#include "koopatlas/starcoin.h" #include dWMStarCoin_c *dWMStarCoin_c::instance = 0; dWMStarCoin_c *dWMStarCoin_c::build() { void *buffer = AllocFromGameHeap1(sizeof(dWMStarCoin_c)); dWMStarCoin_c *c = new(buffer) dWMStarCoin_c; instance = c; return c; } dWMStarCoin_c::dWMStarCoin_c() : state(this) { layoutLoaded = false; visible = false; state.setState(&StateID_Hidden); } CREATE_STATE(dWMStarCoin_c, Hidden); CREATE_STATE(dWMStarCoin_c, ShowWait); CREATE_STATE(dWMStarCoin_c, ShowSectionWait); CREATE_STATE(dWMStarCoin_c, Wait); CREATE_STATE(dWMStarCoin_c, HideSectionWait); CREATE_STATE(dWMStarCoin_c, HideWait); int dWMStarCoin_c::onCreate() { if (!layoutLoaded) { bool gotFile = layout.loadArc("StarCoins.arc", false); if (!gotFile) return false; bool output = layout.build("StarCoins.brlyt"); layout.layout.rootPane->trans.x = -112.0f; if (IsWideScreen()) { layout.layout.rootPane->scale.x = 0.735f; } else { layout.clippingEnabled = true; layout.clipX = 0; layout.clipY = 52; layout.clipWidth = 640; layout.clipHeight = 352; layout.layout.rootPane->scale.x = 0.7711f; layout.layout.rootPane->scale.y = 0.7711f; } static const char *brlanNames[] = { "StarCoins_Show.brlan", "StarCoins_ShowSection.brlan", "StarCoins_HideSection.brlan", "StarCoins_ShowArrow.brlan", "StarCoins_HideArrow.brlan", }; static const char *groupNames[] = { "base", "section", "section", "leftArrow", "leftArrow", "rightArrow", "rightArrow" }; layout.loadAnimations(brlanNames, 5); layout.loadGroups(groupNames, (int[7]){0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 4}, 7); layout.disableAllAnimations(); layout.drawOrder = 1; for (int col = 0; col < COLUMN_COUNT; col++) { for (int shine = 0; shine < SHINE_COUNT; shine++) { char name[8]; sprintf(name, "Shine%d%d", col, shine); Shine[col][shine] = layout.findPictureByName(name); } for (int row = 0; row < ROW_COUNT; row++) { char lname[12]; sprintf(lname, "LevelName%d%d", col, row); LevelName[col][row] = layout.findTextBoxByName(lname); char coname[16], cname[8]; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { sprintf(coname, "CoinOutline%d%d%d", col, row, i); CoinOutline[col][row][i] = layout.findPictureByName(coname); sprintf(cname, "Coin%d%d%d", col, row, i); Coin[col][row][i] = layout.findPictureByName(cname); } } } static const char *tbNames[] = { "LeftTitle", "RightTitle", "TotalCoinCount", "UnspentCoinCount", "EarnedCoinCount", "EarnedCoinMax", "BtnBackText", }; layout.getTextBoxes(tbNames, &LeftTitle, 7); static const char *picNames[] = { "DPadLeft", "DPadRight", }; layout.getPictures(picNames, &DPadLeft, 2); DPadLeft->SetVisible(false); DPadRight->SetVisible(false); layoutLoaded = true; } return true; } int dWMStarCoin_c::onDelete() { return layout.free(); } void dWMStarCoin_c::show() { if (state.getCurrentState() == &StateID_Hidden) state.setState(&StateID_ShowWait); } int dWMStarCoin_c::onExecute() { state.execute(); if (visible) { layout.execAnimations(); layout.update(); } return true; } int dWMStarCoin_c::onDraw() { if (visible) layout.scheduleForDrawing(); return true; } void dWMStarCoin_c::showLeftArrow() { if (!isLeftArrowVisible) { isLeftArrowVisible = true; layout.enableNonLoopAnim(SHOW_LEFT_ARROW); DPadLeft->SetVisible(true); } } void dWMStarCoin_c::showRightArrow() { if (!isRightArrowVisible) { isRightArrowVisible = true; layout.enableNonLoopAnim(SHOW_RIGHT_ARROW); DPadRight->SetVisible(true); } } void dWMStarCoin_c::hideLeftArrow() { if (isLeftArrowVisible) { isLeftArrowVisible = false; layout.enableNonLoopAnim(HIDE_LEFT_ARROW); DPadLeft->SetVisible(false); } } void