#include "worldmap.h" daWMPlayer_c *daWMPlayer_c::instance; int daWMPlayer_c::onCreate() { OSReport("* dWMPlayer_c created\n"); OSReport("Init handler...\n"); this->modelHandler = new dPlayerModelHandler_c(0); this->modelHandler->loadModel(0, 3, 2); this->modelHandler->mdlClass->startAnimation(0, 1.2, 10.0, 0.0); this->modelHandler->setSRT((Vec){0.0,100.0,-100.0}, (S16Vec){0,0,0}, (Vec){2.0,2.0,2.0}); this->modelHandler->draw(); OSReport("Init done!\n"); pos = (Vec){0.0f,0.0f,0.0f}; rot = (S16Vec){0,0,0}; scale = (Vec){0.8f,0.8f,0.8f}; current_param = 0; /*//#define BRRES_NAME "fruits_kusa_gake" //#define MODEL_NAME "fruits_kusa_gake_S" #define BRRES_NAME "bgB_4502" #define MODEL_NAME BRRES_NAME OSReport("Loading nw4r model\n"); //LoadFile(&this->nw4rMdlFH, "/Object/" BRRES_NAME ".arc"); LoadFile(&this->nw4rMdlFH, "/Object/CrapMap.arc"); OSReport("Loaded. Reading arc\n"); ARCHandle arc; ARCFileInfo keyinfo; ARCInitHandle(this->nw4rMdlFH.filePtr, &arc); //bool arcres = ARCOpen(&arc, "g3d/" BRRES_NAME ".brres", &keyinfo); bool arcres = ARCOpen(&arc, "g3d/model.brres", &keyinfo); OSReport(arcres ? "Success\n" : "Fail\n"); OSReport("Getting nw4r model\n"); //void *brres = DVD_GetFile(GetDVDClass2(), "fruits_kusa_gake", "g3d/fruits_kusa_gake.brres"); OSReport("Done. Constructing model\n"); void *brres = ARCGetStartAddrInMem(&keyinfo); OSReport("brres @ %p\n", brres); nw4r::g3d::ResFile resfile(brres); OSReport(resfile.CheckRevision() ? "Success\n" : "Fail\n"); resfile.Init(); OSReport(resfile.Bind(resfile) ? "Success\n" : "Fail\n"); //void *mdl = resfile.GetResMdl(MODEL_NAME); void *mdl = resfile.GetResMdl("CrapMap"); OSReport("MDL @ %p, %d\n", mdl, 1099); //this->nw4rMdlTest = nw4r::g3d::ConstructScnMdl(mdl, 0x20, 1); //this->nw4rMdlTest = nw4r::g3d::ConstructScnMdlSimple(mdl, 1); OSReport(this->allocator.link(-1, GameHeaps[0], 0, 0x20) ? "Success\n" : "Fail\n"); OSReport(this->nw4rMdl.setup(&mdl, &this->allocator, 0, 1, 0) ? "Success\n" : "Fail\n"); //this->nw4rMdl.sub_80064BF0(); //this->nw4rMdl.oneSetupType(); OSReport("Unlink returned %d\n", this->allocator.unlink()); OSReport("Done!\n"); Mtx asdf; MTXIdentity(asdf); this->nw4rMdl.setDrawMatrix(asdf); ARCClose(&keyinfo);*/ return true; } int daWMPlayer_c::onDelete() { delete modelHandler; OSReport("* dWMPlayer_c deleted\n"); return true; } int daWMPlayer_c::onExecute() { this->modelHandler->update(); this->modelHandler->setSRT(this->pos, this->rot, this->scale); #ifdef MARIO_OPTIONS // Before we leave, do the debug movement stuff int heldButtons = Remocon_GetButtons(GetActiveRemocon()); int nowPressed = Remocon_GetPressed(GetActiveRemocon()); char buf[100]; bool updated = false; if (nowPressed & WPAD_LEFT) { current_param--; updated = true; } if (nowPressed & WPAD_RIGHT) { current_param++; updated = true; } if (current_param < 0) current_param = 8; if (current_param > 8) current_param = 0; float pos_mod = 0.0f; short rot_mod = 0.0f; float scale_mod = 0.0f; if (nowPressed & WPAD_ONE) { pos_mod -= 5.0f; rot_mod -= 0x1000; scale_mod -= 0.1f; updated = true; } else if (nowPressed & WPAD_TWO) { pos_mod += 5.0f; rot_mod += 0x1000; scale_mod += 0.1f; updated = true; } if (!updated) return true; if (current_param == 0) { pos.x += pos_mod; sprintf(buf, "X position: %f", pos.x); } else if (current_param == 1) { pos.y += pos_mod; sprintf(buf, "Y position: %f", pos.y); } else if (current_param == 2) { pos.z += pos_mod; sprintf(buf, "Z position: %f", pos.z); } else if (current_param == 3) { rot.x += rot_mod; sprintf(buf, "X rotation: 0x%04x", rot.x); } else if (current_param == 4) { rot.y += rot_mod; sprintf(buf, "Y rotation: 0x%04x", rot.y); } else if (current_param == 5) { rot.z += rot_mod; sprintf(buf, "Z rotation: 0x%04x", rot.z); } else if (current_param == 6) { scale.x += scale_mod; sprintf(buf, "X scale: %f", scale.x); } else if (current_param == 7) { scale.y += scale_mod; sprintf(buf, "Y scale: %f", scale.y); } else if (current_param == 8) { scale.z += scale_mod; sprintf(buf, "Z scale: %f", scale.z); } dScNewerWorldMap_c::instance->SetTitle(buf); #endif return true; } int daWMPlayer_c::onDraw() { this->modelHandler->draw(); //OSReport("Adding to scene\n"); //this->nw4rMdl.scheduleForDrawing(); //OSReport("done\n"); return true; } void daWMPlayer_c::startAnimation(int id, float frame, float unk, float updateRate) { if (id == currentAnim && frame == currentFrame && unk == currentUnk && updateRate == currentUpdateRate) return; currentAnim = id; currentFrame = frame; currentUnk = unk; currentUpdateRate = updateRate; this->modelHandler->mdlClass->startAnimation(id, frame, unk, updateRate); } daWMPlayer_c *daWMPlayer_c::build() { OSReport("Creating WMPlayer\n"); void *buffer = AllocFromGameHeap1(sizeof(daWMPlayer_c)); daWMPlayer_c *c = new(buffer) daWMPlayer_c; OSReport("Created WMPlayer @ %p\n", c); instance = c; return c; }