path: root/randtilegen.rb
diff options
authorColin Noga <Tempus@Spectrum-Song.local>2011-08-14 13:38:04 -0500
committerColin Noga <Tempus@Spectrum-Song.local>2011-08-14 13:38:04 -0500
commit74a7d023469eb0a5a2dc713c74709b11e1815b8a (patch)
tree017199545fe6110e2e700907ea393a6654865cb8 /randtilegen.rb
parentead037af2d2665e94ed8d804a1e220c47ba54db9 (diff)
parent4d482b80241de4512b68bc160dfc29b7e521134d (diff)
Merge branch 'level-select' of treeki:newergit/Kamek into level-select
Diffstat (limited to 'randtilegen.rb')
1 files changed, 376 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/randtilegen.rb b/randtilegen.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b807c2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/randtilegen.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,376 @@
+class RandTileGenerator
+ Types = [:none, :horz, :vert, :both]
+ Specials = [nil, :vdouble_top, :vdouble_bottom]
+ def initialize
+ @sections = {}
+ end
+ def section(*namelist)
+ raise "what" unless namelist.all?{|x| x.is_a?(String)}
+ @current_section = (@sections[namelist] ||= {entries: []})
+ yield
+ end
+ def random(range, type=:both, numbers=nil)
+ case range
+ when Range
+ # Regular handling
+ numbers = range if numbers.nil?
+ @current_section[:entries] << {range: range, type: type, numbers: numbers.to_a}
+ when Numeric
+ # One number
+ random(range..range, type, numbers)
+ when Enumerable
+ # An array or something else similar
+ numbers = range if numbers.nil?
+ range.each { |r| random(r, type, numbers) }
+ end
+ end
+ def pack
+ # first, work out an offset for every section and entry
+ # also, collect the data for each individual entry into an Array
+ current_offset = 8 + (@sections.count * 4)
+ all_entry_data = []
+ @sections.each_pair do |name, section|
+ section[:offset] = current_offset
+ current_offset += 8
+ section[:entries].each do |entry|
+ entry[:offset] = current_offset
+ all_entry_data << entry[:numbers]
+ current_offset += 8
+ end
+ end
+ # assign an offset to each section name list
+ namelist_offsets = {}
+ @sections.each_key do |namelist|
+ namelist_offsets[namelist] = current_offset
+ current_offset += 4 + (4 * namelist.size)
+ end
+ # assign an offset to each piece of entry data
+ data_offsets = {}
+ all_entry_data.uniq!
+ all_entry_data.each do |data|
+ data_offsets[data] = current_offset
+ current_offset += data.size
+ end
+ # assign an offset to each section name
+ name_offsets = {}
+ @sections.each_key do |namelist|
+ namelist.each do |name|
+ name_offsets[name] = current_offset
+ current_offset += name.size + 1
+ end
+ end
+ # now pack it all together
+ header = ['NwRT', @sections.count].pack('a4 N')
+ offsets ={|s| s[:offset]}.pack('N*')
