path: root/tools/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/')
1 files changed, 548 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f67f049
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/
@@ -0,0 +1,548 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Kamek - build tool for custom C++ code in New Super Mario Bros. Wii
+# All rights reserved (c) Treeki 2010
+# Some function definitions by megazig
+# Requires PyYAML
+version_str = 'Kamek 0.1 by Treeki'
+import binascii
+import os
+import os.path
+import shutil
+import struct
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import tempfile
+import yaml
+import hooks
+u32 = struct.Struct('>I')
+verbose = True
+use_rels = True
+use_mw = False
+use_wine = False
+mw_path = ''
+gcc_path = ''
+gcc_type = 'powerpc-eabi'
+show_cmd = False
+delete_temp = True
+override_config_file = None
+only_build = None
+def parse_cmd_options():
+ global use_rels, use_mw, use_wine, show_cmd, delete_temp, only_build
+ global override_config_file, gcc_type, gcc_path, mw_path
+ if '--no-rels' in sys.argv:
+ use_rels = False
+ if '--use-mw' in sys.argv:
+ use_mw = True
+ if '--use-wine' in sys.argv:
+ use_wine = True
+ if '--show-cmd' in sys.argv:
+ show_cmd = True
+ if '--keep-temp' in sys.argv:
+ delete_temp = False
+ only_build = []
+ for arg in sys.argv:
+ if arg.startswith('--configs='):
+ override_config_file = arg[10:]
+ if arg.startswith('--build='):
+ only_build.append(arg[8:])
+ if arg.startswith('--gcc-type='):
+ gcc_type = arg[11:]
+ if arg.startswith('--gcc-path='):
+ gcc_path = arg[11:] + '/'
+ if arg.startswith('--mw-path='):
+ mw_path = arg[10:] + '/'
+ if len(only_build) == 0:
+ only_build = None
+def print_debug(s):
+ if verbose: print '* '+str(s)
+def read_configs(filename):
+ with open(filename, 'r') as f:
+ data =
+ return yaml.safe_load(data)
+current_unique_id = 0
+def generate_unique_id():
+ # this is used for temporary filenames, to ensure that .o files
+ # do not overwrite each other
+ global current_unique_id
+ current_unique_id += 1
+ return current_unique_id
+def align_addr_up(addr, align):
+ align -= 1
+ return (addr + align) & ~align
+def generate_riiv_mempatch(offset, data):
+ return '<memory offset="0x%08X" value="%s" />' % (offset, binascii.hexlify(data))
+def generate_ocarina_patch(destOffset, data):
+ out = []
+ count = len(data)
+ sourceOffset = 0
+ destOffset -= 0x80000000
+ for i in xrange(count >> 2):
+ out.append('%08X %s' % (destOffset | 0x4000000, binascii.hexlify(data[sourceOffset:sourceOffset+4])))
+ sourceOffset += 4
+ destOffset += 4
+ # take care
+ remainder = count % 4
+ if remainder == 3:
+ out.append('%08X 0000%s' % (destOffset | 0x2000000, binascii.hexlify(data[sourceOffset:sourceOffset+2])))
+ out.append('%08X 000000%s' % (destOffset, binascii.hexlify(data[sourceOffset+2])))
+ elif remainder == 2:
+ out.append('%08X 0000%s' % (destOffset | 0x2000000, binascii.hexlify(data[sourceOffset:sourceOffset+2])))
+ elif remainder == 1:
+ out.append('%08X 000000%s' % (destOffset, binascii.hexlify(data[sourceOffset])))
+ return '\n'.join(out)
+def generate_kamek_patches(patchlist):
+ kamekpatch = ''
+ for patch in patchlist:
+ if len(patch[1]) > 4:
+ # block patch
+ kamekpatch += u32.pack(align_addr_up(len(patch[1]), 4) / 4)
+ kamekpatch += u32.pack(patch[0])
+ kamekpatch += patch[1]
+ # align it
+ if len(patch[1]) % 4 != 0:
+ kamekpatch += '\0' * (4 - (len(patch[1]) % 4))
+ else:
+ # single patch
+ kamekpatch += u32.pack(patch[0])
+ kamekpatch += patch[1]
+ kamekpatch += u32.pack(0xFFFFFFFF)
+ return kamekpatch
