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authorColin Noga <Tempus@Spectrum-Song.local>2011-09-19 06:14:47 -0500
committerColin Noga <Tempus@Spectrum-Song.local>2011-09-19 06:14:47 -0500
commit7f58ea5312aa2be7fe392347fd02246cdc67f9c4 (patch)
parent952e3fcab796c97f9a9f77128485d72994b69a86 (diff)
MrSun behavioually finished. Needs collision work, a little model work.
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 130 insertions, 66 deletions
diff --git a/src/mrsun.cpp b/src/mrsun.cpp
index 0b2c798..5c20169 100755
--- a/src/mrsun.cpp
+++ b/src/mrsun.cpp
@@ -17,10 +17,14 @@ class daMrSun_c : public dEn_c {
float yThreshold;
float yAccel;
Vec swoopTarget;
- float slope;
u32 timer;
float xSpiralOffset;
float ySpiralOffset;
+ float swoopA;
+ float swoopB;
+ float swoopC;
+ float swoopSpeed;
static daMrSun_c *build();
@@ -65,11 +69,20 @@ int daMrSun_c::onCreate() {
OSReport("Creating the Mr.Sun Model");, GameHeaps[0], 0, 0x20);
- nw4r::g3d::ResFile rf(getResource("bilikyu", "g3d/sun.brres"));
- model.setup(rf.GetResMdl("Sun"), &allocator, 0x224, 1, 0);
-// SetupTextures_Enemy(&model, 0);
- SetupTextures_Map(&model, 0);
+ if (this->settings == 0) { // It's a sun
+ nw4r::g3d::ResFile rf(getResource("bilikyu", "g3d/sun.brres"));
+ model.setup(rf.GetResMdl("Sun"), &allocator, 0x224, 1, 0);
+ // SetupTextures_Enemy(&model, 0);
+ SetupTextures_Map(&model, 0);
+ }
+ else { // It's a moon
+ nw4r::g3d::ResFile rf(getResource("bilikyu", "g3d/bilikyu.brres"));
+ model.setup(rf.GetResMdl("bilikyu"), &allocator, 0x224, 1, 0);
+ // SetupTextures_Enemy(&model, 0);
+ SetupTextures_Map(&model, 0);
+ }
OSReport("Setting Mr.Sun's Size to 4.0");
@@ -156,11 +169,19 @@ void daMrSun_c::executeState_Follow() {
this->direction = dSprite_c__getXDirectionOfFurthestPlayerRelativeToVEC3(this, this->pos);
+ float speedDelta;
+ if (this->settings == 0) { speedDelta = 0.1; } // It's a sun
+ else { speedDelta = 0.15; } // It's a moon
if (this->direction == 0) {
- this->speed.x = this->speed.x + 0.1;
+ this->speed.x = this->speed.x + speedDelta;
+ if (this->speed.x < 0) { this->speed.x = this->speed.x + (speedDelta / 2); }
else {
- this->speed.x = this->speed.x - 0.1;
+ this->speed.x = this->speed.x - speedDelta;
+ if (this->speed.x > 0) { this->speed.x = this->speed.x - (speedDelta / 2); }
@@ -190,49 +211,51 @@ void daMrSun_c::endState_Follow() {
void daMrSun_c::beginState_Swoop() {
OSReport("Swooping down from above, Mr.Sun falls down.");
- dStageActor_c *Player = GetSpecificPlayerActor(0);
- if (Player == 0) { Player = GetSpecificPlayerActor(1); }
- if (Player == 0) { Player = GetSpecificPlayerActor(2); }
- if (Player == 0) { Player = GetSpecificPlayerActor(3); }
- if (Player == 0) { doStateChange(&StateID_Follow); }
+ // Not enough space to swoop, spit instead.