dWMStarCoin_c::hideRightArrow() { if (isRightArrowVisible) { isRightArrowVisible = false; layout.enableNonLoopAnim(HIDE_RIGHT_ARROW); DPadRight->SetVisible(false); } } void dWMStarCoin_c::setLeftArrowVisible(bool value) { if (value) showLeftArrow(); else hideLeftArrow(); } void dWMStarCoin_c::setRightArrowVisible(bool value) { if (value) showRightArrow(); else hideRightArrow(); } bool dWMStarCoin_c::canScrollLeft() const { return (currentSectionIndex > 0); } bool dWMStarCoin_c::canScrollRight() const { return (currentSectionIndex < (availableSectionCount - 1)); } void dWMStarCoin_c::loadInfo() { WriteBMGToTextBox(BtnBackText, GetBMG(), 3, 1, 0); int unspentCoins = getUnspentStarCoinCount(); int coins = getStarCoinCount(); WriteNumberToTextBox(&unspentCoins, UnspentCoinCount, false); WriteNumberToTextBox(&coins, TotalCoinCount, false); currentSection = -1; currentSectionIndex = -1; availableSectionCount = 0; SaveBlock *save = GetSaveFile()->GetBlock(-1); int wantedSection = save->newerWorldID; // figure out which sections should be available for (int i = 0; i < dLevelInfo_c::s_info.sectionCount(); i++) { dLevelInfo_c::section_s *section = dLevelInfo_c::s_info.getSectionByIndex(i); bool haveLevels = false; for (int j = 0; j < section->levelCount; j++) { dLevelInfo_c::entry_s *l = §ion->levels[j]; if (l->flags & 2) { if (save->GetLevelCondition(l->worldSlot, l->levelSlot) & COND_UNLOCKED) { haveLevels = true; break; } } } if (haveLevels) { if (i == wantedSection) { currentSection = wantedSection; currentSectionIndex = availableSectionCount; } sectionIndices[availableSectionCount++] = i; } } // if we didn't find the wanted one, use the first one available if (currentSectionIndex == -1) { currentSectionIndex = 0; currentSection = sectionIndices[0]; } } void dWMStarCoin_c::loadSectionInfo() { dLevelInfo_c::entry_s *visibleLevels[COLUMN_COUNT][ROW_COUNT]; // reset everything... everything for (int i = 0; i < COLUMN_COUNT; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < SHINE_COUNT; j++) Shine[i][j]->SetVisible(false); for (int j = 0; j < ROW_COUNT; j++) { visibleLevels[i][j] = 0; LevelName[i][j]->SetVisible(false); for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++) { CoinOutline[i][j][k]->SetVisible(false); Coin[i][j][k]->SetVisible(false); } } } // get everything we'll need SaveBlock *save = GetSaveFile()->GetBlock(-1); dLevelInfo_c *linfo = &dLevelInfo_c::s_info; dLevelInfo_c::entry_s *names[COLUMN_COUNT]; for (int i = 0; i < COLUMN_COUNT; i++) names[i] = linfo->searchByDisplayNum(currentSection, 100+i); bool useSubworlds = (COLUMN_COUNT > 1) && names[1]; int currentPosition[COLUMN_COUNT]; int currentColumn = 0; // only incremented in single-subworld mode for (int i = 0; i < COLUMN_COUNT; i++) currentPosition[i] = 0; dLevelInfo_c::section_s *section = linfo->getSectionByIndex(currentSection); int earnedCoins = 0, earnableCoins = 0; // earnedCoins is calculated later for (int i = 0; i < section->levelCount; i++) { dLevelInfo_c::entry_s *level = §ion->levels[i]; // only pay attention to real levels if (!(level->flags & 2)) continue; earnableCoins += 3; // is this level unlocked? u32 conds = save->GetLevelCondition(level->worldSlot, level->levelSlot); if (!(conds & COND_UNLOCKED)) continue; // well, let's give it a slot if (useSubworlds) { currentColumn = (level->flags & 0x400) ? 