+ section_data = do |namelist, section|
+ namelist_offset = namelist_offsets[namelist] - section[:offset]
+ entry_count = section[:entries].count
+ entry_data = section[:entries].map do |entry|
+ lower_bound = entry[:range].min
+ upper_bound = entry[:range].max
+ count = entry[:numbers].count
+ type_sym, special_sym = entry[:type].to_s.split('_', 2).map(&:to_sym)
+ type_id = Types.index(type_sym)
+ special_id = Specials.index(special_sym)
+ type = type_id | (special_id << 2)
+ num_offset = data_offsets[entry[:numbers]] - entry[:offset]
+ [lower_bound, upper_bound, count, type, num_offset].pack('CCCC N')
+ end
+ [namelist_offset, entry_count].pack('NN') + entry_data.join
+ end
+ namelist_data = do |namelist|
+ puts "Writing list: #{namelist.inspect}"
+ count = namelist.size
+ c_offsets ={|n| name_offsets[n] - namelist_offsets[namelist]}
+ puts "Offsets: #{c_offsets.inspect}"
+ [count].pack('N') + c_offsets.pack('N*')
+ end
+ output = [header, offsets]
+ output += section_data
+ output += namelist_data
+ output +={|data| data.pack('C*')}
+ output << @sections.keys.flatten.join("\0")
+ output << "\0"
+ output.join
+ end
+ def regular_terrain
+ # Left Side
+ random([0x10, 0x20, 0x30, 0x40], :vert)
+ # Right Side
+ random([0x11, 0x21, 0x31, 0x41], :vert)
+ # Top Side
+ random(2..7, :horz)
+ # Bottom Side
+ random(0x22..0x27, :horz)
+ # Middle
+ random(0x12..0x17)
+ end
+ def sub_terrain
+ # Left Side
+ random([0x18, 0x28, 0x38, 0x48], :vert)
+ # Right Side
+ random([0x19, 0x29, 0x39, 0x49], :vert)
+ # Top Side
+ random(0xA..0xF, :horz)
+ # Bottom Side
+ random(0x2A..0x2F, :horz)
+ # Middle
+ random(0x1A..0x1F)
+ end
+g =
+g.section('TestTileset') do
+ g.random(1..20)
+ g.random(21..24, :none)
+ g.random(250..255, :vert, 0..5)
+regular_ts1 = %w(chika setsugen shiro suichu daishizen sabaku_chika)
+regular_ts1 += %w(nohara2 kurayami_chika shiro_yogan koopa_out shiro_koopa gake_yougan)
+regular_ts2 = %w(doukutu doukutu2 doukutu3 doukutu4 doukutu5 doukutu6 doukutu8)
+newer = %w(ghostrocks Pa1_daishizenkuri Pa1_darkmtmush Pa1_e3setsugen Pa2_darkcave)
+newer += %w(Pa3_autumnbg Pa2_volcanobg Pa1_mushcastle Pa1_pumpkin)
+!{ |x| "Pa1_#{x}" }!{ |x| "Pa2_#{x}" }
+g.section(*regular_ts1, *regular_ts2, *newer) do
+ g.regular_terrain
+nohara_clones = %w(nohara cracks springwater space)
+g.section(*{ |x| "Pa1_#{x}"}) do
+ g.regular_terrain
+ g.sub_terrain
+g.section('Pa1_gake', 'Pa1_gake_nocoll', 'Pa1_Mountains') do
+ g.regular_terrain
+ g.sub_terrain
+ g.random([0xAA, 0xBA, 0xCA, 0xDA], :vert)
+ g.random([0xAB, 0xBB, 0xCB, 0xDB], :vert)
+ g.random([0x8E, 0x9E, 0xAE, 0xBE], :vert)
+ g.random([0x8F, 0x9F, 0xAF, 0xBF], :vert)
+ g.random(0xC4..0xC9, :horz)
