#include #include #include #include #include #include "boss.h" class daBalboa_c : public daBoss { int onCreate(); int onDelete(); int onExecute(); int onDraw(); mHeapAllocator_c allocator; m3d::mdl_c bodyModel; nw4r::g3d::ResFile resFile; m3d::anmChr_c animationChr; int timer; int damage; float Baseline; float dying; Vec PopUp [3]; char throwCount; char throwMax; float throwRate; char upsideDown; int isBigBoss; char isRevenging; int spinner; static daBalboa_c *build(); void setupModels(); void updateModelMatrices(); void bindAnimChr_and_setUpdateRate(const char* name, int unk, float unk2, float rate); void playerCollision(ActivePhysics *apThis, ActivePhysics *apOther); void collisionCat1_Fireball_E_Explosion(ActivePhysics *apThis, ActivePhysics *apOther); bool collisionCat2_IceBall_15_YoshiIce(ActivePhysics *apThis, ActivePhysics *apOther); void collisionCat9_RollingObject(ActivePhysics *apThis, ActivePhysics *apOther); void collisionCat13_Hammer(ActivePhysics *apThis, ActivePhysics *apOther); void collisionCat7_WMWaggleWater(ActivePhysics *apThis, ActivePhysics *apOther); void collisionCatA_PenguinMario(ActivePhysics *apThis, ActivePhysics *apOther); void addScoreWhenHit(void *other); USING_STATES(daBalboa_c); DECLARE_STATE(Grow); DECLARE_STATE(ManholeUp); DECLARE_STATE(HeadPoke); DECLARE_STATE(AllOut); DECLARE_STATE(ThrowWrench); DECLARE_STATE(BackDown); DECLARE_STATE(Outro); DECLARE_STATE(Damage); DECLARE_STATE(RevengeUp); DECLARE_STATE(Revenge); }; daBalboa_c *daBalboa_c::build() { void *buffer = AllocFromGameHeap1(sizeof(daBalboa_c)); return new(buffer) daBalboa_c; } // Externs CREATE_STATE(daBalboa_c, Grow); CREATE_STATE(daBalboa_c, ManholeUp); CREATE_STATE(daBalboa_c, HeadPoke); CREATE_STATE(daBalboa_c, AllOut); CREATE_STATE(daBalboa_c, ThrowWrench); CREATE_STATE(daBalboa_c, BackDown); CREATE_STATE(daBalboa_c, Outro); CREATE_STATE(daBalboa_c, Damage); CREATE_STATE(daBalboa_c, RevengeUp); CREATE_STATE(daBalboa_c, Revenge); // Collisions void balbieCollisionCallback(ActivePhysics *apThis, ActivePhysics *apOther); void balbieCollisionCallback(ActivePhysics *apThis, ActivePhysics *apOther) { if (apOther->owner->name != 544) { dEn_c::collisionCallback(apThis, apOther); } } void daBalboa_c::addScoreWhenHit(void *other) {} void daBalboa_c::playerCollision(ActivePhysics *apThis, ActivePhysics *apOther) { char ret = usedForDeterminingStatePress_or_playerCollision(this, apThis, apOther, 0); if(ret == 1) { // regular jump apOther->someFlagByte |= 0; } else if(ret == 3) { // spinning apOther->someFlagByte |= 0; } else if(ret == 0) { this->dEn_c::playerCollision(apThis, apOther); this->_vf220(apOther->owner); } else if(ret == 2) { // mini Mario this->dEn_c::playerCollision(apThis, apOther); this->_vf220(apOther->owner); } else { } //FIXME hack to make multiple playerCollisions work this->isDead = 0; this->flags_4FC |= (1<<(31-7)); this->counter_504[apOther->owner->which_player] = 0; } void daBalboa_c::collisionCat7_WMWaggleWater(ActivePhysics *apThis, ActivePhysics *apOther) { dActor_c *block = apOther->owner; dEn_c *mario = (dEn_c*)block; SpawnEffect("Wm_en_vshit", 0, &mario->pos, &(S16Vec){0,0,0}, &(Vec){1.0, 1.0, 1.0}); mario->speed.y = -mario->speed.y; mario->pos.y += mario->speed.y; if (mario->direction == 0) { mario->speed.x = 4.0; } else { mario->speed.x = -4.0; } mario->doSpriteMovement(); mario->doSpriteMovement(); if (isRevenging) { return; } else { this->damage -= 1; apOther->someFlagByte |= 2; PlaySoundAsync(this, SE_EMY_PENGUIN_DAMAGE); doStateChange(&StateID_Damage); } } void daBalboa_c::collisionCat1_Fireball_E_Explosion(ActivePhysics *apThis, ActivePhysics *apOther) { } bool daBalboa_c::collisionCat2_IceBall_15_YoshiIce(ActivePhysics *apThis, ActivePhysics *apOther) { return false; } void daBalboa_c::collisionCat9_RollingObject(ActivePhysics *apThis, ActivePhysics *apOther) { } void daBalboa_c::collisionCat13_Hammer(ActivePhysics *apThis, ActivePhysics *apOther) { } void daBalboa_c::collisionCatA_PenguinMario(ActivePhysics *apThis, ActivePhysics *apOther) { } void daBalboa_c::setupModels() { allocator.link(-1, GameHeaps[0], 0, 0x20); nw4r::g3d::ResMdl mdl; nw4r::g3d::ResAnmChr anmChr; this->resFile.data = getResource("choropoo", "g3d/choropoo.brres"); mdl = this->resFile.GetResMdl("choropoo"); this->bodyModel.setup(mdl, &allocator, 0x224, 1, 0); SetupTextures_Enemy(&this->bodyModel, 0); anmChr = this->resFile.GetResAnmChr("throw_1"); // 11 this->animationChr.setup(mdl, anmChr, &this->allocator, 0); // throw_1 // 11 // throw_2 // 75 // throw_3 // 33 // throw_4_left_hand // 87 // throw_4_right_hand // 87 // throw_5 // 23 allocator.unlink(); } // Animation Order... // AppearLittle - Throw One, sound 0x21F // Search - Throw two // AppearFull - Throw 3 and sound 0x220 // Attack - Throw 4 // Disappear - Throw 5 void daBalboa_c::bindAnimChr_and_setUpdateRate(const char* name, int unk, float unk2, float rate) { nw4r::g3d::ResAnmChr anmChr = this->resFile.GetResAnmChr(name); this->animationChr.bind(&this->bodyModel, anmChr, unk); this->bodyModel.bindAnim(&this->animationChr, unk2); this->animationChr.setUpdateRate(rate); } int daBalboa_c::onCreate() { setupModels(); this->scale = (Vec){1.0, 1.0, 1.0}; this->isBigBoss = (this->settings >> 28); ActivePhysics::Info HitMeBaby; HitMeBaby.xDistToCenter = 0.0; HitMeBaby.yDistToCenter = 27.0; HitMeBaby.xDistToEdge = 18.0; HitMeBaby.yDistToEdge = 24.0; HitMeBaby.category1 = 0x3; HitMeBaby.category2 = 0x0; HitMeBaby.bitfield1 = 0x4F; HitMeBaby.bitfield2 = 0xFFBAFFFE; HitMeBaby.unkShort1C = 0; HitMeBaby.callback = &balbieCollisionCallback; this->aPhysics.initWithStruct(this, &HitMeBaby); this->aPhysics.addToList(); this->rot.x = 0; // X is vertical axis this->rot.y = 0xE000; // Y is horizontal axis this->rot.z = 0; // Z is ... an axis >.> this->upsideDown = 0; this->direction = 0; // Heading left. this->pos.z = -800.0; this->pos.y -= 8.0; this->damage = 3; this->isRevenging = 0; this->PopUp[0] = (Vec){this->pos.x, this->pos.y - 54.0, this->pos.z}; this->PopUp[1] = (Vec){this->pos.x - 224.0, this->pos.y - 54.0, this->pos.z}; this->PopUp[2] = (Vec){this->pos.x - 112.0, this->pos.y - 22.0, this->pos.z}; this->PopUp[3] = (Vec){this->pos.x - 112.0, this->pos.y - 22.0, this->pos.z}; doStateChange(&StateID_Grow); this->onExecute(); return true; } int daBalboa_c::onDelete() { return true; } int daBalboa_c::onExecute() { acState.execute(); updateModelMatrices(); bodyModel._vf1C(); return true; } int daBalboa_c::onDraw() { bodyModel.scheduleForDrawing(); return true; } void daBalboa_c::updateModelMatrices() { // This won't work with wrap because I'm lazy. matrix.translation(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z); matrix.applyRotationYXZ(&rot.x, &rot.y, &rot.z); bodyModel.setDrawMatrix(matrix); bodyModel.setScale(&scale); bodyModel.calcWorld(false); } // Grow State void daBalboa_c::beginState_Grow() { this->timer = 0; SetupKameck(this, Kameck); bindAnimChr_and_setUpdateRate("throw_2", 1, 0.0, 0.6); } void daBalboa_c::executeState_Grow() { if(this->animationChr.isAnimationDone()) this->animationChr.setCurrentFrame(0.0); this->timer += 1; bool ret; ret = GrowBoss(this, Kameck, 1.0, 2.25, 0, this->timer); if (ret) { PlaySound(this, SE_EMY_CHOROPU_BOUND); doStateChange(&StateID_BackDown); } } void daBalboa_c::endState_Grow() { CleanupKameck(this, Kameck); } // ManholeUp State void daBalboa_c::beginState_ManholeUp() { bindAnimChr_and_setUpdateRate("throw_1", 1, 0.0, 1.0); this->timer = 0; int randChoice; randChoice = GenerateRandomNumber(3); this->pos = this->PopUp[randChoice]; OSReport("Rand Choice is: %d\n", randChoice); OSReport("Position is: %f, %f, %f\n\n", pos.x, pos.y, pos.z); if (randChoice == 0) { // On the left side! this->rot.y = 0xE000; this->rot.z = 0; this->upsideDown = 0; this->direction = 0; } else if (randChoice == 1) { // On the right side! this->rot.y = 0x2000; this->rot.z = 0; this->upsideDown = 0; this->direction = 1; } // else if (randChoice == 2) { // On the right ceiling! // this->rot.y = 0xE000; // this->rot.z = 0x8000; // this->upsideDown = 1; // this->direction = 0; } // else if (randChoice == 3) { // On the left ceiling! // this->rot.y = 0x2000; // this->rot.z = 0x8000; // this->upsideDown = 1; // this->direction = 1; } else if (randChoice == 2) { // In the Center! char Pdir = dSprite_c__getXDirectionOfFurthestPlayerRelativeToVEC3(this, this->pos); if (Pdir == 1) { this->rot.y = 0xE000; this->direction = 0; } else { this->rot.y = 0x2000; this->direction = 1; } } PlaySound(this, 0x21F); } void daBalboa_c::executeState_ManholeUp() { if (this->timer > 51) { doStateChange(&StateID_HeadPoke); } if (this->timer > 11) { } else { this->pos.y += 0.8182; // Height is 54 pixels, move up 9 pixels. } this->timer += 1; } void daBalboa_c::endState_ManholeUp() { } // HeadPoke State void daBalboa_c::beginState_HeadPoke() { bindAnimChr_and_setUpdateRate("throw_2", 1, 0.0, 1.0); this->timer = 0; } void daBalboa_c::executeState_HeadPoke() { this->pos.y += 0.24; // Height is 54 pixels, move up 18 pixels. if(this->animationChr.isAnimationDone()) { doStateChange(&StateID_AllOut); } } void daBalboa_c::endState_HeadPoke() { } // AllOut State void daBalboa_c::beginState_AllOut() { bindAnimChr_and_setUpdateRate("throw_3", 1, 0.0, 1.0); this->timer = 0; PlaySound(this, 0x220); } void daBalboa_c::executeState_AllOut() { this->pos.y += 0.8182; // Height is 54 pixels, move up 27 pixels. if(this->animationChr.isAnimationDone()) { doStateChange(&StateID_ThrowWrench); } } void daBalboa_c::endState_AllOut() { } // ThrowWrench State void daBalboa_c::beginState_ThrowWrench() { this->throwCount = 0; if (this->isBigBoss == 1) { throwMax = 6; throwRate = 3.0; } else { throwMax = 4; throwRate = 2.0; } bindAnimChr_and_setUpdateRate("throw_4_right_hand", 1, 0.0, throwRate); } void daBalboa_c::executeState_ThrowWrench() { float frame = this->animationChr.getCurrentFrame(); if (frame == 54.0) { u32 settings; u8 up = this->upsideDown; u8 throwc = this->throwCount; u8 dir; if (this->direction) { dir = 0; } else { dir = 1; } settings = (dir) | (up << 1); settings = settings | (throwc & 1 << 8); if (this->isBigBoss == 1) { settings = settings | 0x10; } CreateActor(544, settings, this->pos, 0, 0); } if(this->animationChr.isAnimationDone()) { this->throwCount += 1; if (this->throwCount & 1) { bindAnimChr_and_setUpdateRate("throw_4_left_hand", 1, 0.0, throwRate); } else { bindAnimChr_and_setUpdateRate("throw_4_right_hand", 1, 0.0, throwRate); } } if (this->throwCount > throwMax) { doStateChange(&StateID_BackDown); } } void daBalboa_c::endState_ThrowWrench() { } // BackDown State void daBalboa_c::beginState_BackDown() { bindAnimChr_and_setUpdateRate("throw_5", 1, 0.0, 1.0); this->timer = 0; PlaySound(this, 0x221); SpawnEffect("Wm_mr_sanddive_out", 0, &this->pos, &(S16Vec){0,0,0}, &(Vec){2.0, 1.0, 1.0}); SpawnEffect("Wm_mr_sanddive_smk", 0, &this->pos, &(S16Vec){0,0,0}, &(Vec){2.0, 1.0, 1.0}); } void daBalboa_c::executeState_BackDown() { if (this->timer < 60) { this->pos.y -= 2.0; // Height is 54 pixels, move down } if (this->timer > 90) { doStateChange(&StateID_ManholeUp); } this->timer += 1; } void daBalboa_c::endState_BackDown() { } // Outro void daBalboa_c::beginState_Outro() { bindAnimChr_and_setUpdateRate("dead", 1, 0.0, 1.0); OutroSetup(this); this->timer = 0; this->rot.x = 0x0; // X is vertical axis this->rot.z = 0x0; // Z is ... an axis >.