1 : 0; } else { if (currentPosition[currentColumn] >= ROW_COUNT) currentColumn++; } visibleLevels[currentColumn][currentPosition[currentColumn]++] = level; } // if the first column is empty, then move the second one over if (currentPosition[0] == 0 && useSubworlds) { for (int i = 0; i < currentPosition[1]; i++) { visibleLevels[0][i] = visibleLevels[1][i]; visibleLevels[1][i] = 0; } names[0] = names[1]; names[1] = 0; } // if the second column is empty, remove its name if (currentPosition[1] == 0 && useSubworlds) names[1] = 0; // work out the names WriteAsciiToTextBox(LeftTitle, linfo->getNameForLevel(names[0])); if (names[1]) WriteAsciiToTextBox(RightTitle, linfo->getNameForLevel(names[1])); RightTitle->SetVisible(names[1] != 0); // load all level info for (int col = 0; col < COLUMN_COUNT; col++) { for (int row = 0; row < ROW_COUNT; row++) { dLevelInfo_c::entry_s *level = visibleLevels[col][row]; if (!level) continue; u32 conds = save->GetLevelCondition(level->worldSlot, level->levelSlot); if (!(row & 1)) { int shineID = row / 2; if (shineID < SHINE_COUNT) Shine[col][shineID]->SetVisible(true); } for (int coin = 0; coin < 3; coin++) { CoinOutline[col][row][coin]->SetVisible(true); if (conds & (COND_COIN1 << coin)) { Coin[col][row][coin]->SetVisible(true); earnedCoins++; } } LevelName[col][row]->SetVisible(true); WriteAsciiToTextBox(LevelName[col][row], linfo->getNameForLevel(level)); } } // set up coin things WriteNumberToTextBox(&earnedCoins, EarnedCoinCount, false); WriteNumberToTextBox(&earnableCoins, EarnedCoinMax, false); } void dWMStarCoin_c::beginState_Hidden() { } void dWMStarCoin_c::executeState_Hidden() { } void dWMStarCoin_c::endState_Hidden() { } void dWMStarCoin_c::beginState_ShowWait() { visible = true; loadInfo(); layout.enableNonLoopAnim(SHOW_ALL); } void dWMStarCoin_c::executeState_ShowWait() { if (!layout.isAnimOn(SHOW_ALL)) state.setState(&StateID_ShowSectionWait); } void dWMStarCoin_c::endState_ShowWait() { } void dWMStarCoin_c::beginState_ShowSectionWait() { loadSectionInfo(); layout.enableNonLoopAnim(SHOW_SECTION); if (canScrollLeft()) showLeftArrow(); if (canScrollRight()) showRightArrow(); } void dWMStarCoin_c::executeState_ShowSectionWait() { if (!layout.isAnimOn(SHOW_SECTION)) state.setState(&StateID_Wait); } void dWMStarCoin_c::endState_ShowSectionWait() { } void dWMStarCoin_c::beginState_Wait() { } void dWMStarCoin_c::executeState_Wait() { int nowPressed = Remocon_GetPressed(GetActiveRemocon()); if (nowPressed & WPAD_ONE) { MapSoundPlayer(SoundRelatedClass, SE_SYS_DIALOGUE_OUT_AUTO, 1); willExit = true; state.setState(&StateID_HideSectionWait); } else if ((nowPressed & WPAD_LEFT) && canScrollLeft()) { currentSection = sectionIndices[--currentSectionIndex]; willExit = false; state.setState(&StateID_HideSectionWait); } else if ((nowPressed & WPAD_RIGHT) && canScrollRight()) { currentSection = sectionIndices[++currentSectionIndex]; willExit = false; state.setState(&StateID_HideSectionWait); } } void dWMStarCoin_c::endState_Wait() { } void dWMStarCoin_c::beginState_HideSectionWait() { layout.enableNonLoopAnim(HIDE_SECTION); if (willExit) { hideLeftArrow(); hideRightArrow(); } else { setLeftArrowVisible(canScrollLeft()); setRightArrowVisible(canScrollRight()); } } void dWMStarCoin_c::executeState_HideSectionWait() { if (!layout.isAnimOn(HIDE_SECTION)) { if (willExit) state.setState(&StateID_HideWait); else state.setState(&StateID_ShowSectionWait); } } void dWMStarCoin_c::endState_HideSectionWait() { } void dWMStarCoin_c::beginState_HideWait() { layout.enableNonLoopAnim(SHOW_ALL, true); layout.grpHandlers[SHOW_ALL].frameCtrl.flags = 3; // NO_LOOP | REVERSE } void dWMStarCoin_c::executeState_HideWait() { if (!layout.isAnimOn(SHOW_ALL)) state.setState(&StateID_Hidden); } void dWMStarCoin_c::endState_HideWait() { visible = false; }