+ g.random(0xD4..0xD9, :horz)
+ g.random(0xE4..0xE9, :horz)
+g.section('Pa1_kaigan', 'Pa1_kaiganplus') do
+ g.regular_terrain
+ g.random(0x18..0x1B)
+ g.random(0x28..0x2A)
+ g.random(0x3A..0x3D)
+g.section('Pa1_obake_soto') do
+ g.random(0xA..0xF, :horz)
+ g.random(0x1A..0x1F)
+ g.random(0x2A..0x2F, :horz)
+ g.random([0x4E, 0x5E, 0x6E, 0x7E], :vert)
+ g.random([0x4F, 0x5F, 0x6F, 0x7F], :vert)
+g.section('Pa1_korichika') do
+ g.regular_terrain
+ g.random(0x6A..0x6F, :horz)
+ g.random(0x7A..0x7F)
+ g.random(0x8A..0x8F, :horz)
+ g.random([0x1E, 0x2E, 0x3E, 0x4E], :vert)
+ g.random([0x1F, 0x2F, 0x3F, 0x4F], :vert)
+ g.random(0x6A..0x6F, :horz)
+ g.random(0x7A..0x7F)
+ g.random(0x8A..0x8F, :horz)
+ g.random([0xB8, 0xC8, 0xD8, 0xE8], :vert)
+ g.random([0xB9, 0xC9, 0xD9, 0xE9], :vert)
+g.section('Pa1_shiro_boss1') do
+ g.regular_terrain
+ g.random(0x60..0x65, :horz)
+g.section('Pa2_kori', 'Pa2_e3kori') do
+ g.regular_terrain
+ g.random(0xA0..0xA5, :horz)
+ g.random(0xB0..0xB5, :horz)
+g.section('Cloudscape', 'pa2_clouds') do
+ g.random(0x20..0x23, :horz)
+ g.random(0x30..0x33)
+ g.random(0x24..0x27, :horz)
+ g.random([0x8, 0x18, 0x28, 0x38], :vert)
+ g.random([0x9, 0x19, 0x29, 0x39], :vert)
+g.section('Pa1_autumncastle', 'Pa3_autumncastle', 'Pa1_snowfort', 'Pa2_ghostcastle', 'Pa2_crystalcastle') do
+ g.random([0xB0, 0xC0, 0xD0, 0xE0], :vert)
+ g.random([0xB1, 0xC1, 0xD1, 0xE1], :vert)
+ g.random(0xB2..0xB7, :horz)
+ g.random(0xC2..0xC7)
+ g.random(0xD2..0xD7, :horz)
+g.section('CrackedMega') do
+ g.random([0x20, 0x30, 0x40], :vert)
+ g.random([0x21, 0x31, 0x41], :vert)
+ g.random(0x22..0x27, :horz)
+ g.random(0x2A..0x2F, :horz)
+ g.random([0x5E, 0x6E, 0x7E], :vert)
+ g.random([0x5F, 0x6F, 0x7F], :vert)
+ g.random(0xB0..0xDF)
+ g.random(0x2..0x7, :horz_vdouble_top)
+ g.random(0x12..0x17, :horz_vdouble_bottom)
+ g.random(0xA..0xF, :horz_vdouble_top)
+ g.random(0x1A..0x1F, :horz_vdouble_bottom)
+g.section('Pa1_dessert') do
+ g.regular_terrain
+ g.random(0xC..0xE, :horz)
+ g.random(0x1C..0x1E, :horz)
+g.section('Pa1_freezeflame') do
+ g.random(0x1A..0x1F, :horz)
+ g.random(0x2A..0x2F, :horz)
+ g.random([0x10, 0x20, 0x30, 0x40], :vert)
+ g.random([0x11, 0x21, 0x31, 0x41], :vert)
+ g.random([0x18, 0x28, 0x38, 0x48], :vert)
+ g.random([0x19, 0x29, 0x39, 0x49], :vert)
+ g.random(0x2..0x7, :horz)
+ g.random(0x12..0x17)
+ g.random(0x22..0x27, :horz)
+ g.random(0x6A..0x6F)
+ g.random(0x52..0x57, :horz)
+ g.random([0x96, 0xA6, 0xB6, 0xC6], :vert)
+ g.random([0x97, 0xA7, 0xB7, 0xC7], :vert)
+ g.random([0xBE, 0xCE, 0xDE, 0xEE], :vert)
+ g.random([0xBF, 0xCF, 0xDF, 0xEF], :vert)
+ g.random(0xB8..0xBD, :horz)
+ g.random(0xC8..0xCD)
+ g.random(0xD8..0xDD, :horz)
+ g.random(0xE8..0xED)
