIncl
// MakeInclFileSpec
@@ -1427,14 +1434,14 @@ extern Boolean WriteBrowseData(File *file);
/* CLBrowser.c */
// GetBrowseTableInfoAndLock
-extern int Browser_Initialize(OSHandle *hand);
+extern int Browser_Initialize(OSHandle *browsetable);
//static int Destroy(OSHandle *hand);
-extern int Browser_Terminate(OSHandle *hand);
-extern int Browser_SearchFile(OSHandle *hand, const char *path, short *pIndex);
-extern int Browser_SearchAndAddFile(OSHandle *hand, const char *path, short *pIndex);
+extern int Browser_Terminate(OSHandle *browsetable);
+extern int Browser_SearchFile(OSHandle *browsetable, const char *fullpath, short *pIndex);
+extern int Browser_SearchAndAddFile(OSHandle *browsetable, const char *fullpath, short *pIndex);
//static long CalcDiskSpaceRequirements(...); // needs table type
//static int ConvertMemToDisk(...); // needs table type
-extern int Browser_PackBrowseFile(Handle h, OSHandle *hand, OSHandle *hand2);
+extern int Browser_PackBrowseFile(Handle browsedata, OSHandle *browsetable, OSHandle *hand2);
/* ?? Include Cache */