+class KamekModule(object):
+ _requiredFields = ['source_files']
+ def __init__(self, filename):
+ # load the module data
+ self.modulePath = os.path.normpath(filename)
+ self.moduleName = os.path.basename(self.modulePath)
+ self.moduleDir = os.path.dirname(self.modulePath)
+ with open(self.modulePath, 'r') as f:
+ self.rawData =
+ = yaml.safe_load(self.rawData)
+ if not isinstance(, dict):
+ raise ValueError, 'the module file %s is an invalid format (it should be a YAML mapping)' % self.moduleName
+ # verify it
+ for field in self._requiredFields:
+ if field not in
+ raise ValueError, 'Missing field in the module file %s: %s' % (self.moduleName, field)
+class KamekBuilder(object):
+ def __init__(self, project, configs):
+ self.project = project
+ self.configs = configs
+ def build(self):
+ print_debug('Starting build')
+ self._prepare_dirs()
+ for config in self.configs:
+ if only_build != None and config['short_name'] not in only_build:
+ continue
+ self._set_config(config)
+ self._configTempDir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+ print_debug('Temp files for this configuration are in: '+self._configTempDir)
+ self._builtCodeAddr = 0x80001800
+ if 'code_address' in
+ self._builtCodeAddr =['code_address']
+ self._patches = []
+ self._rel_patches = []
+ self._hooks = []
+ # hook setup
+ self._hook_contexts = {}
+ for name, hookType in hooks.HookTypes.iteritems():
+ if hookType.has_context:
+ self._hook_contexts[hookType] = hookType.context_type()
+ self._create_hooks()
+ self._compile_modules()
+ self._link()
+ self._read_symbol_map()
+ for hook in self._hooks:
+ hook.create_patches()
+ self._create_patch()
+ if delete_temp:
+ shutil.rmtree(self._configTempDir)
+ def _prepare_dirs(self):
+ self._outDir = self.project.makeRelativePath(['output_dir'])
+ print_debug('Project will be built in: '+self._outDir)
+ if not os.path.isdir(self._outDir):
+ os.makedirs(self._outDir)
+ print_debug('Created that directory')
+ def _set_config(self, config):
+ self._config = config
+ print_debug('---')
+ print_debug('Building for configuration: '+config['friendly_name'])
+ self._config_short_name = config['short_name']
+ self._rel_area = (config['rel_area_start'], config['rel_area_end'])
+ def _create_hooks(self):
+ print_debug('---')
+ print_debug('Creating hooks')
+ for m in self.project.modules:
+ if 'hooks' in
+ for hookData in['hooks']:
+ assert 'name' in hookData and 'type' in hookData
+ print_debug('Hook: %s : %s' % (m.moduleName, hookData['name']))
+ if hookData['type'] in hooks.HookTypes:
+ hookType = hooks.HookTypes[hookData['type']]
+ hook = hookType(self, m, hookData)
+ self._hooks.append(hook)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError, 'Unknown hook type: %s' % hookData['type']
+ def _compile_modules(self):
+ print_debug('---')
+ print_debug('Compiling modules')
+ if use_mw:
+ # metrowerks setup
+ cc_command = ['%smwcceppc.exe' % mw_path, '-I.', '-I-', '-I.', '-nostdinc', '-Cpp_exceptions', 'off', '-Os', '-proc', 'gekko', '-fp', 'hard', '-enum', 'int', '-sdata', '0', '-sdata2', '0', '-g']
+ as_command = ['%smwasmeppc.exe' % mw_path, '-I.', '-I-', '-I.', '-nostdinc', '-proc', 'gekko', '-d', '__MWERKS__']
+ for d in self._config['defines']:
+ cc_command.append('-d')
+ cc_command.append(d)
+ as_command.append('-d')
+ as_command.append(d)
+ for i in self._config['include_dirs']:
+ cc_command.append('-I%s' % i)
+ #cc_command.append(i)
+ as_command.append('-I%s' % i)
+ #as_command.append(i)
+ if use_wine:
+ cc_command.insert(0, 'wine')
+ as_command.insert(0, 'wine')
+ else:
+ # gcc setup
