/******************************************************************************* This file is part of LayoutStudio (http://github.com/Treeki/LayoutStudio) Copyright (c) 2010 Treeki (treeki@gmail.com) This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.0. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License 2.0 for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License 2.0 along with this program. If not, see . *******************************************************************************/ #include "archiveu8.h" WiiArchiveU8::WiiArchiveU8() { } WiiArchiveU8::WiiArchiveU8(QDataStream &stream) { U8ReadInfo info; info.startPos = stream.device()->pos(); quint32 magic; stream >> (quint32&)magic; if (magic != 0x55AA382D) qWarning() << "WiiArchiveU8: tried to load an archive without the U8 magic"; quint32 fstStart, fstSize, dataOffset; stream >> (quint32&)fstStart; stream >> (quint32&)fstSize; stream >> (quint32&)dataOffset; // read the FST stream.device()->seek(info.startPos + fstStart); // read the root node quint32 rootNodeLastChild; stream.skipRawData(8); // ignore type, nameOffset and dataOffset stream >> (quint32&)rootNodeLastChild; // but before we do this, read the string table qint64 savePos = stream.device()->pos(); stream.device()->seek(savePos + ((rootNodeLastChild - 1) * 12)); int stringTableLength = fstSize - (rootNodeLastChild * 12); QByteArray rawStringTable; rawStringTable.resize(stringTableLength); stream.readRawData(rawStringTable.data(), stringTableLength); info.stringTable = QString::fromAscii(rawStringTable.constData(), stringTableLength); // now read the root node stream.device()->seek(savePos); qDebug() << "Reading root node: last child is" << rootNodeLastChild; info.currentNode = 1; this->readDir(stream, this->root, rootNodeLastChild, info); } void WiiArchiveU8::readDir(QDataStream &in, WiiDirectory &dir, int lastChild, U8ReadInfo &info) { // read every node in this directory while (info.currentNode < lastChild) { info.currentNode++; //qDebug() << "Reading @ pos" << in.device()->pos(); quint32 value, dataOffset, size; in >> (quint32&)value; in >> (quint32&)dataOffset; in >> (quint32&)size; int nameOffset = value & 0xFFFFFF; int type = value >> 24; WiiFSObject *newObj; if (type == 0) newObj = new WiiFile; else if (type == 1) newObj = new WiiDirectory; else qFatal("WiiArchiveU8::readDir: Unknown fs obj type %d", type); // get the name int nameSize = info.stringTable.indexOf(QChar::Null, nameOffset) - nameOffset; newObj->name = info.stringTable.mid(nameOffset, nameSize); qDebug() << "Reading node" << info.currentNode << newObj->name << "- type:" << type << "size:" << size << "offset:" << dataOffset; // read the contents if (newObj->isFile()) { // get the file data qint64 savePos = in.device()->pos(); in.device()->seek(info.startPos + dataOffset); WiiFile *file = (WiiFile*)newObj; file->data.resize(size); in.readRawData(file->data.data(), size); in.device()->seek(savePos); } else if (newObj->isDirectory()) { // read the children this->readDir(in, *((WiiDirectory*)newObj), size, info); } qDebug() << "Adding" << newObj->name << "to" << dir.name; dir.addChild(newObj); }; } void WiiArchiveU8::writeToDataStream(QDataStream &out) const { U8WriteInfo info; // first off, before we do anything else, create the string table this->addNodeToStringTable(this->root, info.stringTableBuilder); QByteArray stringTable = info.stringTableBuilder.pack(); // calculate various fun offsets/sizes int nodeCount = 0; this->countNode(this->root, &nodeCount); info.startPos = out.device()->pos(); quint32 fstStart = 0x20; quint32 nodeDataSize = nodeCount * 12; quint32 stringTableSize = stringTable.length(); quint32 fstSize = nodeDataSize + stringTableSize; quint32 dataOffset = AlignUp(fstStart + fstSize, 0x20); qDebug() << "Writing: fstStart" << fstStart << "nodeCount" << nodeCount; qDebug() << "nodeDataSize" << nodeDataSize << "stringTableSize" << stringTableSize; qDebug() << "fstSize" << fstSize << "dataOffset" << dataOffset; // now write the header out << (quint32)0x55AA382D; out << (quint32)fstStart; out << (quint32)fstSize; out << (quint32)dataOffset; WritePadding(0x10, out); // write root node info.currentNode = 1; // root node is 1 info.currentRecursionLevel = 0; info.nextDataOffset = dataOffset; out << (quint32)(0x01000000 << info.stringTableBuilder.add("")); out << (quint32)0; out << (quint32)nodeCount; this->writeDir(out, this->root, info); // write string table out.writeRawData(stringTable.constData(), stringTable.length()); // write data (after padding) WritePadding(dataOffset - fstSize - fstStart, out); this->writeNodeData(out, this->root); // looks like we are finally done } void WiiArchiveU8::addNodeToStringTable(const WiiFSObject &node, WiiStringTableBuilder &table) const { table.add(node.name); if (node.isDirectory()) { WiiDirectory *dir = (WiiDirectory*)&node; foreach (WiiFSObject *p, dir->children) this->addNodeToStringTable(*p, table); } } void WiiArchiveU8::countNode(const WiiFSObject &node, int *countPtr) const { (*countPtr)++; if (node.isDirectory()) { WiiDirectory *dir = (WiiDirectory*)&node; foreach (WiiFSObject *p, dir->children) this->countNode(*p, countPtr); } } void WiiArchiveU8::writeDir(QDataStream &out, const WiiDirectory &dir, U8WriteInfo &info) const { foreach (WiiFSObject *p, dir.children) { info.currentNode++; if (p->isDirectory()) { // write directory WiiDirectory *thisDir = (WiiDirectory*)p; out << (quint32)(0x01000000 | info.stringTableBuilder.add(thisDir->name)); out << (quint32)info.currentRecursionLevel; qint64 lastChildFieldPos = out.device()->pos(); out << (quint32)0; // placeholder info.currentRecursionLevel++; this->writeDir(out, *thisDir, info); info.currentRecursionLevel--; // write lastChild field qint64 dirEndPos = out.device()->pos(); out.device()->seek(lastChildFieldPos); out << (quint32)info.currentNode; out.device()->seek(dirEndPos); } else if (p->isFile()) { // write file WiiFile *thisFile = (WiiFile*)p; out << (quint32)info.stringTableBuilder.add(thisFile->name); out << (quint32)info.nextDataOffset; out << (quint32)thisFile->data.size(); info.nextDataOffset = AlignUp(info.nextDataOffset + thisFile->data.size(), 0x20); } } } void WiiArchiveU8::writeNodeData(QDataStream &out, const WiiFSObject &node) const { if (node.isDirectory()) { // write all the children's data WiiDirectory *thisDir = (WiiDirectory*)&node; foreach (WiiFSObject *p, thisDir->children) this->writeNodeData(out, *p); } else if (node.isFile()) { // write this file's data WiiFile *thisFile = (WiiFile*)&node; int len = thisFile->data.length(); out.writeRawData(thisFile->data.constData(), len); WritePadding(AlignUp(len, 0x20) - len, out); } }