+ if (this->swoopTarget.y < (this->pos.y - 50)) { doStateChange(&StateID_Spit); }
+ if ((this->pos.x - 64) < this->swoopTarget.x < (this->pos.x + 64)) { doStateChange(&StateID_Spit); }
+ if (this->settings == 0) {
+ this->swoopTarget.y = this->swoopTarget.y - 16;
+ } // It's a sun
- this->swoopTarget = Player->pos;
- this->swoopTarget.y = this->swoopTarget.y - 24;
+ else {
+ this->swoopTarget.y = this->swoopTarget.y - 4;
+ } // It's a moon
+ float x1, x2, x3, y1, y2, y3;
+ x1 = this->pos.x - this->swoopTarget.x;
+ x2 = 0;
+ x3 = -x1;
+ y1 = this->pos.y - this->swoopTarget.y;
+ y2 = 0;
+ y3 = y1;
+ float denominator = (x1 - x2) * (x1 - x3) * (x2 - x3);
+ this->swoopA = (x3 * (y2 - y1) + x2 * (y1 - y3) + x1 * (y3 - y2)) / denominator;
+ this->swoopB = (x3*x3 * (y1 - y2) + x2*x2 * (y3 - y1) + x1*x1 * (y2 - y3)) / denominator;
+ this->swoopC = (x2 * x3 * (x2 - x3) * y1 + x3 * x1 * (x3 - x1) * y2 + x1 * x2 * (x1 - x2) * y3) / denominator;
- float relativeSunX = this->swoopTarget.x - this->pos.x;
- float relativeSunY = this->swoopTarget.y - this->pos.y;
+ this->swoopSpeed = x3 * 2 / 75;
- this->slope = relativeSunY / relativeSunX;
void daMrSun_c::executeState_Swoop() {
- if (this->slope < 0.0) {
- this->speed.x = this->speed.x + 0.3;
- this->speed.y = this->speed.y - (0.2 * -slope);
- }
- else if (this->slope > 0.0) {
- this->speed.x = this->speed.x - 0.3;
- this->speed.y = this->speed.y - (0.2 * slope);
- }
+ // Everything is calculated up top, just need to modify it.
- float yDiff;
+ this->pos.x = this->pos.x + this->swoopSpeed;
- if (this->pos.y < this->swoopTarget.y) {
- this->speed.x = this->speed.x * 0.2;
- this->speed.y = this->speed.y * 0.2;
- }
- HandleXSpeed(this);
- HandleYSpeed(this);
- UpdateObjectPosBasedOnSpeedValues_real(this);
+ this->pos.y = ( this->swoopA*(this->pos.x - this->swoopTarget.x)*(this->pos.x - this->swoopTarget.x) + this->swoopB*(this->pos.x - this->swoopTarget.x) + this->swoopC ) + this->swoopTarget.y;
+ if (this->pos.y > this->Baseline) { doStateChange(&StateID_Follow); }
- if (this->pos.y < this->swoopTarget.y) {
- if (this->speed.y < 0.1) { doStateChange(&StateID_Follow); } }
void daMrSun_c::endState_Swoop() {
OSReport("Returning to the sky, Mr.Sun flies into the sunset.");
+ this->speed.y = 0;
@@ -249,14 +272,16 @@ void daMrSun_c::beginState_Spiral() {
void daMrSun_c::executeState_Spiral() {
float Loops;
- float Period;
float Magnitude;
+ float Period;
Loops = 6.0;
- // Use a period of 0.1 for the moon
- Period = 0.075;
Magnitude = 11.0;
+ // Use a period of 0.1 for the moon
+ if (this->settings == 0) { Period = 0.075; } // It's a sun
+ else { Period = 0.1; } // It's a moon
this->pos.x = this->xSpiralOffset + Magnitude*((this->SpiralLoop * cos(this->SpiralLoop)));
this->pos.y = this->ySpiralOffset + Magnitude*((this->SpiralLoop * sin(this->SpiralLoop)));
@@ -285,17 +310,36 @@ void daMrSun_c::executeState_Spit() {
float neg = -1.0;
if (this->direction == 0) { neg = 1.0; }
- dStageActor_c *spawner = CreateActor(106, 0, this->pos, 0, 0);
- spawner->speed.x = 6.0 * neg;
- spawner->speed.y = -2.5;
+ if (this->settings == 0) {
+ dStageActor_c *spawner = CreateActor(106, 0, this->pos, 0, 0);
+ spawner->speed.x = 6.0 * neg;
+ spawner->speed.y = -2.5;