+ cc_command = ['%s%s-g++' % (gcc_path, gcc_type), '-nodefaultlibs', '-I.', '-fno-builtin', '-Os', '-fno-exceptions', '-fno-rtti', '-mno-sdata']
+ as_command = cc_command
+ for d in self._config['defines']:
+ cc_command.append('-D%s' % d)
+ for i in self._config['include_dirs']:
+ cc_command.append('-I%s' % i)
+ self._moduleFiles = []
+ for m in self.project.modules:
+ for normal_sourcefile in['source_files']:
+ print_debug('Compiling %s : %s' % (m.moduleName, normal_sourcefile))
+ objfile = os.path.join(self._configTempDir, '%d.o' % generate_unique_id())
+ sourcefile = os.path.join(m.moduleDir, normal_sourcefile)
+ # todo: better extension detection
+ if sourcefile.endswith('.s') or sourcefile.endswith('.S'):
+ command = as_command
+ else:
+ command = cc_command
+ new_command = command + ['-c', '-o', objfile, sourcefile]
+ if 'cc_args' in
+ new_command +=['cc_args']
+ if show_cmd:
+ print_debug(new_command)
+ errorVal =
+ if errorVal != 0:
+ print 'BUILD FAILED!'
+ print 'compiler returned %d - an error occurred while compiling %s' % (errorVal, sourcefile)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ self._moduleFiles.append(objfile)
+ print_debug('Compilation complete')
+ def _link(self):
+ print_debug('---')
+ print_debug('Linking project')
+ self._mapFile = '%s/' % (self._outDir, self._config_short_name)
+ self._outFile = '%s/%s_out.bin' % (self._outDir, self._config_short_name)
+ ld_command = ['%s%s-ld' % (gcc_path, gcc_type), '-L.']
+ ld_command.append('-o')
+ ld_command.append(self._outFile)
+ ld_command.append('-Ttext')
+ ld_command.append('0x%08X' % self._builtCodeAddr)
+ ld_command.append('-T')
+ ld_command.append(self._config['linker_script'])
+ ld_command.append('-Map')
+ ld_command.append(self._mapFile)
+ ld_command.append('--no-demangle') # for debugging
+ #ld_command.append('--verbose')
+ ld_command += self._moduleFiles
+ if show_cmd:
+ print_debug(ld_command)
+ errorVal =
+ if errorVal != 0:
+ print 'BUILD FAILED!'
+ print 'ld returned %d' % errorVal
+ sys.exit(1)
+ print_debug('Linked successfully')
+ def _read_symbol_map(self):
+ print_debug('---')
+ print_debug('Reading symbol map')
+ self._symbols = []
+ file = open(self._mapFile, 'r')
+ for line in file:
+ if '__text_start' in line:
+ self._textSegStart = int(line.split()[0],0)
+ break
+ # now read the individual symbols
+ # this is probably a bad method to parse it, but whatever
+ for line in file:
+ if '__text_end' in line:
+ self._textSegEnd = int(line.split()[0],0)
+ break
+ if not line.startswith(' '): continue
+ sym = line.split()
+ sym[0] = int(sym[0],0)
+ self._symbols.append(sym)
+ # we've found __text_end, so now we should be at the output section
+ currentEndAddress = self._textSegEnd
+ for line in file:
+ if line[0] == '.':
+ # probably a segment
+ data = line.split()
+ if len(data) < 3: continue
+ segAddr = int(data[1],0)
+ segSize = int(data[2],0)
+ if segAddr+segSize > currentEndAddress:
+ currentEndAddress = segAddr+segSize
+ self._codeStart = self._textSegStart
+ self._codeEnd = currentEndAddress
+ file.close()
+ print_debug('Read, %d symbol(s) parsed' % len(self._symbols))
+ # next up, run it through c++filt
+ print_debug('Running c++filt')
+ p = subprocess.Popen(gcc_type + '-c++filt', stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
+ symbolNameList = [sym[1] for sym in self._symbols]
+ filtResult = p.communicate('\n'.join(symbolNameList))
+ filteredSymbols = filtResult[0].split('\n')
+ for sym, filt in zip(self._symbols, filteredSymbols):
+ sym.append(filt)
+ print_debug('Done. All symbols complete.')