+ g.random(0xF8..0xFD, :horz)
+g.section(*%w(Pa1_magicsnow Pa2_magicsnow Pa3_magicsnow)) do
+ g.random(0xB4..0xB9, :horz)
+g.section('Pa1_graveyard', 'Pa3_graveyars', 'Pa3_graveyard') do
+ g.regular_terrain
+ g.random(0x19..0x1E, :horz)
+g.section('Pa3_ghostship') do
+ g.random(0xA..0xF, :horz)
+ g.random(0x1A..0x1F)
+ g.random(0x2A..0x2F, :horz)
+ g.random([0x4E, 0x5E, 0x6E, 0x7E], :vert)
+ g.random([0x4F, 0x5F, 0x6F, 0x7F], :vert)
+ g.random(0xA0..0xA3, :horz)
+g.section('Pa1_lavaglow') do
+ g.random([0x20, 0x30, 0x40, 0x50], :vert)
+ g.random([0x21, 0x31, 0x41, 0x51], :vert)
+ g.random(0x2..0x7, :horz_vdouble_top)
+ g.random(0x12..0x17, :horz_vdouble_bottom)
+ g.random(0x22..0x27)
+ g.random(0x32..0x37, :horz)
+ g.random(0x28..0x2D, :horz)
+g.section('Pa1_StarRoad') do
+ g.random(0x11, :both, [0x11, 0x4C, 0x4D, 0x4E, 0x4F, 0x5C, 0x5D, 0x5E, 0x5F])
+g.section('Pa2_forestobake') do
+ g.random(0..5, :horz)
+ g.random(0x10..0x15)
+ g.random(0x20..0x25, :horz)
+ g.random([0x40, 0x50, 0x60, 0x70], :vert)
+ g.random([0x41, 0x51, 0x61, 0x71], :vert)
+g.section('Pa1_newnohara') do
+ g.sub_terrain
+ g.random(2..7, :horz)
+ g.random(0x22..0x27, :horz)
+ g.random([0x10, 0x20, 0x30, 0x40], :vert)
+ g.random([0x11, 0x21, 0x31, 0x41], :vert)
+ random_set = (0xAA..0xAF).to_a + (0xBA..0xBF).to_a + (0xCA..0xCF).to_a
+ random_set += (0xDA..0xDF).to_a + (0xEA..0xEF).to_a + (0xFA..0xFF).to_a
+ g.random(0x12..0x17, :both, random_set)
+ g.random(0xAA..0xAF, :both, random_set)
+ g.random(0xBA..0xBF, :both, random_set)
+ g.random(0xCA..0xCF, :both, random_set)
+ g.random(0xDA..0xDF, :both, random_set)
+ g.random(0xEA..0xEF, :both, random_set)
+ g.random(0xFA..0xFF, :both, random_set)
+g.section('Pa1_mtmush') do
+ g.sub_terrain
+ g.random(2..7, :horz)
+ g.random(0x22..0x27, :horz)
+ g.random([0x10, 0x20, 0x30, 0x40], :vert)
+ g.random([0x11, 0x21, 0x31, 0x41], :vert)
+ random_set = (0xDA..0xDF).to_a + (0xEA..0xEF).to_a + (0xFA..0xFF).to_a
+ g.random(0x12..0x17, :both, random_set)
+ g.random(0xDA..0xDF, :both, random_set)
+ g.random(0xEA..0xEF, :both, random_set)
+ g.random(0xFA..0xFF, :both, random_set)
+g.section('Pa1_darkmtmush') do
+ g.sub_terrain
+ g.random(2..7, :horz)
+ g.random(0x22..0x27, :horz)
+ g.random([0x10, 0x20, 0x30, 0x40], :vert)
+ g.random([0x11, 0x21, 0x31, 0x41], :vert)
+ random_set = (0xCC..0xCF).to_a + (0xDC..0xDF).to_a + (0xEC..0xEF).to_a + (0xFC..0xFF).to_a
+ g.random(0x12..0x17, :both, random_set)
+ g.random(0xCC..0xCF, :both, random_set)
+ g.random(0xDC..0xDF, :both, random_set)
+ g.random(0xEC..0xEF, :both, random_set)
+ g.random(0xFC..0xFF, :both, random_set)
+'/home/me/Games/Newer/DolphinPatch/NewerRes/RandTiles.bin', 'wb') do |f|
+ f.write g.pack