+ spawner = CreateActor(106, 0, this->pos, 0, 0);
+ spawner->speed.x = 0.0 * neg;
+ spawner->speed.y = -6.0;
- spawner = CreateActor(106, 0, this->pos, 0, 0);
- spawner->speed.x = 0.0 * neg;
- spawner->speed.y = -6.0;
- spawner = CreateActor(106, 0, this->pos, 0, 0);
- spawner->speed.x = 3.5 * neg;
- spawner->speed.y = -6.0;
+ spawner = CreateActor(106, 0, this->pos, 0, 0);
+ spawner->speed.x = 3.5 * neg;
+ spawner->speed.y = -6.0;
+ } // It's a sun
+ else {
+ dStageActor_c *spawner = CreateActor(118, 0, this->pos, 0, 0);
+ spawner->speed.x = 6.0 * neg;
+ spawner->speed.y = -2.5;
+ spawner = CreateActor(118, 0, this->pos, 0, 0);
+ spawner->speed.x = 0.0 * neg;
+ spawner->speed.y = -6.0;
+ spawner = CreateActor(118, 0, this->pos, 0, 0);
+ spawner->speed.x = 3.5 * neg;
+ spawner->speed.y = -6.0;
+ } // It's a moon
this->timer = this->timer + 1;
@@ -330,8 +374,8 @@ void daMrSun_c::executeState_Spin() {
if (this->timer < 60) { rotBonus = this->timer; }
else { rotBonus = 120 - this->timer; }
- this->rot.x = this->rot.x + (50 * rotBonus);
- this->rot.y = this->rot.y + (50 * rotBonus);
+// this->rot.x = this->rot.x + (50 * rotBonus);
+ this->rot.z = this->rot.z + (50 * rotBonus);
int randomBall;
randomBall = GenerateRandomNumber(6);
@@ -368,14 +412,22 @@ void daMrSun_c::executeState_Spin() {
ylaunch = -7.5; }
- dStageActor_c *spawner = CreateActor(106, 0, this->pos, 0, 0);
- spawner->speed.x = xlaunch;
- spawner->speed.y = ylaunch;
+ if (this->settings == 0) {
+ dStageActor_c *spawner = CreateActor(106, 0, this->pos, 0, 0);
+ spawner->speed.x = xlaunch;
+ spawner->speed.y = ylaunch;
+ } // It's a sun
+ else {
+ dStageActor_c *spawner = CreateActor(118, 0, this->pos, 0, 0);
+ spawner->speed.x = xlaunch;
+ spawner->speed.y = ylaunch;
+ } // It's a moon
if (this->timer > 120) {
- this->rot.x = this->rot.x / 2;
- this->rot.y = this->rot.y / 2;
+// this->rot.x = this->rot.x / 2;
+// this->rot.y = this->rot.y / 2;
this->doStateChange(&StateID_Follow); }
@@ -401,21 +453,33 @@ void daMrSun_c::beginState_Wait() {
this->rot.x = 11000;
this->rot.y = 0;
// this->rot.z = 11000;
+ dStageActor_c *Player = GetSpecificPlayerActor(0);
+ if (Player == 0) { Player = GetSpecificPlayerActor(1); }
+ if (Player == 0) { Player = GetSpecificPlayerActor(2); }
+ if (Player == 0) { Player = GetSpecificPlayerActor(3); }
+ if (Player == 0) { doStateChange(&StateID_Follow); }
+ this->swoopTarget = Player->pos;
void daMrSun_c::executeState_Wait() {
int Choice;
- if (this->timer > 20) {
+ int TimerMax;
+ if (this->settings == 0) { TimerMax = 20; } // It's a sun
+ else { TimerMax = 15; } // It's a moon
+ if (this->timer > TimerMax) {
// doStateChange(&StateID_Spit);
- Choice = GenerateRandomNumber(1);
+ Choice = GenerateRandomNumber(6);
OSReport("Choice: %d", Choice);
- if (Choice == 0) { doStateChange(&StateID_Swoop); }
-// else if (Choice == 1) { doStateChange(&StateID_Spin); }
-// else if (Choice == 2) { doStateChange(&StateID_Swoop); }
-// else if (Choice == 3) { doStateChange(&StateID_Spiral); }
+ if (Choice == 0) { doStateChange(&StateID_Spit); }
+ else if (Choice == 1) { doStateChange(&StateID_Spin); }
+ else if (Choice == 2) { doStateChange(&StateID_Spiral); }
+ else { doStateChange(&StateID_Swoop); }