> } void daBalboa_c::executeState_Outro() { if(this->animationChr.isAnimationDone()) this->animationChr.setCurrentFrame(0.0); if (this->dying == 1) { if (this->timer > 180) { ExitStage(WORLD_MAP, 0, BEAT_LEVEL, MARIO_WIPE); } if (this->timer == 60) { PlayerVictoryCries(this); } this->timer += 1; return; } bool ret; ret = ShrinkBoss(this, &this->pos, 2.25, this->timer); this->pos.y -= 0.02; if (ret == true) { BossExplode(this, &this->pos); this->dying = 1; this->timer = 0; } else { PlaySound(this, SE_EMY_CHOROPU_SIGN); } this->timer += 1; } void daBalboa_c::endState_Outro() { } // Damage void daBalboa_c::beginState_Damage() { bindAnimChr_and_setUpdateRate("dead", 1, 0.0, 0.5); this->timer = 0; this->removeMyActivePhysics(); } void daBalboa_c::executeState_Damage() { if (this->timer > 6) { doStateChange(&StateID_RevengeUp); } if(this->animationChr.isAnimationDone()) { this->animationChr.setCurrentFrame(0.0); this->timer += 1; } if (this->timer > 3) { this->pos.y -= 5.0; // Height is 54 pixels, move down } else if (this->timer > 2) { if (this->damage == 0) { StopBGMMusic(); doStateChange(&StateID_Outro); } this->pos.y -= 3.5; // Height is 54 pixels, move down } else if (this->timer > 1) { this->pos.y -= 1.0; // Height is 54 pixels, move down } else if (this->timer > 0) { this->pos.y += 1.0; // Height is 54 pixels, move down } else { this->pos.y += 3.5; // Height is 54 pixels, move down } } void daBalboa_c::endState_Damage() { this->addMyActivePhysics(); } // Revenge Up void daBalboa_c::beginState_RevengeUp() { this->pos = this->PopUp[2]; this->rot.y = 0; isRevenging = 1; bindAnimChr_and_setUpdateRate("throw_3", 1, 0.0, 1.0); PlaySound(this, 0x220); } void daBalboa_c::executeState_RevengeUp() { this->pos.y += 1.6363; // Height is 54 pixels, move up 27 pixels. if(this->animationChr.isAnimationDone()) { doStateChange(&StateID_Revenge); } } void daBalboa_c::endState_RevengeUp() { } // Revenge void daBalboa_c::beginState_Revenge() { spinner = 0; this->throwCount = 0; if (this->isBigBoss == 1) { throwMax = 16; throwRate = 5.0; } else { throwMax = 12; throwRate = 3.0; } bindAnimChr_and_setUpdateRate("throw_4_right_hand", 1, 0.0, throwRate); } void daBalboa_c::executeState_Revenge() { float frame = this->animationChr.getCurrentFrame(); rot.y = 16384.0 * (frame / 87.0) + (16384.0 * spinner); if (frame == 60.0) { u32 settings; u8 up = this->upsideDown; u8 throwc = this->throwCount; u8 dir; if (spinner < 2) { dir = 0; } else { dir = 1; } settings = (dir) | (up << 1); settings = settings | (throwc & 1 << 8); if (this->isBigBoss == 1) { settings = settings | 0x10; } CreateActor(544, settings, this->pos, 0, 0); } if(this->animationChr.isAnimationDone()) { this->throwCount += 1; spinner += 1; if (spinner == 4) { spinner = 0; } if (this->throwCount & 1) { bindAnimChr_and_setUpdateRate("throw_4_left_hand", 1, 0.0, throwRate); } else { bindAnimChr_and_setUpdateRate("throw_4_right_hand", 1, 0.0, throwRate); } } if (this->throwCount > throwMax) { doStateChange(&StateID_BackDown); } } void daBalboa_c::endState_Revenge() { isRevenging = 0; }