+ print_debug('Generated code is at 0x%08X .. 0x%08X' % (self._codeStart, self._codeEnd - 4))
+ def _find_func_by_symbol(self, find_symbol):
+ for sym in self._symbols:
+ if sym[2] == find_symbol:
+ return sym[0]
+ raise ValueError, 'Cannot find function: %s' % find_symbol
+ def _add_patch(self, offset, data):
+ if offset >= self._rel_area[0] and offset <= self._rel_area[1] and use_rels:
+ self._rel_patches.append((offset, data))
+ else:
+ self._patches.append((offset, data))
+ def _create_patch(self):
+ print_debug('---')
+ print_debug('Creating patch')
+ # convert the .rel patches to KamekPatcher format
+ if len(self._rel_patches) > 0:
+ kamekpatch = generate_kamek_patches(self._rel_patches)
+ #self._patches.append((0x817F4800, kamekpatch))
+ self._patches.append((0x80002F60, kamekpatch))
+ # add the outfile as a patch
+ file = open(self._outFile, 'rb')
+ patch = (self._codeStart,
+ file.close()
+ self._patches.append(patch)
+ # generate a Riivolution patch
+ riiv = open('%s/%s_riiv.xml' % (self._outDir, self._config['short_name']), 'w')
+ for patch in self._patches:
+ riiv.write(generate_riiv_mempatch(*patch) + '\n')
+ riiv.close()
+ # generate an Ocarina patch
+ ocarina = open('%s/%s_ocarina.txt' % (self._outDir, self._config['short_name']), 'w')
+ for patch in self._patches:
+ ocarina.write(generate_ocarina_patch(*patch) + '\n')
+ ocarina.close()
+ # generate a KamekPatcher patch
+ kpatch = open('%s/%s_loader.bin' % (self._outDir, self._config['short_name']), 'wb')
+ kpatch.write(generate_kamek_patches(self._patches))
+ kpatch.close()
+ print_debug('Patches generated')
+class KamekProject(object):
+ _requiredFields = ['output_dir', 'modules']
+ def __init__(self, filename):
+ # load the project data
+ self.projectPath = os.path.abspath(filename)
+ self.projectName = os.path.basename(self.projectPath)
+ self.projectDir = os.path.dirname(self.projectPath)
+ with open(self.projectPath, 'r') as f:
+ self.rawData =
+ = yaml.safe_load(self.rawData)
+ if not isinstance(, dict):
+ raise ValueError, 'the project file is an invalid format (it should be a YAML mapping)'
+ # verify it
+ for field in self._requiredFields:
+ if field not in
+ raise ValueError, 'Missing field in the project file: %s' % field
+ # load each module
+ self.modules = []
+ for moduleName in['modules']:
+ modulePath = self.makeRelativePath(moduleName)
+ self.modules.append(KamekModule(modulePath))
+ def makeRelativePath(self, path):
+ return os.path.normpath(os.path.join(self.projectDir, path))
+ def build(self):
+ # compile everything in the project
+ builder = KamekBuilder(self, self.configs)
+def main():
+ print version_str
+ print
+ if len(sys.argv) < 2:
+ print 'No input file specified'
+ sys.exit()
+ parse_cmd_options()
+ project = KamekProject(os.path.normpath(sys.argv[1]))
+ if override_config_file:
+ project.configs = read_configs(override_config_file)
+ else:
+ project.configs = read_configs('kamek_configs.yaml')
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()